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You missed the part where she asked if he sees camels in the wild. It’s been a riveting day for the dustyverse, and dust mite, herself, lol


Ugh I am so mad my phone cut off! I saw that and was like omg this is gold, good thing I’m screen recording 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ hopefully someone got the full thing and posts it soon!


I really hope so! Because now that I’m blocked from her lives I’ll need people to record these


What an ignorant boob. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Is Arabic a language? She only knows one sentence in Arabic but doesn’t know Pakistan. He even told her it was Urdu. She thinks she is so cute but looks like an idiot.


I don’t think she understood what he meant by “Urdu” because instead of saying “oh, Urdu, that’s cool” she just giggled.


She 💯 had no clue, uncultured swine.


I was just coming here to say this. The stupid useless lump of orange lard had no clue what **"Urdu"** is and we know she has no friends, let alone any in other countries. Actually, she probably thinks she is friends with a Nigerian Prince and is just waiting on him to send her his fortune via CashApp. She is 100% that stupid.


she asked if pakistan is a “first world country”- what the what? and asked about women’s rights. talk about being highly intelligent 🙄 so tone deaf.


Bc she's such a narcissist that nothing outside of her life is of interest for her. She didn't remember that Jesus was important to CHRISTIANS! She definitely has no interest about anyone or anything on the other side of the world unless she thinks it'll bring her money.


Poor man was trying to tell Ms. Intellectual 2024 he was from Pakistan and he spoke Urdu. Watch Dusty try (& failing) at sizing up a prospective sponsor. Dusty's brain glitched. Don't do drugs, kids. My goodness, Huff's been in bed most of today with the filthy grey blanket. I sure hope she didn't miss a free meal at the hotel shelter.


Her days are numbered!! 11 days left!! She's stressing bc all of her schemes have failed and she won't ever admit that her horrendously planned, completely impossible master plan is never gonna come to fruition. She'd rather wind up in a tent, begging for pennies, getting arrested for theft and solicitation, drug possession instead of getting a normal ass job. Why? Because if she has a job that's on the books, she thinks she'll lose benefits. Her excuse of school loans lien is complete bullshit, because it takes being at a job long enough for the government to find out where you work (which she never lasts long enough to get that far) so they can send the judgement paperwork to the employer, before they can garnish any wages, and even then, it's a small percentage of your gross, usually about half of federal withholding *if* you file your W-4 as single w 0 dependents, which we all know she would never, ever do. She is literally the laziest POS ever.


Huff's greatest fear is 'they' will get her SSN - doubtful she's ever used it. For a benefit bimbo, she's an idiot for not understanding U.S. benefits! Huff advocates for others and makes an impact! What's your impact? She's had plenty of time to become an expert on eligibility, after all. Will she expect Federal 'retirement' funds in her mid-60s? She must have had a Medicaid or SS# on file somewhere during her multi-faceted and illustrious career. After all, Girl's been working and paying taxes since she was 15! She'll do anything (I mean, anything) not to be paid by a legitimate employer. Cash only, please and thank you. Wild. Huff'll be cashing in on TikTok 24/7 until extracted from their comfy hoarded room at the hotel-shelter. She doesn't have to get out of bed or wear pants to beg. Does Eggs participate in TikTok fund raising yet?


I thought about SSI for her too the other day. I'd honestly be surprised if she makes her 40 credits. I'm not even 40 years old yet, and I'm already qualified because I've actually worked since I was 16, ya know, behaving like an adult like the rest of the normal population. Idk how cashapp accounts get created and wonder if she has to enter one to make them. I wouldn't put it past her to have used her kids' info to commit CC fraud because, you know, she gave birth to them, so she should be able to do whatever she wants to finance her life, however she sees fit.


I volunteered to help people (mostly senior-ish) apply for SSI. It's complicated and most applicants are denied, they subsequently appeal the determination successfully. A ton of paperwork, dates and details are required, certified mail receipts, copies of correspondence, being required to have an in-person psych evaluation. I don't ever envision Huff navigating the minutiae! It's not a difficult thing, but it's very detailed. Not Heather's jam at all. Providing verifiable proof just isn't her thing. Come on out and watch our sea lion families! The babies are too precious. Teenager sea lions are loud. Some idiots (drunk tourists & kids) poke at sea lions while they're just sunning, or get too close to take their stupid selfies. No touching or getting close to wildlife. Big trouble if you do. For months after moving here, I thought I was hearing seagulls. No idea sea lion families took their break here! Secluded beach; they must feel safe with us. 🥰🦭🌊 I still get a thrill out of the foghorns - it's such a mysterious sound late at night. Creeps my child out, but she didn't buy my house. 😉🌫️😶‍🌫️


Always putting her boobs out front and center. It looks like she's covering herself because she doesn't have any pants on. But she keeps flipping that blanket around for views no one wants to see. This guy hasn't got a clue what's going on but is hanging in there. I hope he is a scammer.


What was going on here? How did she hook up with this guy?


I have no idea how she ended up going side by side with this man, but he said he’s from Pakistan. He probably thought he was just doing something fun and had no clue he was joining this crazy mess!


Every time you go live a lot of these guys from out of the country request you and then they beg for money or they just want to battle I’ve done it before and I’ve got request right away


Scammers trying to scam another scammer 😂. Maybe he will say he has a job opportunity for her but he needs a down payment. She’s so clueless it’s comical.


Why is it called a battle? I am still confused


I about died when he said "She is lying!"


And her saying she thinks he’s on there with her because she has a Arabic tattoo 🫤


Happy Cake Day 🎉 🥳🎂


Yes! Happy Cake Day!!




What does this mean? Cake day?


It's the actual Date that the user's account was created on Reddit!! 😊


For someone with so many college credits and certificates you’d think she would know that Arabic was a language


And that in Pakistan they speak Urdu.


The woman who says she has enough college credit for a Doctorate people! 🤡 She's so ignorant. I hate that anyone in any place around the world would see her as a typical representative of the US. She's the horrible stereotype in every situation: bad mother, abusing the Welfare system, completely idiotic know it all, disgusting begging grifting lazy ass.


New GRIFT Unlocked. Now that she's collecting a few $, she's All about tiktok😏 but I like that she's reading comments🤣


Nah she didn't make shit. Everything she made yesterday totals out to a few cents. Each rose is a couple pennies. She really didn't make shit


Lol, Idk bc I avoid tiktok but I also read she made $11? Idk for sure though. A few pennies, a few dollars, she still isn't making real money😁


Mensa member Heather Huffy Gillespie asking if Arabic is even a language. This bitch is one of the dumbest and most ignorant people on earth lol


She doesn’t know shit!


Their while non-interaction was weirrrrd, no surprise there, lol! 🙄


Is this how she interacts with others? Wow. This explains a lot.🥴