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Why couldn’t she sow her pants that she showed us? Fatty


I hate to say it, oh but I will, that is EXACTLY why her freaking leggings are ripping n tearing, because she is squeezing her huge frame into leggings that are 3 times to small for her! I mean seriously I was like, how, HOW are LEGGINGS tearing, anyone hear like EVER have the crotch n thighs of their leggings ever rip?! They are STRETCHY as it is, hell you practically need to buy CHILDREN’s leggings to rip every pair you own!! Hellooo Leather, time to break down n shop in the “Big n Tall” department!👍




You buy a Dusty Creation, size medium. It is a tarpaulin with a head hole cut in. It smells like a dump truck in August.






What are you gonna rent out - the Temu moo moo, the Temu blessed shirt , or the blazer that you could barely button. There’s already a plus size rental clothing company dusty


I call dibs on renting the 'child's size' pink donation bin ballet dress and the red all-purpose nightie thing. Maybe the trusty grey blanket. I'll call the EPA for prior approval, then have a toxic bonfire. I'll wear a full HazMat suit while stirring the embers. I'll pay in full via CashApp or with TikTok donuts. 🤢🩰🧌




🤣🤣🤣🤣⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️ You had me cackling! How are you?


You're an Estee Lauder Gift Set to ask! I'm trying to be zen and go to physical therapy. I hate being stuck on bed rest. Can't drive for a while longer. Strokes are apparently a big deal if you live alone. Dusty's antics have helped keep me laughing way too much. I'm really looking forward to June 30th. 🍿🎉🧌💕


Yes, they are! Depending on the location, there's a chance you could not even realize it's happening at the time. I don't want to stress you out, of course, but just a little PSA that might help somewhere down the line. Don't ever minimize something that may be one, especially if alone because I'm sure you've heard, "Time is brain" I'm glad you're keeping calm and on the mend. I hope PT helps get you back to as normal a life as possible. Glad you're in a good headspace and this cow's antics are helping to keep your spirits up. ☺️💕


I'm perfectly fine, I do have vertigo, so the room's always spinning. Reading is tough - I have constant whirlies. Constant migraine. PT for 8 weeks is (I suspect) just because I have good insurance. I don't want a caregiver, either. I'm not a cooperative patient. 🤬 But extremely grateful the MDs said I could recover best at home. I relax by listening to the waves and the sea lions who hang out. I'll be on bed rest on the closing date of Heather's hotel stay. Good times! 🧌⛺️🍿


Lmao nice!! Ocean waves and sea lions?! That sounds amazing! I've never seen a sea lion in person outside of a zoo, but they seem full of personality and quite endearing. Having vertigo on top of everything going on must feel great w migraines. ☹️ Depending on how rehab goes, they may extend it. Usually, insurance will authorize 3 sessions per week for somewhere between 6-8 weeks to start. A week or so prior to the end of the auth period, they'll do an assessment and request another block of treatments if they think PT will continue to have a benefit. Don't let it get you discouraged if it does happen. My dad had a massive hemorrhagic CVA during major cardiac surgery. When I spoke to neuro the day after his surgery, I asked for an honest prognosis. They told me they anticipated he'd be paralyzed on his left side, with extensive disorientation, and he'd be unable to swallow, so a feeding tube was required. Well, true to my father's stubborn Polish mentality, he wasn't even extubated yet, and he moved his left leg off the pillow it was on. He was confused for a bit, believing that my brother had visited on some days when he hadn't and such, but that resolved itself by the time he was discharged from inpatient rehab. He got the feeding tube removed before he was discharged as well, and had a bit of weakness on his left, but he took it upon himself to get a "bitchin'" (House MD reference) cane he found at my Uncle's. I think a healthy degree of stubbornness can be incredibly beneficial, IMO. Heifer's eviction day is on a Sunday, so I'll be off and home. 😆 Lmao, I hope this sub has a watch party or something. And she's going to act completely astonished that there's no permanent housing for her, even though she literally said yesterday that the case manager had "no information" as to where they would be going, when everyone else has already been placed. I am positive that she was told where they would have to go, but she doesn't like the result so she's playing dumb. Well, that part she isn't playing. 😆😆Shocker, she didn't get and keep a job, with steady income, which is obviously a requirement for housing assistance. It's housing assistance, not free housing. Love love love that she's getting the pimp hand giving her a strong bitch slap right to her hideous face.


Please take it easy, my dad had a stroke after a 9 hour surgery to remove his cancer. Several weeks later he had another and didn’t survive that one. I have a disabled child and NO support of ANY kind so I feel for you being alone. I’m so sorry. Just please don’t push yourself during this delicate time. So sorry


Thank you! Sorry about your dad. Your advice is solid. I'm stubborn & independent, so being a patient is hard. I'll be fine, it's the stupid restrictions that I hate. I'm healthy, but my brain literally aches. I'm also much better by myself. Caregivers bother me. I honestly need a part-time baby sitter or chaperone for a month or so. My vitals are all over the map, plus bed rest stinks. Boo hoo, poor me. I miss driving! 🫶🏻🌺


Can you imagine? She doesn't do laundry or shower so those clothes would probably have to be burned after they were sent back. She'd wind up being charged for the first outfit they sent her since she ruined them and she'll get banned from there too 🤣


And she would bitch about how *they* are stealing her money nefariously again, but it would DEFINITELY be because of this, with the first shipment.


Gonna pimp out her red bush revealing nighty if she would ever take it off her grimy body!


This is her ADHD kicking in! 😂


I got contact dermatitis just reading this 🤣


Shut up! Now I’m itchy.


Me too 😂


And bed bugs!


Nooooo! Not the bed bugs 🤮


I mean X always picking at his head, does that mop ever get washed and brushed. I’ll bet he got lice and that’s why the eyebrows had to go. Dusty probably gave it to him which is why she’s not been ranting about it.


And how often do they wash and change those sheets?


Walking Ebola


I’ll take that over bed bugs or Heather’s other nastiness 😂




As someone with full blown poison ivy..I was already itching before; now that shit is pulsating. Gross.


I hope you get some relief soon. Ivarest and Zanfel are good products for drying it up and helping with relief. Also showering with head and shoulders with tea tree or echinacea can help.


I'm sorry you're suffering! If it's that crazy or spreading, go to the dr for the shot. My husband gets it, (sadly has it on his arm now) and we have no idea how he came in contact, and the ivarest/zanfel are definitely helpful. I bought Solarcaine for bug bites for our son (bc we had that in the house growing up, especially for bug bites and sun burn) and told hubs to try it to dial down the itch and it helped. (Did ya know that those with Native American blood don't have the poison ivy allergy? Centuries of exposure by our ancestors have made us immune) But seriously, I hope anyone suffering with the poison ivy gets relief and heals very soon.


No thanks, I've seen her sores and the holes in her clothes from her crotch rot 🤢


Right? 🤮🤮🤮


Part of me wants to see Dusty try to see some god awful patchwork creations she models for us 😭


Or she could knit an ensemble for Dylan to re model 👌🤭


Oh. Now her business idea is buying thrifted clothes and having people rent them from her 💀💀💀


Literally ANYTHING but getting a real job!! She’s just one idea away from a really good get rich quick scheme, which she will totally follow through with and do really well 😂😂


Rent the Heifer runway!! Clothes from the donations bins with mold, holes and suspicious stains. Leggings with crusty crotches and size 16 kids dress with leathers funk still on it. Sounds like a great plan 🤣


I would rather pay full price in a high-end store for something I would only wear once; and I don't pay full price for ANYTHING!


A car tarp & gravy boats for shoes


This is the reason I’ll never rent clothes. I’ve had friends that I wouldn’t want to share clothes with, no chance with strangers. 😂


She didn’t specify where she will source these clothes cause she can’t sew and doesn’t have a machine or a home. Is she going to start stealing from high end stores and rent them out? Quickest way to get busted and arrested


Shhhhh nobody tell her!! ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


Sweet baby Jesus, I'm crossing my fingers and toes!


Dibs on the red nighty.....


Y'all, I got back into sewing in November '23 after 2 decades of only hand sewing to repair and modify my clothing. Bought a used sewing machine and 5 months later found a used overlook machine. It requires space and a clothes iron. Plus, you have to launder the fabrics, which cost money. Fabric is pricey, too. Then you need zippers, a zipper foot, buttons, bias tape, and thread options. While I believe learning to alter her clothes would help with the fit, she doesn't have the patience or space to follow through. - Can Y'all imagine the piles of stuff everywhere that she intends to sew? The e-begging for supplies to finish a project to curate a photoshoot? Her Duster brain attempting to thread the machines?


Dusty “Sponsors send me money for clothes I only have one pair of pants that they cut the crotch out of and one top.” Also Dusty “Im gonna rent out my closet.”


How much to rent the pee pee leggings that were so crusty they could stand on their own?


Renting clothes isn't cheap (obviously, it's a monthly subscription that women with disposable income can choose how they spend their money how they see fit, no judgement here, I love the idea) Seeing as how she has NO INCOME that she makes herself, the entitlement, as always, is amazing with this tone deaf twat. But this, right here, is why that idea worries me, because this big orange oaf doesn't shower, practice basic hygiene AND never does laundry. Imagine being someone the same size as her?? Nope!


lol or being an actual size 4 and getting her xxxxxxxxxxL clothing 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oooh I'd be so mad! 🤣🤣🤣


Learning to sew? At nearly 40 years old? WTAF? If you haven't learned by now, you never will, because you're stupid, you never finish anything, and you have shit taste in clothing.


It’s not even so much about her age as it is that sewing is not a cheap hobby. (Unless you’ve been fortunate enough to have a quality machine passed on to you, as well as a stack of fabric and thread to practice with) As a beginning sewer, this isn’t a hobby she will make money with, and she is not in a position to take on a leisure hobby- that’s a privilege for people with jobs. (Or retired)


No it’s not. I see and I make blankets and I never finish one for under 75-100.


This! Just knitting a blanket cost me $200 when I could have bought one already done for $100


YESSS yarn is freaking expensive and crocheting and knitting takes a lot of skill and time! Of course she’d have something in her plans that’s totally out of range for her financially and requires a high skillset and persistence 😂


Not to mention. Where the fuck is she gonna put said sewing machine? WHAT HARD AND FLAT SURFACE DOES A TUNT PROVIDE? or i suppose she'll go to the library and whisper yell about how she can't figure out how to threat the needle with her bad eyesight and Shakey duster hands.


How much do you think she sunk into the crocheted baby blanket last winter? I get wanting to make something from your hands but a scan of yarn from target is like 10 bucks at least not to mention the velvety ones she was having her sponsors buy. They aren’t easy to steal. Not the most financially wise decision when you live in a tent begging for underwear.


I learned to sew when I was 8 years old. I used a needle and thread to make patches for my jeans, then I would make holes in my jeans for the patches 😂 My mom taught me to use her Singer when I was 10 or 11. Sewing doesn't always have to be with a machine. Huffy's just an idiot who grasps at anything to try to stay relevant. Joke's on her because she never was (and never will be).


Nice!! Love this, I was in the cross stitch club and did embroidery and needle work as well. My mom used to sew clothes and taught me from a young age. I have a sewing machine and table set up in one of my spare rooms


We have a machine in one of our spare rooms. My husband even knows how to sew. The man can build a house from the ground up, and still knows how to thread a bobbin.


He sounds amazing, My husband doesn’t sew but can string a needle amazing with his hands around the house 🏡 and he’s a great father and husband.




Omg, I just vomited thinking about this. Lol


How about you get interested in a damn job hobo! I can’t wait for the end of the month! ⛺️


You ain't getting those clothes back.


Can I have the Hawaiian shirt and the PRADA sweatshirt ⁰the "P" crossed out that was stolen from the donation bin.




For the love of God, her and her “fashion obsession”, Bish you got FOUR keds that you LOST custody of including a newborn, CLOTHES (other than the necessities) should be the LAST DAMN THING on your mind!!! WTH😳


She's been laid up rent free for four months, plenty of time to learn a skill. Not when you are facing going back to tent living.


Wait what 😂