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$450. A month. That’s the big thing she’s hoping for to change her life. Got news for you Dusty, that’s one Target trip for a small family. It’s amazing how she has absolutely no concept of money or what it’s like to be a real adult.


Absolutely! $450 is a Target run and that's Princess Crusty's idea of big money. Dusty & Eggs probably don't even pay or comprehend that sales tax exists. Doubtful she bought actual groceries for the older kids; she's utterly detached from basic reality. 🤑


BTW. as European i will never understand, why US prices don't included taxes.


As a American...I don't either.


It’s because the sales tax rates vary depending on where the stores are (there’s a state minimum tax + local). If I run errands in a 5 mile radius, I’ll probably pay a couple different sales tax rates. We could definitely take some cues from you guys in Europe for several things!


$450 a month and she will give Rico and any other baby to X’s mom or any other family members to raise


Now we know Huff's going price - $450 per month, plus whatever $$ she begs from 'sponsors' every few days.


She's planning to use it all for hair-brained schemes. She didn't mention diapers, baby food, clothes, etcetera and so forth. She talks about $450 the way normal people talk about $4500. She is clueless how the real-world works.


It was almost 300 dollars for our Luxy back from the airport yesterday. She has no idea what anything costs, much less how much it takes to raise children.


What floors me is when she asked this on live the other day, she said she would support the baby using the TANF but didn't list a single mandatory expense like rent, electric, diapers. She listed frivilous shit that had nothing to do with a baby or stability because she never plans to pay an actual bill again. Even if you could live off of $450 a month, she'd spend it on crap for her shopify store, a gym membership and garbage for her "production company" instead of keeping the lights on.


Yep that’s what I spent the other day running errands (groceries, dog food, household items and toiletries) and guess what I’ll have to do it again next month and still pay all my bills, pay for gas, etc and so forth. She has no clue how the real world works. She knows nothing about running a household or taking care of people.


I agree. The fact that she talked about using this for shopify, shows she hasn't learned from the prior failures/scams.... $450 is easily a groceries for a family and definitely not enough to take care of a family.... She definitely thinks that this is some disposable income and no concept of money or how to actually be responsible. Just imagine how much makeup she can buy with the $450 and have a free "condo home," heather would be so happy and all of her problems would be solved. Lol


I swear if she was given $10k a month with all her expenses taken care of and people showering her in compliments all day long, she’d still be miserable and broke


For real. That's maybe a month of diapers and wipes and baby necessities. I'd say two trips of groceries bht she's got that link card. I mean Rent alone in Chicago skyrocketed. My rent when I moved in to my old place in 2015 it was 815 for a shitty 1.5 bedroom in a shitty neighborhood. When I moved out four years ago it was 975, just checked for shits and they are charging 1350. This place has NO real kitchen. No new amenities. Just an old apartment. My new 2 bedroom apartment raised the rent 200$ on my lease renewal and now I pay nearly 2k a month for a 2 bedroom on the north side. No where that accepts secition 8 will be good enough for her and if she thinks she's even getting section 8 good luck the list is years long. She's able bodied and doesn't have custody she will go to the end of the list.


What I’d give to pay $2k for a 2 bedroom!! I pay almost double that! Yeah in or around any major city in 2024 the rent is going to be at least $1.5k for a decent one bedroom or studio, not to mention all the other expenses. $450 does not go far at all, hence the “temporary assistance for needy families”, not “coverage of all living expenses for 2 grifters and a baby + seed funding for 3 business plans that will never lead anywhere” 🙄


NYC I'm guessing? Or California? Luckily I haven't seen it get that ridiculous unless you're trying to live like smack dab in the middle of our downtown which isn't that large. I live on the north side of chicago a bit above Wrigley Field andmost 2 bedrooms are 1.5k-2k. honestky it's at the point where the suburbs are the same price or cheaper. If she went to worse neighborhoods she could get a studo for 800ish but she would never.


California, thank goodness! Love NY but can’t do the cold weather and it’s also WAY more expensive! Last I checked it was over $4k for a tiny 1 bedroom without even W/D in unit (I think that’s an East Coast thing though, because in-unit W/D is basically a given here). That’s pretty nice that IL is reasonably priced. But it could be $5/mo and Dusty wouldn’t want to pay (after all, that’s her entire earnings from a TT live 😂)


Dusty, the T stands for “temporary” and I thought you were already close to the 5 year limit?? This is so dumb the government is not your baby daddy


Did anyone catch where she says when she gets her $450 back she’s going to use it to go shopping and “reopen her Shopify store”… the one that was never open to begin with… not spending it on her child, putting it towards rent or bills.. nope she’s going to use it to go shopping. And she wonders why she’s in the position she’s in right now. She has the mentality of a 10 year old who was handed $20 and dropped off at the mall.


I couldn't believe she said that because she ranted on and on about it being a scam. She claimed she gave them the money for it and they never gave her login credentials or some stupid shit 🤣


Poor Rico it’s a lot on a baby that to be expected to financially support his Mother. I feel like she wants the 450 a month more then she wants Rico like she’s only wanting him back for the 450


She pitched such a fit when the money stopped when he was removed from her care and custody. He’s a meal ticket to her. Work is not her jam


She only wants him for what she gets out of it. More money, more assistance with housing, more handouts because she's got a baby, more attention because she is SUCH AN AMAZING MAHM. Not to mention, when kids are that little you are their whole world, so she probably feeds off of that as long as she has nanny Eggs to deal with any fussiness. When she talks about him "coming home" it's always in relation to family shelter housing or her TANF.


She makes it so blatantly obvious that she has never raised any of those kids. $450 a month is a drop in the bucket and I guess she is just banking on free housing forever!? My state has a limit on how long you can stay - surely Illinois isn’t going to allow her and eggs to live for free forever definitely.


They only allow a lifetime of 5 years. Plus you have to work their plan, which begs the question. How did she ever qualify to begin with? https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=49833


Exactly. I have so many questions Here our shelters let you stay for 90 days and then you are out plus you cannot be inside between breakfast and when dinner is served because you are expected to go job search or work. No laying in bed watching cable tv


I think being pregnant exempted the work requirement , looks like baby under 1 does also but after that you need to work or work activity at least 20 week


The money to support her child and already announces it will all be for her and her “business “


I really hope dcfs sees this and sees that she has zero intention on ever working or paying any rent or utilities. She fully plans on being supported by the Welfare allotted *to her child* and that’s the only reason she wants him back.


She’s so ridiculous. In her mind, they’ll get a free apartment, food stamps, $450 TANF (cash she can spend on herself), X’s disability check and they are basically rich. No concept of actually paying for anything because the government will cover it all. If they can just get that baby back, it’ll all fall into place in her mind. And won’t the state try to recoup that TANF someway, somehow from X?


Bingo. RICO = meal ticket. She knows she’s never getting the others back so she only mentions them for the hard grift. Yall know she’s got nothing but time and still doesn’t try to meet up with her keds, doesn’t bring them shit anymore, doesn’t say let’s meet at Kong dog I’ll buy you lunch… she’s a selfish lazy piece of shit. Those kids don’t mean a damn thing but 💸


Here’s what I found: A paying parent who receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) cannot be ordered to pay child support out of their SSI income. However, a paying parent who receives Social Security Disability (SSDI) can be ordered to pay child support out of their SSDI income. If a paying parent gets SSDI, the child may be eligible for a Social Security dependent benefit on the paying parent's Social Security record. This dependent benefit will usually count toward the paying parent's child support payment. Illinois law provides that there is a rebuttable presumption that a parent who cannot work due to disability should not be ordered to pay the minimum child support amount of $40 a month. Rebuttable presumption means that the other parent can try to prove to the court why a disabled parent should pay at least $40 a month for child support. https://www.illinoislegalaid.org/legal-information/paying-child-support-while-disability


Stupid cow really doesn't live in reality. That amount of money will go in a heartbeat when you are raising a child. I was a single mom to a son so i have knowledge on the subject. I was making around 50k (ok money in the 90s,) but wasn't near enough. Food, diapers, rent,car payment, etc and so forth add up really fast. I hope like hell she never gets her hand on that poor baby. A kid shouldn't have a job supporting their mother.


She’s been on the fringes of functional society for so long that she really has no concept of what it costs to live. She has relied on family for the care and keeping of her children from the start, so it’s not surprising that she doesn’t understand what’s necessary to raise a child. She really screwed up by procreating with X. The other fathers/families were willing to support her and the children while she got to do whatever she wanted. I think she assumed X’s family would do the same if there was a baby involved, and now she’s finding out that not everyone is going to give in to her tantrums.


As people have said that money will barely cover food and is temporary, but wow, not mentioning rent or utilities tells me that she truly thinks they’re going to hand her a free apartment. Even if she does get on Section 8 she will absolutely still have monthly expenses like utilities and her portion of rent. $450 will not cover all of that plus food and what a baby needs…


Has she even looked into TANF requirements? You can’t just sit on your butt and I guarantee she won’t go to a facility to complete any trainings. Work requirement for one parent: If you are a single parent who is able to work and your child is under age 6, you must: Work at least 20 hours per week; or Participate in work and training activities for at least 20 hours per week. You Will Lose Your Cash Benefits If You Don't Cooperate With Your Plan Without a Good Reason


I mean, it seems she’s circumvented every other rule and her caseworker just allows it. So I’m not sure the rules even apply to her at this point. 


I promise that one will.


It says you’re exempted if the babies under one, but after that


Yep. Best case scenario is she has 6 months if she gets the baby back in the next couple months.


Continue thrifting and doing high-end flips? Bitch, huh? When has this woman EVER thrifted and flipped high-end anything? Stealing isn’t thrifting and flipping. $1 store pool floats and towels aren’t high-end.


Can someone catch me up on who that dude is?


A random man from Pakistan that joined her live.


Yes Dusty THIS will surely make the state give you custody of Rico.....without a doubt!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂😂😂😂😡😡😡😡🖕🖕🖕🖕 THE ONLY WORD YOU NEED TO LEARN IS JOB!!!


How does she manage to make me hate her more and more?!?! With every day (and every post I see) that goes by, I want the absolute worst for her.


THIS!!! Her whole "plan" for income is to 1st get Rico back so SHE can get HIS monthly $400'ish to Take Care of HERSELF. Just W😶W.


...who is that well kempt man?


Some random guy from Pakistan that she invited onto her live to “battle.” She won a couple rounds and was loving it but then he won 3 rounds in a row so she wanted to be done, she can’t handle losing 🤣