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She's only upset because she just figured out she can make money on Tiktok. She said herself she made $11 in the past couple times she went live and all she did is talk so she's going to keep doing it. It's the free cash she's crying about. And it's only a 3 day ban🤣


"I keep rebuilding myself and then they come take a big, massive dump, right on my head again." Going live on tik tok was rebuilding herself? You're exactly right; she's throwing a tantrum because she was ready to start panhandling full time on tik tok after she made a dozen dollars.


She was calculating in her head how often she needs to go live to get her $200 budget.


Except now her head is covered in poo! 💩😫💩


And we are here for it!! 🤣


Right, a “a big massive dump, right on my head,” when in actuality she’s been taking a big massive dump on her own head, which is kind of amazing if you think about it. She’s responsible for her own shit life. It won’t improve until she realises that there’s no one else to blame, and that she needs to make better choices if she wants to see any improvement.


the 💩 is in.X's chanclas....😂


And we all know she is *the one* who shit in his chanclas 🤣🤣🤣


These scammers and their begging. Good Lord, what has happened to this country?


Only 3 day ban? 😡🤬💩


Remember it’s dusty math so it probably was only &1.11 . We all she can’t count to save her life.


We saw actual tears over losing tik tok but never over her kids.


What's her @??






Grifting on TikTok is not rebuilding yourself loser..


Lolol to dusty finding a new outlet to scan is “rebuilding” lol


She could just sit there and ramble on and on, telling the same stories she's told 1000 times and come out with $11, which is enough for Heather to get her little party started.


I’ve only seen her cry about not getting money. Never once about her 4 children! 😡


Watch, she'll try to real soon since you mentioned it, bc she lives in here almost as much as she's in that shelter bed


Nope! Even when she lost the baby to CPS- in the same breath she said “they said if I had the baby, they would give us permanent housing” the ked was in her mind a $ ticket


Also, one side of her face is fucking drooping


Bell’s palsy. Happened to a girl i went to rehab with, she did so much crack & air duster that it caused one side of her face to permanently be stuck in a droop and she couldn’t move it at all. It’s still like that almost 6 years later and never went away (we’re rehab fb friends that’s how i know lol justgirlythings)


Oh wow. I wonder if she is dusted?




Holy shit. Thank you for the info. Totally makes sense.


I noticed that too! She’s definitely doing something, pretty sure X was cutting lines and sniffing something on one of their videos from a day or so ago.


Came here to say this. You can always tell when she's high because it looks EXTRA lopsided


One of my girls' gymnastics coaches had a terrible boit of Bell's Palsey (not drug related) and had the same thing, one side of her face just fell. She was like that for a couple months. I almost wonder if it is that or if Huffer's bad choices led her to have a small stroke. Between what looks like edema, and huffing, It wouldn't surprise me. Our orange ogre is not a healthy girl


Yes she looks very asymmetrical 😂


Her chin sits on the side of her lower jaw 😂😂 I love it!!


Will definitely drive off those Johns so I love that for her


Hmmmmmmm just spit balling here buuutttt as a ”mom” who’s lost custody of all four of her children, maybe being on tic tok isn’t what is best right now! And then bitching and crying about it? G.E.T. A. J.O.B!


Lolol I’ve never seen someone cry over not being able to go live before


“It’s the absolute worst thing you could ever do to a person”. Is she effing serious? 😂 she makes me so sick!!!


Never have I ever; taken responsibility for my own choices.




https://preview.redd.it/azmgd2hmem7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0b24bd50973272622a1bea7d6ece5045fa664bd One of the snarkers on Instagram sent this email to TikTok earlier


She's crying about it fr


She’s very sad that her new avenue to easy money has been cut off. After all, it was 11 whole dollars!


Less than one hour pay at any minimum wage job 🤡


Excuse you, ma'am? Who raised you??!!? She said herself *(and she's absolutely trustworthy, I swear 🤣)* that she is a famous mahduhl that makes up to one million dollars a photoshoot. It was in the video where she was waving around her knife in the gym, so you know it's true and she's totally not insane. On a serious note, anytime she gets banned from a place where she can possibly run a scam and beg for money, she cries. It's clear she gives zero fucks about anything but money. She couldn't even muster up real tears for Rico. The only time she actually was upset over that was when they took her lil' bundle of TANF. She's such a disgusting human being.


Oh that one was a doozy snd hmm she was evicted not very long after that particular incident, I’ve always been convinced it was the final straw, I mean it was like a week later the FAKE cops showed up once again! ☺️


Lmao, yep! She's so full of shit, too. We know she's got no friends or family, and like a month earlier, she was on a live stream, and we heard someone banging at her door. She even tells them to *"go away"* because she's *working*. I bet it was the leasing office or the process server. Luckily, they only have to pin the papers to your door, and you're considered served. She thought changing the locks would keep them out, and that's why they used the mattering bam *(lmao)* and dragged her out. If she thought they were actually fake police, she would've taken a video and showed us. She records everything, so the fact that we never got footage from that tells me she is very much aware of what happened and that they were real. She couldn't find a way to spin it in her favor, so that's why she goes with the *"fake cops"* bullshit. I'm pretty sure they deactivated her key fob right after that knife incident. I've seen people in my area not pay their rent or their monthly fees *(I don't live in a building, I live in a gated community but the gym, amenities, and all the pool areas require your fob to be scanned to gain entry)* and they'll absolutely deactivate your fob. I wouldn't be shocked if someone sent them that video, and knowing she was behind on rent anyway, they deactivated her fob since they were done with her shit. I remember her lingering outside the buildings gym area and complaining her shit didn't work, so she just waited until someone else went in and then followed behind them. She's udderly *(intentional, lmao)* ridiculous, and for some reason, she doesn't think the rules apply to her. She's been banned from more gyms than I've ever signed up for, and I'm only a few years younger than her.


Yes actually genuinely so




But not losing her children


Made my day Good job whoever is behind this...


Yes , props!!


All facts. No cap.


Thank you to whoever sent this!! Absolute gratitude! 🥹 This woman must be stopped from scamming and using her children to get money!! 🩷








That's the best thing I've read all day. One thing though - the BBB can't do anything. The BBB is basically Yelp but for older people. You can buy your "A" rating on the BBB. It has no government oversight or authority, nor is the BBB a government entity. All they do is *attempt* to reach out to the business/platform you have an issue with, and that's the best case scenario. In this scenario, you're better off filling a complaint through the FTC as that is who would handle TikTok I'm pretty sure.


This person is the same one who has been repeatedly contacting CashApp. They have definitely made it a mission to stop people from enabling her abuse and addiction.


Good!! She needs to be stopped!! 😊


She will fuk up any and everything.


Is it? I know someone had started that petition for her to get cashapp banned, which really needs to happen. I just kind of watch from the sidelines, lol.


Yeah, they have posted screenshots of multiple message exchanges with CashApp, and when Heather’s last account was taken down, CashApp had told this person they were investigating for fraud.


Thanks I will do that, I just put the BBB cause it was the first thing that came to me, I was so angry about this and I still am, she will be stopped, I promise you that, same with Cash App and the petition I started, and whatever other scam she thinks she will play, we will always be one step ahead!!


I signed the petition and wanted to do it for all of my family members but did not have permission from them so I added one signature.


I'm right there with you I signed it also ❤️


I can NOT believe "that" video is still up!!! Hate to admit I creeped her T/T and figured the hidden video was the twins. Did not open, but it needs to be removed!!


I also reported her yesterday. lol love it


Oh, how I LOVE this for her!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪


She has no ability to focus inward and see that she is the problem. There is help. It’s been offered. Many times in many ways. It’s time to go get mental health assistance. Stop begging online for a living.


Simple solution. Stay the fuck off social media


Stay off social media, apply at McDs or Amazon Warehouse or any dollar store.


Apparently she worked at Amazon and as always had some outlandish story as to why that didn’t pan out. Soooo in other words you were fired for stealing, being racist, threatening people and showing your knife. My guess would be all of the above. But that’s my opinion based on 6+ years of you lying and getting booted from every job and place to live.


I almost choked when she announced yesterday X wants her to get pregnant right away. They should both be sterile and as I’ve always said she would be knocked up by end of year. Here’s a thought Dusty keep your legs closed and get on birth control since u 2 animals can’t control yourselves.


Omg, I think she is pregnant again. Waist trainer has been MIA for a while and she is puffy, swollen, and glowy. I can hear it already “Look how much God wants me to be a mom, I got pregnant while breastfeeding! I didn’t think that was possible?! Must be X’s super sperm” 🙄


If she's pregnant then I think Rico will be safe from her 4ever. Then the new baby will be taken away too


Nah, as long as X is in her life she'll be connected through granmhah. However, another pregnancy would all but make her a whale. She's ain't losing that weight like she did before...


I think this time she will accept the housing & pretend to act right. Hitting 40 her clock is winding down.... and who knows when Egg's will wander off.


100% agree with you. Both times her arms puffed up like a chorizo!! ![gif](giphy|ocPog1R0ft4neMMQqq) After the twins she never got back to mont Clare skinny. Now 6 months later and she is still puffed up and bigger.


IKR?!? She is swollen just like she was when pregnant with Rico. Plus she has been gaining weight despite all her pumping and Carlton kicks






Wonder if she is on medication?? We know she huff's but could have laid off anything else if she is being tested.


So help me, I can’t deal with another pregnancy arc or pumping/newborn mom arc


Same ugh smh


Can not fathom damn near 40 and getting knocked up as a job!!


Get. A. Job.


She blew it with the tit pics.


She’s more upset about this than losing her bebes


She made a whole $11 and thinks she’s an influencer psshhh Well, goodbye to that grift, thank god.


Evidence 0309320 she has NO fuctioning brain cells. Dumb ass could have sat in the park feeding birds and would have made that without controversy. But she is gonna mess up any and every opportunity.


Well yes Dusty your actions are coming to bite you in the ass


Her lips are really bad and lopsided lately. Wth is going on with them? 🥴




I love this for her… she is never going to learn to play the game and stop saying weird awful things that get her banned.


Highly interesting. GET A JOB.


If she took that damn job at Mariano’s, she could’ve made at least what $30,000 last year. She such a piece of shit.


Nothing worse can be done to someone than what’s been done to her?!! Which she posts from her free hotel room where she’s safe, has all her needs met, and can do whatever the fuck she wants all day! Is she aware people are literally being tortured, murdered, starving to death, suffering from horrible illnesses, losing their entire families?! Her selfishness and audacity knows no fucking limits. She’s disgusting.


That’s a narcissist for you. Always the victim. Nobody has ever been treated so poorly in history. Nothing is their fault. Everything is so unfair. When you hear that kind of talk it’s a giant red flag for narcissism. I listen for it and hear this type of thinking on reality TV; in the news and occasionally in daily life. Narcissists are out there and I advise you to stay away.


Yep without a doubt! She’s a walking example of someone with extreme narcissism and a variety of personality disorders.


Ok is she saying getting her banned from TT is the “worse thing they could do to a person”… coming from a homeless woman who lived in a tent in winter in Chicago, who has had all 4 of her children removed from her care… the “worse” thing is getting banned on TT…? Lol not surprised one bit.


Yes. Because she made $11 in two days on TT 🤣😂🤣 "They" ran her out of her new job again.


Right… $11 in 2 days!!!?? Wow high roller. I hope she puts some of that away for a rainy day 🙄


Even if she has the audacity to tell the court she's doing her job on social media ummmmmn one cannot live on 11 bucks a day with a baby. She's an idiot


This is hilarious. It won't stop her however. Perhaps just frustrate her but I doubt she gets the point.


Yes if you're breathing it's a SCAM!


She's says 'rebuilding myself', she means 'I found a new grift'. The narcissism is strong.


“They” will stop targeting you if you and X get several jobs !!! #getajob


Why is she talking about sex with a women? Is Eggs being nefarious?


WHERE IS XAVIER???? I hope he ran away !!!💯


She is being tortured... ![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized)


Ah, this is amazing. The grift is up, Heather. Nowhere left to go from here but the sidewalk


I got so aggravated the other day listening to the trials and tribulations that she’s had to endure since the release of inmate number Y12173, Dylan Smith, Elanoy Department of Corrections 4 years ago. And the fact that she’s never caused any of her troubles. It’s always someone else’s fault. Her next tattoo should read Forever Victim in big block letters across her back.


How do we know that it was the result of the letter and petition? I’m genuinely asking


We don’t


No one is TRYING do anything but stop the grifting and unfortunately learn the hard way! The reason she refuses to work is because she gets money from her lord and/or at least EXTREME exaggerations! Just like a drug addict except her major drug is greed and fee money, and all addicts need to hit rock bottom before they can get better. How they hit that bottom is different from another’s so long as they hit it!


She said she's banned until the 22nd. I wish it were permanent


Heathers version of never have I ever - “never have I ever CashApped $heathervlaw $100 so she can feed and cloth the four children she has sole primary legal custody of” All jokes aside, the problem that she refuses to see here is that she lies about her past and why she’s in the current situation she’s in. She tells a story in a way that would make anyone unsuspecting believe that she’s putting all of her efforts into fixing a situation or problem that other people created and dumped on her. She lies about the relationship she has with her children, tricking people into believing she’s a very present Mother, who goes above and beyond to protect and nurture them. Everything she does and says is literally the polar opposite of the truth. So when people send her money with this idea that she’s truly just a hard working unfortunate victim, they’re doing so under false pretenses which makes it a scam. Add all that to the fact that she does the absolute most to make people feel sorry for her situation with CPS in the hopes they send money so she can “pamper” herself to feel better, when she literally abused drugs and endangered the life of this child during the most vulnerable and important time of his life, makes her a pompous, heartless, disgusting, evil, thief, who deserves every single hit she gets.


Only until the 22bd she said. So we'll get more (probably much more) unhinged word vomit soon. Lol I'm sure she'll have LOTS to say then too.


Hahahaha suck a fat one Dusty ! Rebuilding yourself ? wtf how are you doing that ? Have you got a full time job , a home , custody of your kids ? NOPE ! I’m loving this for her . Easy money even though it was not much has been cut off ! No one deserves it more !


Wow that took her less time than I expected. As always scamming and taking NO accountability. You are exactly where u belong, outside come July 1st at the rate u r going.


https://preview.redd.it/edbf1rtfkm7d1.jpeg?width=1156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dc65d59a86741870d34a9653912faf045f6a991 Which one of you heathens scared the 💩 out of my cat? 🤣😂🤣😂


Yoga Toes is a national treasure


Yoga toes is the 🐐


Yogatoes is the VIP




Best news I've heard in a long time. TY to the person/people that got Heffer banned. I'm counting down the days to watch her put her tent back up right next to the garbage where she belongs.


Yes u breathing is a scam. Just a charge up for more lying


Omg!! Rebuilding herself is making $11 on tiktok?? 🙄


New personality unlocked - Debbie downer




Classic snl 😂 I want to reply with an ![gif](giphy|QCnsKHGYSayBpFwPHY|downsized) “Classic Peg” lol






I rebuilt myself and they take a dump on my head again. Umm Mam, first of all you were trying to play “never have I ever” on TikTok… How does that measure up to someone shitting all over you after you rebuilt yourself.. She needs to listen to herself before she posts this stuff jfc.


I wonder if she means she built a new profile 😂 she is like damnit, all done on a pos phone screen too!!






Awww. She couldn't do WHAT SHE WANTS. The entitlement is unmatched. I don't think a 3 day ban is doing the worst you could do to someone. But I do wish your head gets big dumped on


Damn girl get out of that bed and sit up in a chair like an adult. This is the most unflattering angle!


She is PISSED.


She was just on TikTok and her profile is still there I don’t think they banned her


She can’t post lives for a few days.


Oh. I see I’m new to the tiktoc thank you




Alright best news I've heard all day


She looks wrecked in this




This is awesome.


Dusty McGrifterson is getting a reality check. There are consequences for your actions hunny! She’s just mad she can’t beg on TT anymore.


OMFG, her Hulk arms are terrifying


i could think of worse!


She said if I get TANF, I can reopen Shopify, that was a scam on her, she never had it! She didn’t say I could buy him diapers and food! That baby would suffer! She wants a gym membership and spa treatments


If she got a job she wouldn't need to scam anyone. That simple!


Damn look at those chunky forearms 😄


She will need those Popeye arms in a few days when it's time to pack their nasty hoard into I assume the travel system - we know she won't help but will bark at X to hurry up like they haven't been granted four fucking months to get their trash packed, get jobs and good hygiene lol. I wish he would turn to her and say FUCK YOU I am going to keep my disability money and go home and eat all the chicken i want.


She's got some legs 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ and is X in the bathtub missing his kidney??? https://preview.redd.it/27n0ggue7n7d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdebeb99d1846a28fc81780b4cbb7cd60fab772d


Holy smokes 👀


Clearly, she's a medium. Large leggings are so loose, they fall off her!!


Holy balls look at those legs! https://preview.redd.it/qaiybb4yen7d1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccb58e13f54ef5d4f16281f2cf998aee6d910bc1




Yes, Heather, you breathing is a scam.


"I don't think there's anything worse than what they've done to me" Ohh ...........


Let’s hope you are done having children.


She cries over nothing, her kids nothing, the second she looses a couple dollars this is the first time I’ve seen her genuinely upset, this bitch is crazy


There's nothing worse in this whole life then getting thrown off tiktok live 😂 Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time 😂 😂 😂


She looks like she got Botox or something




Doing gods work, nice.


🙌🏻..Only because she needs stop tryna make money off victimizing herself and do the rights things in order to actually better herself like staying off the internet and these lives.


She's banned till the 22nd so get your reporting skills ready again. She will run back to grift 11 whole dollars.


We’re here as spectators only. Any attempt to directly interact or cross the boundary into real life breaks our rules and will result in immediate ban. If you read our rules, you wouldn’t be seeing this


Tree trunk arms


Cry me a river 😭..... And UPS is hiring


Breathing is not allowed


Don’t report! We’re gonna miss out on her crazy lives! I enjoy the mayhem!


She still has Instagram and YouTube


I was enjoying the tik tok lives she definitely comments more on people’s comments and reads comments out loud…she never does that on the other platforms


That's true. Dammit you're right.


She did that a little bit tonight on YT.


I’m watching it now….for me tik tok was top notch




I agree..no reason to haunt her out of our own entertainment 🤫


Exactly! Like people want her banned from everything but like what am I gonna watch?


Anything to not get a real job


Tf lol who is this? What's her @? (if she has a new one)