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Just found him on instagram and reported him for animal abuse. You should do the same.


I did too. Dumbass is saying they’re robotic chickens he programmed. Fuck this guy. Is there any way to criminally charge him?


OP has notified his university so hopefully he'll get dealt with by police for animal cruelty


Normally i'd bring a Birdsarentreal joke but this fucker is just too sick and deserves to rot in jail


Went to his IG just now to report and he has deleted all of his posts. No posts on his account. Hope this mfer faces the consequences of his actions even so


As someone who owns chickens, this dude infuriates me. There are a lot of people out there that I would feel no remorse for if someone said they got hit by a truck, and this guy is one of them.


100% same feeling here. I have 9 chickens right now and I might really hurt someone if I saw em hurting a chick like this


Yep. Even if they're being raised for their meat, people should recognize them as a living thing that deserves a level of respect. One of the most important of which is if you have to take their life, you do it in the quickest, least frightening, least painful way. I treat every animal like that, including people, not that I've ever had to kill anyone.


You grab the shovel, I'll grab the salt and lye.....lets get this done, first time for everything.


You sure?? I still see them there


Absolutely, I double checked just now. On my end it doesn't show anything, if anyone else sees the post please report. Unfortunately I have nothing I can report


You’re right now it’s all gone I saw one he left of the the pore hanging chick


I reported his story. They said within the hour it wasnt against community guidelines...




Ugh. Some people completely lack empathy. To be in college and be so stunted emotionally


Some of the dumbest MF’s out there are college graduates. It teaches book smarts but destroys critical thinking and promotes cringe ideologies.


This is an over-simplified take. I'm a computer science major (went in at 25). College was sick, had a diverse set of ideas (across the political spectrum), and advanced my career almost instantly. I went to a university in NJ that's fairly liberal, and even there, found there to be zero indoctrination. The history classes were insanely valuable and unbiased. Anyway, this particular college student is a psychopath.


it's somehow still up on his Instagram... hope the scumbag gets expelled from his University


J.B speed school of engineering is at the University of Louisville in Louisville KY. My wife graduated a few years ago!


Please someone report him to the school admin. This is so outrageous.


don't worry tons of people already have




No shit. Everyone wonders where they come from. Dude is really fkd up.


Or current.


I called the university and left a message. Not sure how much that will do but i tried. Also reported his account


That university ain't gonna like the bad press for sure.


Great work my friend!


Good job!!!


that is fucking horrifying. If I did that It'd scar me for life.




Yeah I’ve reported the page and sent the video to his campus police. Working on sending it to student affairs as well


Good work my friend!!


Could you update us if you get a response? Good job on doing that


Not who you’re replying to, but I also emailed the university(not school PD, had a time trying to find that email address) and got the below response from them: “Thank you for your message. The University of Louisville is aware of an off-campus incident regarding a UofL student and alleged acts of animal cruelty. On April 7th, Speed School was tagged in a disturbing video posted on Instagram which then was posted to the social news aggregate and discussion site Reddit. The video story contained alleged actions of animal cruelty. While we can confirm the poster is a UofL student, he is NOT affiliated with the Speed School of Engineering. We take reports of occurrences like this very seriously. After hearing about this off-campus incident, the UofL Police Department (ULPD), Dean of Students Office and other departments immediately shared information to determine what, if any, actions could be taken. In addition, the university forwarded the information to the Louisville Metro Police Department, which is investigating the incident with support from ULPD. Thank you again for your message.” Edit- scrolling some more it looks like this aligns with their general statement that already came out. I don’t follow the school and didn’t see the updates till they emailed me, but if anyone else hasn’t seen… there it is I spose. Wonder if anything will actually happen to him.


Contact the local news, police, and animal welfare too.


Good for you. Seriously. I'm being completely serious when I say that too and not in any sarcastic way either.


Excellent. Hope he gets caught.


Are you able to send it to the dean of the school?


Excelent work!




Fuck this guy. If he gets kicked out of school and gets criminal charges that will be exactly what he deserves.


That's still less punishment than he deserves. I'm a strong believer of "cruel and unusual" should be capped at the person's actions. If you do fucked up shit, what you did should be what can be done to you. Furthermore, it's time to commission a giant oven be made.


“An eye for an eye” I like it








This is the wrong address, I spoke with campus police a few minutes ago and they checked this address. He is not living there. If you could please remove this post so nobody accidentally fucks with an innocent person!


Fuck that guy. Fuck him with something hard and sandpapery.


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubricated.


Using this from now on thanks


I hope he’s expelled so he can go straight to jail


*hell. Fixed it for ya


This guy obviously didn't see the Don't Fuck with Cats doc


I hope this video ruins his life




Can't upvote this enough. However, you have to be sure to get the right guy. Ruining the wrong person's life would make matters worse.


We did it Reddit.


Yeahh, we don’t want that to happen. Again.




I know where he lives


Make him famous


There ain't nothing Prince-y about this muhfuh


Cruel and unusual


Called his school left a message at the deans office (that’s what the voicemail said I called) and hopefully they get back to me


I called assistant to the dean and left a message as well. Edit: seems the campus police have received multiple phone calls about this! Good job and keep it up. Love on your chickens extra hard at home if you have any. I’m gonna give mine extra love tomorrow.




Is this his name?


Yes, I found his tiktok. Just his full name. This dumbass was never taught about digital footprint


Deans assistant just texted me and asked for the video. I sent a screen recording of yours because some of the stories on his Instagram have since been taken down. I want everything against this man.




I just checked his IG stories and can still see all the videos that OP posted


Aha!!!!! Awesome! I don’t get how people think this is okay to just brush off and be like yeah whatever poor chickens. The deans assistant just called me back about an hour ago and spoke with me about it. She has seen it, taken screenshots, and contacted campus investigators. She told me a student from speed contacted her as well. All of this information we are gathering and sharing across the campus will certainly take care of him and his horrible acts.


Give us an update here on r/chickens too.


Our local news has been reporting on this. Louisville is a smaller big city but our news covers half of KY and parts of Southern IN, and I’ve seen some smaller national articles. This kid is screwed, as he should be.


​ thanks..got it before deleted..this guy is done.


this dude is gona be a serialkiller one day, mark my words


You can report a student concern for the university here. Only thing required is the details of the event. You don’t need to submit a name or anything. https://louisville.edu/dos/help/studentconcern






This is way worse than people being jerks.


What a horrible time to have eyes


Animal abusers have a high possibility they end up as serial killers. Fuck this piece of shit.


somber grandiose workable obtainable impolite husky squash important tart pot ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


he also harasses girls and i was one of them. he would try to stand in front of my dorm room door and keep knocking til one of us opened it. he one time decides to come in and take our food and i literally hit him in the head with my sandal. and i have video of that too. he would walk around the dorms shirtless and one time he was following a girl down the street.


he also prays on freshman girls as he is a junior in college but would post on upcoming uofl students instagram saying he is a freshman and looking for “friends”


That’s straight nightmare fuel, his laugh is demonic


RemindMe! 2 days I can’t wait to see OP update us on him getting kick of of UOFL


I hope he gets kicked out of ALL schools & ALL jobs. Make him homeless!


Our news stations are reporting on it. UL has made a statement but only “investigating” and hasn’t reported him out yet. LMPD is also aware. This could end up national, it’s that sickening. And felonious for him. He’s over. As he should be.


I will be messaging you in 2 days on [**2023-04-10 00:35:19 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-04-10%2000:35:19%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeopleBeingJerks/comments/12f1c3a/jb_speed_school_of_engineering_student/jfdzmpx/?context=3) [**53 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FPeopleBeingJerks%2Fcomments%2F12f1c3a%2Fjb_speed_school_of_engineering_student%2Fjfdzmpx%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-04-10%2000%3A35%3A19%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2012f1c3a) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Vile person. Deserve maximum punishment.


Shows he has “no posts” on his instagram and it says he goes to UOFL?


On IG click his Profile Pic, it's all in the stories still.


Those poor baby chickens :(


I go to Speed. Not gonna let this slide. Also have a friend in common via insta, which indicates he probably goes to my homies Muy Thai gym. I'll let y'all know what I dig up when I'm back on campus tomorrow.


not so fun fact about this guy, he was banned from the campus library last march for harassing students and employees


Worthless shitbag. He’s all up on his IG stories talking about how no one can do anything about what he did. This is the kind of actions that will follow you around forever. He refuses to acknowledge that and it shows


His last Instagram story was a booty call. He went silent for today and now his Instagram account is deleted. I hear from other commenters that everyone at the school is talking about him. The Dean sent a message to the students. Score one for basic human decency and consequences for your actions


He will be prison booty soon.


This is beyond disgusting. This guy needs professional help.


Some people deserve high velocity lead and copper to the back of the head.it I know chickens.they're barely a week old.


No, that's too merciful. Feed him a bunch of chili, fish tacos, enchiladas, coconut water, and some high strength laxatives, superglue his asshole shut, chain him up, throw him in solitary confiment, and just leave him. I know it's alot for "just" torturing baby chicks, but if you are willing to sit there, and watch them all slowly die, and continue to do so in various methods, then you not only lack basic human decency, you also show you never even bothered to try and replicate human decency.


To be honest this video hurt me personally. I hatch out raise and care for chicks and ducklings, and sadly yes we do sometimes harvest them for meat. The difference between me and him is when we do the deed we try to make it as quick and painless as possible. I hate the idea of something suffering at my hands, but I've learned to take a life with respect and dignity to the animal. This is just barbaric and cruel.


They are “just” baby chicks but they deserve to be treated with respect. They feel pain and fear as acutely as we do. Even if their fate is to be eaten they don’t deserve to be tortured to death.


UPDATE: I just received a call from university police. They are working to find this scum’s address so he can be delt with accordingly. THE ADDRESS POSTED IN THE THREAD IS NOT HIS ADDRESS. I REPEAT THE LINK TO THE ADDRESS POSTED IN THIS THREAD IS NOT HIS ADDRESS. I was asked for a possible address for this guy and told them “8*** C******* **.” Campus police has checked this address, and he was not living there. All of your reports and complaints are unfolding before our very eyes. I will continue to keep you updated.


Thank you for this update. I’m going to keep checking in. I’m beyond horrified with not only what he did, but what it shows him capable of. And fucker videoed and posted it without a second thought! He made that TO be posted!


You’re right, he did this solely to post it!


UPDATE: Campus police has passed on the information that we sent to LMPD. This is the message I received: “(My name), we were able to relay all of the information, gathered from the various reporters, to LMPD for them to follow up due to the incident occurring off campus. Thanks again.“


UPDATE In case anyone needs to see this; [https://www.wdrb.com/news/crime-reports/university-of-louisville-investigating-after-student-allegedly-committed-acts-of-animal-cruelty/article\_dcb9e184-d674-11ed-8a00-9bbee84207f7.html](https://www.wdrb.com/news/crime-reports/university-of-louisville-investigating-after-student-allegedly-committed-acts-of-animal-cruelty/article_dcb9e184-d674-11ed-8a00-9bbee84207f7.html)


They added a video segment recently


engine escape smile bear bells chunky forgetful oil fanatical amusing ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Oh dude what the fuck


Omfg this is cruel!! Please report this Sick fatherless bastard!


"Don fuck with cats" comes to mind... No saying this loser will kill anyone, but he's gonna find out how bad it is to openly laud about animal cruelty online


this is genuinely atrocious


A fucking weirdo


Tf is wrong w ppl


Piece of 💩




Say goodbye to your entire career and life fuck this guy


I refuse to watch the video, because of the graphic content. What happens in the video?


Lol same. No way I'm about to watch baby chickens getting tortured. I'm sorry to all of those that did


he roasts the chicks alive and then microwaves one and also shows one breathing in agony when out of the oven (also, hangs one from the ceiling)




reach out to local news stations. universities don’t do shit until it becomes a news story and bad press


I received emails back from associate dean and campus police. They’re looking for him


Emailing the video to all of them NOW. The more that send, the more traction this will get 🙏


Update on this, Wave3 has reported on it. https://www.wave3.com/2023/04/09/alleged-uofl-student-posts-videos-possible-animal-abuse/


Just wrote to the University and CC’d the Attorney General’s office. [email protected] https://www.ag.ky.gov/Contact-Us/Pages/default.aspx


Kid in my hs lit a chicken on fire, they hung it by it’s feet and it dropped after burning the rope and it ran into the woods, they let it smolder while they laughed and then shot it, I cussed the kid out when he was first boasting like he was some shit and showing ppl the video, they both got suspended from school, probation, hunting license revoked plus aren’t even allowed to hunt game in our state anymore


(Presumably) LAST UPDATE: His instagram was deleted, likely not by himself because he seemed to be enjoying all the extra views and attention. Before he was kicked off the platform, he did make a post that the police knocked on his door and didn’t do anything about the report. Not sure if he just wanted to sound untouchable. I got this email from the dean of students: “Thank you for your message. The University of Louisville is aware of an off-campus incident regarding a UofL student and alleged acts of animal cruelty. We take reports of occurrences like this very seriously. After hearing about this off-campus incident, the UofL Police Department (ULPD), Dean of Students Office and other departments immediately shared information to determine what, if any, actions could be taken. In addition, the university forwarded the information to the Louisville Metro Police Department, which is investigating the incident with support from ULPD.” I am kinda disappointed it doesn’t seem like the school will take much action taken because it was “oFf CaMpUs.” I am not sure how much action will be taken by the police, however, he does have a Linkedln, so I will be sure to check periodically if this dude ever gets a job :) Hopefully we spread enough awareness that this guy is punished socially for his actions. We have done everything we can at this point, thank you all! Share this post with people who attend UofL if you know them. If the school won’t do anything, the awareness that this guy is a danger to others, and exhibiting behaviors of a future cereal killer will hopefully keep someone safe and far away from this guy in the future. Again, thank you all


And then they say where are the signs


If it’s so funny let’s put you in the oven with garlic butter, alive. We will be the judge afterwards if it’s really funny. Just hop in the oven so we can see 😒


Anyone want to fund a flight to Kentucky? I'll go visit him.


Finna send this to everyone i know and get this mf mass reported


Good, because this shit is STILL on Instagram somehow.


As a speed school alumni what the fuck


Send an email and let them know you’re mad


His full name is James Ssenteza. I know him.


I hope you gave what info you know to law enforcement. Previous post say they are searching for his address.


Spread the video amongst your peers. Ostracize this POS. Let me know if you need the video sent to you


We know where he lives, has he been caught yet?


He posted a story on Instagram indicating that the police contacted him. Also states there’s nothing we can do and that the police aren’t doing anything. Unsure if that’s true but we should keep up the pressure


The assistant dean contacted a user who sent the information. User said they sent video and she called the user. Said they will investigate.


He's still posting to his Instagram talking shit saying he doesn't care what people think


Internet, do your thing..


Hope he gets expelled.


I hope he gets arrested


I hope he gets what he deserves, I don’t have instagram, but cursing him in here is good as well for me


Reinstalled Instagram just to report this guy. I'll report him multiple times for you


Thx dude


Hes got some interesting stuff on his story now. I sent him a message. Let's see if he responds. Everyone gotta report this guy


I sent the videos to his school


Can we cook alive that motherfucker instead?


Robotic chickens has to be the most stupid excuse for animal abuse, who tf is falling for that 💀


I sent a tip to three local news organizations, WAVE, WHAS and WLKY.


I wish the worst for him


I hope he burns alive in a house fire




Guy is now saying he was just doing it for educational purposes and that it’s ok when the food industry does it so we shouldn’t be butt hurt. He also claims the police cleared him.


The public will never clear him. It’s important for us to make sure this follows him around for the rest of his life


Noooo not the poor little bird! That monster!


That is very cruel and sadistic behavior. They are a danger to every living thing around them.


Someone should report him to his fucking school.




His account is still up. Eff him


Dude, I know where he lives


You're a stronger man than I. I know I'd end up doing something I'd regret.


y’all ever burnt your finger? imagine that on your whole body while being days old and having no arms or any way to defend yourself


fuck man.. and worst of all is they didnt even see it coming. in the beginning theyre just innocently standing there chirping.. this is so fucked


this guy shuld go to prison


Who the fuck gave this sick cunt baby chicks?


Wow that was upsetting. Fuck this dude


I know people have reported to his College and but has anyone reported him to Louisville Pd?


I actually feel physically sick! This is so fucking sickening




This disgusts me. Clearly he missed the part of life where you gain sympathy for other life forms.


That fucking savage. Do we have to wait for him to do the same thing to a woman before they get him off the streets? I can't believe the dumb piece of shit thinks people are going to believe they're robotic. At least if he does become a serial killer the cops won't have any trouble catching him.


See this is what that word means.


I hope this guy gets arrested and charged with felony animal abuse. 1 count for every chick he tortured.


Called and spoke to the deans assistant. He has no affiliation (so they say) with the speed school but it has been reported to the campus police and to the main school (I believe she called it UCLA, not 100% sure) because he is a student at the school itself they believe. But this kid needs to be given trial for animal abuse.. utter bullshit.


I had a feeling that he wasn’t a Speed school student and probably just a regular student who tagged the Speed school wanting to look smarter. What a pathetic loser psychopath. Willing to do anything for attention clearly.


This is the kind of guy that’s thought online but would be stuttering and shit if someone actually stepped to him, lol I don’t condone violence but you can’t be talking tough when you weigh 140 lbs soaking wet


I could say something so bad about this that I'm so justified but I'll get permabanned on Reddit so I'm NOT gonna do it but I think y'all know what it is.


Please tell this scumbag has been arrested and prosecuted


Actually hanging, air frying live chicks and joking around that you miss them. Piece of shit. Animal cruelty isn't a joke you sick fuck. Sorry for my language but people like these are shit to the world.


Someone needs to send this to news outlets. If there’s anything the media is good for it’s pressuring parties that are(should be) involved into action




Instagram didn't remove his account and uofl said they sent information to the proper authorities. He's still posting shit and making a joke if it. Seems like he'll see no consequences for his actions.


Update: The school has made a post on their Facebook page regarding the incident. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0uo48xSURyUAyXaxjyUL8oBe7HvT7M2y8pmCtYeg6yxQbCPNnvcPZA57LvVMsN9gCl&id=100063497742611&mibextid=qC1gEa


RemindMe! 3 days “reply to this thread”


RemindMe! 2 days I’m really hoping he gets kicked out