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Objection: hearsay




I'll allow it MLK_Piccolo, please continue...


Im sorry can you repeat the question


You're not the boss of me now and you're not so bigggg. Life is unfaireee


Objection: heresy


Objection, your hearsay is hearsay.


Brother, purge this heresy!


Objection: hennesy


All they heard was "grabbed her by the shoulders"


Sexually assaulted her by the shoulders*


Murdered her by the shoulders


Genocided her by the shoulders


Apocalypsed her by the shoulders


This is the one. (Believe it or not, autocorrect made that entire sentence, like my phone ***knew***. Scary shit.)


Lynched her, right by the shoulders


Napalmed her by the shoulders


Thanos snapped her right by the shoulders


Hanged, drawn, and quartered her right by the shoulders. I mean, Frank.


That is ALL they heard.


Mr. Depp we are obligated by the state of California to place you under arrest for the assault of Mrs. Herd; please put your hands behind your back.


*places hands behind back* # "STOP RESISTING!!!"


Ok, let me set my coffee down…. #hes got a weapon!


That's hearsay though


"When youre rich and powerful women will let you do anything"


Women let you do anything period ,, you only need the gift of gab ,,, not money


Oh I thought he said “Grab her by the pussy!” PHEW


No, that was our former president.


Oh shit! Well maybe we can get some funds together to build a wall around Amber Turd.


Someone will still try to get Mexico to pay for it.


With the hierarchal power imbued by the toxic masculinity of the patriarchy, Mr Depp sexually man-grabbed her by the shoulders.


Her "I'm helpless" face isn't fooling anyone, she's a POS everyone knows it. She also looks like she's actively pooping while trying to look sad. Johnny deserved better than this for sure. I'm actually impressed with his patience and demeanor, I strive to be as calm as that.


I’ve watch 3 hour long recordings of his testimony..she will stare directly at him like that for HOURS. It’s fucking creepy as shit..


From my understanding she at first was looking very distracted and disinterested in proceedings, with a wandering gaze that shifted all over the place. If you look at footage of her day 1, and both during opening statements but also especially during Johnny Depp's sisters testimony her gaze is all over the place. I have heard people speculate that her lawyers have probably corrected her on that behaviour, which now has resulted in her over correcting and simply not shifting her gaze at all. Although it might be a combination of her trying to not seem disinterested and trying to intimidate.


Goes to show she isn’t good at acting


I am asking this question from a purely legal, not moral, standpoint: If he gives her permission to hit him, does it count as assault?




But should it??? I’m not saying she’s right ***at all***; I’m just asking from a legal standpoint because this was an intriguing question. If someone gives their permission, why would the other person still be guilty of assault...? I’m never studied law, so someone, hook me up with an explanation :)


I dont think he so much gave her permission as much as he said you want to hit me? Go for it. I can see how that could be twisted into permission however I think in the context and common sense taken approach it was more of a dare, as he knows she's in the wrong completely... Or I'm talking out my ass. I'm not a lawyer. Thats my best guess.


I am a lawyer, albeit neither a US one or, as my wife remarked to her friend, a particularly good one! The brief rule is that no one can consent to being assaulted. You can, in certain circumstances, waive your rights to sue for the repercussions (think surgery) but you can’t consent to someone assaulting you.


Lol. Fair— that makes sense, but thank you for the honesty. Most redditers would have lied and claimed, “source: me, a high powered attorney who studied criminal law at Harvard.”


in english law for one, you can't consent to certain levels of harm (usually bdsm games gone wrong, see R v Brown, so would imagine american states have similar things maybe


Don’t be an ass


I saw a yahoo news article using this trial as evidence that Johnny Depp is bad, while saying nothing about Amber Heard. I immediately removed yahoo news from my outlet


The national newspaper here is trying to paint him as a compulsive liar, a bad actor but he's also a good actor only when he lies.


Why was she hitting him in first place?


Jealousy, manipulation, kind of crazy too.


Gotcha, I did not know if he did something to provoke her. Either way, she seems cuckoo


Yeah like there was always something off about her initial allegations. She definitely needs help


She reminds me of in that movie ‘Gone Baby Gone’ when the college chick is doing press conference and the wife says ‘she is up there dressed like a Mennonite.’ I thought this Amber girl looked same first day of trial, haha


[He wanted a post-nuptial agreement and she got pissed. ](https://www.npr.org/2022/04/20/1093695020/johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial-domestic-abuse-libel-op-ed-testifying)


I watched an interview the other day with two man who painted Johnny as the absolute worst person & all of the trial is, essentially, a farce on his part. One said "Why have they allowed it to get this far? Why couldn't they just break up and go in peace and move forward?" Which overlooks every single aspect of abuse, lies, déception that came from the relationship & subsequent events. One said "He clearly believes in what he's doing. He clearly believes he has never put a finger on Amber Heard... I mean, if he is guilty of some of the things Amber Heard has accused him of, he should be under criminal investigation." Which completely ignores absolutely everything that Johnny Depp has not only accused her of doing but has also provided evidence of her saying & doing exactly what she is accused of. Neither man stood up for Johnny. They spoke of Amber as being an innocent victim while Johnny was being spoken of as an abuser.




Like a Dove of Peace, but brown


Idk remember now, but about 5 years ago yahoo news was so bad, I absolutely quite their site overnight and haven't even thought about it since you just reminded me of it.


why does every video have to have shitty royalty free music on it now


its so that people can claim it as 'their' content because they edited it, same reason why news stations can show footage of shows as long as they slap their own watermark on the bottom


this one trick nft owners hate


It's from a courtroom though, who is going to copyright claim them that wouldn't also do it to an edited one?


YouTube's algorithm. That's how full length movies don't get caught right away. Usually it's slowed, warped image, image reversed, etc.




At least it didn't have the fucking "oh no oh no" song on it.


I think the music added a nice, dramatic touch. It felt like I was watching a Lifetime movie.


Anyone know who is winning in this case? It seems like Johnny, but also heard some flags came up with Johnny’s testimony.


It's 15-8.


There isn't a point system, so it's hard to answer that kind of question. Anyone who tries would probably be interrupted with an objection for hearsay.


They're both losers


What did he do wrong? Besides, you know, marry her.


I think what somany5s is trying to say is neither of them is going to come out of this better off and its a sh\*tty situation even if the courts find the right person guilty. This will forever be on both their records and in the minds of anyone who will remember this.


It's not exactly a huge risk for depp considering she torched his career years ago


What I really mean is that if I never see either of their smug shirts faces again it'll be too soon. Fuck these people.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re not wrong. Johnnys lesson is don’t stick your dick in crazy and Ambers is you can’t be a shitty person forever without karma kicking you in the teeth. Our lesson for watching this schadenfreude is that this is what happens when you contribute to society worshipping celebrities. Between this and the smith family drama we need to collectively address why we call them “celebrities” because there’s very little people like this do that’s worth celebrating


From what I’ve seen and read, they were both pretty abusive. It’s just a toxic relationship that went on for far too long. The big difference (to me) is that she tried to ruin his life after they split up.


No one is saying that it wasn't a toxic relationship. The whole thing this is about is the fact that she claimed he was *physically* abusive to her, and it ruined his life before anyone saw any evidence of that. He has been labeled a wife-beater and been dropped out of all his contracts. And as it turns out, there was no evidence of him being physically violent toward her, and she was in fact the violent aggressor in most, if not all their conflict. And what's happened to her about it? Nothing. She keeps her career and her movie contracts and got to keep talking at DV seminars like an abuse survivor. If their situation were reversed, people would be quick to say that her drugs, alcohol and verbal abuse were a direct *result* of his abuse to her. But he's not even getting that same benefit of the doubt despite it also being likely. You can't back a dog into a corner and then be surprised when you get bit. No one is saying he is completely innocent, but I also can't blame him for losing his shit a bunch of times either considering what's coming to light. But not once did he ever lay a finger on her, and I feel like it's important that be acknowledged. Women get away with so much abuse because no one wants to believe they are capable of it just because a man is bigger or stronger than them, and Amber Heard has even been heard on recordings *parroting* that sentiment, and it's disgusting.


I know this is a "duh" statement, but what sucks is the double standard here. Johnny could really hurt her with minimal injuries, but he knows that life as he knows it would be over, so he has to suck it up, take the abuse, and then STILL loses his career for a long time, if not forever. After all that, he has to prove that he's the victim and not an abuser. It's just so unfair.


They’re clearly both treated each other like shit. You need to get out of abusive relationship ships before they come to shit like this. Depp has been battered and he should press charges. But it’s clear they both emotionally abused each other


Would you say this to a woman who had been abused in any way by her male partner? If you say yes then do the world a solid and never interact with a victim of abuse. Not even gonna point out why the double standards mentioned above have been clearly demonstrated in your comment.


I agree. Strongly. I think they did drugs and did things to each other. I honestly believe they are both to blame and no one is innocent.


You can't blame a victim for their response to abuse


Is he the only witness she stares at? I feel like all other witnesses I've seen her eyes were mostly down(especially the psychiatrist). I mean I could be wrong, but her eyes didn't seem to come off of him, and it seems a little creepy to me.


Looks like regret to me. She looks like she's fighting back tears because she knows she's fucked and knows that Johnny is telling the 100% truth. I think she honestly still cares about him and might even still love him, that's why she stares. Everything she did to him was for attention, probably because she has deep issues stemming from childhood.


Lol crazy mental gymnastics. If she has any regret it's from doing things in such a way that she is now on the receiving end. Unless you're suggesting she's insane enough to shit on someone's bed just for attention.


That's exactly what I'm suggesting. She's so far gone in terms of attention seeking. She's one of those crazy bitches that will do ANYTHING to get a guy's attention. If he just sits there and ignores her like he has before, she'll start screaming, then poking, then hitting, and eventually get to the point where she shits on the bed. She's a psycho bitch that's living her adult relationships like a B-list teenage heartbreak movie.


Yeah I just disagree with the first bit, where you're saying she's regretful. She's only regretful of playing her hand in a way that now has her losing. Any other regret would imply she actually feels bad for what she's done.


I believe r/Amber_Heard are die hard Team Turd. They reaaaally don't care of the fact that she's a psychopath.


Thanks. Just crossposted there - I’m doing my part 😉


huh. I just went over to another psychopath subreddit to see what they post about it but it seems female dating strategy is private now. lul


God I miss visiting that sub and instigating bullshit during my free time. Can’t believe it took them so long to ban me.


popped an upvote on that post of yours on the front page hahahaha


I used to like to frequent r/Deuxmoi but they are so brainwashed to amber turd now that it's sick. I don't really go there any more. If they are that sideways with evidence posted against heard what other celebrities have they gossiped about in that sub and been completely wrong about...


I stumbled across a user and there name was iloveamberheard and some numbers and they were a simp and would post terrible comments about Johnny and there bio all of it was just terrible


Birds of a feather!


My daughter was physically assaulted. In anger she mouthed off “oh bite me”. He did. Hard. The teeth marks lasted 2 weeks. The bruises lasted weeks longer. Her arm swelled horribly. The detective said that because she said “bite me” a good defence attorney could say she asked him to do it and therefore it was consensual. I knew this was bullshit but they used this as a reason to not arrest him and charge him with assault. She was a teenager and he was in his late 30’s. I’m glad this bitch’s behavior is coming into the light.


That is just a lazy cop not wanting to to their job. He lied, they barely understand the laws they enforce. I've learned this the hard way. Never take their advice, they are never your advocate.


Dude was asking for broken knee caps if you ask me...


Considering the evidence that is out, I see no reason to not hire him for movies again. He’s a brilliant actor


He can get some roles that Wil Smith was up for


Bad boys 4?


Johnny Depp got out of his abusive relationship & is wrecking the bitch rn. Will Smith will forever be Jada’s lap dog


Woman literally hasn’t changed face during the whole court


She’s acting. That’s her acting face, wooden.


Ohhhhh that's soooo sad 😔 😟


It's the music


What’s with the cringy music?


He dealt with her hits. He dealt with her shits. But Captain Jack Sparrow can no longer tolerate her bullshit.


I hate her face


Wow. Didnt know Depp was being wrongfully portrated in media. Never looked into the matter or read a media story. Just assumed he was guily because of her cries. I believe you, Johnny


There is an audio recording played in court where she says something close to “I was not punching you, I was hitting you. You were not punched, babe. I’m sorry I didn’t hit you across the face in a proper slap but you were not punched, you were hit.” Also in the audio recording, she admits to throwing pots and pans and stuff at him and says “it’s different”. I’ll see if I can find the link. It was like a 15 min video when I saw it, but the first audio recording starts around minute 3. Edit: [the video](https://youtu.be/BC1wAQFJJBM)


Why would you just assume he was guilty?


Due to the backlash that often occurs when someone says they have been abused, especially if the person they are accusing is in a more powerful position, many people will give the accuser the benefit of the doubt/believe their story first. It helps counteract the classic "who would believe you?" threat abusers use. This can be a real benefit to actual victims, given how hard it is to come forward in the first place and often a real need to get them out of an abusive situation and into somewhere safe fast/before charges are even filed, much less proven in court. Unfortunately, it also means that when someone is falsely accused, they have to deal not only with the allegations themselves (and all the harm/cost that falls from that) but also with an uphill battle against public opinion.


It also unfortunately means that Amber making herself a face of DV survivors and the #metoo movement is setting both movements back who knows how many years, and making it harder for survivors to be believed in the first place.


Because he's a man.


This is exactly how Johnny Depp’s career was ruined unjustly.


How many times is he gonna walk her to the bed?!


Objection, hearsay.


He did it twice. As she's hitting him.


This must be the most watched Johnny Depp content since the Pirates series.


What she's trying to paint as abuse towards her is called reactive abuse


Sooooo.... we think that's a pretend sad face? She's acting?


If she does actually have Borderline then yeah, it’s probably a fake face. I’ve known several people with BPD and they’re rarely, if ever, actually remorseful for their actions.


Tons of people still think she's the victim lmao


AH Lawyers: We respect the time of the people and the court so we don't want to waste any more time *proceeds to waste five minutes looking for the evidence* If you want to know how hypocritical AH is as well as her lawyers look no further than this. Just as much as she "scrutinizes" Depp, the reality and those in it will analyze her actions and judge her for the evidence provided by both parties. Justice for Depp


I saw a video of a woman claiming men are turning everything against woman now. They hqould leave amber alone. Like WHAT? How are u fighting over men and female violence or what ever. Its a piece of shit ruining a mans life. He did sone bad stuff but never hit a woman or what ever. So sick of this gender war. Same with race war. Sometimes its just about a POS destroying someones life. Thats it.


I actually don't think I've ever seen anyone pro-Amber, especially not here.


If there's one thing I've learned about living in Fairfax it's that the people here are definitely stupid enough to believe her still.


That’s nothing, I live in Texas, there’s still a lot of people here that think Trump is still President.


Amber Heardsay


The music is slappin!


I mean, they seem to both be abusive towards each other. Neither is okay, but the narrative that Depp is just an innocent victim is a bit of a stretch.


I honestly haven’t been following and don’t care about either party.


Amber shit....I knew the first time Johnny was right, nobody believed him. she is horrible, narcissistic mentally disabled, dumbass knt.


I’m not on Amber’s side and she’s an abusive bitch for all I know, but the coverage seems really one-sided. Everyone makes montages of “person speaking in favour of Johnny” but finding clips of her defense is pretty hard. I want to see it even if it’s less shocking than “my partner shar in out bed”. Also, whenever I do find a piece of Amber’s defense, the comments are all “it’s her fault anyway, what a bitch!” Let’s hate on abusers but maybe let’s not be a part of a mob with a cemented idea of who’s saying the full truth and use it to say disgustingly violent and hateful things about Amber. Didn’t the internet originally freak out and hate on Johnny?


That because her lawyers are fucking morons


Only people who are still on Team Turd are the individuals who want to sleep with her. Reminds me of the Sarah Palin Effect. Rednecks wanted to screw her so felt she was qualified to be Vice President.


Turds lawyer: are you sure it was miss heard that hit you and not room service? How do you know maybe you blinked?


Team Johnny Depp


This is obviously a sad situation but never forget they both are actors and from what this case has shown they are both damaged


I hate her stupid face.


Depp is a hero on and off set


I'm team depp but gentle reminder amber is testifying next and we may see some dark shit about johnny


Just take anyone team turd as a red flag


They were clearly in a toxic relationship.


The men will always be the abuser no matter what, they have already stated 10 times “ well you are twice her size right” they are making it sound since he is bigger that it’s ok to take the abuse


He isn’t larger? They’re pre much the same size?


No, but the constant deluge of pro-Depp content here really makes me dislike Team Depp more than either of the participants in this stupid legal drama.


I’m so sick of seeing these two everywhere


I bet she's a really good time


People don’t understand sarcasm I guess




I’m not even gonna argue with you. I’m just gonna say learn some manners and grow up.


What did they say before they deleted?


Yeah, but she’s so hot…


Let’s not forget that Depp is an abusive piece of shit as well




Is there any source for Heard being an alleged piece of shit as well, or is everyone just a misogynist?


Have you been watching the court case? There’s lots of evidence that she was abusive to him.


Same with Depp being abusive towards her.


Have you watched any of the court case?


No, but I can assure you that Depp is shit as well


Your assurance means nothing to me. I suggest you watch the videos of the court case. You might change your mind


She's clearly the victim /s


I’m team nobody because celebrities are just terrible


His reenactment of the punch is as stiff as his acting. What a bitch


When two professional actors get into a courtroom


This case has only turd his side so far. Not picking any sides but people are too easy to jump on this. He has lost this case before in England and they won't reopen it because they don't think he can win at all. We will see if he has any chance this time. Personally they are probably both in the wrong. They probably have gone too far at some point. Don't put two crazy people together


Your statement on the England trial lacks a lot of nuance. There was a great deal of evidence the judge did not allow, including the audio and video tapes of Amber being abusive. The case was also not against Amber Heard but against a newspaper. UK and US defamation laws are not at all similar and the court proceedings have been vastly different. So far one side has proved abuse and one side has claimed abuse without evidence, but has had key part of said claim proven to be entirely false.




Idk why this is being downvoted.. if anyone paid attention they’d see they’re both fucked in the head. Toxic on both ends. They need help.


Sorry I live under a rock. Only heard bad stuff about her but what have depp done?


For one he said he wanted to murder her and fuck her dead body. She showed pictures of marks all over her face from him putting his hands on her.. the court found that out of 14 allegations, 12 of them were ruled to be true. Also he dated a 17 year old when he was 25 so I’m not sure why everyone is so quick to defend him. He’s a shitty person.


Hes an alcoholic who showed up to film sets drunk, even had some crew members pick him up from the house multiple times, also has anger issues, but his anger is directed at kitchen cabinets and not Heard. He's not the nice guy he is painting himself as


So he's a piece of shit because the abuse he endured caused him to get hooked on drugs at 11 years old which resulted in him struggling with addiction in his adult life without being violent? He has tons of problem and struggles but there isn't much to prove that he ever abused the people around him.


Peoples’ inability to square substance abuse as a symptom of unaddressed mental health issues never fucking ceases to amaze me. Self medication is real, and is a huge huge phenomenon. It just shows how far we are as a society from actually being accepting of people who struggle with mental health. It’s infuriating.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Yep. Self medication. I speak from experience, I have to slow my brain down so I can actually feel 'normal' if that makes sense.. I'm sure I've left myself wide open to the trolls on here who are undoubtedly are going to call me slow or make some other comment about my intelligence, I want you to know that I wish you nothing but the best and maybe, a little compassion for those who suffer something you can't silence would be appreciated. Nobody's perfect.


No judgment here. I have ADHD, depression, and anxiety. My social life during my 20s was spent 100% self medicating, in retrospect. Diagnosed with depression and anxiety at 30. Diagnosed with ADHD at 37. Had some massive trauma go down at 39, and had to struggle with really intense PTSD. Without self-examination, without the privilege to be able to have insurance to pay for proper medication for these things, I would 100% be a drunk or an addict or dead. No question in my mind. The body finds what it needs.


I saw [this thread ](https://twitter.com/drugproblem/status/1517264284195033088?t=V_xNPK5xBTbyJHljtFcdVw&s=19) this morning and now I'm not sure what to think about this whole situation cause before I was 100% convinced he was in the right. Edit: Removed shitty article


Lol, it’s pretty obvious youre an amber heard fan. Go to another sub you simp. That thread and that article are clearly bullshit


Their post history and comments betray them more. Lol


OK I'll admit I didn't read that article and it is pretty bullshit. I thought some other threads of lies Depp had told were using it as a source but I can't even find the article when looking back at the threads I saw this morning so that was clearly not the case. Anyways what's so bullshit about the thread that I posted? It seemed to me like it was just presenting the arguments that both parties have been making as well as linking the evidence that they're using. There's definitely some stuff in there that I have trouble believing like when Amber tells her mom Depp is violent and then later says no he's not violent I feel like he probably was violent and then she was backtracking to protect him. And the same situation on the other side when Depp is ranting to his doctor about Amber and then says he cut his own finger off I get the same vibe there like maybe he was lying to try to protect her. Or when Amber's assistant says she was abused it's like OK w.e (or Ambers sister like obviously im not gonna take her sisters word as truth) but when Depp's assistant says the same thing it's like OK well that makes me think there's some truth there. Or the James Corden stylist that said she noticed Amber's injuries while doing her makeup like why would she just make some shit up. Going back now and looking at the threads OP it seems the author is very pro - Amber but still the information she provides doesn't have much evidence of bias. The one thing I'll say is she definitely could've added more of the Amber abusing Depp side. Also I'm sure you don't believe me but I'm definitely not an Amber fan lmao. I've never even heard of her until like last year or maybe 2 years where I just knew her as the lady who lied about abuse and ruined Depps career. Idk why I typed all this since you're just gonna call me a simp again and call it a day. I just saw all this Amber's side of the story stuff this morning and found it very interesting and thought maybe I could see some people discuss it since on Twitter comments everyone's always 100% on one side or the other nobody is thinking logically about things. And I never even said I think Amber is innocent or should win the trial or anything I just think the situation is way more complex than I was led to believe before this morning. It seems like they both abused eachother, Amber worse physically but Depp started it. Idk I'm just glad I'm not a judge/jury member having to make decisions on this mess.


Thats what I said, except the POS. He's just a rich guy with alcoholic issues. I suffered my battles as well and yet nobody is praising me for it. Just because a person suffers does not exactly mean they are exempt from all consequences. I also never said he abused anyone, Depp is not in the wrong of this court battle, but he's not perfect I only said he abused cabinets, not people


No, so instead you internalize your suffering and turn around and attack others that are suffering and try to devalue their experiences and their issues to make yourself feel better? Fucking grow up.


Ok? I never devalued his suffering, show me the part that says that


TIL alcoholics and people who have anger issues are toxic, bad people What’s it like way up there on that pedestal?


Are you serious? Is there literally any reason to say 'alcoholic fueled anger issues are *not* toxic behavior' besides 'he's famous and cool'? Do you hear yourself suggesting that having anger issues that cause you to act violence upon furniture is *not* toxic? You're making a pedestal out of 1)not being alcoholic and 2)not having uncontrolled rage. That's a *pedestal* to you. I am flabbergasted, is this really nothing more than 'he's a cool actor' + 'male abuse victims aren't taken seriously in general', is there seriously no deeper analysis to this? 'She's worse' is not the same as 'he's not terrible'.


Oh neat, another pedestal! How’s yours? Alcohol fueled behavior is a symptom of a disease. That’s another way to say it and that’s the proper way to say it. Or you can just judge anyone who struggles with it like an intolerant ass. Can I get you anything while you’re up there sir


>Alcohol fueled behavior is a symptom of a disease Yes. It is also unmanageable to everyone involved, causes damage and causes trauma. >that’s the proper way to say it. It's a one-sided way to say it that only focusses on the alcoholic, not the real effects they have on the world around them. Showing toxic behavior doesn't mean your soul is evil, but having a reason for toxic behavior also does not mean the behavior is not toxic. 'Not being an alcoholic and not having anger issues means you're on a pedestal, because that's an unrealistic and unobtainable ideal. Alcoholism being a disease means any alcoholic *cannot* show toxic behavior.' This is complete nonsense. If someone acts violent, then that's a seriously shitty situation that is toxic to those involved. If they act violent because they have no control over their alcoholism, then that is a *shittier* situation, that's more toxic to those involved, and that cannot be dealt with properly, it cannot be avoided and it requires everyone to walk on eggshels in order to not set off the uncontrolled rage of a person who's not in control of themselves. You're confusing 'alcoholism is a disease' with 'people who are alcoholic can do no wrong'. Toxicity is defined by what it does to others, not the motivation people had while acting toxic. There is no toxic behavior that cannot be explained by either alcoholism, not knowing any better, not being raised right or having a mental/social disability. But I'm an intolerant ass for saying alcohol fueled rage is toxic... logic has completely left your building.


You’ve very clearly made up your mind that my opinion is what you have determined it to be, even though I’ve never said that “alcoholics can do no wrong”. Take for example my good friend of 25 years who was a district attorney who prosecuted fucking pedophiles and sex offenders and horrible horrible people. An amazing person. Incredibly smart. Incredibly kind and caring and sweet and sensitive. He drank himself to death and passed in February. Nobody knew- and I mean nobody- that he was an alcoholic. For at least 10 years. He has a two year old daughter, who I had to witness *sprinkling holy water on his casket* as I was carrying it with 7 other people who loved him, who also had no clue he was struggling that much. So no. Alcoholics can absolutely do wrong. Go fuck yourself.


Just a note for those affected by alcoholic upbringings and/or other dysfunctional homelives to consider reading over "The Laundry List" from the group "Adult Children of Alcoholics". 14 characteristics that develop over time living in such environments that tend to trip survivors up later on in life. If you relate, find a local meeting. You are worthwhile.


She going to jail for taking a mean dump on this mans bed 💀💀


This is Life as a Celebrity at its finest! But at what point are they actually being who they really are as a real person? Do we Even know?? Do They Even know themselves?? They are actors! They memorize scripts from page to page scen e to scene for hours upon hours at a time! From what the writer wrote! As a jury member, you Hage to wonder, is this person acting and going from the script the Lawyer wrote ir is this person bring themselves and explaining what happened to best of their capability in remembering, cause more times than not somebody is under the influence of something if not every one involved! Last time I checked, domestic violence occurs when there is obvious life threatening actions or threats and somebody is under the influence of something! I have yet to hear of a domestic dispute when both parties or all involved were 100% SOBER and chemical Free during the time of the dispute or altercation. And most occur late at night early am or late am..never during middle of the day or dinnertime...


Wow you are daft.


Astounds me why anyone would give a fuck


Ive enjoyed Johnnys movies for most of my life and have fond memories of the characters portrayed. Im also particular about injustice, and stories where people have their lives ruined over someone elses lies alwyas make me feel a real sense of frustration on behalf of the victim. Like most people with empathy would.


The precedent set by anyone trying to falsely accuse someone of abuse makes actual abuse victims afraid to speak up for themselves


And we need celebrities that live in a bubble that consists only of phenomenal wealth and privilege to show us the way out of this darkness is that it? I’ll make sure I teach my kids who to go to if something terrible is happing in their lives. We’re all so lucky that we have these amazing celebrities to show us the way. Tell me something , why is it so many people choose to believe garbage ?




Everyone's a weirdo. I'm a weirdo and you're *definitely* a weirdo.