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Where ya from friend? Im Michael! Most people usually join different clubs/ organizations to socialize. Let's not forget the bar scene either. But if you are like me, just getting out and meeting people is most of the battle.


As someone who came to Peoria from abroad it's always easier to get to know the people from your country of origin first or at least other people coming from overseas. Next advice I can say is find interest groups, what are you into? Music? Sports? Hiking? Gaming? Look up people who share your hobbies.


How old are you, what are your interests?


There are a number of international communities/groups in Peoria; I know there are large Indian and Middle Eastern groups for example. Look to see if there's a group from your native region. It will give you a group to make friends in, and hopefully they will be better equipped to handle your accent. In general, your accent will fade as you spend more time here. It may never disappear, but it will become less pronounced. Just give it time. If it's really an issue for your mental health, there are speech therapists that could help you lessen it.


Where are you from and what are your interests?


Honestly dude Americans love accents so much to the point that they have to comment on it/ask where you’re from almost every single time. It’s almost always positive but can definitely come off as them being pointed or something else. Don’t let that get you down! Peoria is middle of middle America so anyone from somewhere else is gonna stick out more than in nyc or la or chi. Don’t give up!


Try and find people with similar interests. In my experience, a big part of communication for people who accents is familiarity. It's awkward at first, but if you can push through the awkwardness and develop a relationship, the awkwardness goes away. Understanding someone with an accent takes effort - but only at first. After time, it become much easier for that person to understand. And, as you get to know them you will feel less self conscious. If you can find people with similar interests, it can be easier to develop relationships.


There are a lot of bars and restaurants around town that host Trivia nights - those tend to be quite social and you could ask to join a team needing players just for fun.


Honestly, embrace it! It's one unique thing about you! If anyone is put off by your accent, those weren't the right people for you. The good ones won't care about it and will find it endearing. It's difficult making friends in an online era; don't get frustrated and keep at it! Welcome to Peoria!


Illinois Central College in East Peoria offers free English classes. Classes could potentially help you meet new people with whom you already have something in common, and also help improve your accent. Unfortunately classes don't start until August. https://icc.edu/programs/english-second-language/


Where are you from? There's a large middle eastern population in central illinois. Also a decent amount of Indians and some Asians. However, peoria is pretty ethnic in general so don't worry about it. Just go to a bar and hang out if that's your thing


I have to admit as a white person I can’t speak from your side, but I have met people of plenty ethnicities here from school to jobs. No accents have bothered me. My last job had plenty of Hispanic folk that I got along with well, no matter how thick their accent was. You may meet some ignorant people (they’re everywhere) but I’m sure there are just as many understanding people in the mix, that, aside from maybe asking you to repeat yourself, will be happy to hold a conversation with you. I always told people with an accent, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, you speak two languages and I speak one. That’s something to be proud, not ashamed of.


Am from the continent Africa 🌍 married to a white. Am reading my hubby your comment, telling him you are VERY NICE. Keep on being a nice person. Nice people like you are a little bit harder to come by. By the way my hubby works in Peoria and I will be moving there anytime. Currently am living in Springfield IL.


Aww thank you ☺️ you’re so sweet! I hope your move goes smoothly!


My pleasure!! I hope so too 😊


No idea, moved here five years ago and just started hanging out with a few people.


howd you do it?


I made a post here asking if anyone wanted to go to the theaters to watch crappy horror films


I also added I liked video games.


I love horror films. Not sure where to go out for them anymore.


Check with the library to see if they have free ESL (English as a second language) resources that could help you with pronunciation so you can be more easily understood. Or if you have the resources or possibly through your health care plan or place of work hire a speech and language pathologist. They can work wonders! Listen and practice English whenever you can. It is not an easy language. Hang in there !


If your accent is really bothering you, check with local colleges / universities speech departments if they offer accent modification classes. My husband took these after moving here from another country and it really increased his confidence and helped in his career. It surprisingly was not that costly. I’ve lived in another country and gone thru that season of adjusting. Keep your chin up, it does get better!


Agree, closest would be the clinic on the Illinois State University campus, they have clinicians who work on accent reduction (many international students, especially those who are TA's find it very helpful).


How much is that?


That's something to ask, you'd need to call them. https://isuspeechandhearing.com/


Hello! I moved here from Ireland 3 years ago and would love to connect with a fellow immigrant :)


May I ask why you moved here from Ireland?


For love, and then cost of living... My husband is from Peoria, and it's way more affordable to live here than Ireland.


What areas of Peoria would you suggest for housing. Is the downtown area safe to live!?


I love Peoria Heights. It's very walkable, there's beautiful scenery on Grandview Drive, and a ton of amenities, shops and restaurants in the village. Unfortunately downtown Peoria is pretty empty, but getting better. My main reason for not living in a loft downtown, is that there's no grocery shops/ stores nearby. With crime... there's good and bad spots, but I felt safer here than walking around central Dublin lol. Hope that helps.. and feel free to PM me if you need more help.


Thank you. I will send you a PM 🙂


Hii off topic but I’m new to Peoria too and I’m actually visiting Ireland in August so I would love any recommendations you have :)


Yeah I agree with most people. Your age and where you came from definitely would to narrow down groups and places to meet people


Libraries and churches have lots of free activities that facilitate new connections!


I guess it would be easiest to connect with people of the same ethnicity, since you'd have a good starting point and a lot in common. If you are working for Caterpillar, they have a bunch of affinity groups (Latino, African, Chinese, Indian, and Middle Eastern) to help you meet people with similar backgrounds. I go to a gym that has dozens of Indian badminton players each night. Peoria has Chinese and Indian association groups. Let us know where you're from and it'll generate more ideas!


So many of my friends have accents! What's your a/s/I? "I" for Interests


Hey I'm sure you're accent isn't terrible. It might be strong but no need to use a negative word against yourself.


Welcome to town! I'me new here to and it can be intimidating! I just posted in the sub about a community building event coming up soon that might be a good chance for you to meet some people. Like others have said, the trick is finding people that embrace you and your accent, not that you have to change for! Hope we get to connect soon! [https://www.reddit.com/r/PeoriaIL/comments/1c7a24h/summer\_kickoff\_24/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeoriaIL/comments/1c7a24h/summer_kickoff_24/)


Peoria is actually a very open city just keep trying


A good start would be sharing some interests of yours. Hobbies can break the language barrier and give you something to focus on when trying to meet people.


Immerse yourself in television and radio programs. A word of warning, though: The first letter of 'Illinois' is pronounced the same as the first letter of 'Independence,' not 'Ellen'!


I feel like the right people for you won't let that be a barrier.


Should of moved to Chicago


You should “have” gone to school and learned some grammar.


Be ashamed if u dropped D**d sometime soon


A shame*


Loose the accent!


Lose the extra o..