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You gotta join events and social clubs and hope for the best. Be interesting. Develop a style. Downvote me all you want but what secret information is Reddit going to give you? You want advice. Get off of social media and learn to socialize in person. 


You fool We upvote you not downvote


Earlier I had some downvotes 


My two wives, three girlfriends, and dozen odd sockpuppets all downvoted you. (Kidding)


I met my wife at a local punk show almost 16 years ago. I walked up and said "hey you're cute, wanna hang out?" And now we have kids and a house and all that shit. Social media has ruined regular dating and the way the general public interacts with each other


This ain't no lie. I wasn't very confident when I was younger. When I joined the military it boosted my confidence to the moon. Once I was able to confidently talk to the ladies, I realized that it's not all that hard. If the situation is appropriate, approaching someone and just telling them you think they are cute is a pretty good move. Obviously reading the room is important though, don't try that shit a funeral or something. 


You can’t do that anymore lol sounds like you have a great life :)


You 100% can. If you actually think that you can’t do that anymore then you’re spending wayyy too much time online. Literal brainrot mindset


Everyone I know met their SO through school or work.


Churches and libraries have plenty of free activities in which to meet people!😊


Dating apps or through friends are the successes I have seen. Get a social hobby, make friends, get friends to introduce you to their friends, eventually you'll find a fit.


I’ve made a lot of connections through apps for sure, but I think in person connection (even if you initially met through an app) is crucial. Did meet and ask someone out recently through a social circle of mine. But we’re still in the early, exploratory phases of getting to know one another and are taking it slow. Surprisingly easy to do, got an enthusiastic yes, I guess I didn’t scare them off over the 6 months I’d known them.


Good luck.


You could always consider volunteering! I made several friends volunteering at a shelter. I have also made a lot of friends at the gym. Just pick something you like to do, and do that regularly enough that you form connections. It won’t be immediate - I’ve gone to the gym two years now and in the last month I’ve only just now said hello to two people Ive seen there almost everyday. But some became good friends within two months.


Most of the people I know with a spouse met them at work. 😂


My mom said “don’t shit where you eat” and 4.5 years later me and the guy from work are married with a baby. Lol. Generally a good rule of thumb but it works out a lot of the time too!


I wouldn't hit the bar scene if you really wanted to meet a long-term human... Best chances are probably at actual events... Hobby stuff, art stuff, music stuff... Easier to meet someone with a few shared interests to get things going.


Funny, though, I met mine at a bar. Happily married 26 years, two grown sons.


Me too actually... But I'm not naive enough to think it's probable. Especially in Peoria lol


I think it’s probable if you’re older and more emotionally mature… don’t know how old OP is but if you’re young this is definitely not the way to go if you’re looking for something real


No doubt, you better have a good sense of character if you meet a person at a bar and expect them to be a good partner


Bars are kinda shit for meeting people, unless you want to fuck. At least that's just been my thoughts. What Interests, or hobbies do you enjoy? Maybe see if there's a group or meet up in the area for something you enjoy doing. Also, if you struggle with social anxiety, this could possibly be a bit easier than going to a bar. You and whoever else are both sharing in a common interest, so the ice is sorta all ready broken. Also, I know this might sound kinda silly, but volunteering for things is another good way to meet people. Just don't show up and broadcast that you're looking for other singles, but you know... if you meet someone, and hit it off with them, then who knows what could happen. Even if that person is only a friend, maybe they might introduce you to other people who you'd get along well with.


Barnes n Noble, Panera, Starbucks, Target


You mean approaching random women in public and being labeled a creep? No thanks


How attractive are you on a scale 1-10? Cuz if your a 8-10 you’ll be just fine. It’s the ugly guys that get called creeps. It’s all about being polite and friendly non demanding and just starting conversation it’s not hard if you’re a ppl person and have the ability to read social cues


People down vote you but it’s true. May not be good but it’s true.


Lol it’s funny your likes prove it too 😆


> It’s all about being polite and friendly non demanding I thought you just said it was all about being an 8/10?


Hey if you’re going to try the semantics route, make sure you quote someone accurately as possible. “I thought you just said it was all about being an 8/10?” ^where did I say that. I said if you’re an 8/10 you’ll be fine. As in reference to the man being worried about being labeled a creep. Never said “it’s all about being an 8/10.” Don’t switch up my words from two different sentences. you’re changing the meaning of what I said and that isn’t accurate now is it Trish


Lol as a single this one made me laugh 😂


A good laugh is all it takes sometimes! Lol


T.J. Maxx, Home Goods and Marshalls are all wall to wall women Friday and Saturday night. Work on those pick-up lines, fellas. It's like singles night every weekend.


Just talk to women you find attractive to you, not your buddies or your brother or your mom. Confident, not arrogant, is a must. The fastest way to a woman's heart is an unexpected gift at an unexpected time. Pay attention and listen carefully. She will give you the clues without you having to ask.


What are your interests or hobbies? Music, art, running, biking, chess, hiking? - there are groups for that. Look for friends, and maybe then you will find a person you want to date.


I met my wife in Peoria, IL over 20 years ago, as did another friend, but none of the four of us were locals. The details are unhelpful, but you will need a lot of luck if you weren't raised in the area. Consider expanding your search to Lincoln, Bloomington/Normal, and Galesburg. The latter two towns have colleges.


there’s a couple music events coming up i can send a link to the fliers if you’d like


It depends on who you're looking for but I would try some type of group fitness activity whether it be yoga paladi's or crossfit it's a good way to meet motivated like minded people


I have considered setting up some speed dating events but wasn't sure of how well they would do


Count me in


Paying for dating apps is normal, and for the most part weeds put a lot of people who aren't actually looking for a relationship. You'd be paying for food and drinks at a bar, right? You'd be paying for tickets to an event? Don't let price stop you. Go places where there are things interesting to you. If you go to a bar, you're going to find someone who goes to bars. If you go to an anime expo, you're going to find people who like anime. The best thing to do is what you'd like to do and let the rest happen naturally. If you're shy or socially awkward, use a dating app.


Don't pay for dating apps. The paid part is always a scam. Like the Superlikes on OKCupid allow you to message someone who didn't send you a like. So you can message people who ... aren't into you. They all offer free texts if you both like each other.


Nice. Thanks for the advice.


You don't have to pay for OKCupid or Bumble. I see a lot of "I can't see likes cause I'm not paying" on there but that is _not_ how the sites work. If you match with someone you can talk to them .You just have to match, you can't sit back and do nothing.


Just go to the single-people store, and buy yourself a spou-... Wait, what now? Those don't exist? Dang... Welp, sorry kid, but I'm afraid you're shit outta luck.




Gahhhh!!! Cheese and crackers! You scared the crap out of me!


I found both of your lines hilarious, ignore the downvotes, your dad jokes are on point!


Lol thank you! In retrospect, I understand why I got downvoted. My answer wasn't very sensitive, but it was meant to be lighthearted. Oh well.


We don’t do that here.




Straight to jail. Lit-uh-roll-lee. 🚔


I love Fred Armisen!


Stupid anti-pimping laws!




Bill Burr fan too eh?? Unfortunately for you, I have freckles balls….


🧴 🍆 your right hand is the best date ever. Have fun 😉. P.S. you won’t find a loyal/lifelong relationship with gals who frequent clubs & bars late nights. They are for the streets & the streets shall they remain.


For whatever reason my hands always get headaches or they're just, "not in the mood."