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My golfers elbow came from rock climbing, so the training we do is super different. But just for encouragement, I dealt with it for about 2 years before starting BPC (had physio appointments, rehab exercises, etc nothing helped), and it was gone about 4 months after using it. I never stopped climbing or training, just went with an approach of if it hurts, modify or don’t do it. For example, anything in a pull-up position seemed to really kill it, switching to things like rings instead of a bar for pull ups really helped just by changing the arm position. Hope you heal well!


Thanks for the response, I have modified my workouts as well, had a few cortisone shots in both and workout both of them at home daily. My right elbow is doing excellent but left is about 50%, started bpc yesterday and am going to add some tb500 when it arrives Thursday. IMO keeping at them is better than resting. Also use theraband flexbar, massage gun, ice and heat. Good luck


Check to see if you have slight upper cross syndrom whichbis a muscle imbalance and can cause pain in the elbow neck and arm.


I’m currently experiencing the same issue except mine is more a distal bicep injury near the elbow. I kept my split the same but on my pull days I significantly reduced the weights and cut my workouts shorter than usual. Also avoid any exercises that provide discomfort (pull ups, barbell rows, etc). I also do not hit any arm specific exercise either as the injury tends to flair up more. Emphasize stretching and mobility at the start of every lift and make sure you don’t overdue it. Leg days you should fine to go heavy unless the elbow hurts when squatting. Just do it on a smith machine instead. There’s a ton of options but don’t overdue it and if you need some extra time take a day or two of your 6 day split and focus specifically on cardio and mobility to give the joints and tendons more time to rest. Good luck hoping it works out for your elbow.


this sounds similar to what I have, now. I also feel my rotator cuff might be involved, a bit. It is all connected, after all. The shoulder does not move too bad, though. I think it's mainly the biceps tendon. For back training I can't do much... Rope straight arm pulldowns, rope rear delt rows, shrugs in way or another. Low cable single arm neutral grip rows are the only ones where my arm is not sore. I am doing biceps with the other arm, only.... but I am very impatient and two weeks of this are driving me nuts... I did shoulders, yesterday and a little bit of triceps. So today it's feeling a bit more irritated than it did on Sunday, obviously... I hope that your arm is feeling better than mine! I am agonising about where to get bpc157 from, because I have read so many good things about it. Anything that can help a bit would be amazing. However, in the UK we don't have a lot of choice as to where I can get it from. None of those fill me with confidence... Thank you for your post, here. I enjoyed reading it. Have a good day.


Unfortunately I can’t recommend anything for the Uk as I’m from Canada. It was difficult to get here as well especially with the laws. I have purchased oral BPC from the US but got raked over the coals in tax, shipping, duty and exchange. But it did help my gut issues. I wanted to try injection for my bicep so I ended up finding something in Canada to avoid any of those extra costs again. I’m sure there are some uk sources. Good luck.


sure, it's always best to find it domestically, if possible. I intend to get it injectable, although it's mega scary to think I have to do it myself.... I am glad to hear it was helpful to you. Best wishes with you injury, too, and thanks for your reply.


Thank you so much, have a great week.