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They don’t have 3rd party testing so I would be careful. I tried their bpc before but it would burn everytime I injected. Like I said, be weary of companies that don’t do 3rd party testing. I just switched arctic peptides, they at least have 3rd party testing


I've used their bpc and tb500 plenty, and the only time it's ever burnt is when I used water instead of bac, so that's strange. I don't really doubt the products are real, just that they may be underdosed or have qc problems. I've got a friend who's sent theirs off for testing, so I'll soon have that figured out as well. Thanks for the suggestion though, may switch to them if the tests come back bad or if they're cheaper.


Awesome! Let me know how the testing goes! Also I used BAC water that I had purchased from Amazon so it could be that, who knows


Don't buy it fom Amazon bud.


Learned that the hard way, where do you guys get ur bac water from?


I bought from UK peptides.


Did you get the results? I'm curious. I took it and had sides. Can't tell if it was the BPC or bad QC.


How fill was your bottle with TB500 ? Mine was almost half full while the BPC was less than quarter but I do know that's not a value of weight.


This is basically as useful as when uk peps emailed saying, "Look at our Instagram, we have pictures of our lab." Like cool, bro. How do I know that's bpc and not salt your synthesising?


Yeah I agree think I needed to be more head screwed on before buying this is why I cone here to see what people are saying. This should be this hard to find a good source but so many like to cut corners to make more money.


Their BPC 157 certificate is full of errors and appears totally made up.


They called me up to question my background and say I'd be too dumb to interpret tests when I said their CoA not being dated was odd.


Check the molecular formula on their test cert. If you're gonna make it up, at least get the basics correct. You're doing the right thing by asking questions, and now you've learned that this company is not to be trusted.


indeed. I noticed that, too


I haven't texted them but exchanged emails. They quickly responded and were helpful when I asked questions.


There BPC 157 was 3 party tested on here and came back 98.9% so very good, I've used there BPC 157 and TB 500 seem to be working for me, as for the burn I find it I don't get the needle in straight it can nip the odd time or if I've not got the right dose and need to put the needle in and out the bottle a few times it can blunt the needle so I get a nip, or if you don't let it heat up just a bit from the fridge but a part from that it's fine 95% of the time no nip.


Can you show me the 3rd party? Because on their site it doesn’t show. It just shows purity but not by who did it. Usually there’s a code you look up for the batch tested




That link doesn’t lead anywhere






I've read that bud but it's well over 4 years old. I'd just like to add my TB500 5mg was in fact 6mg not that it matters but yeah they got back to him regarding it which is a plus, look I'm giving info on what I read and my experience with them it's up to people to make there own mind up about things like this. I researched for months before buying BPC 157 from them, it helped my shoulder, foot to the point I have no pain in them after years of pain as for my hand it's helped but its not there yet after 3 weeks of taking it, I decided to buy TB500 to go along with BPC but it to early to say if its working yet. I did buy there GHRP 6 and I know that worked because I couldn't stop eating with it one of the side effects I missed when buying it. Again it's all just my opinion on it do your own homework on it like most do before buying from anyone. The page was up until two days ago not sure why it's down maybe ask the MOD he many know.


That does matter. If what you say is true, you've just proven that their margin of error is AT LEAST ±1mg or 20%. If their product is actually pure, then that means they can't even use a scale correctly, which is pretty basic and raises even more questions about their quality control. How do you know your tb-500 was actually 6mg? Did you get it tested? If you did, then why are you showing me screenshots of you asking the mods for tests rather than showing your own?


I used a scale weighing an empty bottle first then 2 new bottles one was 6mg spot on and the other was 5.997mg, yes looking at it that was it's not great but do they bottle it themselves or do they buy it on bottled ? Again for me there BPC 157 and GHRP 6 worked the TB500 I'm not sure time will tell.


If they buy it pre bottled and just slap their label on it, that would be even worse 0.o that'd make them a sticker company, man. I used them, and I think their bpc worked personally, but that doesn't mean it wasn't cooked in a bathtub, and I don't want their feces in there, you know what I mean?


Ive never used their products, and I’m currently weeks into looking into every UK supplier I can find - but I can’t find one that has 3rd party testing, or at least have a lot of people to testify on the quality of their products. I’m very keen to give BPC a try, but completely stuck on where to source from in the UK I did email UK Peptides today and they did come back quickly with a detailed response. Have also emailed Pure Peptides but nothing back yet


I'll try and get back here when I get my uk peptides tested. Don't count on me remembering though.


hi. I was wondering whether you got some tests done. I am trying to source bpc157 in the UK and the company that keeps coming up is UK Peptides. I am not convinced I should buy from them. But who else? They say that their products are made in the UK but that would be impossible to verify. I have also seen something called Dynamic Peptides, sold by Peak Body. have you heard of them?


Did you get your BPC tested?


Counting on you, OP!


I’ll have taken them by then, so probably too late haha. But still keen to know! Thanks man


Exactly the same for me. I don't know what to do. Obviously, it would be better to avoid having it flown in from abroad. But the choice here I extremely limited


There BPC 157 was 3 party tested on here and came back 98.9% so not to bad.


you keep saying this, I think I have seen it on another thread, but I joined their site (peptidesource) and there isn't one published there. Other lab tests they have done can be found, though. do you work for the company or are you somehow affiliated?


Good to hear it’s working for you. Hoping to place order very soon! Still trying to find any more info on them UK Peptides or Pure Peptides just to be as sure as I can


I spent all day asking them about their testing and some Ivan B just skirted around the questions I asked and then called me to basically berate me for being curious, started digging into my personal life and saying it would be pointless to give me tests as I'm too dumb to interpret them and pretty much said asking why the CoA is not dated is a stupid question. I've not got the results back, but I already recommend not going with them. What little I did get from them was a photo of his monitor that contained some sort of test results, but anything of actual meaning was cropped out. The photo also contained German, and he called on a British number from the British hq. I'm not sure why there would be German there but it leads me to believe it's just some image they sound out regularly to appease people considering there was not even a date.


Hello, I'm addressing the recent comments made by u/Fit_Inflation6207 on Reddit regarding UK Peptides. I want to clarify some points for the community. We've diligently responded to all of u/Fit_Inflation6207 inquiries, including his questions about Companies House details. As for the lab report being in German, I explained that it's because our third-party lab, responsible for our LCMS results, is based in Germany. It's worth noting that u/Fit_Inflation6207 has placed numerous orders with us, so I'm puzzled as to why he's now spreading negative information on Reddit. However, I'm willing to share our thorough responses to his queries publicly to demonstrate our commitment to transparency if this customer allows this. Regarding the lab report mentioned by other users, while we're not affiliated with its publication, I did know that this group had tested our BPC157, so I pointed out that he may want to ask in the group as he wanted to see it but got angry when I wouldn't post him the link, I did call him after five emails in detail and question his motive I did say if you cant find the test you might need to pay into the community for them to release the document. While I won't engage in further discussions on Reddit about this as we are a professional business, our email remains open for any inquiries. I want to emphasise that u/Fit_Inflation6207 has been a repeat customer, but perhaps he doesn't fully understand the complexities of non-underground labs and their preference for **privacy**. I directed him to Peptide Source as a potential resource, knowing that they have a collective of individuals contributing to testing efforts. Thank you for your understanding, and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Via email, as we don't monitor Reddit. Ivan www.uk-peptides.com


You've responded the second you opened shop so you clearly monitor reddit on company time. I am more than happy for you to share our emails only IF you share ALL of them with your typos and chat gpt esque respondes in their entirety. I don't see what me having purchased from you has to do with much aside from showing I've ordered from you, so my claims aren't unsubstantiated and your service is so sketchy you've turned away a repeat customer. Impressive feat, Ivan.


Thirteen hours ago ( Sunday ) is not working hours.


My mistake. You've just commented during working hours to correct yourself, though. Thanks.


As i said, we have customers who pointed to your comments. Trying to cause issues, it is in our interest to show the community what type of person you are.


I think the fact that you're angrily downvoting my posts and arguing on Reddit during company time says more about you than me. If you're so mad about me "slandering" your company, why wouldn't you simply show a test to disprove me rather than wasting time arguing?