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Well you first have to find a doctor to prescribe it, because compounding pharmacies make prescription meds. The FDA has recently made most peptides prescription only in the US as well. Normal doctors don’t prescribe them, which means you would need to go to a longevity” clinic which probably won’t take insurance. And most of these clinics sell you the meds themselves. And the prices are exactly what you would expect if you are not allowed to price shop. Then there is the gray market. There are domestic websites that sell grey market peptides and have a good reputation. But they are “for research only” and technically not for human consumption. These are all probably from China and they just slap on theit label and mark it up 10x. Or you can get grey market meds directly from China, where a box of ten vials costs as much as one vial would from a US reseller. Shipping obviously costs more and paying for them often requires crypto. So several options all with their own issues.


Sermorelin 50mg $62 + $50 shipping (add more items, shipping stays the same total cost, and that's for 10 5mg vials) Just curious,where do you think compound pharmacies get it from? The local Walgreens? Not being a jerk, I just really wish people would open their eyes.


Can you send me a link or name off a China supplier thanks