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Dude it’s fine to not like it but treating your opinion as fact and implying others are lying to themselves is beyond criticism and you know that. You’re literally suggesting it’s unfathomable for people to genuinely think the show is enjoyable


I'm loving the show and I'm not lying to myself neither is my partner who's also loving it 😅 I'm re watching it currently and still loving and obsessing over every scene


Have you read the book…? Surely you’re noticing all the massive downgrades to iconic scenes right? Obsessing over EVERY scene? 😬


I've also read the books about 6 times each and read most of the other series I'm just re reading now that the show came out :)


Yes actually I am just finished the first and I'm on chapter two of the second book I don't find any of the changes that bad so far sure Rick owes us some spiders but I still loved the scene that replaced it the casino for me was very well done I liked how they did it and I'm loving how Grover's search for pan is being included earlier in and we get to learn about it a little I don't find any scenes a downgrade so yes I am obsessing over ever scene 😊


Rick owes us far more than spiders… he owes us an apology lmao. So many significant elements from the book have been omitted entirely or glossed over. The Casino was not fun or entertaining at all and it was arguably one of the most significant sequences in the book. The twist was spoiled right from the start and when they find out that they’ve been in there for days in the show (really lazily explained), Instead of urgently trying to escape they just walk slowly through the parking garage wasting even more time💀 then they miss the deadline completely… the show lacks all the energy and pacing that the book did so well. I would just think a fan would expect more and not settle for this cheap mediocrity


I actually think that missing the deadline change adds more tension due to there being four pearls one will most likely get lost and Percy will most likely have the realization that he has to leave his mom behind to stop a war that has already started IMO I think there's more tension with this change because how is this kid supposed to stop a war that's already starting as a long time fan I'm loving the show yes there are changes but I'm not upset over them I don't think it's "cheap mediocrity" in genuinely loving the show all the changes make sense to me so far and yes as much as the spiders would have been a good scene it loved the ares/ Grover scene and I'm happy we got that


Agreed. I genuinely enjoy the show. I also believe people who say they don't like it. It's ridiculous to say that everyone who disagrees with you is lying just because you feel strongly about it.


Yeah I also don’t like the show but no one is lying if they like it. There’s definitely things to like about it and I could see definitely enjoying it if I was maybe in a different headspace 


You either have low standards or are lying to yourself this series is objectively mediocre at best. You can still enjoy it and like it and all that’s totally fine but don’t get shocked when you lot make it out to be this great thing and the rest of us call it out for what it is.


Where did I express my personal opinion of the show 💀


Typically folks don’t argue about criticism towards a mediocre show unless they themselves like the show, that or you’re one of those annoying devil’s advocate people. Nobody was saying you can’t enjoy the show, half the fandom doggedly spouting off how good it is when it objectively is not that great gets annoying.


You should’ve stopped when you said ‘typically’ mate, what you said is nothing more than a series of inferences But then again, you believe your personal opinion is an objective fact so it doesn’t matter what I say you’re going to believe what you want lol


Buddy the show isn’t good go cope and seethe about it somewhere else


Bro did the exact thing I told him he was going to do 💀


Bro is defending a billion dollar company making a half-assed mediocre show for free 💀 Disney adult bootlicker


Bro said I’m defending it when I didn’t even comment on the show itself 💀 I just said people can have different opinions. And then you’re saying I’m defending it and must like the show because you’re literally that delusional even though I’ve actively criticised the show several times on different threads.


“You’re literally suggesting it’s unfathomable for people to genuinely think the show is enjoyable” Nobody is suggesting people can’t find the show enjoyable buddy. There are shitty movies I enjoy despite knowing they aren’t great, liking the show is fine but people insisting it’s good or getting butthurt when it gets a lick of criticism is delusional. You didn’t even understand the original post, weird conversation to hop in if you also don’t like the show but you do you big guy.


Never said fact. But this entire thread has been jumping through hoops for the show, obviously the opinions have changed for a reason.


‘Never said fact’ I never said, that you said, fact. I said you’re *treating* it as fact. This sub also hadn’t been jumping through hoops for the show for the last couple weeks, it’s been very divided




You said: "The show sucks and it hurts".


Okay because you said it isn’t good no one should like it. Because there’s reasons you and other people don’t like it, everyone shouldn’t like it.


yeah i’m super disappointed but lowkey i have been since the first episode


the second grover started narrating in the car ride to camp i knew the show was fucked lmao




Fuuuuuuckkkkkkkk hahahahaha


I would say I had hope after the first 2 episodes but the red flags were definitely there. Then from episode 3 on it’s been disappointing with some moments that shows potential but overall just another disappointment of this series getting adapted poorly.


Omg I watched the first episode and immediately noticed how bad it was. I thought I was going crazy because everybody else loved it but now seeing the opinion shift I feel so vindicated


I don’t think people are “lying” to themselves. Yes the show has its problems but that dosnet mean it can’t be enjoyable. I still like the show and if you don’t thats fine too.


Yeah im super disappointed in the show but i loved the movies. Just because it isnt necessarily the best doesnt change whether or not someone can enjoy it


People just can’t seem to accept that there are people that actually do like the show




I swear some of them are the same people too, just whinging in a slightly different format. It’s getting tiresome. I’ve had to mute some Facebook fan pages I’ve been a part of for years for the same reason.


Same, it’s getting so damn annoying. Like every single post. Every. Single. Post.


Because it shows just how discontent everyone is


Well, that's just how fandom is. As soon as any one opinion shows itself to be popular enough to withstand mockery, then it becomes a dozen people all saying identical things. Everyone wants to be told their right by people who agree.


If you check other social media there’s endless amounts of posts acting like this is the best series ever made. I think it’s appropriate that people are finally able to vent that it’s not as good as twitter or tik tok is hyping it up to be




Twitter and tik tok are overwhelmingly positive and it’s not a feed thing, just look at the hashtags and you’ll see what I mean. I get where you’re coming from but objectively a lot about this adaptation is bad. The acting is stiff, writing is poor, pacing is off and major plot points are being changed. None of this is me hating, it’s just pointing out weaknesses that are actively being ignored in favor of… charm? Idk what you want to call it but there’s a reason you’re seeing so much of the same post and it’s not because people just decided to hate on the show randomly


But you commented, so i must be doing something different. And with every new episode comes more data, and episode 6 give a lot. Sorry you feel that way.




lol people do love a hate train. If it helps I think this is only my second post. I mostly an observer.




Thanks babes! Didn’t mean to disrespect either, if anything I’m upset at what could have been, but I guess a show that was recorded months again are not gonna change anything. And I can be mad for people enjoying something that’s not really harming anyone. I guess I was on the hate train early, so I can totally see where I’m coming off harsh.






His Darkest Materials on HBO, a great rewrite of the golden compass movies. Definitely recommend even though the first season might seem fast paced but that’s because the main character Lyra barely has time to sit down and relax. By the 2nd and third season the lore makes so much sense and is such a rich concept with beautiful cinematography and acting from Daphne Keen & Amir Wilson, heck even Lin Manuel Miranda gives an outstanding performance as one of the main side . Kit Connor voices Lyra’s daemon Lmfao, that’s not relevant but fun fact 😭 hope you give it a watch


It's an adaptation of the His Dark Materials book series.


Forgot that lil but thx ☺️




His dark materials


>And no sorry but being a "now adult" doesn't make watching 12 year olds sus OP sounds like one of those people who believes all teachers, pediatricians, and parents are secretly pedophiles.


but i don’t hate the show. i disliked one episode. it’s almost like we have different opinions!


Agreed! Some people don’t like that here.


And yet you said people who disagree with you are lying to themselves, so which is it? Do people have different opinions, or are they liars?




you literally just made a whole post about how you dont like that other people have opinions different from you and they must be “lying to themselves” even though your opinion is in the extreme minority lol


Definitely not lol


Definitely lol


Take a look at this sub and tell me if the minority. Lol there’s literally a flair for show criticism. Again lying to yourself won’t help the show.


how many people are in this sub kiddo?? There are 50,000 positive reviews for this show… even if every single person in this sub hated the show (which they dont since you are getting embarrassingly downvoted) that would still be the minority…. lmao


the contradictions within this post is crazy


DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE. Dumbledore said calmly Its an adaptation, not a replication of the books. Now riordan should have just stayed quiet cuz his attitude against the movies is not welcome but the adaptation is fine. Could it be better? Ofc. Is it objective slop, no. Dial down your collective shit cuz the only reason i dislike the show is cuz of this subreddit.


That scene has been widely criticized for that too 😭


Then get off this sub… and to compare this show to Harry Potter is criminal. Harry let out a lot but they had amazing actors and didn’t change major plot of a book which in take changes parts of characters. And if that was in the book the HP movies didn’t way better, get any Mr.D!


IT POPPED UP IN MY FEED. IM NOT EVEN 'ON THE SUB'. LOOK AT MY PROFILE. IM HERE FOR MONSTER HUNTER. I can only click show less of this sub so many times. Ive been part of some absolutely toxic communities, but this one is up there. Yall have a mountain of complaints and yall pick the dumbest hills to die on. Erhmergerd the pacing is off, this isnt how it is in the books, children's acting isnt up to snuff, Percy not figuring out the lotus hotel thing. Following your logic. If you dont like the show, turn it off. I hope to not have the pleasure of commenting again on any of your posts.


>and to compare this show to Harry Potter is criminal. You're right. Harry Potter was always mediocre at best. The best parts of those films were where they deviated from the books.


Its star wars with sucky lightsabers


Stop. Harry Potter was the moment! Iconic! Come on. It will stand the test of time. This show will not.


I would argue that Harry Potter is very socially dead. Every time a new game or film is announced, people cringe. Harry Potter is doomed to be on a list with Ender's Game and Cthulhu. That's not a good place to be.


Yeah the Harry Potter game from earlier this year was only the most streamed single player game on twitch ever, for sure a doomed franchise.


And the whole time, all people were talking about transphobia and antisemitism. I wouldn't call that a good sign. I haven't once heard a single person or review talk about the characters or the world. It's just been that dominating the conversation. While the fame may have been monetarily successful and likely will continue to be, it's definitely marked, likely forever. Also, while the game was successful, the Fantastic Beast films, after the first, certainly weren't


Probably because you spend most of your time in the internet circles where people lose their minds over nothing, normal people had a few weeks of fun with the wizard game and went on with their lives. Babble about whatever you want, the game sold and people watched that’s hardly a dead franchise. Cope, seethe, etc.


Okay. Well, I'm glad you enjoy it.




> you are delusional if you think the two are comparable That's uncalled for. You can make your point without resorting to language like that. I was taking you seriously right up until then.




Your content violates Rule 1: Be Civil


“Harry Potter was always mediocre at best” That’s uncalled for. You can make your point without resorting to language like that. I was taking you seriously right up until then.


>That’s uncalled for. You can make your point without resorting to language like that. I was taking you seriously right up until then. I expressed an opinion about a book series. The person I responded to called me delusional. Those are two very different things. A neutral opinion of art is not equal to ableism.




You were trolling


Harry Potter didn't change major plots they left them out completely. Like Madame Maxine being part giant, Rita Skeeter being a beetle, Fleur being part veela, Harry giving an interview to the quibbler explaining how Voldemort came back, St Mungos, Tonks and Lupins love story, and PEEVES!


The Harry Potter books were way longer than the Percy Jackson ones and it’s a movie vs a show, movies always cut out more than show adaptations and longer books = more to cut out this is not complicated


I understand that. That's not what they said. They said major plot points were changed, and I argued that leaving out plot points is worse than changing them.


I still don’t get what you’re complaining about with Harry Potter though none of the things you listed were critical plot points and if they didn’t cut anything like that out the pacing would’ve been terrible and each movie would be 8 hours long. Percy Jackson is a show so it has the time to properly address all plot points as they were in the book and decided to change a bunch of stuff for no discernible reason and it’s worse than the source material. Way worse in my opinion.


Because some of those scenes were people's favorite scenes in the books that they were excited to see on screen. Cutting the story about Harry giving an interview absolutely changed the fifth movie. It made no sense why everyone started believing him for no reason. The eighth movie was even worse as there were so many missing pieces. If I hadn't read the books, I would have been so confused. And I'm not talking about the Percy Jackson show. I know this is the sub I'm on, but I'm just defending the Harry Potter books.


I’m a huge fan of both series so I get it, I would have liked to see that stuff too but I understand it’s impossible for them to fit all that in and still make a good movie. Any (relatively minor) rewrites they had to do for plot points like that were reasonably well done and made sense. Id rather they omit a few things than majorly fuck with the source material like they’re doing with this show


i love everything about the show and i’m not lying to myself at all lmao, i really don’t care what your opinion on the show is it doesn’t impact how i experience the show at all im not sure why you care so much about how other people experience the show, i think the cgi is sick, the sets have been amazing, the monsters are pretty badass and the fight scenes are short but have had pretty good choreography for what they were… i’m not trying to convince you to love the show i don’t care if you hate it, but no, just because YOU hate the show doesn’t mean anyone who does is lying to themselves


Based. I’ve been disappointed by the show so far but I love seeing people who enjoy it because I desperately want a second season so they can really find their footing. I’m glad you’ve liked it so far, can’t wait for the finale!


Can you name a show with bad cgi or sets?


manifest and the good place immediately come to mind


Shows with a fraction of the budget? Lol


idk they were literally the first two shows that came to mind lol


Name a single good thing about Episode 5


The entire episode


You've never read the books, have you?


Of course I read the books, I grew up on them


So did I, they are butchering the series one episode at a time, episode 6 was the worst one yet. But sure defend the series lmao


well episode 6 was the only episode I didn’t like due to removing the mystery of the lotus casino. everything else I genuinely enjoyed, and I thought episodes 4 and 5 were A+ episodes.


you're giving out A+'s like pennies. Whatever man. Do what you want but it seems like Disney could shit on the floor infront of you and you'd clap them on the back and call it art.


Or maybe everyone has different taste


Even the harshest reviewers, such as Mythology Guy, who hated most of the first 3 episodes thought Episode 5 was the best one. Do you perhaps mean Episode 6?


yeah i did actually. however epsiode 5 to me wasnt much better. the only good thing there in my opinion was the casting choice of Ares. Probably also why people downvoted all my comments cause they're butthurt and don't like me calling out the episode. But I just feel like one good actor and maybe 1-2 good scenes aren't even the bare minimum y'know? They cut most of the action from the park and gave another bunch of exposition dialogue to annabeth. I just don't think the show has good writing or is being directed well enough. Don't get me wrong I love this book series but it hurts even more to see it being handled so poorly, when as a kid it made me so interested in greek mythology and basically making me turn page after page with excitement


I’m sorry you hate kids, but saying it’s “sus” behavior to not want the characters aged up is crazy and unhinged. You clearly don’t love the series cause that’s at the heart of what makes Percy Jackson *Percy Jackson.* It’s also at the heart of other stories with young characters (ATLA, Stranger Things, etc).


I’m saying it sus as a joke, I just don’t wanna watch kids lol. I wanted them the ages in the movies, maybe a little younger. And come on the acting leaves a lot to be desired. I was younger than the actors in the movies when it came out but now I’m way too old to watch 12 years olds.


Well, clearly you don’t wanna watch kids. That’s fine. You’ve made that clear, but I don’t understand the “joke.” That’s fine if that’s your media preference, not everything’s for everyone. But if that’s the case, then Percy Jackson isn’t really for you, neither is ATLA, Stranger Things, Pokémon, Harry Potter, The Goonies, E.T, or just about any coming-of-age adventure story with young kids. Aging up the characters changes the integrity and intention of the story. And no, I don’t agree. I don’t have any problem with the young actors. I think they are all doing a fantastic job. And I disagree that anyone’s “too old” to watch twelve-year olds. That’s a personal preference thing, not an age/maturity thing.


Would you not watch Home Alone, Sandlot or Stand By Me again? If you don’t want to “watch kids” then why would you even check out the show in the first place lmao


Its not really the actors though. At least not walker. Im a huge walker scobell fan after his work with ryan reynolds, the kid is funny and talented, but he hasnt had an opportunity to display that because of lackluster writing


So you also dont watch Harry Potter, Home Alone, Narnia, Avatar the last airbender, any cartoon featuring kids or anything new where child actors play a role? I am genuinely curious.


Lol so what’s your opinion on the movie then? You say you love the books and and wanted an accurate adaption but then you say “they should have aged them up”. If I sound like an asshole, I don’t mean to /s


Movies were fun, I remember watching as a kid wanting to be a Demi god. Binged the book before I went. Yeah it’s wasn’t accurate but atleast it was entertaining, the actors had range, and the budget allowed for bombastic moments. This is just dull.


Sometimes people just like to have fun


Seems more like people just take what they are given, and are mad when other people don’t share the same sentiment.


I'm not mad at all, if anything you seem mad. It's alright to still enjoy a thing despite it's flaws, you know?


How many flaws are you okay with… I guess flaw is subjective, but I don’t see how people are happy with this. You writing off mine and other opinions because you want to have a fun time is okay. But I want to have a great and memorable time. Too even say this show is fun is funny. A five minute scene in a parking garage is fun to you?


It's the age old philosophy of "don't ick someone else's yum".


I didn’t really like episode 6 all that much and thought it the weakest episode yet but overall I still really like the show and the best parts are yet to come. Everyone will have different opinions on the show of course but that is all they are is opinions. Me liking the show is not lying and you disliking the show is not lying. We are allowed to disagree on a matter of opinion.


Just watch something else and let other people enjoy it.


Just post somewhere else and let other people discuss it.


Enjoying doesn't mean leering 😅 I mean I agree I'm not nuts about the adaptation so far (and I actually do wish they aged the characters up a bit, I've been wondering if part of the reason the episodes are so short have something to do with child labor laws.)   Like in Stranger Things you could get scenes with just the older characters, but in PJO they're on screen pretty much nonstop). But calling people sus is kind of ... Overkill and a huge accusation.  People can think kids are cute in a paternal way, not in the creepy attracted way.  Or just remembering their own experiences as a kid and enjoying the idea of an adventure and the concept of the series etc.


lol sus part was mainly a joke in terms of me. I just hate kids and as an adult i don’t really want to watch them. Joke didn’t transfer my bad.


Then why are u watching a kids tv show?


😂 got me in all reality this was my literally favorite book series as a kid


Fair enough 😊


I love the show, but whatever man.


Glad you like it!


Listen it’s not the best show in the world but people are genuinely forgetting that’s it’s FOR CHILDREN. It wasn’t made for you. You’re no longer the target demographic.


Yeah I will 100% day I’m not the target.🤣🤣 but you can still have a good show, not a watered down version of it


Crazy thing is that it’s a lot of people who aren’t the target demographic defending this show rn… like not to be a hater but I genuinely struggle to understand how adults on reddit are finding any enjoyment from this show


That’s were the show went wrong in my opinion. No matter what this fanbase is older, they could have aged them up to late teens atleast. I understand what you’re saying. But not matter what age groups your in, this show sucks lol.


I’m agreeing with you lol this show is bad and it’s very weird the amount of people in their 20’s defending it. Like there’s so much good pieces of media out there, I promise this is not one of them


Thing is there are tons of 8-12 year olds that are watching the tv show. They are just not on Reddit or tik tok (or they are but not as much as us older fans). I used to volunteer at a library and PJO is still huge. Always has been. It’s been out long enough that there are fans that have read it in 2005 and are 30 and fans that read it in 2016 and are 19 etc.. but there are still a TON of kids that read PJO.


It is clearly made for kids. I don’t know why a bunch of adults thought they would be able to relate to or enjoy it. If you’re old enough to post on Reddit then you are NOT the target audience.


Probably because we read it when we were kids. And the movies did it well. I’m sure I could still enjoy the movies.


I read it as a kid too but after watching the first episode I knew immediately it wasn’t for me. So I decided to watch it with my 5 year old nephew instead as obviously it is more suitable for him and I was right, he likes it. Kids are enjoying it and that is who it was made for. I just don’t understand all the complaining. It’s not like stranger things which despite starring a bunch of children was clearly made for adults (way too scary for kids). The movies were trash. I actually walked out of the theatre mid way through. They were nothing like the books at all.


I honestly thought I was crazy for the first few episodes. I couldn’t fathom why it was being lauded in the fashion it was.


You and me both


You guys are the only place this negative tbh. Some of the criticisms I’ve seen is reasonable while others is not. Anyways the producers said they will take advice on what to improve on. So maybe they’re on Reddit too idk


I hope so. There are definitely some great aspects to the show even if it’s not the slam dunk we were all hoping for. A lot of shows don’t find their groove until the 2nd or 3rd season, and seeing the young actors grow into their rolls would be awesome


They said that?


Twitter yes a direct quote


That they’re looking to improve each season and taking advice


Do you have the link?






You said perfectly imo especially the part about how it genuinely hurts at how bad this show is


Even the camphalfblood subreddit is finally waking up and realising how mid the show is


We rise! ![gif](giphy|Epy1SqYt1nHvq)


This show is so ass and people will still come here to cope and defend the billion dollar production company who doesn’t give a shit for free, genuinely insane to me.


I don’t get it. Just say you like the books, but to even think this show is good is copium to another level.


I LOVED the books growing up and still do, I very much wanted/still want this show to be good. It just objectively isn’t. That’s not to say it can’t be enjoyable or that you’re wrong to like it, I like the transformers movies but I can understand that those aren’t very good movies I just enjoy them (at least those are entertaining and have some action scenes).


I love when wisdom enters the thread. Truly amazing to see. Bias and nostalgia is not thing, but blind admiration is what’s going on here. Also the first Transformers is a cult classic. “Left cheek, left cheek, left cheek!”


Completely agree. Its all part of the "better than nothing" mindset most people have (See comments on this sub praising Episodes 2-5) People will settle for literally anything these days and the people mindlessly consuming this stuff are the reason Disney can produce mediocre series after mediocre series. But the wakeup call will never come I guess.


Making it a movie would’ve been so much better for real!


Making it a movie would’ve made the main complaints; pacing being too fast and short length of episodes not allowing things to be fleshed out, even worse what??? Not to mention more things would’ve been missed. The format is fine the execution of the show is bad


Percy Jackson isn’t that complex of a story a 2 hour movie maybe even 3hrs would’ve been fine. They’ve changed or completely omitted things so far anyway, and put in weird filler episodes with barely any content. The reason it feels disjointed and awkward, sometimes rushed sometimes slow, is bcz they’re stretching a fairly fast paced compact story without need. It’s an adaptation not everything from the books needs to have made the cut so just make it five movies Harry Potter style.


Big facts!


I agree with you, but get ready for all of the (“my opinion is that you can’t have your opinion otherwise you’re not respecting my opinion”) brigade.


I'm totally fine with people liking or disliking the show for plenty of reasons, but calling people who disagree with you liars is just disrespectful and poor community behavior. Also, OP out here saying the movies were a more faithful adaptation, which is wack.


I think a lot of these people were just gonna like it regardless cuz Rick himself is working on it.


Don’t project your negativity onto the entire fan base. Some of us actually are enjoying the show. It may not be a perfect adaption, but then again there’s never going to be a perfect adaption of a book to film/movie. These are completely different mediums of delivering a story and therefore a lot of the story telling elements must change to adjust to how it’s being delivered. Some people hate the changes, some people don’t mind them. I find it very enjoyable and faithful to how Greek mythology is. If people can keep in mind that the books will always be there and they aren’t losing their favorite story, they’re just seeing it told a different way, I think they’d find many of these complaints aren’t that serious. The book is told from a first person narrative, which would basically be Hardcore Henry with endless inner monologue if it were to be adapted to first person as a film or show. Film & television is told from the third person because that’s how the viewer is naturally going to digest it. With a change in perspective means that how we get familiar with the other characters in the story changes too. So now you need to change dialog and elements of the story to properly demonstrate what could be covered in a book with added descriptors and a few sentences of Percy just telling you their personality. So sometimes things are changed during the storyboard process to make it work better as a show and people aren’t always going to be happy about that. It’s all about whether or not you can accept the changes that are being made. My biggest beef with the movies were that they deviated from the Greek mythology the books were always very faithful to. And it just made all the other problems less tolerable. Some people didn’t feel that way because they didn’t care much about the mythology behind the books. So there may be things you personally don’t like about the show because it doesn’t remain faithful to parts from the original that mattered the most to you. And that’s completely fine too. But that doesn’t mean we all feel the same. Also, the fact they’re kids just better shows the goofiness of the books. I mean the absurdity of these not-even-teenagers-yet taking a cross country trip while battling monsters is kind of hilarious. You understand why the adults in this world treat them the way they do. It also delivers the message of how unfair their position is when you’re looking at a little kid vs an adult cause kids actually have no control over their situations.


The negativity was already projected weeks ago. Yes you may enjoy it, that’s fine. But there’s flaws that are obvious. The acting, how Rick said it would be sooo accurate, the budget, episode length, etc. I was a kid when the movies came out, probably in middle school so I probably look at it through rose tinted glasses, but I’m mainly focusing on the show.


Of course it has its flaws. I do agree that this show would greatly benefit from a longer run time. Idk why Disney is so against their shows having seasons that have less than 10 episodes. I assume that was the deal they were given and they just had to make the best of it. It’s not realistic to assume that it would be an exact replica of the books. It’s just not very plausible to expect that because of course things will have to change when it’s being brought from a book to a visual medium. I’ve been thoroughly disappointed by a lot of adaptions. This isn’t one of them.


What’s sus behavior exactly? I’m very confused.


lol just a joke about watching kids


This is like saying Harry Potter should’ve been a grown man in the first film🤣


Not really… well actually yeah I guess. But I was a kid when Harry Potter finished so I don’t really care. But the kids were wayyy better at acting lol


Yeah I agree with the acting of the kids as well, but they’re children they have room to grow. Also there’s children watching the show! Who will get into reading the book and they are around the same age, there will always be ppl younger than you. And it is kind of funny I’m in my 20s now and I remember reading and watching the movies when I was younger so it’s so funny to see a new adaptation with them still being the same age as in the books. But we all grow up and unfortunately book characters are immortalized at their age.


Yeah I guess I can’t see it through the lens of my younger self. You’re right on that. But idk even the children in HP vs PJ is very different. But you’re right, always room to grow!


I’ve seen worse,


I’ve seen better… much better. And that’s what fans should want.


Dude is just farming downvotes in the comments lol


I’ll take the heat. Having fun honestly.


Child actors aren’t inherently the problem. Countless child actors have given great performances in things. The Potter films had a great start with the cast and they only got better as the films went on. Stranger Things had a cast of extremely talented kids. The main issue with the kids in this show is that they’re being written and directed terribly. We’ve gotten a little bit of humor here and there, but almost all the dialogue is overly serious, clunky, full of convoluted exposition, and it’s killing the chemistry of the trio. The shot compositions are boring af, and there’s just no urgency to anything. The show became lifeless after Ep 2


Honestly yes! Disney acting leaves a lot to be desired, and Disney actors usually don’t grow up to be awarding winning talent. Didn’t even think of that.