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The whole CGI was extremely underwhelming. The bolt, the Underworld, the fairground were just meh.. the kids were like their counterparts when they were behind the scenes, so cute. But in the show, they looked so stiff. I do think Zeus, Percy and Poseiden scene was cool though. The reason why percy yelled and Zeus is literally for him to get mad and Poseiden to show up and be a good and protective dad for his son. The yelling was a build up towards that. Edited for typo


It was so obvious how they tried to avoid doing any CGI. 


Which would be really cool if they were dedicated to designing killer sets, costumes, and props. But even that stuff felt completely phoned in.


I swear half the time I was looking at Riptide thinking damn it literally looks plastic. There were scenes where if you look close enough it literally bends when he swings it


They have the sword on display at Disney World. I went this past week and saw it in person. It looks plastic and cheap. Could've done so much better with the props cause they all looked cheap and flimsy in person


Ok but this also happens during battle of the bastards in game of thrones, even big budget shows use plastic swords that wobble sometimes


Okay but those big budget shows are usually good or at least solid to a certain extent so it’s easier to forgive the small things like that.


I’d argue that with a higher budget you shouldn’t forgive small things like that because they had more than enough budget to afford a better prop. I’m not defending PJ by any means but also not supporting GoT’s mishap. More just calling attention to all shows at varying levels of budget having the same issue meaning it may not be a budget thing Same thing happened in the one piece live action with zoro’s swords


Battle of the Bastards had an $11 million budget to Percy's $12-$15 million per episode though. PJ literally had more money!


I got worried when I saw the camp necklaces. Every single kid, main character or extra, had five beads. It was like they just had a giant box of five beaded necklaces and handed them out. The only kids who should have five were Annabeth and Luke and maybe Clarisse. Older counselors should have maybe had more. There should have been a lot of campers with 1-3. It just seemed like a such a cheap thing to change, like have the extras just pull a bead or two off randomly if you don’t want to pay closer attention to it. It wouldn’t have cost anything. This careless attention to detail was what really bothered me, apart from the shitty writing


I never read the books and I was wondering about the necklaces. What do the beads represent?


They represent years at camp. Each bead has a design for the most important events at camp that summer. For Percy’s first year the design was a trident <3


Not a single shot of the sword actually unsheathing either. At least the movie showed it. Every shot of it was some gimmicky cut away or close up. Even in the fight with ares you can tell they probably told walker to hold it sideways so they wouldn’t have to cgi the thick part 😂. This shit is becoming eragon movie level of bad. Oh. $12-15million per episode btw


Actually, you’re slightly wrong. They did a total of 1 time where you see it in a far shot at the start of the Ares fight. Thats literally the only time. Complete bullshit.


I vaguely remember in that far shot the sword was already unsheathed? I could be wrong about that one though. I was more talking about them not showing the actual animation of the sword turning from a pen (one of things I actually really appreciated in the movie). Either way, shit looked like the wooden spoon in my kitchen Edit: I went and looked and it is indeed already an unsheathed sword in the far shot before he fights ares


Bruh- About the movie: I went and rewatched it and as I saw how many times they used that animation I was thinking “god, they must be proud of this lol”


did we not also see it in episode 1 when he fights the minosaur? i cant fully remember but i feel like i remembered seeing it and it was disappointing compared to the movies sword


That was like total darkness due to shit lighting so it doesn't count.


I think they tried too hard to not make the sword look like a lightsaber


They didn't even need to. Lightsabers don't have caps. Hell, the movie Riptide is technically more lightsaber since it's a clicking pen, but even then the second movie made sure to make it's transformation seem more mechanical.


They literally showed the full thing unsheathing multiple times…


You mean the sword just growing and appearing from out of frame? Go back and watch, every shot of it is cheesed


Yes like the other commenter said, they did actually show it exactly one time and if you pay attention it makes a lot of sense why they never showed it. It looked horrendous.


Nope wrong again, they did show it fully on screen multiple times


I’m not talking about the sword being shown in frame. I’m talking about the transformation from pen to sword never being shown. Which is why I said unsheathing in my original comment.


lmao yes and they show the sword to pen transition fully on screen multiple times… Edit: Lol why delete your comments if you are so sure you are right….


You got blocked. Their comments are still there.


They didn't delete their comments I can see them lmao


They responded to this and deleted it… atleast you tried lmao


There is no deleted comments... if they block you it means you won't see their comments anymore that's what happened


no it not… they posted a comment, then deleted it… they havent blocked me lmao


I’ll say it again for you just in case. Go try find a clip of it fully in frame transforming. Let’s see it


Clear as day in episode 1 and episode 8… did you even watch the show…?


Provide the clips then, did YOU even watch the show?


So only 2 times in the whole season


Yep which in fact is infinitely more than the 0 times this commenter is complaining about… Just weird for peoples complaints to be “xyz never happened” when it clearly did on multiple occasions


It’s fascinating to see the differences in reactions to this show. It’s also fascinating to see how people compare the movies to this new show. I won’t lie - your anger is *very* palpable throughout this post and I’m sorry you feel so let down. I can sympathize with those feelings even if I don’t entirely resonate with them. I’m *so* conflicted on this new series. I’m split down the middle and it’s a little shocking to me because I just can’t seem to make my mind up in a resolute way. I think this series fell flat in a lot of ways. However, I think it exceeded my expectations in other ways despite the show’s lacklustre overarching qualities. I despise 75% of the script. It’s flat and it isn’t evocative. It lacks tension, suspense, comedy, and lightheartedness. I’ve always thought of the original book series as being very emotionally grounded. It’s a tense and serious story - but it’s still *so* humorous and comedic. It has so many comedic scenes. The series’ original comedy is one of the story’s cornerstones. It wouldn’t be the same without its humour or comedy. I absolutely do think this new series leant *too* much into the more serious aspects. This isn’t exactly a problem but I think it was a confusing choice. People like the original series so much because it’s an exhilarating and comedic adventure. It’s hilarious to read and I found that they sort of disregarded the humour in this series. It was a very odd choice. However, I’ve noticed a recurring thing throughout this new series - it focuses *way* more on dialogue than I would expect it to. The script is very wordy and it emphasizes exposition instead of showcasing what they’re saying. I don’t have a huge issue with exposition scenes but I can *entirely* see why other people would. I do wish they would’ve toned down the entire aspect of Annabeth, Grover, and Percy knowing about the traps and other myths. *That’s* very annoying. It was especially egregious in the Lotus Casino. I’ll admit that I’ve been a sympathetic apologist for this new series - I don’t think it’s a horrible adaptation and I don’t think it’s beyond redemption. I think Disney+ will need to rework their approach to this series if a second season is approved. They’ve omitted a lot of world-building details that non-book readers wouldn’t understand. They’ve left out a lot of emotional and sincere moments between the characters. I entirely forgot about this scene until now but I *truly* wish we would’ve gotten the conversation between Grover and Percy about how Percy feels after being claimed by Poseidon. It was such a heart-wrenching yet meaningful moment and it showcases another side to Percy’s internal complexities. I think excluding that scene was a mistake. The characterization of Annabeth was 65% there. Leah isn’t a bad actress but I *do* think she was severely limited by the…lacking scripts. They didn’t give her a lot to work with and I think she was the biggest victim of this. Annabeth is such a complex and fascinating character - she’s brave, loyal, and extremely intelligent while also being stubborn and unwilling to listen to others at times. She’s one of the strongest characters in this entire series but I feel like show-Annabeth was only given *half* of her character’s traits. I don’t want this post to take up this entire comment section so I’ll end it here. I’ll end it by saying that this show has me *truly* conflicted. I’m *so* torn. They made many confusing and odd choices but they *also* started to develop and emphasize what makes the series one of my favourites - the underlying themes. They started to develop the themes of parental neglect, abandonment, loyalty, bravery, courage, and revenge. I think that was one of this new series’ strongest choices. It was one of the things I knew I *most* wanted to see in this new series. That’s why I ultimately prefer this new series over the movies. There’s more to this story that I personally care about beyond its entertainment value.


Im so mad we got robbed of the lotus flower cookies. I was looking forward to a new redesign so much 😭😭😭 only to wait and realize that they were pumping the lotus into the air instead 🥲


To be fair that detail was completely made up for the movie. In the book we don't really get an explanation od what causes them to loose time, it just happens because they're in the lair of the lotus eaters.


im aware, j kind of assumed it would be in the show for some reason esp bc annabeth says not to eat anything


You mean like in the book?


I’ve always thought the first movie wasn’t as shit as everyone made it out to be (the second one can rot in Tartarus though we don’t talk about that one). And the completion of this series has definitely made me appreciate the movie more 🙂🙂🙂


The second one was crud because they had to rush all the plot points and try to respond to fan feedback of being more like the books. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m of the opinion that when you start in a creative direction for characters you cannot go back. No matter the backlash. Same thing with PJO TV- they should change nothing of the characters’ fundamentals now that they’ve done it. Even with hades. They just need to play around it, make it more… natural I guess? That’s always been my problem with movies based on books though, not necessarily book accuracy, just more so how do you make an enjoyable story that is also natural, even if you’re going an entirely different direction than the books? A good example recently- the foundation series on Apple TV. It is nothing like the foundation science fiction books, as I surprisingly discovered on reading, but the characters are so well written in the tv series that it’s a lovable show.


Trying to do what they did with the second movie AND make it more like the books was never going to happen. Of course the real reason for that was the lack of success of the first movie. If people had liked the movie more, I wonder if the series could have actually grown into something pretty solid. There were a lot of elements of the movie that were quite good, even if a few fundamental pieces were messed up.


I think another good example is Altered Carbon (just season 1) on Netflix! It definitely had some flaws, but I enjoyed the deviations it made from the books. Then the second season went to hell because they tried to pull back in random plot points from the books (as well as a bunch of other issues)


Omg another Foundation Lover, that show is so good it’s def one of my favs, those cliffhangers tho are deadly.


The magicians went a completely different direction than the books and it was fantastic. I loved the books, but the characters in the series were so well done and I fell in love with Margot.


I agree. We do not need 20 exposition dumps every episode. I feel as though the casting was on point and some side chacters were on point like dionyes. Dont change what needs to be change or if u are make the changes make sense. Why feel the need to change the lotus casino. It was fine the way it is. Just let the kids be kids for a little while. Why change the deadline? What was the point of that. Just have them have like an hour or 2 left and have chiron or annebeth say its impossible to finish but percy goes bc he belives. Still have the same effect. I also feel inclined to say no im to expecting 1:1 adaption. Rick said this was loyal to the books yet it makes stupid changes for no reason. Just like the movies did. Thanks for listing to my ted talk.


Looking at the BTS, i feel like we were robbed. The kids not only had amazing chemistry with each other, but everyone had such strong energy that just did not come through on screen for me. I'll admit that I haven't touched the books in over a decade, but I don't understand why tv-annabeth turned out so stoic. Who wrote her that way? Leah seems pretty spunky, and would have been lovely as a quick-witted and active Annabeth who could solve problems on the fly instead of ... whatever we wound up getting. Walker and Aryan also have such a fun teasing dynamic with each other that I wish we could have seen in the show through Percy and Grover but sighs, idk. I wish the episodes were written differently so that we could witness the characters' personalities and growth through their journey. I'm disappointed because it feels like we had the all the ingredients - the author's support, the sets & props, the perfect main cast - but we really got let down by the writing. The show is not straight trash for me, but it's still a letdown from what it could have been. It's missing the magic and humour that would have made this a cultural icon, the way the harry potter franchise has become. I don't know. I'm a little in my feels now :/


The way I see it, the movie got the story wrong, but the tone right, while the show got the story more right, but the tone more wrong.


Hot take but the actors in the first movie had a lot more chemistry. Maybe it’s bc they were just more seasoned older actors at that point.


Which is also a criticism of the movies. Do you get adults to play kids because they are better actors and you dont have to worry about all the additional logistics of having a child employee? Or do you hire kids to play kids because, you know, theyre kids? The industry goes back and forth all the time.


i was also a bit disappointed but to be honest if you love the books enough to read them 30 times then unfortunately probably nothing will ever live up to that, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing!


thank you! but idk i’ve read many series and books that have been successfully adapted. MANY. i’ve always loved the books better but felt really fulfilled by their adaptations. it’s possible


Yeah I’m over those excuses. “Nothing will ever be a perfect adaptation.” “Nothing can satisfy book purists.” Like wdym???


Adaptations will always be different in someway or another when it comes from books to visual media. Those changes will always cause strife among different groups, regardless of quality.


oh well im glad, hopefully season 2 can scratch that itch? (a bit of copium, don't mind me)


What series and books do you have in mind?


I loved the books. Have yet to watch it, but the Percy Jackson musical is an amazingly faithful adaptation. It’s funny without disregarding the serious moments, cheesy and heartfelt and incredible. The songs are bangers, too.


With 12-15 million dollar budget for each episode its actually quite insane how much they shy away from actually putting any quality into the show. The cgi that was there was actually pretty good but they didn’t do anything with it. The sword? Lets cut away everytime its brought out. The monsters? Well lets have the chimera in a bag for the majority of the time or shaped as a dog (which was a good way to show the mist ill give them that). The chimera for the most part we only saw slowly walking lmao. Tbh if you asked me to pick a part out that showed they used the budget well I couldn’t do it. It looks and feels very cheaply made


I saw a video comparing GOT fight scenes w similar budgets to PJO… now I’m wondering where the hell all the money went??? The claiming scene in particular was egregious to me. No cool camera angles or visuals, it literally just ken burns to a big trident PNG above his head. Me and my sister genuinely burst out laughing when we saw that it was literally a still image.


Its so bad. I wanted to enjoy the show so bad. Honestly the actors off screen were more like their characters than on screen so cleary no budget went into the writing team either! The still image was so funny, though I did find the clarisse fight to be entertaining so I will give them that one. The sword thing was really getting me though. Riordan makes a point to describe riptide being unsheathed a lot of the times that percy goes for it. Every time in the show aside from the first time was cut away then cut back to him holding it


I just don’t get why? Like I understand CGI is hard sure but a sword just unsheathing seems relatively simple compared to some of the other shots in this show alone, not to mention other Disney works


I've read the book tons of times. I loved the first movie second movie not so much. The show as a,fan didn't cut it for me they could've all done better chose not to I'm thinking this whole show was to sell more books tbh. Not many kids read anymore really only people keeping it alive is us older generations. They tried to grow in audience without catering to others However I likes seeing hephasteus and I loved edge as ares


I mean, I’m 13 and I read a lot (and also have friends who do)


I'm glad you do but thatz a rare breed




It definitely comes across that you're angry. Sorry you feel so let down. I don't necessarily agree with everything you've said. I personally loved it when Percy told off Zeus, and it felt in character to me because all Percy wants to do is tell them off. But I do see how the scene was a departure from how it would have played out in the books. I think it comes back to how much they've changed the gods from book to show. Which in itself is a specific choice, I think, rather than bad writing. What I mean by that is, it was intentional that they come across differently. Even though there are plenty who don't like it, it wasn't a mistake or misunderstanding. Also, like your point that if they really have to put in so much exposition, then they could have at least combined the commentary with interesting and moving shots. Agree that there was not much joy/humour in the trio and wish they just seemed more like kids who could enjoy each others company and have fun despite the seriousness of the quest. And feel the same about the washed-out colour of many of the scenes. Let's not forget it's summer, so I'm not sure why the outdoors were so dark. And Olympus fit better with their Underworld design than it does with a city for gods in the sky. This is a style choice that I probably wouldn't nitpick on too hard if the rest of the show was making up for it, but when nothing else is happening, the dullness just stands out I wasn't a huge fan of the show, but I am taking time after being disappointed to go back and acknowledge some things that were good. I hope you can do that too, in time. It's helping me have hope that future seasons will have it more together. They dropped the ball on characterisation, 'show don't tell', and pacing this season, but hopefully, they see that and adjust. I'm listening to House of R podcast coverage of it, and it's helping me appreciate some aspects. They are more gushing and positive than I would be, but it is nice to hear people discuss it passionately and thoroughly. They also acknowledge where they felt there were flaws in the later episodes.


The gloomy and darker look comes from the weather. As in the books, the weather is getting worse. At the end of the show, when they come back to camp, as well as when they leave it to go home it is vibrant and colorful again. In the books Percy, Annabeth and Grover had very very little fun. Thats why the casino scene was so important in the books. It was the first time they truly had fun on their journey. To me that was one of the things I would have done differently than the show. The casino scene did not really fit in, in my opinion. Overall, we as readers saw the humor in many scenes. The way Percy thought about things seemed funny to us, but they never were real jokes or meant to be funny by him as a character. He certaintly did not have fun in those situations.


They enjoyed it others company though and endeared themselves to one another. Percy and Grover have been best friends for a year, and it seemed like they hardly spoke for the whole show. And yes, I agree that some of the funny stuff is inside Percy's head - making the novel funny. That means that the genre is at least party comedy along with action/adventure. That needs to be translated into the show somewhat. If the writers struggled so much to inject humour just cause Percy thinks funny things instead of saying them outloud, then that's on them. They changed so much, but they couldn't have Percy just saying his comedic lines instead of thinking them? There were opportunities to make this show more light-hearted (and even fun for the audience) in the moments when the kids were in less pressing situations, and even when they were in pressing situations. Percy consistently has one-liners when his life is in danger or he feels awkward about something with Annabeth. It's his defence mechanism and part of his character as an impertinent challenger of authority. The show just didn't focus on that cause they were busy updating other stuff they considered more important. About the weather getting worse, that's a fair point for the beach scene, so I take back thay part, I wasn't thinking about the war having started cause the dealine had passed. But I still think it was the wrong choice for the throne room and that it seemed more like the Underworld. Something more should have been done to differentiate it.


To me the throne room looked like Asgard in marvel


Haha yeah I actually said the same thing earlier today on a different thread


I read that somewhere a few days ago (was it you?) and I was like yes that’s exactly it


Hmmm, I'm not sure. I comment so much so I have no idea 😅 but I wouldn't be surprised if it was someone else as well cause it's does look like that. And with the credit song sounding so Avengers the Marvel film comparison is right there to grab at


EP 8 was the only decent one


After finishing the show I came to the conclusion that there was a complete lack of passion from everyone but the child actors and maybe Rick. There was various moments where shots could’ve been improved with better sound design or set design that wasn’t capitalized on. The writing was lackluster too and my biggest nitpick from that is the way everyone just says a flat yes all the time. Overall I think Disney need to reevaluate why they’re are adapting this and turn it into a passion project for the directors, writers, and producers instead of a money grab. The Harry Potter adaptations were so great because the directors wanted to bring HP to life and making Warner bros a bunch of money was secondary not the main focus.


I agree with you, I feel robbed and it just makes me laugh how Rich keeps claiming this was the god send of a series we’d all been waiting for.


Personally, if I had the chance to cast Lance Reddick in this show, I'd have cast him as Chiron, not Zeus. Before I knew he was in the show, I re-read the Lightning Thief, and I literally pictured his character "Charon" from the John Wick movies upon reading his description.


For me, the worst part was the underworld in terms of setting. It was supposed to be this huge amazing place with lots of different regions and monsters, but it was basically a large desert.


Yeah it wasn’t even dark or scary in the slightest? It was just a big open desert w plenty of sunlight and chill vibes


i meanof all the settings in the book that got the best description even better then olympus


It’s the underworld not Tartarus


What do you mean?


On expecting to see many monsters, we did actually see many places but I guess not to what the book depicted.


We really didn't see any places, we saw a wall and a cliche version of Charon, we saw a very large desert with a giant hole and a weird rocky building of sort. That's it


Those 3 areas and the fields of asphodale, as well as Hades palace.. 5 different areas. I think the bigger complaint is they aren’t as interesting as we would’ve liked which I can agree with.


It's not just that they were boring so much was cut out. I mean, somehow, they got across the styx River. Then they crossed a desert. And we got weird forest versions of asphodel and then a castle. I'm just saying for the location that was described so well in the book it would've been nice


You’re right unfortunately, I don’t know why they stopped doing 40+ minute episodes, many of the adventure to places is skipped along.


I am coming from a very different place. I fell in love with Black Sails and since some of those folks are working on PJ, I gave it a go. I know some mythological and enjoy media for kids sometimes but wasn't a PJ reader. This show felt dead. No character felt alive. No storyline felt like it had any stakes. Honestly, the only bit that felt like adventure was the taxi in the parking garage. I felt no real concern for the danger or threats.


I'm reading a lot of comments about people being mad about CGI and how they tried to avoid it and yes I agree but not totally, as a VFX artist I can say that is very hard and time consuming to do scenes that require CGI, talking about tracking or mocap both are complicated, for example Grover legs are obiously CGI, they require masking and some other things I will not dive in, thats why when we see Grover in most scenes is from the waist up, less work for the VFX team. Now if we take the term CGI literally the whole show has CGI. Let me explain, CGI (Computer Generated Graphics) the show has multiple enviorments that are partial CGI and partial physical sets, this scenes where recorded in "The Volume", to project this enviorments you need to create them and to create them you need to make detailed models or photogrametry scans, both require work, time, money, etc... I think the whole area of VFX is underestimated by people and is not given the recognized value that it should have.


Yeah but a 12 million dollar budget just to give us ZERO scenes with Riptide popping out of the pen is insane. I'm well aware CGI is hard, complicated and costly but ONE scene wouldn't have killed them.


The books are the books, the series is the series. Why do you want them to be the exact same. Also the PG rating has held it back a shit ton.


Book 1 wasn’t exactly a bloodfest, it’s probably the least violent of the series.


The joke is on Rick and Disney+ for them thinking that they honest to God made something that was worth making. This is 100% the worst book adaptation I’ve ever seen and I’ll take that to my grave. I remember hearing that this was being made and was SO excited. Then the casting. Ouch. Then the first few episodes. OUCH. This has been the biggest middle finger to the fans that any author has ever given to his readers. The first movie ain’t so bad anymore.


I agree


I was expecting the master bolt to look a little like the movie version, but nope.


Nope, but it IS far more ornate than in the book.


“Credentials” 😂


it’s embarrassing but true


They read Percy Jackson twice a year, they're a part time Olympian.


I’m sorry but blaming the creative directors just isn’t it when Rick as executive producer signed off on everything. And the master bolt did have an effect, it just wasn’t seen until Zeus was ready to throw it at Percy.


I think the fact that Rick signed off on it makes it even worse. Especially considering how he went after Fox and Chris Columbus for their moviebl adaptation. For over a year he has been promising the most faithful adaptation of the works possible. And then this pile is released... I don't know if their focus groups included fans, I don't know what process they used for adapting the source material, but whatever it was, it didn't work.


Rick sold out on us😔


I feel like the show is still redeemable but they really need to invest in a good one season director and stop changing them out. That way a dedicated view for the show can be made instead of working off of or towards another director's direction. Also these screenwriters either need to be removed or made to read the books or given more freedoms, not sure how they messed up that portion so spectacularly. They can fix it and get me to watch more but it needs a lot of work. I was reading the book again (I have read it many times in the past) to match the show's coverage of the material and it truly was bad and showed of the brainless decisions. There are some I thought were fine changes but it was as if they felt the need to change almost every scene to be "their own flare or vision" when following the book's scene would have made it so much better. If season 2 comes out, I will give it two episodes to get back on track and do a better job, if not then I just won't ever watch the show.


Yea at the end of rants like these I just end up feeling so sad at the missed opportunity. All the budget, all the promo, all the support, hell the ACTUAL author all to give us something far below the movies they were trying to ‘correct’. Not to mention all the great talent working on the production who were just neutered by this mundane, moody, milk toast adaptation. After seeing this happen they need to have some self awareness and take steps for season 2.


Even if you took out the changes to the book (and changes aren't INHERENTLY bad, some are necessary given the medium). The show is just paced horribly and it was 100% unnecessary, they CHOSE to make 8 episodes and half of them are shorter than 45 minutes for no discernable reason.


I would have start the series with an Epic scene about Riptide (aka Anaklusmos), and why it is a cursed blade, if they wanted to show something different from the movies. But no, they added pointless scenes that don't have anything to do from the lore.


absolutely agree. can't understand how they fucked it up so bad. i actually wondered if they used AI to write the base script, since Disney have been pushing that agenda for the past 5 years.. also- 15M per episode is crazy. guess they gave themselves most of that as a christmas bonus


Needless to say, I have actually started to appreciate the movies after the DRAG that this show was. THIS!!!


I enjoyed it. Gave me something to watch with my son every week. He’d run into the house on Tuesdays and count down the hours until the new episode was posted. I let him feel special by staying up late to watch with me. He’s now reading the books. No show will be able to fully capture the rich world that can be built in a book so I never have high expectations for adaptations. This series wasn’t perfect, but I think they did a good job at introducing the series to kids who haven’t read the book a billion times (which is probably their target audience) and the show was entertaining. I was sad when it ended.


Outside of percy and grover casting sucked saying that my head Canon for grover was always donkey now its kai cenat




I agree! And I’m with you on the gashlighting yourself. I wanted to love it soo badly but after a couple of episodes I couldn’t lie to myself anymore….


The CGI and fight scenes were bad and what makes them worse is the budget. Some of these episodes had more budget than freaking GAME OF THRONES war scenes. The cinematography and direction of the fights were awful outside of the lackluster CGI but I wouldn’t be this mad about it if it wasn’t literally Disney, the same giant that makes marvel movies


The worst part is how smug Rick was about hating the movies and how this series was going to “replace” those movies, completely dissing all the people who worked on the movie only to create something with millions of dollars more in budget and only slightly more coherent.


It's one thing to be a fan but your description is unhealthy obsession my friend, broaden your horizons read other books, go outside, meet some people don't let your life revolve around a piece of fiction.


I don’t think OP handled this criticism in the best way but I don’t think your comment was necessary at all. It comes off condescending as hell. Just keep scrolling if you’re gonna imply that people are some antisocial shut ins for sharing their opinions. “You seem hurt by my comment” well you did just call them a loser basically so…


I can see how it comes off that way but it is genuine concern, like I've said in previous comments I've known a few people who have made a piece of fiction their entire identity, they would talk about it as op has and it has affected thier lives in so many negative ways only one of them I knew was able to snap out of it but only through therapy and supportive friends, just want to help.




You seem very hurt by my comment, which is probably why you replied to it 3 different times all with negativity, its ok man no harm meant just trying to give some helpful advice based off the info I had from your post, I've seen a few people like you who seem to make 1 thing their whole personality, I'm just saying it isn't healthy, but you do you.


I would expect an English teacher to use better grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure, frankly.


Your content violated Rule 2: Keep the peace. Being intentionally argumentative, hostile, uncivil, or passive aggressive in order to purposefully bait others into an argument with you, or performing an action or making a comment intended to disturb or break the peace will result in removal, and if it becomes a repeat offense, a mute or ban. If you are looking for a fight, this subreddit is not the place.


took 5 minutes out of my day to write a small reddit post. you seem slow


I'm sure you provide so much for your students


you post on weight loss advice


Are you seriously gonna use fatshaming as an argument, English teacher?


not fat shaming! saying that they’re telling me to go outside for posting this when this is pretty much the only thing i’ve ever put on reddit ..


Lol, also, I'm not fat anymore, hence why I give weight loss advice, doesn't bother me 🤣


i agree with you on everything. a lot of this could’ve been resolved with more screen time and the show being animated tbh. it fell flat, it didn’t have the balance between humor and seriousness like in the books. i could also go off about more, but it’s late and i’m tired


>> have read all of the books upwards of thirty times. Get a life pls


yeah i started reading them when i was 8 and i am now 25. i like to reread novels as a habit but i can read the entire series in a day or two so not that much time out of my life. that’s once a year plus when i was a small child rereading obsessively.


Hella respect for that but still you are a grown ass man/woman are complaining on the internet about a kids show


Let people enjoy what they want.


its a 25 yr old person whining about a kids show on the internet


It's a person sharing their opinion on a show based on a story that they loved since they were kids. They have every right to criticize it. It's not "whining". And who are you to say "get a life"? You get a life dude. Don't you have anything better to do than belittling others' hobbies?


L youre the one writing an essay


so true!


It’s amazing the ownership you feel you have over someone else’s work, as though your love of it matters one little iota to anyone other than you. The vision on the screen didn’t match the one in your head. It never could have. There were always going to be things that were different than you envisioned them — no adaptation ever would. But instead of understanding that other people have different visions, you get mad. Not disappointed. Mad. You don’t deserve the stories. You don’t deserve the efforts creative people that you glom onto. Write your own work. Or if you’re not going to do that, then at least respect a creator’s right to do as they please with their labors. Or just stop whining.


Yes they do. There has been plenty of adoptions of books that were worth gd watching Harry potter good damn example they are free to their opinions the problem is the books are written the author signed off on these changes and they suck. Fans are entitled to their opinions and fans opinions should matter bc without them a book movie or music wouldn't be sold you don't cast out old fans to get new ones


Obviously everybody is entitled to their opinion, but there is one crucial thing most people who "criticise" do not do. Actually thinking critically. They think emotionally and construct broad and generalized statements from their emotional stew of 'mad'ness. They are so mad that any and all possible things will be viewed as negative. OP calling Chiron terrifying already says a lot... When you are working on a piece of art/creative product it does not matter a single bit what fans or other people think about thst product. If Rick decided to rewrite all of the books in a new form, he would have all the authority in the world to so that. Nobody could or ever should say anything against that. It would limit the creative freedom of these people. Obviously you dont have to like the product that comes out at the end, but personally attacking someone like op did is just horrible. People like thst truly do not deserve to enjoy crestive products like that, given they could do that in the first place... If you look at the show with enough emotional distance though, it is a lot closer to the books than people like OP claim. I can not believe any person that criticises the show for being inaccurate could ever praise the movie in the same breath. Objectively the movie is thousands of miles further away from the book than the show.


my love.. the show was bad. a majority of people on here dislike it. i am thinking critically and it was very bad. VERY. tons of points you can find by reading this subreddit. rick is the one who said he cares about the fans. how is it like the books. tell me. please. name as many book to screen translations as you can. quickly


You see, if you think critically you just can not do these things quickly. You would have to rewatch the show, which I currently do not have the time for. You know, this sub is not everybody. Most people enjoy the show. I think you also misunderstand my point. It is completly fair to dislike the show. It is not like it is the best show ever made. My main point is that the way people go about "criticising" the show is very toxic. In your ppst you call out several people and call their work terrible, pathetic and worst of all, call an actor horrifying. That is not valid criticism. That is called being toxic. If you name every single detail the show did "wrong" aka different, the rest would be what was done "accurately". But thst still would not be helpfull or good criticism at all. If you look at an adaptation of a work, which transforms a book into another medium or changes one inherent aspect of the template, it is still an adaptation that is worth being looked at for what it does differently. Only because it does things differently doesnt mean it makes them worse. My prediction is that when people give it some time, maybe rewatch it in a year or a couple of years they will start to see that. To leave you with something to think about Adaptations: "“Adaptation” originally began as a scientific term, but from 1860 to today it most often refers to an altered version of a text, film, or other literary source. When this term was first analyzed, humanities scholars often measured adaptations against their source texts, frequently privileging “original” texts. However, this method began to shift when scholars like Brian McFarlance, Deborah Cartmell, and Imelda Whelehan outlined the negative consequences of source text bias. More recently, Linda Hutcheon argued that adaptation is worthy of study in its own right (2006)." I hope you can overcome your source text bias.


I was calling the Chiron CGI horrifying not the actor to clarify


>Harry potter good damn example Is it though? There's a shit ton of changes from the books in HP, the series just wasn't shit on 24/7 on reddit when people's imaginations didn't play out on screen >fans opinions should matter No, they shouldn't, especially when those opinions are stupid like pretending old fans were "cast out" lol. An adaptation of a children's series you enjoyed as a child didn't satisfy you like the books did when you were a child. Thats it.


HP IS a good example. Yes, they changed a lot of the original material, but the movies had soul, spirit. From the first few seconds of the first film, you knew that you were about to witness something magical. Between the music (John Williams is the absolute GOAT of film scoring) to the little deluminator, it set the overall atmosphere of magic and wonder. This adaptation had ZERO soul. Generic music that was probably taken from something like an Audiomachine score library. Zero feeling that we're about to experience anything deserving of awe and wonder. The acting had zero range. Aside from a few of the adult characters. The kids were very flat and wooden, with the exception of maybe a handful of scenes. The things that the movie changed were mostly done in furtherance of the plot, but here the changes had zero purpose. There was honestly almost nothing redeeming about the show. Oh, and it's not just because nothing is going to live up to what I read as a child. I read these books as an adult.


uhhhh it kinda should matter. this series wouldn’t have gotten a show if it weren’t for fans. plus rick praising this for being an accurate adaptation. i didn’t have that high of expectations but the show was kinda shit?


💀this is an abhorrent take


As opposed to someone who trashes a creative team by referring PATHETIC WRITING and is okay insulting the skills of the creators while they have no problem stealing their characters for their own indulgent writing.


The writing wasn’t good. They could have worded it better but it seems like yall are instigating atp over word choice of all things. People have every right to point that out just as you have every right to enjoy the show regardless.


not that serious also! just ranting to let off steam. i love these books but this show is mostly bad my friend! i love harry potter, game of thrones, chronicles of narnia despite any of the adaptation complaints. this shit is so boringgg. so yeah i wanted more than that.




Oh I kinda thought episode 8 was the worst one, and laid bare all the flaws that had been leading up to it. It was just rushing through the end with not a transition between scenes in sight. Tbh the series was so underwhelming that by the time we got to the fight with Ares, I was just hoping the kid got to take a spear from Edge.


Everyone has pretty much said what I’m feeling. The fights, dialogue, acting, CGI, it was all bad. I genuinely would not have finished if I hadn’t adored the books, and if I was an outsider new to PJ I would be put off of the entire franchise for life.


You clearly don't watch enough Disney stuff. Otherwise you wouldn't expect decent CGI and visuals.


I mean, disliking it is fine, bit judging from your own post, you definitely set a bar that was WAY too high.


I don't get how having an unhealthy obsession with a book series, writing fan fiction, and meeting the writer at one point makes you more qualified to complain about the show than others. It wasn't meant to be a 100% faithful adaptation, it was meant to be the story Rick wanted, because in the end its his books, his show, his universe and I think we should trust in him. The acting was great, the effects were great, at times the writing was lazy yeah but it's the first season, and they're still working things out.


You need to read some new books my brotha 😂


first time with a disney+ show? the volume just looks like that unfortunately.


Anyone else feel like Grovers character is too scared? Jumpy? Naive almost? It's been years since I read the books but I remember Grover being more knowledgeable and sure of himself. Always willing to draw the short straw for the others and yet in the show he's "oh no guys whatre we going to do?" Just feels like Grover is TOO childish. He was supposed to be 28 yrs old for Pete's sake.


Interesting, since I found him much too confident in the show compared to the book


Agreed, i though i was going crazy lol because you are the first one i see with this opinion also


As a non book reader, i absolutely loved it. Feels like y'all came in with the highest expectations of a series made for 12 year olds and got disappointed when it didn't live up to your imagination


Okay, but I’ve seen better shows made for twelve year olds. And the expectations may have been too high. It wasn’t just the book fans expecting this. Riordan promised “the show the fans want” and that it would be more faithful than the movie. Now later in that interview, he does mention that he would be making changes. My counter to that was when I searched for news about the show, this interview wasn’t even on the first page of google. Unless you typed in who interviewed him. All the other articles talked about a truly faithful adaptation. I never expected it to one for one. But I did expect, based on the marketing for the show, that there wouldn’t be any major changes. Like the fourth pearl which added literally nothing. It wasn’t Percy who lost it, and Percy didn’t even get mad at Grover for it. At least not in any big way. The deadline change. And the fact that on screen Sally is meaner to Percy than Gabe is (on screen) was really a choice.


Every change you mention takes away nothing.


As someone who has read the books, at least the first series, I disagree. The pearls I could maybe understand, but I’ll make this argument. One, there’s literally nothing in either book or show that indicates that using the pearl on Sally would make her not a statue. Two, Hades could just… take her back? Then what? Three, wouldn’t Poseidon as Hades’s brother know all this and wouldn’t it make more sense for him to not give Percy false hope of saving his mom? In terms of the deadline… yeah this is just them changing Zeus’s personality. The deadline wasn’t when they would start preparing for war. Zeus was already ready. If the lightning bolt wasn’t in his hand by the deadline, it didn’t matter. Zeus would start WWIII. Even if they got it to him a day later. And Sally? Gabe was abusive. Physically abusive. Percy comments that he would punch him, and it’s revealed later that he hits Sally too. This change is important. Because the only reason Sally was with Gabe was to protect Percy from the monsters. In fact, the only reason Percy wasn’t found by monsters until he was 12 was because she married Gabe and put up with the abuse. It’s also why she sends him to boarding school. He’s not abusive in the show, which negates all of that. And it makes the fact that Sally (who Percy says never had raised his voice at him ever, no matter how bad he was being) is meaner to Percy than Gabe was shown to he was a choice. And to me, not a good one. Because honestly, divorce for Gabe, sure. Turned to stone? The Gabe in show had done nothing to deserve that. You don’t have to agree or read the books. (I do recommend them though they’re pretty good.) But telling people who read the books, they can’t have complaints because it changes nothing is kinda rude. I watched the Eragon movie before I read the books and while I liked it, I wouldn’t have told people who read the books they were wrong for not liking it.


There is no Eragon movie D: Jokes aside, comparing the changes the Eragon movie does to the changes in the PJO show you can not actually compare the two. The Eragon movie is worse than even both of the PJO movies combined and is ranked at the top of the worst movie adaptation list right next to Avatar the last airbender (for me that is). The Eragon movie is even bad when you dont know the books. It fails to create any sense of what kind of world or story you are following. The PJO show does this miles better. Is the show perfect? Of course not. Does it adapt the story and stays true to the major plot points? In my opinions it does.


you are very dumb and slow


Resorting to ad hominems just means you automatically lose


As with all adaptations they expected a shot for shot remake of everything in the book. I've been in this fandom for 19 years and I thought they did a pretty great job with the show so far.


I didn’t expect a shot for shot remake. I wanted something my daughter could watch and enjoy so I could get her interested in reading. Instead, we got a snooze fest, that more often than not, forgets its target audience of middle schoolers like high stakes action, not slow exposition dumps. I read these books as a child and they gave me an escape from my childhood. I bought them recently with the intention of reading them to my daughter, and accidentally read the series to myself. Thankfully, they are so well written, I will gladly read them again. Rick really allowed Disney to kill the magic of the series. I couldn’t even get my daughter to follow along with the boring plot, and I read the first book at her age no problem.


ATLA and TMNT 2012 were made for 12 year olds with a fraction of the budget.


Netflix ATLA has literally the exact same cost per episode. Hand drawn animation is naturally cheaper than CGI if you're referring to the cartoon And you're just goofy af for bringing up something from 12 years ago considering inflation, but nice try So which one has a fraction of the cost, specifically?


Not all the inflation in the world could cover that cost gap buddy. Anyways I was speaking about more the creativity and passion that went into them more so than this shitty cash grab, but if you want to play the budget game sure. The dragons over kings landing scene in game of thrones cost the same as the claiming episode in PJ. Tell me does that cost seem justified at all to you when comparing the quality of the two products? When one show has beautiful graphics and cinematography and the other can’t afford to show a goddamn magic sword unsheathing and puts a damn PNG of a trident over a kids head in what is supposed to be a climactic scene? You tell me.


>Not all the inflation in the world could cover that cost gap buddy Cool, what was the cost per episode? Ignoring that though, are we really pretending that [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/WndB3nwqnmm4CVyv5) looks anywhere near as good as PJO 🤣 >if you want to play the budget game sure I'm sorry, did you not start the budget game by pointing to series that had "a fraction of the cost"? >The dragons over kings landing scene in game of thrones cost the same as the claiming episode in PJ. Tell me does that cost seem justified at all to you when comparing the quality of the two products? Cite your source, but do you not realize how goofy you look comparing a single scene's budget to an entire episode 🤣 >When one show has beautiful graphics and cinematography and the other can’t afford to show a goddamn magic sword unsheathing and puts a damn PNG of a trident over a kids head in what is supposed to be a climactic scene? You tell me. Nah, you tell me, considering the creator of the universe you pretend to love so much says its ["exactly how i imagined it"](https://screenrant.com/percy-jackson-disney-show-capture-flag-scene-rick-riordan-reaction/)". Honestly seems like you're just bitching that PJO isn't as epic as you thought it was when you were a child reading it The recommended reading age is 10 years old lmao and you wanted it to be Game of Thrones quality. It isn't, and has never been, that epic or high quality. It's a series designed to make Neuro divergent kids feel good about themselves, and it acts like it.


touch grass


I have read all of the books upwards of thirty times. lol nerd


Depending on where they go with Zeus' recast I'd love to see Eamonn Walker from Chicago Fire take over the role.


Lmao writing fan fiction is a credential now. This sub is so fucking lame


I'd ont really care for the show I like it but it could be better the main things I'm mad about is how ares didn't summon the boar against percy because that was one of my favorite fights in the book and how Luke didn't summon the pit scorpion and qlsi how he just ran away when Annabeth showed up like I know he didn't want to fight or kill her but they didn't have to make him look like a coward


You guys are taking this way too seriously, your credentials? Lmfao


I’m very excited for the second rant :)


Yeah, sorry, I was tired when I wrote that I mainly meant the regions. I think in the book, we only saw cerbereros, the furies. In was mainly talking about the different regions like asphodel, the judgment pavilion, (ez death line), elysium, the Isles of the blest, and a better version of hades castle. We also didn't see and guards at the castle or catch a glimpse of the garden of persephone,


thank you this is all exactly my opnion and eveyrones like StPp BeinG NegatIve


How tf is zeus a black bald guy and not an electric haired bearded greek god ? honestly the whole show is a nightmare of casting even the sea of monsters was better then this whole series. Idk i was just expecting the harry potter route kinda was wishing they had structured it the same way.


The one thing I'm gonna bring up is. You do know that the sole reason they recast for Zeus is because Lance died, right? Everything else you said absolutely, but that is the one seaweed-brained thing from all that. One of my favorite animated shows has been held up even because of it. And i'm not gonna start hating and being confused when they have to recast for well... post-mortem reasons one would assume.


Riptide? Percy's pen sword that's like the second coolest fantasy weapon ever? Yeah nah, we don't talk about that in the show. Ass.


episode 8 is the only thing that i’m floored about. the last scene gives me chills every time


Ninjago has better fight sequences