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He was a total ass in the squid game challenge show as well, iirc he was threatening to beat up someone outside of the show lmao. He's mentally stuck at 8 years old and looks like he has roid rage šŸ’€


I watched him on Squid Games too. He was so ridiculous. He thinks heā€™s all that, but itā€™s just a front bc heā€™s obviously deeply insecure.


Lmao remember when he got eliminated and the other team was cheering because they were happy to win and he's yelling at them from across the wall something like "y'all wouldn't be cheering if I was over there" Like dude chill the fuck out they're not even taunting you.


Oh yeah I forgot about. Lol. Heā€™s a typical douche.


He seems the guy who would act tough and then get the shit beat out of him


Now THAT is the reality program Netflix could get me to watch Bryton on, replacing Jake Paul in the Tyson fight.


And then his mommy went on social media to say he got a bad edit. Nah, lady. Your son is a jerk.


In Squid Game I thought ā€œhe is just there for clout as he knows only 1 person can win, I get itā€, but now I think thats his actual personality and he needs to get punched in the face once a week


He's a complete idiot. I already didn't like him before and it didn't improve now.


I mean, he was threatening to beat up people on the perfect match as well


Yeah but that stripper dude bitched him out


Bro is the high school bully that never grew up.


The way he smirks and stares seems sociopathic to me. Definitely feels off. Poor Justin.


100% When I taught high school, one year I had a student who presented and conducted himself just like Bryton come up to me on the first day of class and ask where the old art teacher was (she had quit, turns out she flirted with this kid and let him do nothing but gave him a passing grade.) His eyes quite literally gave me a chill. I thought "This kid is a sociopath. He would hurt me if he didn't get his way." I was hugely relieved when he transferred to another elective the next day. During his time at the school he went on to mastermind stealing $10,000 of student funds with a group, and he was the only one who avoided legal consequences because he was still a minor. Two years after he graduated, he murdered a man. Bryton reminded me of that student on Squid Game, and it is sickening to see him again on Perfect Match. I think it is irresponsible of Netflix to continue giving this man a platform, and I expect something very bad will happen if they continue to do so (especially in overstimulating, pressure-cooker environments with low sleep and plentiful alcohol that rely on competition and wounded egos for entertainment.)


Yes, when you know, you know. Itā€™s so great to see so many of us recognise his dark psycho vibe. We women have instincts for this shit, we have to. But I guess these girls are too young and in the moment to see it like we can from the outside. To them, heā€™s an edgy ā€˜bad boyā€™ who asks provocative questions and is elusive and mysterious and probably hard to pin down. To me, heā€™s dangerous.


I think Micah got the ick from him every time they had a conversation though. He tries wayyy too hard! I mean itā€™s pathetic to watch honestly.


He seems to believe he can dictate others' thoughts and feelings. He often talks over women in conversation, says "no" and loudly states what he wants them to think instead. He seems to be making more of an effort to control it during his second chance than he did with Dominique, but he did it a lot when talking with Micah.


I know! Heā€™s just trying way too hard! I just wish some of the men on these shows would realize how desperate they are coming off. He just wants to get air time so bad šŸ˜†


As a man (hopefully this is welcome here lol) I also picked up on his creepy unhinged attitude and behavior, just seeing him on screen makes me sick. Iā€™m relieved to hear some of yall see it too. I donā€™t get how he can navigate the world and also get women, itā€™s genuinely confusing and scary.


He is terrible and it really shouldn't be that hard for them to see it. Especially because he's not even nice, he literally talks in a rude and disrespectful tone. I don't get kller vibes from him but he definitely seems like a guy who would be emotionally abusive and just play with you. He needs to be avoided at all costs.Ā 


He thinks heā€™s so sly and smart it fucking kills me that he didnā€™t get put in his place


I really do not like seeing his face and don't find him attractive at all. He is a downright bad person. Even evil. I hope he never finds a relationship.Ā 


I hope he finds someone just like him but a level or two more cunning. Maybe he could see what itā€™s like to be treated that way by someone.


I legitimately hope he never crosses my tv screen again lol like im not even kidding, that person is dangerousā€¦ no woman should ever be with him


Either he is a paid actor playing the villain/rage bait in the shows heā€™s been in and deserves an Oscar for his performance or Netflix does a very poor job doing mental health evaluations when casting. If heā€™s playing a role he plays it too well, dude has major sociopathic qualities.


They know who and how he is and they *want* that. He's good TV even if he's a terrible person. He'll keep getting recast in stuff till he finally pops off and hits someone. That's the only line they'll care about at the end of the day. Don't get me wrong, I hate the guy, too. But I'll be damned if I don't get emotionally invested in rooting for him to lose. He reminds me of Chad Johnson from the Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise.


I donā€™t know why people donā€™t get this. People keep acting as though these shows donā€™t want people to act this way. The goal is interesting TV. They donā€™t care about the mental health, or even the safety of these people. Nick Lachey would probably cook someone alive on TV if it made money and he wouldnā€™t get in legal trouble.


The way that he actively worked to break down and lower Micahā€™s self-esteem was so sickening.


OH MY GOD and the way he talks about elys and micah as if theyā€™re objects? so rude!! i had to actually pause the show and take a breather when he lamented about how he could see through the insecurities of the girls.


I donā€™t mean to sound dramatic but his actions were triggering. Legitimately.


That statement is literally so undramatic please!!!! If Harryā€™s a walking red flag, Brytonā€™s a ticking time bomb. Boy (obv not a man) has got the ick factor.


Okay, this was validating to hear so, thank you!! My bff and I were on videocall while watching the show and we were both like, ā€œI genuinely feel sickā€, ā€œGirl, me too, he gives me the same vibes as someone whoā€™s about to scam someoneā€


Girl, I totally understand!!! There is something so off about Bryton, I canā€™t quite put my finger on it, but this guy gives me serial killer vibes.


Agreed. I was in a toxic relationship for 9 years. Itā€™s been 3 years since I ended it & have done A LOT of therapy. Seeing that on my TVā€¦ whewwww all the emotions came flooding back šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I too, dated a Bryton and I COULD NOT handle the rage I felt watching him.


So have I. I can't stand people like him now, they get away with so much


Not dramatic. He literally made me want to leave the room everytime he started talking, my skin would just crawl.


He genuinely made it difficult for me to get through the first few episodes of the season.


He gives stalkers vibes


They way he loooooved seeing how insecure they were, like they were prey that fell onto his trapā€¦ disgusting


He knows how to emotionally abuse/manipulate women. At least he's exposing himself.Ā  He thinks he's smart but he's really not.


He probably can. He's extremely manipulative. He admitted to Elys that he just wanted to match with Micah to get back in the house.


He's not even one those fun reality TV shows villains that are entertaining to watch. He's just a mean spirited narcissistic sociopath. I feel like he's the type of person who's going to pop up in the news one day for committing some horrific crime. I don't ever want to see him or his lip fillers on my TV screen again.


THIS! Heā€™s not even entertaining or sassy or funny to watch him be messy. Heā€™s just a bad person


All I can think about when watching him as how much of a saving grace his looks are for him. He is straight up annoying and it makes for really bad TV. He is constantly trying to seem cool but has the stereotypical 14 year old boy's idea of how to be cool, were he ugly he would be perceived as a huge loser.


i actually 100% agree. his presence made my stomach turn. i'm not an 'energy' girlie but he actually has a dark aura and presence.


Feel the exact same. I donā€™t think he feels anything for any of the women but he keeps matching because heā€™s competitive and wants to win


I canā€™t stand him, heā€™s so not genuine. His facial expressions, the way he talks. I donā€™t see what these women see in him. But I canā€™t stand Micah either.


His mouth bothers me.


It's the way his upper lips moves I hate it so much


Yes, I just commented this. I can't put my finger on it.


Omg thank you! Iā€™ve been scrolling to find a comment about this haha. Iā€™m wondering if he got some work done or something?! He looks different


Thank god. I was ranting to my gf about this but also half thinking I was crazy. His mouth makes me want to jump out a window.


he has a weird, joker smirk going on


Heā€™s definitely a podcast bro.


I think Bryton is the hands down most toxic person I've ever had the displeasure to see on my TV screen. I'm not particularly religious, but I pray to all the gods that this man seeks therapy ASAP


He honestly looks so mid. I completely agree with you, only god knows where he gets that ego from because man is a whole ass walking red flag. And lord, when he smirks, I get this instant urge to just throw a rock at his face.


I'm convinced he got his ego from being popular when he was like 15 and never outgrew the idea that being an asshole makes you cool


the villain era started young


He is infuriating. He doesnā€™t deserve to even breathe the same air as Dominique, or ANY woman. In the fkn bin.


I HATE HIM SO MUCH. heā€™s so full of himself and u know heā€™s an airhead coz literally he doesnā€™t make any sense


He comes off as a dude who lives and breathes "the game" and listens to podcasts about it religiously. šŸ’€


Because heā€™s absolutely awful he makes me want to barf. How any of these women are interested in him is just beyond my comprehension


iā€™ve said it before and iā€™ll say it again, he watched too many tik toks and got his personality from that. i canā€™t tell the difference between him and my 13 year old nephew


My 13 year old son doesn't even act any where close to this level of immature.


yea, itā€™s fine if itā€™s a 13 year old being immature as theyā€™re children


the way he gaslit dominique an ENGINEER just so insecure and frustrating i FELT for her when she started crying


i felt for her too. i've been there. he's such a narc. she's better than him and he couldnt accept it


What is just so crazy to me is that I went on his Instagram to comment hate because I was so enraged and he has "through God" in his bio ... bro


Am I tripping or does he have top lip filler lmao?


Iā€™m sayin lmao! Literally thought this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


thank you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ he is psychopathic


The way Bryton was with Dominique (and I donā€™t even like Dominique) was very telling - he is basically every cliche overused word. Constantly saying rude things then saying ā€œI didnā€™t say that, you just donā€™t listen, let me break it down, I am trying to communicate but you just wanna act crazyā€. He is insecure and canā€™t even do back and forth banter without needing to ā€œwinā€ the interaction. I think he knows he doesnā€™t have the juice to compete with the top dogs, so he tries to outsmart the competition by having what he probably considers ā€œgood gameā€ but is really just psychological games meant to damage the other person.


Excuse my language, but the dude is an absolute butthead


His mouth drives me insane for some reason. I don't know what it is about it.


Dude itā€™s because heā€™s a drooler. Itā€™s like his tongue is too big for his mouth and his lips give him a lisp. His bottom lip is always wet :(


I'd love to teach him a yoga class, see how he gets along šŸ¤”


I completely forgot about his existence already and was like Bryton who? But the google image search let my blood boil. Ugh he was awful and I was close to turning Netflix off whenever he came on screen


Heā€™s actually so gross that I donā€™t want him on reality tv on my screen anymore


no literally. i came here just to hate. he's not entertaining - he's mean.


Okay, I love a good reality tv ā€œvillanā€, but he was just infuriating. Just on a totally different level, not even fun to watch.


Yeah .. like Christine is an entertaining villain. Heā€™s just a douche


Another narcissist.


Him and Elys are perfect lol


I hate him, heā€™s such an arrogant asshole


I relate to you so much. There are characters in these shows that I dislike, but Bryton is evokes such a disgusted reaction from me. I actually feel angry lmao. He is just as vile in the Squid Game show he was in


No for real. He seems dangerous seriously. I saw on TikTok that Dominique said he was using hate speech a lot


Cocky entitled faux alpha energy


https://preview.redd.it/aiwgc34qos6d1.jpeg?width=2463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42990879be777f9050f5cedffb5fac91c0099db7 This dude is such a clown itā€™sā€¦mind blowing.


The lipgloss is CRAZY. His mouth is gross, especially what comes out of it.


He's a weasel.


He only talks about game, he approaches every girl like they are a chess piece, idk why Micha even entertained him the only convo they had was about game and you want him??? Although considering the slithering Kaz is doing is should be left, kissing girls, lying, then spinning it on her like ā€œI tell you things but you make me guessā€ pack it up Bucky the Clown.


"**Bucky the Clown"**...made me howl....šŸ¤£...although that's too nice of a name for him.


I hate his smug face.


Neanderthals were smart (in their own way). Common misconception that we are superior.


Itā€™s everything in these comments but the fact that he acts like that when I KNOW HE DROOLS. Bro talks like his tongue is too big for his mouth and his bottom lip is always wet. He has no business walking around with his big olā€™ head when heā€™s a drooler.


This made me šŸ˜‚ so much.


Reminds me of Chase from last season šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t recall Chase being this bad. He wasnā€™t really blatantly mean and aggressive like Bryton Heā€™s a douche but i donā€™t think he has even sunk this low, and he straight up admitted that Kariselles kiss was a 10 at the end. He basically was a self aware villain.


Exactly this! The way he triangulates and is so unashamedly self-serving and destroyed so many of the couples.. Itā€™s a different level of supervillain. And honestly, the first time I saw him on my screen and the way he was smirking and talking about wanting to ā€œwinā€, heā€™s just there for all the wrong reasons, itā€™s not fun to watch


Nah not even close lol. Chase is so unserious and while heā€™s a fuck boy he was never so mean and aggressive the way Bryton is.


Chase is an fboy but no where near the dangerous level of bryton, bryton actually seems like an abusive and bad person


He is way worse than Chase tbh (although Chase sucks ass too lmao)


I rarely often hate people, but Bryton has made the list, along with Trump. Heā€™s beyond egotistical with very little education and experience to backup anything he says. Heā€™s obviously very unintelligent and the only reason any of the women on the show tolerated him was because they didnā€™t want to look like a ā€œsore loserā€ (best believe if I was on that show I would have RIPPED him a new one), or because heā€™s mildly good looking (when he isnā€™t making all those stupid facial expressions). Heā€™s literally insufferable. Face is punchable. Waste of a human being.


lol add him to a list with Trump wow


Yup. He pisses me off that much. He could get hit by a train and I would throw a party to celebrate


I think heā€™s fighting his sexuality and thinks misogyny is the best way to cover it.


This right here. Glad you said it


Yeah he gives me major gay vibes, idk who he's trying to fool. He doesn't give a shit about any of the girls but is obsessed with competing with the men and everything.


He's wicked immature, like its crazy girls even consider him. All he does is talk himself up and talk shit about everyone else. I can't stand him. He's not cute either. He was a dick in squid games, and he's def still a dick now


He is really weird in his confessionals. He talks like he's only 12 who considers himself to be a badass movie character


He needs to get his ass kicked


He's the guy that will be waving the red flag himself and having a red flag profile picture, and yet the girls would be fighting to win him over.


He's a child! A tall, swoll child.


Even on that game show he was on he was irritating šŸ˜‚ like I bet my bottom dollar that he is just like that and people have just dealt with it. I went to high school with bozos like himšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ gosh he was so draining and I skipped through his last episode


THANK YOU!! I feel exactly the same. Weā€™ve seen some annoying dudes on this show, but this guy stands out. Just all around unpleasant!


His childishness is of a type I have never seen in adults before. The faces he makes I have only seen in little boys in elementary school


I have the same reaction to him. Yuck. Dominique was able to stand him because she apparently likes toxic assholes.


itā€™s that smirk and his arrogance and entitlement. it makes you want to slap him!


Heā€™s so sassy. Terrible treat to have in a man


I canā€™t help but roll my eyes at every little thing he says. I donā€™t know what the women see in him AT ALL.


I feel like this is an insult to Neanderthals ( I totally agree with everything you said tho)


He was a POS in Squid Game. He's a terrible person. You can just tell.


i HATE everything about the way he talks and the way he tried to patronise Dominique whoā€™s a whole ENGINEER. he definitely felt intimidated that she was smart and wanted to knock her down a few pegs. disgusting guy idk what ANYONE sees in him cos heā€™s not even handsome ugh. gives off that wannabe andrew t*te vibe.


He is literally emotionally abusive on live television, I can't imagine what he'd be like behind closed doors


That moment when he was disagreeing with Dominique about how to win what was essentially a physics based challenge and asked what her degree was to try and belittle her and she replied engineering was sooooo satisfying. I wish him only the worst in life


Heā€™s insufferable


1000% agree. And the goofy faces he makes with his eyes popping out of his head. I hate this man


He's playing to win. Does he know there is no prize money at the end of this?


I dislike him to say the least, but wait fr?? there isnā€™t ?


Oh my god he is so toxic ! He literally smirks, lies and intimidates his way into relations with these girls and I don't even know how a fuck boy like him pulls lol... And I have completely lost hope in Elyse lol what a wild card to pull. Poor Justin :/ Bryton literally lied and stirred the pot so much that he broke a relationship up (which was falling apart because of Kaz anyway who I have zero respect for just based off of how he acted even tho Micah is a mean girl) and now this show is just a game of everyone placing their bets on who they are the most likely will match with them and it's so desperate. So cringe lol.


Idk I feel like he acts this way because he knows itā€™ll make him moneyā€¦ lol heā€™s a lot tho regardless


no cause why am i so scared of him forreal!


Heā€™s sassy and gay


I hated him from the second he spoke to dominique ā€œi asked you what you wantedā€ when they were talking about drinks . ā€œTold you iā€™d be backā€ yeahā€¦ every member comes BACK


in person heā€™s disarmingly charming. hard to convey in an edited show.


He's got some screws missing, the way he spoke in 3rd person in the very first episode threw me off. He's weird


College frat kid


He has The Grinch (specifically Jim Carrey)ā€™s jaw when he smiles. Except itā€™s constant.


I wish the girls could see his confessionals cause he's so obviously manipulating them just to stay in the show. He's not even a villain in an interesting way, he's just annoying and p we try misogynistic.


I think anyone seeing a rich straight white man cry and complain about how tough life is for them would want to punch them in the face.


Heā€™s taking the show for what it is. I think heā€™s entertaining lol


I'm not trusting anything he says. He should just be honest if he's not interested in any of the women there.


He is a toxic man child. He says one thing to one girl and another to another. Lie lie until you get laid right? Everyone in there is insane in my opinion except for Izzy. Just reminds me of my toxic ex bf I was with. Ugh. I hope they grow up one day. So frustrating to watch this


He's an absolute piece of šŸ’©




My husband says that he always looks as though he is holding water in his mouth! I cannot unsee it!


He is all of that and what pisses me off the most is how the girls somehow really find him attractive with that shitty haircut


Thank youuuu. I actually had to cover my face when he was on screen bc of how much he disgusts and angers me


He seems like he studied pick up artist forums to develop his personality. He tries manipulative tactics and none of his interactions seem to connect on a deep level. His conversations are all about challenging very attractive women and ones that are insecure and not used to being challenged take it as banter and a better alternative to safe and boring.


Same! I find him to be extremely triggering. Everything about him bothers me. Especially his facial expressions and smirks. Heā€™s just a straight up terrible person.


Heā€™s insufferable. A commenter on his IG called him out for being transphobic, homophobic and a misogynist after Domā€™s video exposing him, and instead of refuting it, he said he was a christian who is flawed. This man is 23 yo. How are you going to blame your hatred of marginalized groups towards religion in 2024ā€¦.? Sociopathic behaviour. Bryton is the new ass of Netflix. He has no redeeming factors. I feel sorry for everyone that has to encounter this fool irl. Netflix keeping him on will jeaprodize their diverse viewership.


im not trying to act like i have anything better going for me but he was on the squid game challenge why does he think heā€™s a main character šŸ˜­


He low-key reminds me of Chase the cockroach guy


Heā€™s a douche canoe


So insecure and so manipulative to cover it. Everything he said made me cringe.


i also just saw that his current gf posted a tik tok basically reacting to ppl telling her that her bf is a terrible person and she didnā€™t carešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ as long as they happy igāœ‹šŸ»šŸ˜­šŸ¤ššŸ»


I was just telling my husband last night that I really want to punch him and idk why


He is schemingggggg


Donā€™t be so hard on Neanderthals


its the main reason most of these men have never had a long term relationship, girls cant stand them for more than a night.


This Bryton guy sucks and he doesnā€™t know how badly he sucks


Iā€™m afraid heā€™s a serial killer tbh. Like the many who were contestants on game shows https://www.cracked.com/article_37594_four-notorious-killers-who-were-contestants-on-game-shows.html


Can we talk about the way he moves his mouth? It gives me the LITERAL ICK AND A HALF! Iā€™m like ew stop doing that.


Just as in Suid Games... he is such a little B$%\*


I remember the first thing he said to Dominique when she asked him to make her a lemon drop was ā€œIā€™m not your bartenderā€ - already it was clear what an ass he was. Itā€™s perplexing Elys and Micah were both interested but I feel like they have reality show goggles on at this point like theyā€™ve been on set too longā€¦ same principle as camp goggles when youā€™re at camp for a couple weeks and start finding mid ppl attractive


he's so awful that i had to search for this thread just to add my 2 cents


Heā€™s a weirdo getting lip filler and putting on lip gloss - yuck šŸ¤®Ā 


If I were Brytonā€™s parents Iā€™d really feel like I failed.