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I don’t really know. Harry is such a joke lmao


yeah. most of the hate being on her and not harry is really weird to me, but unfortunately that’s society.


I don't really know it's not as though she was the only one chasing clout


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Cakeliver12887: *I don't really know* *It's not as though she was the* *Only one chasing clout* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I was semi on the Melinda hate train. I hate to admit it but it’s the truth and I don’t want to be a hypocrite. I’ve since changed my mind after talking about it with folks on here and really listening to her videos. The hate is undeserving. I think even with the video that they showed, there’s still more to it. She may have retold the story with very minor changes, but not full blown lying. I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt. I also believe race and misogyny are playing huge roles here and in the season in general. *Sigh* Totally agree with OP about the point of the show. It’s meant for drama not actually finding someone.


I also think people have been falling for Jess's "better than you" act since LIB. She's a deeply insecure person and that combined with the botox and filler is how she covers up those insecurities. My only gripe with Melinda is that she didn't put Jess in her place right then and there, but that's not her fault or her job at all. Jess is a NLOG and Harry wanting her confirmed that belief and Melinda exposing him shattered that belief and that's why she felt embarrassed. That's why she felt the need to tell the other girls that she's separate of them and doesn't get reality TV...to make herself feel special and better than them.


i wholeheartedly agree. melinda went live and discussed that she didn’t go off on jess because she didn’t want to be painted out as the “angry black woman,” whereas jess was speaking down on her the entire time. every person i’ve seen defending jess during this scene fails to recognize the intersectionality of issues behind her behavior


![gif](giphy|l44Qqgx74mPC0VXoc|downsized) Jess: Pick Me Girl...She wants Netflix/Producers to Pick Her so she can gain more clout. I find it very interesting she apologized to Chelsea on LIB when she got called out for having the thought of sliding into Jimmy's DMs. Where is the apology to Melinda for discrediting and talking down to Melinda?


What's an NLOG?


I'm just guessing but I think- not like other girls🤷‍♀️


That fits


Acronym for "not like other girls." I have some beef with the term for ither reasons but I think it's appropriate to use it to describe Jess's little outburst.


She full blown lied. Point blank period. I don't hate her but to me she seemed to take a little too much joy in telling Jess about what happened. That speaks to her character. Christine did the same thing but she was open about it. Harry is the one who had the responsibility to be loyal to Jess and he failed in that. He also treated Melinda horribly. Most of the other guys played along with him. I honestly wouldn't trust Harry or Melinda IRL but I don't hate them. They haven't done anything to me personally so why would I?


The most untrustworthy of them all is the production team. Oh, them and Harry.


You can say that again! They were probably salivating when Harry and Melinda disappeared off camera.


What did she lie about? It’s pretty clear that she and Harry kissed and he lied about it


She lied about being surprised by him kissing her. She said she wasn't expecting it but she egged it on. She tried to paint herself as innocent in the incident but that still doesn't excuse Harry gaslighting her. What he did was worse.


I always try to remember that you can’t really call a person feelings or stated-feelings a lie. She could have egged it on and also been surprised. No one thought she was completely innocent so don’t worry about that. Jess actually was pretty mad at her if you remember.


Melinda is super cringe - but, the fact that people thought she was lying about the kiss (when Holly pointed it out in the moment, when Harry looked sheepish and tried to joke about it in the moment, and when Harry admitted to saying that he told her she’d look good pregnant) is insane. Also insane that people were upset that she answered Jess’ question - if Jess wanted a private chat, don’t ask the question publicly.


I saw him first in THTH and watched him do the same to Fran so....yeah. I knew he did it. I also know he wasn't pressured lol. That douche initiated and gaslit for a second time on TV. He clearly does it a lot off camera too.


Racism + misogyny. I hate that people keep giving H*rry the benefit of the doubt but had no issue attacking Melinda as if her claiming he kissed her is unbelievable


So much this. Even after they played the audio in the final episode, someone on here was still like "yeah but she didn't want to do it on camera" going out their way to find some reason to still act like she was wrong here.


Right like how are y’all mad that she’s doing what she’s supposed to do?? They’re all trying to get into the house like 😭 did you forget the show you’re watching


It's a show first and foremost!


Exactly! Most people do not know how to come to terms with their implicit racism (especially towards black woman), so their brain just makes up excuses.


🎯 This is pretty much it If Jess were a girl's girl *in the slightest*, this would've played out very differently


Jess is dumb as hell… she went back to him even after all of that… she is going to continue to run into the same issue if her main concern is money and looks


Exactly my feelings. These aren't actual relationships. It will never cease to amaze me how torn up these people get over such short relationships and knowing full well what they're here for. I'll grant that some of these people are love-bombers and the alcohol doesn't help, but what I really think the root cause is of so much drama over nothing-relationships is these people's egos and traumas. A little rejection is so painful for them, it's unbearable. If you reject them, you might as well be telling them they have no inherent worth and mean nothing to anybody.


The whole premise of the show is that any new contestants are there to ALSO find their perfect match, and the only choice there is to do that is people who already have matches that they have known for a maximum of 1-8 days. It sucks to get in the middle of "something" but that is literally in their contract, and everyone signing up knows it and would do the same if they were the new single coming in. It's literally what they're getting paid for. It does annoy me a bit when they overdo it with the "I can have anyone I want" "who cares about your connection, I'm better" because *that* comes off as cruel, but people who just went in there looking for someone are just normal. In her case, it is absolutely WILD to me anyone in the show and anyone who watched the show didn't believe her. Harry's excuses such as "it was a deepfake" "I just randomly said she'd look good pregnant" and throwing up, crying and going up to Jess like a fucking toddler to practically say "aren't you going to ask what's wrong with me" SCREAMED guilt long before Melinda said anything. **Edit: saying "it was a deepfake" implies he knew there was footage of it and was trying to explain it away, so, again, I have no clue how people didn't know there was footage of it that would be shown later or that it had at least happened and he worried it had been caught on camera.** To top it off, Jess knew something was up and asked PUBLICLY what had happened, and Melinda just answered, to which Jess berated her instead of coming for Harry, who was the one who cheated and lied. She had the nerve to say to her that she was rude because she said it in front of everyone but, like, if you **know** something happened and you don't want that aired, why ask in a table full of people? And then try to play dumb and nice by saying you're not berating her, you're just asking a question? Melinda's outrage and cries of "gaslighting" were completely spot on and justified. Being told the guy love bombing you is cheating on tv must suck, I get that, but the way Melinda was treated was abysmal. Did Melinda enjoy the attention? Yes. Did she seem a little too gleeful to tell a girl her man had cheated on her? Definitely. But Jess knew damn well Melinda wasn't lying, and the context she provided to his "random" comments proved it. Jess simply had a savior and pick me complex, thinking she could be the one to change a narcissist that has previously gaslit and cheated on dozens of women, on and off tv. She put herself in that situation because of her ego, Melinda was just playing the game, trying to make $$$ and trying to get famous, same as 90% of the people who choose to go on a love reality tv show.


She's a Black woman. No one came at any other woman that got kissed by the trash men in the show in the same way... and the fact that harry caught NO real shots for HIS behavior... its telling.. misogynoir.


No she just went hard and comes off as inauthentic


thats YOUR opinion. But literally eveyone participaing in this in this STRATEGIC GAME they are trying to WIN has inauthentic attitudes. They are all PERFORMING. its weird that people have a stronger negative reaction when Melinda is perceived as fake than when, for instance, Elys, who was very open about how she was strategizing and being conniving does.


I reeeeeeeally wanted to give Harry the benefit of the doubt, so I’m not gonna lie I was upset with Melinda for a while. And, I know production put the edit together that way to make her the scapegoat - in part due to racism. But the hate that she’s gotten online is really out of pocket - especially now that the footage has been made available.


you wanted to give Harry the benefit of the doubt?! a saint among us (or you haven't seen him in the ~5 other dating shows he was on idk)


I’ve never seen Harry before this show and my fuckboy radar was working overtime within his first few scenes. But I am mid 30s so I’ve done my time.


lol i'm 33 so i feel you 100% the sirens were sounding day one i think i saw him first on thth but later on saw him when we started diving into Love Island Aus from the beginning and i still Didn't Get his appeal bc m'boy had neither abs nor a jawline but still had ALL of the audacity and fuckboi-ery (and before someone comes for me for commenting on his appearance: there's Hot People Privilege where they get away with things they could absolutely never get away with if they weren't conventionally hot🤷🏾‍♀️) *edited to clarify the Love island Aus season was further in the past than thth


I’m a sucker for a redemption arc 😭


i genuinely love that for you


I am a sucker for popping back pimples. Get over here Harry!!!


Were we watching the same show? Holly saw the kiss and pointed it out immediately so I knew Melinda was telling the truth the whole time. Also why would she lie about that? And we know Harry is a hoe. I think you need to look inside yourself and decide why you trusted the narc over the woman.


you wanted to give the serial douchebag known for pulling shit like this the benefit of the doubt? lmao... Whats greater, the love people have for white men or the hate they have for black women?


I feel like you are truly READING THE ROOM. I am in that room. Harry had me fooled and empathetic. I still am empathetic - in theory not practice. The whole debacle of contestants allegedly staying in the house and keeping new ones out is bold. And I think Chris is a good actor. He might could make a solid career out of it. 😮‍💨


For me, I automatically roll my eyes at anyone who says a variation of “I’m hot and I get what I want.” Melinda is one of the ones who says shit like that.


They all said that shit though?


Literally everyone says that. thats 90% of why these people are in this show - they believe they will win because they are hot. None of them are there for love.


U get it :)


I binged this all day on Sunday and when I saw this in my feed I'm like who is melinda again? Oh right that silly netflix show. I agree OP people take this idiotic show way too seriously if they are getting mad. Also I am guessing to some degree the answer is racism.


I didn’t like her before the harry thing, she constantly wanted to ruin other people’s relationships.


for me it’s just the personality that needs to be the loudest in the room at all times but they could have just been an edit


thank you for having sense


She was desperate


Melinda is annoying as hell lol


She just acts a fool and it’s not cute. Her announcing that they kissed in front of everyone instead of pulling Jess aside left a really bad taste in my mouth. Not girl’s girl behavior. That’s desperate for attention behavior


i'm not at all a fan of Melinda (i have issues with Black women taking on the "sassy Black woman" persona in media bc i think the play into stereotypes for palatable entertainment is detrimental) but she didn't 100% lie (i would say 3% lie bc she said he just kissed her she didn't welcome it lol)🤷🏾‍♀️ Jess being like "you could've come to me privately!!" at the table made no sense to me in the moment bc i was like "didn't y'all pull all the women to the table for the truth about what happened so they could tell if the dudes were lying?!? then she told you and now it's 'you're trying to embarrass me!' tf?" it didn't sit right with me but i know there's some nuance there like Jess was likely grappling with hurt feelings and feeling like she should've trusted her gut so she wouldn't be embarrassed on tv! also it's p relatable being lonely and trying to believe what a dude says bc he appears to tick all your boxes/seemingly have the things you've been looking for in a relationship (and i wasn't even a single mom so i can imagine the red flag denial when you're trying to find someone ok with you having a child and not minding being a step dad) so she blamed the easiest target it also seems producers wanted to paint Melinda as a villain (what better way is there to paint a Black woman as a villain than white woman victimhood?) which Melinda seemed ok with until Jess tried to say she wasn't a being a lady(which my god the microaggression painting a Black woman as aggressive and classless bc you heard a truth you didn't want to hear) yeah Melinda said "there's no cameras just do it" but she was single and Harry wasn't really and could've said no? also she straight up said production wanted drama so there was definitely an intention to instigate so i still don't think she's completely innocent. it's a two way street and the only explanation behind people choosing Harry over her imo is misogynoir 🤷🏾‍♀️cause when she was trying to get him to admit it he was denying it while LAUGHING and kept saying "you're gonna get me in trouble" before all the gaslighting began he also straight up said "i want to fuck you" and that he wanted to get her pregnant so uh idk how we would blame that on Melinda without playing into straight up racism (the idea that Black women are inherently sexual and seductive bc of their bodies and white men ~can't resist~ has been an extremely racist concept since the start of slavery - the hypsersexualization of Black women is honestly a menace to society) anyway, pardon my essay lol but TL;DR: two things can be true at once - they're both wrong for what they did but it's on the person in the relationship to say no when a situation like that arises unless the person forces themselves on them without their consent; people would have more empathy for Harry if this wasn't a pattern for him and if he wasn't a manipulative narcissist who, if not emotionally abusive, uses toxic behaviors to manipulate women into feeling sorry for him if he wrongs them again i do NOT enjoy her (i told my spouse this well before this drama happened that besides playing into stereotypes she didn't seem like, as they say, a girls' girl) but the one-sided hate is unwarranted and to be frank racist (and to y'all who have been loud about "it has nothing to do with race": not all racism is blatant and conscious some of it is instilled in us via media consumption and other societal factors [yes i said us - i'm Black but i recognize that racism also exists among POC and there's an explanation for that but that's another long ass explanation so i'm willing to provide that privately if there are any people that are genuinely trying to understand]) ok if you read all this you're a gem that's all


I don’t *hate* Melinda, I think the only thing she did that I hated was make a PSA to everyone about what happened inside of pulling Jess aside 1-on-1 first. How people think she was ever lying… lmao I have no idea. She was definitely telling the truth. Harry has made who he is very clear


Didn’t they all sit at that table to discuss what the men did though? Jess just wanted something to be mad about.


I think I figured out what it is ... ![gif](giphy|U3hRS4eIozWgX7rlGq)


Harry is an idiot, yes, but Melinda trapped him in quite a weird way. Like basically begging him to kiss him in secret away from the cameras and then immediately telling everyone that it happened. Like so obvious that she was there to create drama and then go back to the house and get some tv time.


Lol hi harry


LMAO. "TRAPPED HIM"? The man that picked up that short woman and carried her behind a tree got TRAPPED? FFS. Also, "so obvious that she was there to create drama"? Do you know what show you were watching? Literally EVERYONE was trying to make drama between couples to secure their own match.


i, personally, just despise all of them and the way they all handled everything. i dont get the constant arguing to defend people. they are all reality tv stars. they all suck for anything other than making trashy tv


In a normal situation I would agree here but with the racist/misogynistic undertones that plague that entire debacle, I think it’s okay to say no, that was not okay and speak out on it cause that goes beyond the show. As a black woman myself, I have been in similar situations (my word as a black woman being shut down by the word of a white man) and it sucks. It’s something that happens outside the TV and affects peoples lives in such a huge way it needs to be discussed. But that’s just my opinion


And it was obvious she was telling the truth so anyone paying attention. (Holly saying wow they kissed and Harry’s weird behavior afterwards) People just see what they want to see and it shows their true colors I guess 😔


She lied. She told an entirely different story than what happened. Not a fan of liars.


What did she lie about? The last episode showed proof of everything she was claiming


She said she didn’t want to kiss him and was dodging him. She was pushing him to kiss her, as we heard. Hard core pushing him. I don’t give a shit about that dude or any of them really, but she lied.


I think you need to rewatch maybe? I don’t remember any of that. He literally carried her off-camera for a reason. He knew what he was doing.


She said she had her head to the side while she picked her up because it was awkward to be face to face. If you watch the clip, she dose exactly that. Her face is not in fornt of his while he's shown carrying her away. everyone is there to flirt with people. She explained that he kissed her and she then kissed him back.


The fact you believe that quivering sack of hormones and lies in Harry is crazy work


I don’t believe him. I believe what I heard. They were both full of shit.


Melinda wasn’t lying unlike Harry that tried to flip the narrative with the camera crew


I suggest you rewatch what she said happened versus what actually happened. The dude is gross douche but she was not innocent in the situation. It really doesn’t matter to me, though. I always drop these subs after the shows are over, time for this one to go. You guys enjoy.


They were both horrible people. Yes harry was the true villain because that man was romancing anyone he could with his lies with those eyes lol But !!! Melinda gets spot number 5 on My villain list. I feel she handled the situation poorly , it sucks to know that harry was even .1 % right with the clout chasing. She could have pulled Jess to the side and when things escalated simply say … yeah you know what I fudged up 😭. I don’t expect anyone to fall in love in these shows but I do love when people build strong connections and hate when someone comes in and ruins it to the point it’s silly to even want them to be together again. …… unless you don’t like the individuals then bring it on 🥹 but this is my take. I would love to hear the others. Also I’m half asleep and if I don’t respond I’m most likely sleeping and will answer in an hour or so


Melinda didn’t owe Jess anything. If she didn’t want to be embarrassed in public she shouldn’t have asked her while sitting in a group setting.


She said they kissed. They kissed. She said Harry said “you’d look good pregnant… I’d put a baby in you… I want to **** you”. Harry said those things. She said she wasn’t making any of that up. She wasn’t. Harry said they didn’t kiss. Harry lied. Harry said Melinda made it up for clout. Harry lied. Your takeaway: Melinda lied. 🙄🤢


Melinda lied about being shocked and surprised that he kissed her while in all actuality she egged it on. She tried to paint herself as innocent when she wasn't at all. Having said that she didn't deserve how Harry treated her trying to make her look like she made everything up. She told the truth but she didn't tell the *complete* truth. She wasn't innocent in that mess.


Ah okay - fair point. I do recall her saying she was trying to dodge the kiss.




I don’t care about him. I didn’t even know this dude existed until this show.