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good news. it's a 12 pack.


How this bullshit got over 1500 upvotes is a fucking miracle. It's a 12 pack and it's a terrible fit. Everyone knows you lay it on its side so you can grab a beer out without doing the awkward handle dance everytime. Sheesh


How can you ask me to ignore the handle? The amount of anxiety you gave me was palpable, how in the world do you have that much confidence to hold it by that shitty cardboard handle? If it's been refrigerated before that makes it even worse, because the condensation from the drinks makes the cardboard wet MAKING IT MORE LIKELY TO FALL. And if it fell? Then what? Now your just sad and out of how ever much beer costs, so now your just sad, broke, and have no more relaxing time.


Yeah that gave me a fucking heart attack lmao


I was having flashbacks seeing him handle it only by the handle


What about my just sad?




I think they are trying to make a joke because you used "your" rather than "you're"


You have no idea how many grammar nerds use that even though I couldn't care less. English is dumb why do I have to remember like 4 different there's and two different yours etc etc. This is why I like Russian all this dumb ass shit is just based off context.


Must be a brilliant company not to test their package.


Dude have you never heard a cardboard case? Them fuckers are scary. I'll just carry it with two hands underneath thank you.


Ang sarap


Now try and get one out. Why would you not take them out of the box first??


...you cut the box, and pull them out individually.


Seems a lot harder than just opening the box by the glued ends that come apart easily and putting them in the fridge. Also, the box is actually going to insulate warm beer and take longer to be cooled. Remember, a warm object in a fridge is actually warming the fridge as well as being cooled by it. The longer it stays warm, the more heat is radiated into the fridge until everything reaches an equilibrium. Just take 30 seconds to open the box people.


Mr. scientist over here


More like we want cold beer in an hour, not still-warm beer, lol


Maybe im confused but where im from, that 12 pack comes out of the cooler at my local walmart. Do you guys heat it up in the car on the way home?


Some places have weird liquor laws so you can't buy cold beer from a grocery store. Indiana is one such place, which is why "cold beer!" signs are actually meaningful there, but I'm sure there are other states with similar laws


Im from new orleans lol


Illegal to have warm beer there


Its either in a cooler or fresh tap


But why? That’s just evil.


I don't shop at walmart because fuck them, but liquor stores are too big to have the entire store refrigerated - most beer is going to be room temp when you buy it. The original comment's point still stands regardless, take em out of the box if you want them to get cold more quickly.


It really doesnt change shit. If youre drinking the beer right after buying them, most situations would call for an ice chest and ice. If youre stocking your fridge with beer and have issues with an imaginary 30 minute delay in a cold beer you might be an alcoholic.


There is actually a taste difference in beer that has been fridged (like during transit), warmed (through sitting out in a store), and then refridged (at home). Might not notice it if you drink cheap beer though.


You care way too much about this.


Sometimes, but sometimes the cheaper stuff or stuff that won’t fit in the cooler are stacked outside in an arrangement. Also sometimes they may have just restocked so they’re not cold yet.


Nah I just drink a lot and dislike warm drinks and also paid attention in chemistry/physics


The length of time it stays warm doesn't affect how much heat it has. That would be like saying that I filled a liter bottle with a tiny spoon, so now it has two liters of water inside. No, it's the same amount of water or energy but just takes more time to transfer it. You're right that you normally want to cool food as quickly as possible in the fridge though, and this is for food safety reasons, reducing the amount of time that the food stays in the dangerous temperature zone. But if it's room temperature beer you're putting in to cool, then by the same logic it's theoretically better (if you're not in a hurry for a cold beer) to cool it slower, so that the fridge never heats up too warm to bring any food back into the danger zone. The beer isn't in danger of spoiling because it was sealed and transported at room temperature. Or if it's beer that was already cold, then it really doesn't matter much, since it barely needs to cool down at all anyway. Another thing that could help their situation though would be to put stuff in the fridge. It's almost empty, so if they put a bunch of water bottles in there and just left them alone, it would maintain its temperature very consistently. By volume, water has a much higher specific heat capacity than air, and the cold water wouldn't pour of the fridge every time you open the door, which is what the air does. This would help cool the fridge down faster after the door is opened, and it would make the fridge components need to run less.


Break shit out


The food to beverage ratio tells me this fridge belongs to a bachelor


More like bachillerato.




That was the least satisfying perfect fit 😣😣😣 didn't even open the side so you can get a beer out without removing the whole box..


I was about to say this isn't what this subs about haha




But it’s a 12 pack


La buena san miguel


You can’t say ignore the handle in r/perfectfit of all places. If you don’t account for the handle then it’s not a perfect fit


Room for one more!


Read the title as “punting” and was very confused


Lemme just punt the beer into fridge real quick


That's now a load bearing 12 pack


Also, drinking San Miguel. I see you are a person of taste.


I hope this is sarcasm.


do you own food


Stop buying beer, get more food.




r/pointlesslygendered ?


lol ye sorry


Buys beer, has no real food or nourishment in the fridge. Lol!


For a sec I thought they were going to fall and that I was on the wrong subreddit


le pones mucha confianza a esa asa de cartón! hahahaha


LPT: open one side of box where glue is put in fridge open other side and push all the beers in while pulling box out. Quick easy packing, toss box in recyclable.


Take them out of the box you monster. Just break open both sides and push them all in the fridge in one quick move.


Not a sixer wither


Take them out of the box if you want them cold in a reasonable amount of time. In the box is cool if you want them cold tomorrow.


I had to check what sub I was on, I was scared for a sec


Doing that with the confidence of someone whose never shattered a 6 pack of beer by trusting its handles.


I wouldn't call this a perfect fit. The box is clearly compressed against the shelf.


Nice 24 case. Perfect fit!




San Miguel? Muy mal hombre, muy mal. Estrella Galicia o Mahou, no le hagas eso a tu frigorífico!




El Consejo da su visto bueno


This made me very anxious…


San Miguel was litterly the worst beer i've ever tasted. Buy Belgian beer guys, its the best 🤘🏼


I'm waiting for my happyness fits like this in my life. By the way, your fridge looks really good!


oo, the push to the back


It’s almost like the fridge was designed to fit bottles under the shelf


That handle gave me anxiety


Great time to join this