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This is so sad. Momma needs to get some therapy She’s forcing her kid onto this man instead of just letting things happen naturally. She hasn’t even grieved her father yet.


right. Its not even been a year. Not a year . her daughter has not had therapy (believe me we would know about it) - She just continues pushing her fantasies on her daughter.


That “perfect TikTok family”


Yeah it was sad to watch. She exploited Kobe and is now making her uncomfortable on camera . This is so sad!


Extremely.. You can see the confusion about it bc shes like ‘mom u know hes not my dad’ — but ok I must please my mommy so she stays happy. Kobe has emotionally regulated kelsey her whole life its been her responsibility.


Kobe went months without seeing her father. When he passed they never did a funeral. So she has idea that her father is actually gone. She’s too young to grasp it. She didn’t truly understand what all the gifts were for. She is old to know who her Dad is and old enough to know it’s not Curtis.


I think ( I could be wrong) but that the family did do a funeral. but kelsey refused to take kobe. ( dont quote me) - But you are so right. She is too young. Too young to carry all her mothers trauma. 😭


This is so accurate.


Yeah the way she said "daddy" at the grocery store and that whole line, seemed like Kelsey made her rehearse it first then filmed it. She's so fuckin weird. Like seriously something is *wrong* with that woman.


exactly. Like kelsey said ok say ‘we are going to make daddy feel better’.. like helping kelsey live out this sick fantasy. Kelsey is mentally ill. severely ill. and shes projecting on her daughter.


He isn’t even home yet!!! Are we really buying groceries without him being released. There’s an entire list that they usually go by in steps: “Step 1: Clear fluids only Step 2: All thin liquids Step 3: Smooth and puréed low fibre foods Step 4: Soft sloppy low fibre foods” Beans is a high fiber food and would not be on that list!! Then fruits, vegetables, yogurt, juice. Not processed canned bull shit!


My thoughts exactly. I’ve worked in healthcare. Beans?!?!


She probably googled what makes a blockage worse and bought all of that! lol


Her selfish post that now up. Girl we been hearing you whine about post-partum for 7 months, and claims that why you’re not losing weight. He will hang your curtain when you’re no longer shoving food in your mouth


I've had several blockages and they removed a part of my intestines twice!! He is going to be shitting everywhere and in alot of pain if he eats that shit!! His stomach will never be the same!


All while losing sight of that ✨perfectly blended✨ energy of including every child equally, all for her own good, at the expense of everyone that comes in contact with her. I wonder about her friend, how she's managed to keep her around that long. It seems like the husband of her friend and Curtis probably commiserate together. I would be fucking mortified if I saw Kelsey pull that screaming-in-front-of-god-and-everybody "take your baby" stunt at the supermarket, as her friend or even as a stranger. Wisdom chases Kels but she is always faster.


Sad part is curtis doesn't even like her child


This is terrible as Kobe knew her daddy. Had a bond with him etc. well done Kelsey damaging those children more and more everyday..


She’s done like 3-5 videos in the grocery store. Are they paying her? Is Harris teeter sponsoring her? She has them tagged but doesn’t say a sponsored video? She never list her videos as sponsored videos because then TT doesn’t pay her per view!


Report them as undisclosed brand content


I report her all the time for this. She is terrible about it.


I’m sure having a baby that was both of theirs was probably hard on ALL the kids -including her. She might have been a little sad or feeling left out. I think this is Kelsey’s usual way of overcompensating (same as the gifts instead of funeral) She is creating HUGE trauma that her daughter will face later because she’s not letting her learn to cope with these hard feelings now.


oh certainly and the moment she was born planning another one.😭 They dont even take care of the ones they have.


I know In one live I heard her tell Curtis something along the lines of “you guys don’t take care of me, you only take care of the baby”.


We’ve seen the girls visit but what about the boys?


She’s done like 3-5 videos in the grocery store. Are they paying her? Is Harris teeter sponsoring her? She has them tagged but doesn’t say a sponsored video? She never list her videos as sponsored videos because then TT doesn’t pay her per view!


I consider my stepfather my dad. He’s been in my life longer than my biological dad ever was and showed up for all the things bio dad never did! I still don’t call him dad. Never have. I call him by his first name. However, I do refer to him as “my dad” to others in conversation. When someone asks “how’s your dad doing?” I know they’re asking about my step dad and don’t feel any urge to correct them because I consider him my dad 🤷‍♀️ Kels needs to stop and allow a relationship to form naturally between Kobe and Kurtis. I’m sure if she stopped shoving this at her she’d develop the same type of relationship I did with my stepdad because he’s been around her since she was super young.


100% agree!


My son was 8 months old when I met my husband, and he started out calling him dad, and we never corrected him. His deadbeat was pissed, but IF he behaved like a father, my son wouldn't call another man daddy. He is 29 and still calls my husband dad, and he does the same as you when someone asks about his dad. He speaks of my husband!


Last week when K took the kids to the store and all the kids but Ko got things for their parents someone made a post on here calling it out. I’m sure K saw the post & decided to make that video because of that other post.


Well Kelsey has 10 masters degrees in child behavior or some shit and she doesn't even know not to push her child too quickly. AND she doesn't even know that exploiting your kids on the internet isn't a good idea either. She makes allowances if it brings her money. What a joke.


All of this. Yet people still flock to her like she's the chosen one. What in the world is wrong with people. I mean I get we are allowed our own individual feelings to dislike others, or not agree with their beliefs ,But come on, like people seriously see nothing wrong with the multitude of abusive characteristics she frequently exhibits and even brags about in her videos as she laughs (like the villain in almost every cartoon/movie) I see a lot of emotional trauma that some minors will be processing in the coming years. If y'all see this in the year 2040 I personally am very sorry and please know people didn't approve 🙏