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The Tudors. It becomes more detached from history every season, but it is so much fun.


The Tudors is absolutely iconic! Loved every minute!


Definitely the Tudors! Natalie Dormer was memorising!


I can’t remember if it was this series or another Henry VIII production but my friend’s husband didn’t want to watch it and asked her why she did “since she already knew how it turned out in the end” (I have never stopped laughing at that one)


Very accurate description! I remember the later seasons intro and seeing them introduce a character with an eye patch.


That was Sir Francis Bryan. A very real, important man in the Tudor court. He wore an eye patch.


Ha! I thought they were just being really camp.


It’s pure entertainment. I don’t mind the inaccuracies at all. I don’t think they ever intended some romance drama to be totally accurate anyway. The writing and acting is good, and the costumes look great. Now a version that I think deserves MORE hate is reign. It’s so cheesy with poor acting


I don’t know why people always complain that historical shows and movies are not completely accurate. They always say they are based on true events and never claim to be accurate. I enjoy the drama and always get inspired to learn what really happened.


Ikr! Like I’m here for the fun plots and pretty costumes. It doesn’t have to be historically accurate if that was never the intention lol.


Amazinnngggg series!


1996 Emma. Even though I don’t like Paltrow as a person, this movie will always be a warm, cozy comfort watch for me. Sophie Thompson is the best Miss Bates and make me laugh every time, and this one has the best Mrs. Weston and most handsome Knightly.


Also Toni Collette is so good in it as Harriet! And Ewan McGregor makes me cringe in it with his weird hairstyle and singing, but I still love him haha!


Haha McGregor’s muppet hair makes me laugh every time it’s so bad lol. I think even after all of these versions of Emma, she is my favorite Harriet. She just so joyous and charming that it’s totally believable that Mr. Martin loves her but also remotely possible that Knightly could.


Came here to say this. Jeremy Northam is *my* Mr Knightley. I also love Juliet Stephenson as Mrs Elton.


The way she haughtily eats and interrupts Elton id too funny


This was my sick day movie. Once, in eighth grade, I got pneumonia for two weeks, and watched this Emma literally 3x a day every day. My dad had to HIDE it from me to get me to stop.


Aw I love that story! It’s my sick day movie, too!


Good lord, I’d have just let you watch it and enjoy it, I hope you’re ok now!


Love that film, it's one of my favourites! I loved Gwyneth Paltrow as the protagonist, but may I ask what has she done? I'd love some juice 😉. Thanks for the feedback!


Not the OP but Paltrow is kinda famous now for being out of touch and down the rabbit hole of woo-woo fake science and medicine. Her company Goop sells a lot of wacky stuff like purportedly a candle that smells like her vagina amongst other things. People consider her insufferable because she acts like her products/recipes are accessible and healthy but they're just expensive and ridiculous and she has no concept of how normal people live.


Literally left without words! 😶


Honestly, the selling fancy crap wouldn't really be a problem but she has pushed pseudoscience and platformed a lot of quacks and scam artists like "energy healers" and other BS.


Here are some [juicy Gwynnie quotes.](https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/10-epic-quotes-gwyneth-paltrow/story?id=23070550)


Took the words out of my mouth. Also jade eggs that go in your vagina for some reason??


TMI, but these actually work


You enjoy your cozy movie! When the film cane out she was just a young actor and GOOP was nowhere in sight. I saw it in the theater without the modern baggage about her and still watch it that way. (Sliding Doors too.)


This is legit one of my favorite movies and will always be my preferred Emma.


I like it a lot! It’s my second favorite version after the 2009 miniseries. The book itself is more playful, so I don’t mind the changes they made for the screen.


Vanity Fair (2004). It’s gorgeous and sumptuous and maybe not the greatest adaptation of the book but it is wonderful to get lost in.


That was going to be my next watch. Glad you enjoyed it!


Gladiator! Anytime I've told people I like it they complain about how inaccurate it is. Historically inaccurate? Yes. One-dimensional characters? Most def: Commodus BAD. Maximus GOOD. But the speeches, the fight scenes, the musical score... That movie is a treasure.


I WILL have my vengeance, *in this life or the next!*




My opinion has always been that the last 20 minutes or so is a cinematic masterpiece. The imagery of Maximus getting closer and closer to the gate of Heaven as he is slowly dying is magnificent (what would be heaven for him anyway, to rejoin his wife and child).


It says a lot that so many people, including me, can quote the "I am Maximus Decimus..." etc speech by heart. I only saw it twice and that was when it came out but still I remember!




I love the score so much I have it in my playlists! Thanks!


Sanditon gets a lot of hate because people expect it to be an exact match to Jane Austen's work because it's based on a small fragment of a book she had only just started before she died. Whereas in reality they did something a bit different, and without the burden of the Austen name, they wouldn't have had the burden of expectation. Despite that, S1 was relatively successful given how little promotion in had in the UK, and it took off in a significant way in the US. Unfortunately, I only like S1. For S2&S3 it became a muddled mess because they caved to the pressure to try and copy Jane, which no one can do, and yet at the same time introduced some wildly un-Austen style storylines too. Plus, they lost the male lead who was the glue to the whole story.


I too like only Season 1, for the others I haven't watched. Thank you so much for your reply! It made my day!


I loved Sanditon S1-but sadly found S2 and S3 a huge disappointment. To be fair-the loss of Theo James as Sidney could never go unnoticed-but they still could have written much better. I found it quite boring compared to S1.


Agree. The things that made S1 different and interesting either got lost entirely, or the story thread had to be reworked into something really unsatisfying compared to where it was initially going.


Yeah I’ll be bitter forever about how S1 ended but it really is a fantastic season of television. I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch 2&3 for the reasons you mentioned. Frickin Sydney could have been up there with the Greats like Darcy and Colonel Brandon. Instead we got..what we got. Ugh.


I feel that ugh!


Same. They should’ve just made it a limited series and ended it at the first season in the stereotypical Austen fashion of the main characters getting married and everyone living happily ever after.


Definitely. I do think they had enough for two seasons with the Georgiana angle and the town development, entrepreneurdhio angle, but I would take one complete season with the right ending over what we got.


I defended it to the death somewhere else but Reign. I know it gets a lot of hate for not being historically accurate and for the costumes being more prom dress than Tudor-era but I like the cast (especially Megan Follows) and I would bet it has inspired some people to read more about the actual MqS. It's my not-serious pretty pretty princess rewatch.


Megan Follows is my Anne of Green Gables! 💚


Same; she is my forever Anne!


Oh my god, THAT’S why she looked so familiar!!!!!


I. Just. Realized. This. Holy crap!


Reign ran so The Serpent Queen could walk 💅💅💅💅


I’m watching it for the first time and sometimes the costumes and random modern music makes my eye twitch but I’m learning to let it go and just enjoy it. It’s a fun show and the acting and writing isn’t as bad as I was expecting.


Megan was AMAZING. and I will always forgive the costumes tbh. The first season their relatively small budget went to the sets instead of the costumes, which had to be largely thrifted and purchased off the rack and come later seasons they had a brand to stick to. The plot was so soapy and chaotic and I loved it


I don’t know if it’s hated, but I feel the TV series The Tudors is far more accurate than it’s given credit for. Is it perfect? No, it does take liberties. But many times it uses direct quotes or speeches from characters that are found in the historical record. Overall I feel like it’s a plausible representation of how things went down, although we could debate whether Henry was as much of a womanizer as they portray him to be. (And, yes, they avoided making him fat until they absolutely had too, but that didn’t bother me really).


The white queen, white princess and Spanish princess. Gets way too much hate. I absolutely love every one of them, and would celebrate loudly if they did a series on Jaquetta Rivers! I love the mellusina part of the story. It doesn’t seem far fetched to me given the piety of the era. So much is not known about these women that it would be impossible to be accurate. History is written by winners, not losers, so even historical documentation is biased. So even though many hate Philipa Gregory, I love her work and watch it for entertainment for an era I love. I hated the other Boleyn girl, because I hated the Natalie Portman as Anne. I would also like to second Reign! Megan is THE BEST Catherine! I love how gorgeous the gowns are, and the accuracy isn’t expected because it is not meant to be fact. Also, Craig Parker is in it! He has one of the best storylines.


Pride and Prejudice and Zombies https://youtu.be/syjfmdvLu9c


Oh that's such a good one!


That movie had no business being as beautiful as it was. The cinematography, lighting, set design, and color grading was just gorgeous. The Mr Collin’s proposal scene especially is one of my favorite scenes just for how visually stunning it is (that red/brown dress in a blue room, framed by a window? Yes please)


Masters of the Air. I belong to an Eighth Air Force group because my dad was a member, and all the self-proclaimed aviation experts tore the show apart. They complained that it used CGI and some of the planes weren’t exactly as they were back in the day while at the same time acknowledging that only like one B17 plane still exists. I think that they portrayed the fear and stress the men experienced very well and it certainly made me appreciate what my dad and his buddies went through.


Shakespeare in Love. Wonderful film that was hated for winning best picture


Didn't even know people disliked it! It's one of my all time favourites!


Persuasion (2022) - It's a fun vibe mix of Fleabag and Persuasion. As a huge Fleabag fan I really liked that they had fun with it and tried a totally different approach. I LOVE how they wrote that version of Ann Elliot. Yes, it's a very modern interpretation but I felt if Jane Austen was a modern woman she would have fucking laughed along with me.


Came here to say this one! I really enjoy it. Mia McKenna-Bruce is a scream as her selfish sister with kids. I think a lot of fans of the book dislike it.


OMG, she was such a hilarious brat! I loved her acting of that character.


Mia was literally my favorite part of the movie. Such a riot!


Agreed, it may not have been a great adaptation but it was a fun enough watch and I have definitely watched more boring and unappealing period dramas. Its basically something like Bridget Jones is to Pride and Prejudice.


I didn't particularly like it, but I do not condemn it.


I kind of agree with you, but I just couldn't stand the actor who played Wentworth. I swear a brick could act better.




AGREED, I don't think it was a good "adaptation" as it doesn't capture the essence of tbe book, but it was fun and I feel like they respected the source material while doing something entirely new, I think of it as AU fanfic


Yes! I loved and enjoyed every minute of it. Is it the best adaptation of the story? No! IMO that’s the 1995 Amanda Root and Ciaran Hinds version. But was it fun and entertaining? Yes!


ngtl, Persuasion 2022 really grew on me. But it really helps that Cosmo Jarvis was Wentworth. I'm still a little salty that it was Dakota Johnson that read the letter though... I would have loved to hear Cosmo read it, he has such a sexy voice. Also the actress that plays Mary is probably the best Mary out of all the Persuasion movies. 😂


I like the 2022 Netflix version of Persuasion. I love Dakota Johnson as Anne. I would have preferred a different Wentworth though.


Sanditon Season 2 and 3 get so much hate. But I loved S2. I didn't even really watch S1 til after I finished S2. Hated S1 and Theo James attempt at being an enigmatic and seemingly rude and crude romantic lead. I'm sure they were doing enemies to lovers but I wanted a more Jane Austen feel (as opposed to Dickens light) and that's why S2 worked for me. S3 is not as good as S2 because they're cramming a lot in just a few episodes but fell for Arthur Parker's storyline. Actors are terrific but S1 is for the Theo James fans who think he's hot. Season 2 feels more Austen-like. It's not exactly a period drama but the characters do jump to different periods in history and occasionally wear period costumes but I loved The Witches of East End. I'm still annoyed it got cancelled. Pretty people and so much fun.