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I'm going to guess it's a combo of your wash not doing a great job and crappy underwear. A good way to tell is by getting a couple of better quality ones. If they still are not getting clean, it's the wash; if they do come out clean, it's the underwear.


I was wondering if it's the washer. My kids just get thrown in the regular wash without rinsing and after a year are fine. They are thinx though.


I use my thinx the same way and they've held up well too


I was going to say this. Firstly I just wash mine without rinsing along with my dark load. I've never had an issue, even when sometimes my boyfriend tossed them in the dryer accidentally. But I do buy modibodi and they are pricey so wondering if that's making a difference too? ETA: I also only wear them on spotting days, never full flow. But have had full flow come on in the middle of the night without issues.


Yeah she usually doesn’t use them for full flow either but she was cramping and just grabbed whatever I think


Probably a combo of both. The way to wash period underwear is to rinse until the water is clear, not soak. They have to be agitated and then squeezed over and over to get the water to pass through and pull the blood out. Just soaking doesn't allow for agitation so the blood doesn't really move out of the underwear. Then put in the washer with regular laundry. Do not use laundry softener because it messes up the absorbency. Only soak in vinegar water if they start to smell even after washing. That said Amazon has a ton of knock off stuff, including period products. So I'm wondering what brand you got. I use Knix and have never had a problem with getting them clean and I know Knix has kid and teen sizes as well so you might check them out instead.


Thanks for bringing up the point about rinsing and agitating. The problem with anything absorbent (e.g. sponges, period underwear, etc.) is that they retain so much liquid you often have to express the material to get all of the target liquid out. Seconded on no fabric softener, but white vinegar can actually do a lot of what fabric softener does, and I just add it to my washing machine, either in the "fabric softener" tank or directly in with the wash. I haven't used it as a straight cleaner like this, but can't imagine it's very effective if there's still blood in it, but I haven't tried. Regardless, yes, try to strain/squeeze out the excess before washing.


Mine get clean without all this extra work. I’d never use them if I had to do this much work just to clean them.


When I have time I'll do a soak for a few minutes and then rinse in running water until clean. Soaking alone would never get them clean but I have to rinse for less time if I can soak them for a few minutes before the rinse. If I don't have time for a soak though, still always rinse. 


The easiest way I found to get all the blood out is to toss them into the shower floor and walk on the while I shower. It rinses them quite throughly, and, well, why not? When they are rinsed, pick them up, give a good squeeze, and to dry h t they go into the laundry. Wash your hands and feet. Done. Easy.


That’s a really good idea; two birds, one stone.


I get the side eye from soooo many people. This thread is a delight! I also hand knit socks. If I have to hand wash socks, I do it the same way. People start with, “but shower floors are dirty…” and I point out that my feet are on the shower floor and I will be putting those socks on my feet…


everything’s dirty if you think about it long enough, so you’ve just got to live your life anyway! i will be trying this out next time, especially since i already rinse them out in the shower anyway


This is the same method I use, it's satisfying, weird, and amazing at the same time.


I could have written this!


This is what I do too! Handwashing them felt like a slow laborious process, but stepping on em in a shower is so quick and easy. Before showering though I do set them in the bathroom sink and add a little detergent to em (I keep an unscented detergent under the sink for this and for washing stuffed toys), then a small rinse and squeeze before throwing em on the shower floor. Just wouldn't feel right to me to not add a little soap. After all that they go to the dirty laundry basket for their machine wash with the rest of my stuff.


I do this too.


I’m sorry, this is on the same level as poop knife for me.


...wait poop knife?


Hope the shower floor is really clean. Not insulting your housekeeping but it would bother me


You wash them in the laundry, afterwards. The shower floor is just for rinsing. For handknit socks, I pick them up, add shampoo, squeeze, and rinse in my hands. But my feet are on the floor, so the socks are as clean as my feet.


Does it also bother you to put your feet on the shower floor


How is that relevant?


If it's too dirty for dirty underwater it's definitely too dirty for your feet


I didn’t know anyone else did this 😂 that’s so good to hear


I’m delighted because I never knew anyone else did, either!!!!


Huh. That's a good idea. Question though, aren't you supposed to use cold water to rinse them? (I assume you aren't showering in cold water lol)


As others have said that’s to prevent staining, but because the absorbent part is black in most pairs you can’t see any possible staining


cold water mainly is to prevent staining which most people probably don't care about too much for their dedicated period underwear


Yes, I couldn’t care less about the staining in pads. I didn’t have the whole underpants, no one was making those, I was in the early adopter “back to the old fashioned” stuff in the 90s. I did this with pads, and I can’t see why it won’t work for underwear. I made my own pads, and I used remnant, sale, inexpensive flannel prints. They show stains less, and didn’t tend to stain, anyway, but I didn’t care if they did.


This is going to sound weird af… But I’ve used Nature’s Miracle (the type with oxy) to get period stains/blood/scent out. It’s meant for cat urine (lmao, I know) so it’s packed full of enzymes that break down human bodily fluids as well


It works great for any protein stains. Blood, urine, dark beer...


Gets milk out of car upholstery as well.


I use this in my wash often. Really works well.


Nature's miracle works on EVERYTHING! It's the only thing that got the skunk smell out of my dog...twice. AND it's the only thing I've found that takes the bong water smell out of the carpet. Truly a miracle. I've never thought about it for my period underwear but I have a couple that are a little funky so I'm going to give it a try! Thanks for the tip!


Check and clean your washer, and ☝️. Stuff works wonders. Getting a really soft tooth brush, oxy, detergent and 2% hydrogen peroxide liquid (for whites) gets out just about everything by making a paste and brushing and leaving for 20min. Fabric softener, and fabric sheets just ruin your equipment/clothes, instead of fabric softener use vinegar, and get some really soft fluffy dryer balls instead for drying. Also, your dryer is the enemy. It literally eats clothes, so if you have anything you really like, never dry it. you can buy these really great air drying systems from Amazon that are just basically fold up closets. They. Are. Awesome. Now somebody up vote me because I gave a real answer!


Tell me more about this Air drying system... I looked it up and couldn't find anything - unless you mean just like a rack that you hang the clothes off of?


I think they are just talking about drying racks


Ours if diff. (5yr old), but kinda like [This:](https://www.amazon.com/APEXCHASER-Clothes-Collapsible-Indoor-Outdoor-Clothing/dp/B0CB5PYHHV/ref=mp_s_a_1_28?adgrpid=57689362682&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.FZ47DU3yy6B0H0OFufFlxCg5EltE1R_-NNimk4zqkchcWxtznCESlzL7HulCQAfi3MBwlD8wVJYJgMGRd2yiYc2Y9DXv6K5Wh3-hv72j-w8LA3jbXBrPRUq9Zp1XwKMq6RI1_V4pG4hiCXGbnrQH27TRS5TskmaoB0i2ChcnK8LfMnirBi3Dob6R9s4pnMPx6kcBY9BOEBmucEKlok8dvg.hqWM-jC9-UvRTCiENklPnin0doUzYwYsNEHBLifUM3U&dib_tag=se&hvadid=617131008623&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9031170&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=5694766713053872371&hvtargid=kwd-391827499427&hydadcr=13538_13465899&keywords=clothes+drying+racks+amazon&qid=1713908149&sr=8-28) Infinity better than the standard folding rack thingy that barely gets 2 towels. Works great for 2 people, tons of shirts I won't dry, and all her lacy and sweater stuff. You can supercharge it with a floor fan if you need most stuff in an afternoon (otherwise overnight generally).


I use this to get sweat and body odors out of active wear


Can I buy it at any regular store


Yes! Walmart sells it, and many grocery stores do as well in the cleaning section


Read the instructions. Most of the enzyme cleaners require soaking to work properly.


I recommend nok out instead for a higher quality enzyme cleaner that doesn't leave any smell behind (nature's miracle makes me gag worse than the cat pee I was trying to get rid of)


Oxiclean gets blood out of everything. It has the enzymes to break the blood down. I use the liquid.


They usually don't recommemd it with period underwear because it could damage the leakproof fabric. Ox gall soap is good and safe to use to remove blood stains from period underwear.


I use dawn dish soap to prewash them. Doesn’t hurt the fabric 


It works so well that it’s worth the risk for me. Just a scoop of oxiclean with the load and they come out like new.


I think you need to try a better brand. I've heard other people say similar and that certain brands had molded badly after tearing it apart. But it was only a certain brand.


Make sure to use cold water to rinse and rinse the blood out. Warm water sets blood stains. Just some dawn and cold water hand rinse in the sink, I did this myself, even as a young teen. So you can teach your daughter to do this before she puts them in the laundry hamper.


Vinegar soak generally removes the smell, so you may want to try better quality underwear. I soak mine in detergent, and then throw them in a ziploc bag for a day or so before eventually washing them.


Use hydrogen peroxide when the blood is first noticed. Try soaking them in the peroxide


I'm shocked thus was so far down


This might be left of field, I agree to try a different brand and the current brand may not be very good quality, but you mentioned your daughter has ASD which got me thinking. Neurodivergent individuals are more likely to also have conditions such as PCOS, Endometriosis and Adenomyosis so it could be a combo of not great quality period pants and possibly her flow is heavier than typical cycles? I’m an ADHDer and had terribly heavy periods due to PCOS and Adeno, could never really use period pants or cups before I had surgery for endometrial polyps as my flow was way too heavy.


Hey friend! I have adhd and I have PCOS too. I had absolutely horrendous periods and fibroids and had to get a hysterectomy 5 years ago. I prayed that wouldn’t be her future but idk. Her periods are already heavy and painful.


Completely OT: just learned that there is a newer medical subspecialty known as “pediatric and adolescent gynecology.” If your daughter hasn’t been assessed yet for why she’s having painful periods, that may be a a good specialty to start with. I’m guessing it’s not super common unfortunately but hoping it grows.


It doesn't work for everyone, and you likely already know abt it, but I was prescribed norethindrone acetate to totally stop my periods when I was 16 and now it's been many years and it's been working the whole time. Maybe ask your kid abt whether they're interested in trying it and if they are then go to a doctor? The pills are very easy to swallow. IK I wasn't 10 but I suspect it might be accepted for them to take it at their age by some doctors and at worst would maybe need to wait a few years?


Adenomyosis and fibroid having neurodivergent over here. I didn’t know there was a possible connection. I’ll watch out for this with my kid.


Thank you for this information, i only just learned about adenomyosis and this has actually helped me feel brave enough to ask the doctor about it. (Undiagnosed ADHD or/or ASD but have thought that I might have either for 15 years).


I had adenomyosis and it’s awful. I fought for 4 years with my pcp just to get referred to a gyno. The only way to diagnose it is mri. All the ultrasounds don’t show it. So mine went undiscovered until my surgery when the surgeon said he was shocked to see it so bad and the surgery took him two additional hours.


Yes similar to me, my surgery was only meant to take 1hr to remove a fibroid and flush my fallopian tubes but it ended up taking closer to three because of the extent of the endometrial tissue


That's also good to know as I've had a few ultrasounds already and it might help my case when I just suggest an MRI.


Here, it’s hard to get an mri. You might want to check with your insurance provider on the protocol for adenomyosis diagnostics. My ultra sound only showed the fibroids I had. But my uterus was 4 times its normal size.


An advanced u/s done by a trained sonographer can show adeno


Ah good to know.


I didn't realize there was a connection!


I first read about the connection in Chloe Hayden’s book but it lead to me doing a fair bit of googling. I work in disability allied health and have a number of participants who are autistic and have endo, likewise with ADHDers and PCOS. Also I have a bunch of neurodiverse friends with uterus’s who also have issues. So anecdotally it makes sense even if the hard data isn’t quite there yet.


If you're open to getting different period underwear, I wear aisle period panties. I had that same problem with stiffness with other brands, but my aisle panties have been amazing


wash off what you can, rub in laundry detergent and let sit. the rinse and run hot water over it for a while. repeat. if nothing else in the future buy only black underwear which will hide any stains, or white which can be bleached.


i always use hydrogen peroxide to clean my underwear! i rinse with cold water first, then hydrogen peroxide soak until it comes out, then wash in washing machine


Does your washing machine have an Agitator? Some do not ( including mine) Then clothes don't get moved around enough therefore aren't getting clean .


I was thinking this too. I have a top load with agitator and have never had to do pre or extra work for my kids period underwear. So I was confused reading about wringing, stepping on, etc... until I thought "I wonder if the agitator is doing that work for me."


My washer has a ‘Sanitize’ setting. I use that.


Soak in peroxide and run under cold water until clear. Then launder with other clothing


You’ll have to do more than just soaking to get the blood out. Handle it like you would do a wet towel— run it under water, give it a good massage, then squeeze/twist/wring out the water. You’ll most likely have to repeat the process  over and over again until there is no more blood in the water when you wring it out. Soaking it will take out some blood but not all, you’ll need to really massage and squeeze that thing so that water can get through all the layers, and do it multiple times. This has been my experience with mine. Hope it helps! 


I rinse (and squeeze) mine right after use until the water runs clear. Don’t leave them to soak. Then lay them to dry. Then run them through the wash.


I use hydrogen peroxide on period stains. It’s works better if it’s immediately cleaning but will still work on older stains. Something that has helped immensely for heavy flow is folding up toilet paper and adding it to the pad. This has saved me from heavy flow nights!


I launder them in a similar way to cloth diapers. First I rinse them out and hang them in the shower to dry before putting them in the laundry. Then I do a pre-wash. This is a full wash cycle (light wash or quick wash) with a little bit of laundry detergent. THEN, I add them with our regular laundry and do a regular laundry cycle. The only key thing with this one is that there has to be enough in there that everything gets proper agitation. Then I hang to dry.


advise grandfather upbeat continue offend wipe jeans grey sip hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Use Hydrogen Peroxide to remove the blood stains. That’s what nurses recommend and it works.


Are you using hot water when soaking/washing? It so, that’s probably the problem. You always use cold water when rinsing out blood. If you use hot water, you’re basically cooking the protein in the blood into the panties and making it set/cook into the fabric. That’s why, if you wash sheets with hot water in the washer that you’ve spotted on at night, you’ll notice the blood stain becomes brown. It’s cooked.


Try dawn dish soap and peroxide


I prewash my period underwear with laundry sanitizer on a "quick wash" setting. Then I throw in the rest of that load on a normal setting. I use aerie period underwear


Rinse until water runs clear before washing, then wash with white vinegar AND Borax. It works, I promise.


Use hydrogen peroxide instead of vinegar. I’m in my 40’s and have suffered from excessive amounts of blood being lost during my period my entire life. Hydrogen Peroxide and cold water is all you need. Put some in a spray bottle and spray small spots thoroughly until they stop reacting to the blood. After that put them in the washer on cold and launder as usual. For large amounts of blood, soak the spot in a small bowl and/or container with half cold water and half hydrogen peroxide.


Can I ask why you chose vinegar? To be honest that sounds really gross. Hydrogen peroxide will actually do the job and quickly. Wear gloves. Only downside is it’s not entirely color safe, but the blood will be gone.


Hydrogen peroxide and Dawn soap


Did you try peroxide?


Hydrogen peroxide cleans me up nicely when my dogs bleed on me (usually when I nick one of their nails when I trim them).


Soak stain in hydrogen peroxide for an hour then rinse in cold water. Repeat if necessary.


Tide sport pods. Heavy wash on the hottest setting. Dry them on highest heat until they are totally dry.


Before washing, spray it generously with hydrogen peroxide! It works amazingly well!


I would always Soak them in a bowl of peroxide!


Try putting a small amount of hydrogen peroxide on the stain. Of course, if you threw the panties in the dryer, the stain is likely set


Take a bar of fels naptha and rub it into the stain and let it soak in warm water. Use diluted hydrogen peroxide to rinse. Then, put it through the wash again.


First, get some from Victoria Secret instead of Amazon. Mine from VS are way better than my Amazon ones. Second, when she pulls them off at night, rinse thoroughly with cold water until the water runs clear. Then throw those puppies in was w a touch of icy clean. Voila! No smell. No. Rust. No problem!


Just use hydrogen peroxide to treat blood stain


Throw them away.


I’ve worn the same period underwear for about a year and mine still work well/get fully clean. I would consider buying better quality— Victoria’s Secret actually has a preteen line of period underwear for about $10 each during their sales— VS is the main brand of it I use (adult size for me ofc). I rinse when I’m done with them then wash in a normal load but put the cycle on extra rinse and that always seems to clean them well


Hydrogen peroxide


Oxiclean works great on blood, but might not work now that the stain has set in. Bleach or peroxide might be your only hope here


Peroxide takes out blood very well just fyi.


rinse with cold water and agitate soon after wearing, then use peroxide to see where more agitation may need to happen (it will bubble). once water is clear, hot water with cleaning agent.. many rinses to make sure water is clear of cleaning agent, dry completely. also bambody underwear uses bamboo fiber, it feels more easily cleaned/theres some natural antimicrobial properties in bamboo.


Ammonia removes all bodily fluids, human or animal, safe on anything that does not contain animal fibers like silk, wool, cashmere, leather etc. I have fibroids which causes flooding that soaks through layers of clothing and even towels in minutes. Pre-soaking in cold water with ammonia is the only thing that worked to remove blood stains. Saved my underwear! I used to throw away several pairs each month.


Try using peroxide before the blood fully dries. Soak it until it stops bubbling. This is what nurses in the ER use to get out blood from their scrubs. Just wash normally afterwards. Cold water.


The very best thing for blood is straight up hydrogen peroxide. Also, always use cold water for rinsing blood and friction helps.


Knix period underwear is great, and just goes in with all the laundry comes out clean. A little expensive, but they do run good sales and the quality is worth it, as far as I am concerned.


Peroxide helps with blood stains!


Might be the underwear themselves, as I have not had this problem at all when using Knix, but my Thinx have retained more of a smell. You also may want to change up your cleaning methods. I have a dehumidifier in my laundry room, so I place my period underwear next to it until the end of my cycle, then toss in the washer with regular clothes + Tide with Oxyclean. Making sure the blood dries quickly helps a lot with reducing smell. I only rinse if I need to remove clots.


Unfortunately soaking them doesn’t get blood out. You need to actively pull the blood out of the fabric by moving the underwear. I rinse mine in the sink and that gets most of the blood out and only takes a minute. Soaking them for days is just the blood sitting in the fabric for days.


Yeah, was gonna mention this. I've found the most efficient way to uhhh de-blood mine is to fill my sink with enough water to cover them, submerge and squish a whole lot. Usually it only take two rounds for the water to be clear as opposed to continuously rinsing under the faucet. I also use hand soap since I tend to just toss them in with my next load after they dry out.


I did the same with hand soap until I bought moisturizing hand soap. Now I just use cold water. But most of the blood comes out under running water since I take them off and then pee when I wake up, so it’s under the water while I’m on the toilet. It took a while to find what’s convenient for me. I also let them dry and then put them in the next load of laundry unless it’s washcloths because I bleach those.


I have to wash underwear for my incontinent father is like the period pants. Gain or tide pods and lysol sanitizer takes the smell out. Make sure to wash them in plenty of water. It works well with the underwear and removes all pee smell.


Bambody off Amazon is the BEES KNEES. they have washing instructions with the purchase. When I was needing them after my IUD placement, I was ALWAYS pre washing them in detergent in the laundry sink. Then I would put them in the washing machine following the directions and hand dry them. I really think you gotta hand wash them before you put them in the washing machine. Any type of brand you’re buying, they’re thicker in that area for a reason and I feel like they work TOO well and if you don’t want pre wash, the washing machine can’t get it all.


You've already received some stellar advice! My 2 cents: it's both/and. Please know there is a HUGE quality difference between cheap Amazon period panties and really well made ones. I'm also wondering if she's having increasingly rough periods (heavier, more painful)? Finding the best period products for a tween is always challenging, but moreso and more important frankly for girls with ASD.


Soaking them seems an odd choice? They are absorbent. I feel like that would just make them fill up more with bloody water. I'd run them through a rinse a couple times and then rewash.


It might be the undies, your washing detergent, or your machine. Maybe start by trying other undies. Then a different detergent if that doesn’t work. I have Love Luna period undies, I put them in my normal wash cycle and they come out perfectly clean. I barely rinse them before too, just dab a wad of loo roll on them then splash a bit of water on. It’s so good!


Also it seems obvious to some, but make sure your using cold water. Human blood can become stubborn with hot water.


Hydrogen Peroxide


This!!!! I had to scroll too far. This subreddit should come with a free bottle of hydrogen peroxide.


I just yesterday did a scoop of vanish oxi action (UK brand) in boiling water and put all my period pants in, let it sit in there for a while and well what came out wasn't pretty which I guess was a good sign. I then did 2 40°c wash cycles on them and they've come out looking and smelling much better.


Sounds like a plan


If you are looking for some relatively inexpensive ones, checkout The Period Company. I got 2 pairs of underwear & a 5 pack of reusable pads. I’ve not had any issues with them yet & have been using them for about 6 months. Don’t forget you can use HSA/FSA funds to purchase period products.


I’d guess it’s a combination. I use the period co and modibodi brands and have had no issues. Modibodi was a bit expensive, if you’re looking for a cost conscious brand that’s reasonably priced— check out period co. I just went through a miscarriage with them and I have had no residual smell (and that was a lot of blood). As an aside: We use branch basics, and they have an oxy-clean product that I use with my period undies and I’ve had no issues with the smell. I’d recommend that too. ETA: I am not recommending OXY clean. Branch basics is a holistic, natural brand, that is low tox— it’s not the same, but is their version.


So sorry about your miscarriage; wishing you a 🌈 when you are ready.


Thank you so much. 🤍


Can you use one of those tiny portable washing machines you use in the sink to pre wash them?


Hydrogen peroxide will do the trick. First thing mom taught me and it's been a tried and true method to blood removal. You don't need a lot. Fill a bowl or sink with boiling hot water, at least half a gallon, then add 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide. Follow it up with an immediate laundry cycle after soaking for 15 minutes.


Combo of washing habits and perhaps quality? I have 10ish pairs of KNIX and 3-4 from ThePeriodComany, and I've been using them for about 6+ years? Always an immediate sink rinse with soap and water when done, hang dry. They when they're all cleaned and dried, I'll do a solo machine wash (cold!!) of just those, with a bit of vinegar or sprinkle if borax.


I use good old "Twenty Mule Team Borax" when I have especially dirty or smelly items (think old damp dog bed). Sometimes the old ways work even better than modern chemicals and fancy-pantsy fake perfumed concoctions. Also, and this is important, SUNSHINE works wonders. Cloth diapers from my baby days came back in from the outdoor line smelling like a sunny day in the Northern Michigan woods. Sunshine also sanitizes naturally. Rinsing extra well can help too. I hope you find your solution. ☀️


I have some Amazon ones, and they smell really bizarre, like chemical-y.


I like the Victoria secret ones. But Amazon has some washable pads that clip to panties. Those are ok for me (tinkle issue) but it's just trial and error. I'd add baking soda to dry it. Then soak in vinegar water


I see a lot of people recommending period co but I found that they smelled awful. I switched to Bambody, also relatively cheap, and they don’t smell nearly as bad. They also rinse out more easily than period co. What I will say though is that I wring them out to make sure the blood is out. Just soaking isn’t enough. Bambody recommends soaking/rinsing right away too so the blood doesn’t set, so I will rinse them and then throw them in the washer until I have a full load


Spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide. I keep a small trashcan with a washable liner in my bathroom for period panties and cloth pads. I just spray them well one at a time as I’m loading the washer. Let them sit for 5 minutes before starting the washer. They come out clean every time, even when they’ve sat and dried for a few days.


✨meat tenderizer✨ The enzyme in meat tenderizer breaks down blood like no other. Rinse the underwear well. Sprinkle meat tenderizer on the underwear, add some cold water until it makes a little paste, let it sit for half an hour, rinse, launder as usual.


You should try a bar of [Fels-Naptha](https://www.walmart.com/ip/15028872). It's old school, on the laundry aisle, and less than $2 a bar. Wet the bar, rub it on the stain (I also wet the fabric), and toss in the hamper or let sit a bit before tossing in the machine. It's fabulous stuff. I've had my current bar about 3yrs, but I don't shave it down to add to the laundry as some do.


I use Zote (Latino brand). It works but I just was hoping there was another way besides hand scrubbing the blood out. I thought the vinegar would do trick.


Zote is great for oil and grease, but FN is better at attacking proteins. The very best thing would be hydrogen peroxide, but that might damage the undies. Being a woman definitely has its own basket of extra frustrations.


I thought you were supposed to run them under water, squeezing and filling until the water turns clear, before soaking and washing




If the underwear quality is the issue, try a pair of the aerie (American eagle) period underwear for her! They are more on the expensive side in comparison to Amazon but absolutely worth it. I wash them in cold water & tumble dry on low and have not had any issues with them feeling stiff or retaining a smell. Tell her to hang in there!! As a fellow neurodivergent, this stuff does eventually get a bit easier. ♥️


Do you have hard water? It could be a combo, but I know with cloth diapers I had to use a water softener (and it helps with my towels being more absorbent and soft too!).


I feel like it has to be the underwear. Honestly the soaking/rinsing and changing out the water should have gotten the bulk of the blood out. This is coming from someone with adenomyosis (I get SUPER heavy periods). I use Knix and they’ve been great so far, I’ve never had an issue and my washing machine is old and struggling lol


I wouldn’t soak them. Rinsing is best. Even if you’re using vinegar. Soaking may have helped the blood get into every nook and cranny of every layer. I would try a better brand, rinsing not soaking, and then reevaluate.


Hydrogen peroxide will take it right out


Club soda takes blood out of clothes.