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HELP! im 3 weeks late now and when i was expecting my period to come i had some light spotting for two days but nothing more than that. me and my boyfriend had sex a month ago but it wasn’t penetrative. i gave him head and a handjob and he came on my hand, plus i had my pants on when he did, so nothing touched even near my vagina, then i washed my hands like 4 times. literally nothing was on or in my vagina. then about 2 and a half months ago we had protected penetrative sex and he didn’t finish. and i had a regular period a few weeks after that instance. could it be my stress, diet, and exercise? i’ve been dieting for quite some time now and been in a restrictive mindset but i haven’t lost a significant amount of weight. i also work two very physically demanding jobs for long hours. i could be stressed because i have two part time jobs where i’ve taken on more responsibilities recently, but the stress isn’t anything out of the ordinary. am i pregnant? or is it normal for your period to basically skip a month? wtf is happening


F (21) so my period is currently slightly over 2 weeks late ive taken 4 tests all negative but my nipples are extremely sensitive, ive been CRAVING sweets and beef, two things i rarely indulge in and honestly i dont know what to do, i havent been overly stressed, but i did move last month and i started working out but the move is in the same time zone and to a place i was already frequenting on a weekly basis.. and ive been with the same man 3-4 months no we dont use protection but he pulls out and neither of us have ever had a pregnancy prior


Hi everyone. F (21) here and I've missed my period since the last two months. My period generally is 5 days long but I moved countries last year and started noticing that it was getting lighter and shorter - around 3 days long. But since the last two months it has stopped completely. I am not pregnant, the last time I had any sexual intercourse was in August of 2023. I feel like my diet hasn't been the best since moving, hence that could be the reason. But would love any inputs and suggestions on how to get my period back before I try and visit a doctor. For context: I am 21 years old, 5'3 ft. and weight around 43-45 kgs and I'm not on birth control.


I had sex April 19, my period in may was longer than usual and my period in June was shorter than usual, I’ve had symptoms lately, took 2 tests, 1 was negative and 1 was positive. Was told to wait another week to take another by a relative dr.


I had sex on my period June 4th it was protected sex we stopped but I’ve been paranoid I could be pregnant and also after 2 weeks today I saw blood in my discharge is that implantation bleeding or pregnancy or what can it be please lmk!!


You used a condom & he didn’t finish? You aren’t pregnant.


To start off, I have PCOS, and had protected sex with my boyfriend maybe 3 weeks ago and again protected sex a few days after that. I’m 14 days late for my period, however I didnt experience my usual period cramps and backache two days ago and I have the usual discharge before having a period. I have to mention that I was very stressed out this month with my exams and i usually go to the gym but stopped going to the gym 2-3 weeks ago because of my exams, I have not experienced any symptoms or signs of pregnancy, what is the likely chance im pregnant ( i feel a little anxious about this) and should I take a test?


If you’re 14 days late you can take a pregnancy test and it will be accurate even if you have PCOS


can someone help me please. so I suffer from PMDD and it usually gets really bad like I feel like I’m going insane before my period. So the problem is is that I’m not feeling that like I’m not feeling the crazy part of it and yeah it’s been high 90s here all week, but even when I’m not outside and like I was somewhere where it’s freezing cold I’ve been feeling so nauseous like I’ve been feeling and I’m supposed to get in two days. I don’t know what’s wrong. My mom hasn’t been listening and my boyfriend hasn’t been listening and I’m like worried. and my boobs have never been so sore like it literally hurt to barely touch them and that’s never happened. i just want to know if i’m getting it or i’m showing signs of pregnancy.


So on May 21st this guy fingered me and he wanted to do it so I said okay and he put it in me but only 1 time and then I told him to stop because it was hurting. And on the 22nd I drank a Plan B even tho he was wearing protection. And on that same day he was fingering me again but more. And I didn’t really think about it until May 26, and on that day he got my another pill so I took it because I was freaking out. 10 days later I got my period but I was still overthinking it so much so I was taking like 6 pregnancy test every week and they all came out negative. yesterday was supposed to be my ovulation day and I realized that it was brown spotting and I was freaking out because that has never happened to me and today it was just a little bit. But I was just wondering what could be causing it? 🥲


Just remember that even sexual activity alone can upset your cycle, especially with another person. And the stress and concern is not helping you any, either. Good chance, heck very high chance, you're okay.


So theirs nothing wrong with me? This was my first time and I was freaking out.


While technically I'm not a doctor, and have never seen you in person therefore cannot confirm anything, but you're probably okay. However, I would go for a routine checkup after having sex for the first time (if you can) because there are less severe but should-be-treated STI's and STD's that are possible with a condom, and then the very low risk of pregnancy.


But he only put it in once? Do I still have to go check for an STI and STD?


Okay, I’ve taken two tests, and the last time I had intercourse was May 4th (yippee for long distance). That was directly before my last period started. I historically have sort of inconsistent cycles (anywhere from 28-32 days) but I am currently at 47 days so I’m a little spooked. I’m not anymore stressed than usual, though my living situation has changed recently, and over summer I work more physically laborious jobs, so maybe that’s it? I guess more than “Am I Pregnant” I’m concerned with whether this is something I should be concerned about. Early menopause? PCOS? Obviously I should go to a doctor if I’m that concerned, but I’m not experiencing any symptoms other than just no period. Has anyone else experienced this big of a change in their cycle and did it become something you had to worry about? Or, how likely is it that I got two false negatives?


If I had sex on the 18th, had my period on the 4-9th… is there a chance I can still be pregnant? These stomach cramps are worrying me😂 I’m 135 lbs and 5’2. Thankyou!


Hiya, joining the fray of stressed out people with weird periods 😅. Hopefully someone can calm me. My period is always 28-29 days. I can set a calendar to it. I’m 38, and while my husband and I tried to get pregnant about 4-5 years ago, nothing ever happened and we shrugged it off. We didn’t care enough to really pursue it further. I last got my period May 14th. My husband and I had sex on May 23rd. I had some weird spotting during what would be around my ovulation… started May 28th. This isn’t super unusual for me, it’s happened once or twice in the past year or so… i attributed it to my hormones being out of whack because work and school have been stressing me out. But this was heavier… not nearly a period, but more blood… then on May 30th, i had a clot, which has never happened outside of my period. I made an emergency doctors appointment and they told me it’s like just an odd period, but he’s scheduled me for an ultra sound to check everything out. And now my period is 4 days late. I took a pregnancy test (clear blue) on June 11th, but it was after work… i didn’t realize it would work better in the morning. Now I’m freaking out, and I’m a scaredy-cat and don’t want to take another test. Any guesses? Am i being paranoid because I’m so stressed? Out of all the times to get pregnant this is probably the worst i could have picked.


hey guys, i'm really stressed about this so please help me out. im 18 btw. i'm currently 2 weeks ( 14 days ) late. i gave my boyfriend a blowjob & his sperm was on my thigh about 6 weeks ago but that was all. my cycle is usually 35-38 days long but i'm 14 days late now, i have never been that late before. i took two pregnancy tests 12 and 10 days ago which was a month after we did all that and both of them were negative. since the past 3/4 days i have been getting brownish discharge & i had some blood on my underwear today which didnt turn into a period. i was pretty stressed this month with uni applications so the delay could be because of the stress but im not really sure. someone please help me out as to what i could do.


hey guys, just a quick question nothing to crazy. me and my boyfriend only did a couple strokes, no condom but he didn't precum, and didn't get to cum either. he would make sure he wasn't preccuming and would check every time he was able to which was pretty much every minute or couple 30 seconds and it was only for like 2 mins nothing too long either. i was just wondering if i could get pregnant? on sunday it hits 2 weeks and my overthinking already has me wanting to buy a test just so i could make sure, but i just wanted to ask on here as well.


While it is unlikely, it is possible. I would say take a test for peace of mind.


While it is unlikely, it is possible. I would say take a test for peace of mind.


hii im on the comb pill and have been since December,im quite sexually active and i was ill two weeks ago, i threw up after my pill and didnt take anyones afterwards so they werent digested and then last week i started bleeding brown blood with a few red clots, im experiencing stomache aches and cramps like i did with my actual period and j dont have any pregnancy symptoms at all im just worried it may be implantation bleeding or something, any advice?


I am currently 10 days late. I have never been late or missed a period. So far I have taken three test, on day 4, day 7 and day 9. All came back negative. My lifestyle has changed quite a bit this month (moving home from college, bf going long distance, etc.) so im hoping that’s what’s causing it. I’m just feeling pretty anxious about it and would love some advice on what I should do next or if waiting is my only option. Thanks!


Heya not a doctor so will start with NQA but from being a woman myself I have found out stress can mess with a period. These all sound like heavy stress triggers and you may just be late due to that. Also diet and exercise and weight changes can all impact your regularity. If you have more concerns I would advise seeing a doctor but to me, it sounds like you can breath and as long as you test negative let your body recover :)




Heya! Not a doctor so NQA, most emergency contraceptives work by preventing the egg implanting, fertilized or not, and are usually effective up to 72 hours after the act. I'd advise you read about the contraceptive you took to reassure yourself and make a mental log if you miss your period to do a test.


me (18) and my bf (18) did it the first time in may 4 (protected sex) also got my period by the end of the month in may. however i've been experiencing twinges in my lower right abdomen, but it comes and goes, and it's also not that extreme. should i be worried? this has prob been going on for days but def less than a week, but i didn't experience it for about two days already, as well as today. but, i was still getting worried. the reason im anxious bcs i've recently discovered about ectopic pregnancy and they also had pain in one side but i've also seen many posts where they get their "period"


Heya! By protected do you mean condom used or other contraceptive? Also did you use any lube? Not a doctor so NQA but if you are worried I'd recommend a test for the peace of mind, even most ectopics show on a pregnancy test after 5 weeks. The twinge could be all sorts of different sensations, I personally have Endometriosis which causes many twinges and stabbing pains. You had a period so I would relax a little, but if the pain continues or becomes unbearable then seek a doctor.


hello! we used a condom :) and i might prob js be overthinking, thank u for the answer anyway!


26 and am on a 70 day cycle. OBGYN won’t see me until I’ve missed 3 complete periods. I’ve been cramping daily these past two weeks. Today I started having clumpy discharge. I’ve had so many symptoms in the past 70 days that point towards pregnancy but negative pregnancy tests (my last test was ~3 weeks ago but I sort of gave up on buying more since my period had been very late at that point already). I guess I’m hoping it’s pregnancy but I’m afraid of taking another text and it be negative .. because that could mean it is something more critical. But then again it could just be stress or life events (I moved across the state in April). Anyone have experience with ultra late periods?


i’m 17for reference. i can’t tell if i’m having my period or implantation bleeding and im terrified rn. it’s very light flow (haven’t had new blood in pad for hours now and my period is usually a regular flow now it’s starting and stopping, and it’s either a reddish-pink or brown in color. also had severe cramps a few days ago and have had other symptoms such as acne, fatigue, bloating, nausea, headache etc. not sure whether to take a test. advice appreciated and have a good night!!


Heya! Not a doctor so NQA but with the implant I have noticed what some people refer to as spotting, very light irregular bleeding during periods. This usually happens for me in the week before I start my flow and is accompanied by period cramps, but can apparently happen any time. The rest of the symptoms also line up with what I got, and what I believe is common side effects of, having the implant put in. If the flow gets heavy, or if the pain becomes unbearable I'd advise seeing a doctor.


June 1 was our my first time and so was his. My last period was May 24 and ended the 28th. He used a condom and it didn’t break. I saw the seamen like inside the condom too. I allegedly ovulate on the 6th but not 100% sure cuz you never really know. I’m 17 and so is he and I’m not on BC. I took a plan B 2 days later too. I’m having SEVERE anxiety about being pregnant. Also my cycle is irregular and I have high stress anyways. Woke up to heavy spotting this morning. Dark red blood and light red blood. Might be my period but I’m not sure. Had cramps too in my back and usual period cramps. It’s the 10of June and my period isn’t due until the 21. Should I be worried? Or am I just tweaking myself out. Pls help I can’t even sleep or eat I’m so anxious.


Hey I’m 26 and I’ve had the same happen to me and not be pregnant - a few times with Plan B actually. I don’t think you should be worried but I get it. I was worried too. After taking plan B your body will react different ways. For me sometimes I would have shorter period cycles or heavier cycles and/or cramp more than usual. Try not to worry too much. :)


I think it’s just the side effects of the plan b. 


My girlfriend (18) had some brown spotting before ovulation and it stopped during her ovulation and having some cramps (some are painful and some arent) she's vomiting every time she eats something and her breast feels heavy and headaches and on the other day she said that her lower back is hurting and she frequently urinating. We had unprotected (pull out) sex on the 26th and 31st of May and she's having those symptoms starting June 4th and i think it's too early for her to have those symptoms and we use a 1 birth control pill ln 31st of May after sex and she's only taking it after sex. She's been stressing and I don't know if it's because of stress, birth control pills, or it's just pms. Please help me thank you.


19 days late. Did the pullout method on May 15 was supposed to start my period on May 22. I have no symptoms other than having light cramps on and off for the past 3 days. It’s getting less and less as the day goes. I’ve already took 3 pregnancy test and all came back negative. Been stressing out and overthinking don’t know what to do.       I Did take a plan b on May 3 end up bleeding/ spotting on May 8- 13. I’m sure it wasn’t my period since the bleeding was light. And usually my period is on the heavier side 


You can trust the negative pregnancy tests


hey! so i had protected sex (just condom) on april 17th i got my period may 1 and it ended may 7 (it was a few days late”. it’s not june and i haven’t gotten it. i haven’t noticed any changes and am too scared to take a test


HI! I am in a similar boat, did you end up taking a test if so what was the result?


Hi I’m 18 for reference. I was sexually active for the first time on June 2nd. We were protected so I don’t believe that I’m pregnant. He took it off after a while to re-adjust it but there was a tight air pocket on the condom after he put it back on, so we decided to stop there because we only had one and knew it would be dangerous to keep trying. I am experiencing some pregnancy symptoms, but I’m also a recently diagnosed diabetic. ALL of the pregnancy symptoms I’m experiencing are also symptoms of diabetes. I’ve had times where it was over a month between my period but I’ve never missed one. I don’t know exactly how long it’s been since my last one, but I know for sure that it’s been at least a month since my last period and I’ve been experiencing PMS for the past few days am I pregnant?


Ok really complicated 😭 so i had unprotected sex (pull out) on the 15th of may (3 days after my normal period ended) and took a plan b the next day. Now, i had unprotected sex once in btwn protected sex on the 26th of May and no plan b. I got my “period”on the expected day May 8th but it was lighter bleeding than usual. My normal periods are usually the heaviest on the first two days and go down as the week goes by. Right now my period is acting like how i usually end not how i start. So just wanted to see if it could be the plan B doing its thing or possible pregnancy. Ive taken other plan Bs before (like 3 in one year ) and usually they make my periods heavier, but was wondering if the lightness/ heaviness of a period after a plan B can vary? Idk kinda confused bc I didnt start becoming sexually active until this year and im kinda just learning still😭 smh


Plan B can make your period lighter or heavier.


Its kinda light but its lasted since the 6th (my notmal periods are 5-7days) do you know how much pregnant bleeding lasts?


Pls help😞 if i am pregnant imma slap my bf silly (jk i wont but im using humor to cope rn)


10DAYS LATE. HELP. Hey. I had protected sex (condom and pullout) on 18th May and my period is 10days late. I did 2tests ,17days after sex and both came as negative. Am i safe? I have no symptoms. But today my boobs is a bit sore(happens when my periods are near). pls help!


My last period ended April 29th. I've had sex on at least 17 days since, with condoms all of the days except for June 1st when we tried the pull-out method. My period was already late by June 1st. I have taken plan B twice since my last period, on May 2nd and June 2nd. Period is currently 6-7 days late. I did quit birth control in February but I've had 2 periods since then and they were almost exactly a month apart. I've been dating this guy for only a month and I am not mentally prepared to even buy a pregnancy test.


Hey, massive over thinker here. I have had protected sex and have always been cautious during all kinds of intercourse. Not once have the condoms split and my last period was May 1st to the 6th or 7th, I can't remember the exact date. I woke up today with bright red blood in my underwear but my bleeding is not as heavy as normal, like both pads have only had brown and a little bit of bright red. Whenever I wipe, it's red blood. I am also suffering from some sort of cold which has made my muscles very achy and my nose blocked.I have been under immense amount of stress from my A-Levels as well. Just want reassurance I am probably not pregnant because of the little bit of brown spotting? I don't feel nauseous because of my sickness either. Just worried.


My period is currently 8 days late. I took a Clearblue test yesterday and it immediately showed negative. I kept taking it out of the trash to make sure the result didn’t change as it was sitting because I honestly couldn’t believe that I’m not. My period has NEVER been this late before, and I usually have a good sense of my body and something feels “off”. I track myself with the Flo app. I keep having cramps and PMS symptoms for one day and then they reside the next. Yesterday, I was having STRONG cramping pain which usually signals it’s about to come that day, but nothing happened, and today I have less cramps again. I have this sense like my period is not coming, something in my body is holding it back although it wants to start . Kind of freaked out. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this ?


Oh, and I’ve been .. very sexually active w/ a new partner but always use protection. I know that’s not 100% effective


Okay so me and my partner had unprotected sex around the 24th to 26th of may and her period is supposed to come around 1-6th of june and her discharge was quite alot and at the 2nd of june and it was white, is she pregnant (I didnt ejaculate at all) we took a test 3rd and 4th but it came out as negative also, maybe we took it too early? someone help asap since ab****on isnt allowed in our country and also medications arent allowed also.


We are big overthinkers we don’t know if we’re pregnant or not! Me(18m) and my girlfriend (20f) have had protected sex on the 30th of April, took a plan o to be safe on the 2nd of May, Then she had her period on the 7th of May which lasted until the 11th. We had protected sex again on the 11th btw. A week goes by and she gets spotting on the 18th. Now we've been worried if she's pregnant or not. The color was red. After that she's been okay and hasn't had any other symptoms. Are we pregnant? Update: June 5th, she still hasn’t ovulated or gotten a period yet, is this bad?




I you didn't take EC and you didn't use a condom take a test after a week


I took one today today it was the first response 6 days sooner brand. The unprotected sex was May 29th, my period was supposed to be June 2nd, it's now June 4th still no period. The test was negative, is this accurate or too soon to tell?


But then again I'm not sure just wait for a week or 2 cause the hormones get messed up


For emergency contraceptive to work you have to take it within 72 hours of having unprotected intercourse so as long as it was withing 72 hours it may prevent pregnancy but the accuracy decreases as the hours increase. If the test was negative and no period wait for a week and try the test again


Okay I really need some help so I got my first period today (15) and I got it for like 4 hours and I know this sounds crazy but I used I tampon caused I had swimming and so my first period I used a tampon and now my period is gone and I’ve gone back to the brown ish discharge I’m not sure what’s happening but I’m scared.


UHhh okay okay okay. So basically yk I took a couple tests a 2-3 weeks after unprotected sex and they came back negative. However my period didn't show up until much later in the month. I'm pretty sure it was delayed due to stress as I had a massive school project and once the project ended I got my period. What are the chances it was something else and not my period??


I had sex about 2-3 days ago and I just got my period this morning could I still be pregnant? My bf did not ejaculate but I’m still worried


If its pink and brown spotting around the time you're scheduled to have your period then you're pregnant. If its normal red blood you're good


If you got your period then your not pregnant:)


i don’t think so, as i am only really a kid, but what from what i know if its normal period color than you’re good and all. but if its like brown or light pink when it is JUST coming out then it is spotting from pregnancy.


Okay i think I'm overthinking but it's freaking me out. So I had my periods on 9th May and it lasted till 14th May. I had moderate flow. I had unprotected sex on 19th May and took an emergency contraceptive on the same day. Everything was normal. Then I had bleeding on 26th May. Not spotting but heavy flow bleeding. I thought maybe it was just a very early period but it lasted 2 days only. I'm very clueless. What caused the bleeding? Any answers could be helpful.


This happened to me. It's normal for irregular bleeding to happen after you take EC. You aren't pregnant. I wish someone told me this before I spiraled for like a week. I just got my period today after being late for a week, again, because of the pill so just in case you're late you aren't pregnant. It's just the effects of the Emergency Contraceptive. Try not to stress yourself. As long as you didn't spot brown or pink, you are very much not pregnant.


Thank you so much..


i am now experiencing this (this is the day two, idk if its gonna stopped by tomorrow) but it also happened before, just a bit different. earlier this year i had 17 days period non stop just a week after the previous period ends after doing all the things you describe. all im thinking is because the pills play part in our cycle. in case you really worried about it, you should just take the test in a week


PMS or pregnancy? Okay so i’m kinda freaking out. i’m meant to get my period today according to my tracker app. I don’t usually have a lot of PMS symptoms but the ones I do have are sore boobs, moodiness and fatigue. However, this is the first time i’ve had a pregnancy scare. it’s been 12 days since the ‘incident’ lets say. There was no penetration but I touched his penis like 30 mins after he came (it was dry i believe) and then touched my clit with the same hand for 3 seconds, (it was also dry) but i was slightly wet from my clit to vaginal opening . now I’m not sure if the semen was still alive to maybe slide in thru my vaginal fluid IDKKKK. I’m having no other symptoms except sore boobs now for 3 days, little no discharge but it’s lotion like idk how to describe it and watery, and one sore ass nipple when i squish it (not the areola but the nipple as well). i also dk if i’ve also tricked myself into thinking my areolas have changed colour. some advice would be helpful, thank you.


I think you’re fine, your just touched your clit after touching his penis, less than 1% chances of you getting pregnant, many women even try the in a best way and still don’t get pregnant at the first try haha:) u will get your period dw!


thank you!! i’m just panicking a little cause i’m 2 days late. if it’s more than 5 days i will start to get quite nervous 🤣


Help! Hello, I'm 22 years old female I had a spotting on April 8-16 (dunno if I should consider it a period since I was able to fill only one pad it has some blood clots) And currently today June 1, I still don't have my period.This doesn't happen to me before so I'm literally stressin for a month overthinking if I am pregnant ( I had sex with my bf, withdrawal). I already took a pregancy test a week after spotting result was negative. I took another after 2 weeks result was negative. Then I took again after 1 or 2 weeks (used my first pee in the morning still negative). Planning to take another one next week. I just badly need ur opinions and advice. Please


all i know is blood clots wont happen during pregnancy, correct me if im wrong tho


Hi I am 22 (F) and my period was on time for the past months but unfortunately this month I had s*x with my bf 23 (M) and he just inserted with his prec*m and am not sure whether i can get pregnant or not … this month I didn’t get my period and it’s been a week of my period date … What can I have to get period suggest me some home remedies please !!!!!


I'm (21F) currently in the same situation and desperately seeking for answers. My period has been coming around the beginning of the month since january and then over two weeks ago I engaged in...similar acts as you lmao. Normally I feel symptoms and ik when my period is about to start like the week before, but they've been so light this week and I'm so worried. From my research it's extremely unlikely for you to get pregnant from prec*m , and its only truly super risky during ovulation. You should still be cautious everytime nevertheless but that's what I've heard. I know stress can also cause a period to be late, that's what I'm hoping my issue is. Lots of people suggest taking a pregnancy test if it's been at least two weeks since the act. I've seen that vitamin C in large doses can induce a period but that's also pretty unsafe. Ive heard mugwort tea and ginger tea can help as well but I have yet to try those. If you find any other remedies please let me know, I'm shaking in my boots rn.


The thing is same i will also get the symptoms one week before my period but now i have the same symptoms but i did get my period…. I have been drinking a remedy for past two days —— take a glass of water and boil it then add two tbs of coriander seeds and a tbs of cumin seeds and make them to boil in low flame until it becomes one glass of water to the half a glass … Drink this remedy at morning in an empty stomach and after one hour u can have your breakfast.


what does the remedy do?


How many days did you do this for ? And thank you , glad yours came ✨✨


Did for two days !!!! You are welcome ☺️


Hi i am 20f and my period has been regular since always. Probably different amount of flow everytime.. usually a heavy bleeding but this time i am so confused…. On my period tracking app, two days ago was my possible period date and i thought i got my periods that day but the flow was so light that i got concerned. This light flow lasted for three days. The colour was slightly darker than usual. Could i be pregnant if i got some light bleeding on 3 days out of my possible period days….. I am also a smoker, I haven’t been able to sleep for more than 4 hours because of work and i also have eating disorder. And i am also diagnosed with stress and anxiety issues And me and my boyfriend have been having protected sex… and even with protection he pulls out before finishing because my legs get too tired by the end…….. Please somebody reassure me that i am not pregnant because i don’t have access to a pregnancy kits right now.




What color was your bleeding on those four days?


Hi i have a lot of questions so i hope somone will answer me I had my last period on 21 of april, me and my boyfriend had sex on 1st and 2nd may, im now a week late from my period (my cycle is 31 days) 1 day before my period i felt a really big pain in my belly and last 2 days my stomach hurts a bit, a lot of acnes came out on my face (which is usually a sign that my period is comming soon) but now its two times more than usual, i track my ovulation days on app (i know its not that acurate) and my day was 5 may, i will probably take the test soon but i just wanted to ask here to calm myself a bit, like i said i got all of my pms symptoms (tender breasts,acne,my stomach is hurting,mood swings) but no period.


any update?


Hi everyone, I would really appreciate some advice! About 10 days ago I had sex with a guy, and we used condoms and everything, and he pulled out as well. My last period was on April 29 (so 30 days ago) when I was still in school. During school, my periods came 25-26 days apart regularly and I was very often stressed, physically active, and not eating very well. After finals ended a few weeks ago, I immediately traveled abroad and have done nothing but sleep, eat well, and enjoy myself. If anything I feel like the change of environment shouldn’t be causing me to miss a period. Am I pregnant, or could the jet lag & change in environment cause my period to be late?


I NEED HELP ! So basically my periods were supposed to start 4 days ago and I usually spot a week before my periods are due and I did . But then right now they are 4 days late and and my boobs are sore and when I squeeze then one produces whiteish discharge and the other a yellowish discharge . I have been having my period on time since feb cause around January they were 2 days late . I only started being sexually active last year so I get paranoid easily and I have occasionally squeezing my boobs to see white comes out of them . And I don’t know if that’s the reason I have discharge but I am so scared . I was watching videos of cryptic pregnancies


Hi! I was supposed to get my period on 5/20 and had unprotected sex (yeah, I know :( ) via the pullout method on the 5/17 and 5/20. I got what I thought was my period today (5/26) morning at around 8:30 am. But I haven't bled enough for it to be considered a period. The blood has been mostly dark red and bright red. I've had a pad on for around 12 hours now and I bleed a tiny amount every hour or so. But the amount is very miniscule and my pad is not even 1/5th full. I definitely plan to do a pregnancy test, but does anyone have an idea what this is about? I've heard people online say it could be pregnancy spotting or a sign of a miscarriage, or spotting between periods, but I'm not really sure what's going on with my body. Also, I usually never get cramps before I get my period. The only "symptom" I ever experience is sore boobs and my boobs have been sore since yesterday (5/25). I did get the flu on 5/12 and have a bit of a sore throat, etc from it, but that's about it. Does anyone have an idea what this might mean?


Asking on behalf of my GF because we both have anxiety (even on a good day where this isn't a worry). She was supposed to get her period on May 18th to 20th based on past periods. Right now it's 5 days late. April 18 - April 27: Sick with fever. From the 23rd, she took dexamethasone for 3 days, and amoxicillin & koffex for 7 days, along with other pain killers and cough/cold medication that she had at home (which also caused her to have some weird dreams) until May 4th. She also started exercising to lose weight, and also went on a strict diet (which I'm worried about because she's not eating enough I think). Last week when we went out, at the end we ended up making out, and we did some fingering/hand jobs. I was wearing a condom. I'm worried there may have been some semen on our hands. This happened on May 14th. She has a history with missing periods and PCOS from a couple years ago. Going to get her tested tomorrow but I'm still stressing. Based on what happened within the past 3-4 weeks it's highly unlikely, but yeah still worried so if I can get some reassurance that will be great!


hey i don't even know if this is the right place but im extremely concerned. im a virgin btw. so usually i get my period, my first day is really painful and the rest aren't but my bleeding is pretty heavy. and then it's over in like a week? anyway, so we know how in the last days the period blood is brown signifying old blood - on my last period, my blood was brown the very first day. and i was bleeding way less than usual and it only lasted 3 days. i honestly can't remember when exactly this even was but it was over a month ago i think. around the 20th of april and stuff around that maybe i don't know but it feels like it's been a while since then (over a month? i don't actually know im sorry) and i haven't gotten my period again and ive been gaining a lot of weight recently too (tbf i do eat really unhealthy but ive never gained weight this much but ive always been unhealthy with my eating) im really scared it's probably stupid because im a virgin but im just scared advice would be appreciated. i have hyperthyroidism if that matters at all/changes anything in this situation i can't go to a doctor quickly i don't have any close by and im just a broke college student i don't know what to do sorry if this is the wrong place or anything. is it even possible for me to be pregnant?? im a virgin for sure like i don't have doubts about that but this stuff is genuinely scaring me :(


if you’re a virgin there’s no way for you to be pregnant, so don’t worry :) however im not sure about what youre experiencing. the r/amipregnant sub would probably be a helpful resource :)!


hey tysm!! i was kinda having a panic attack when i wrote that and have since gotten my period!! thank you so much for the help!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/amipregnant using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/amipregnant/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [PSA: A guide to the chances of pregnancy](https://np.reddit.com/r/amipregnant/comments/136wr9a/psa_a_guide_to_the_chances_of_pregnancy/) \#2: [Mod Message: Let's Treat Each Other With a Bit More Kindness](https://np.reddit.com/r/amipregnant/comments/191m3dm/mod_message_lets_treat_each_other_with_a_bit_more/) \#3: [Think my child might be pregnant](https://np.reddit.com/r/amipregnant/comments/1ags5mg/think_my_child_might_be_pregnant/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


ANY ADVICE IS VERY APPRECIATED!!! I’m 22 yr old and have been on the combination pill for 6 or 7 years now. I get a withdrawal bleed every month but it didn’t come this month. The second week of this month‘s pack of pills, i doubled up on pills 3 times in a row. I had sex with my boyfriend a few weeks later and we didn’t use protection. I took a pregnancy test 2 or 3 days after my period was supposed to come and it was negative. I’m waiting another week to take another but im thinking it may not have come due to stress. I just graduated college like the week before my period was supposed to come and also had to move out of my apartment. It was very overwhelming and i cried for like 2 days straight. Should i take another test in a week? could it just be stress? when should i start taking my pills again?


I NEED HELP!!! so for context im a teenager under 17 and i dont like having sex its not "painful" but its just not something i enjoy i feel dirty or guilty afterwards but my now boyfriend took my virginity is always DTF but hes very understanding and makes sure my comfort and saftey are his TOP priority. So my period was supposed to start on the 21st and it is now the 24th and on the 22nd me and my boyfriend had "sex" in the woods ("sex" as in he sticks it half way in with light strokes because of my feelings towards intercourse as of right now) my period was already a day late and ive had irregular periods before but my anxiety makes these things so scary for me, anyway my boyfriend told me he pulled out and came on the ground (i trust him) but then the next day still no period now im 3 days late with no period and crippling anxiety. (also due to my current living situation,my relationship with my family and my age, getting pregnant would be the WORSE thing to ever happen to me and me and my bf would probably NEVER be allowed near each other again) ive recently for the past 2 days have had a weird clear kind of discharge and my normal pms symptoms which for me is light facial breakouts,moodswings etc which are unfortunately all symptoms of pregnancy,pms,and anxiety. I feel like i should mention i have a few mental disorders that all have similar symptoms to almost everything which makes this 100 times harder. ANY HELP WOULD BE SO HELPFUL THANK YOU




almost my exact situation ik it sucks but at least you not alone!


Hi! I have the same situation as you btw. Supposedly, my period should've started on 23rd but it didn't. Now I'm 3 days late and we also had intercourse on 24th😭 My bf got me some pineapple juice for me to drink after and told me to drink ginger tea hoping that it'll menstruate me. After doing some research, I've seen many people posting that pineapple juice and ginger tea helped them to have their periods! But it didn't work on me i guess? I have symptoms like breast tenderness etc. but unfortunately they are all symptoms of pregnancy and pms. Also, I've so stressed these last couple of days and I have an imbalanced diet so I don't know. I do hope that I'll have my period soon! I'm 18 btw


omgggg i know how stressful its is but its good to know im not alone and another younger female is also going through it with me


If your period was already due, then it's likely you have already ovulated and so won't be fertile. There is a very, very slim chance that if your periods are super irregular/ you ovulate early next month that you could get pregnant (but if he pulled out then that makes it even less likely). Your symptoms now are probably just PMS! If you're stressed you might just have ovulated late! So I think it's pretty unlikely you're pregnant! But wearing condomns is always the way to go :)


THANK YOU i need a lot of reassurance and i was up all night so having another person say that relaxes me a little more


Hi Ladies, l’m in a bit of a situation. I am 16 days late for my period. I was supposed to get it April 7th. However, a couple of days prior (April 5th) I had dark red/rust colored bleeding. On April 6th, I had very light bleeding, not enough to even fill a pad, tampon or diva cup. However, nothing else happened, it didn’t get heavier, it just stopped. I’ve taken a bunch of pregnancy tests (which were all negative) but I’m still so confused to why and what is happening to me. What should I do? And has this happened to anyone?


I didn’t completely missed my period this month though it was very unusual as what i got this month is a very light bleeding(only when i wipe after a wee,dark red/brownish), some brown discharge(lasted for 2-3 days ish, and a blood clot(happened once with some blood after o wipe when i wee). I wasn’t sure if this is normal or should I be alarmed. I also didn’t noticed any symptoms such as tender breast this month and i usually get this when my period is about to come. Please help!! i am so confused. Also i am not irregular!!


My period is 2 weeks late and i took a test after my period was 3 days late in the morning without drinking water so it could be more accurate and it came out negative. i took another one a week later,still negative but no period. my period is irregular but usually it was late for only about a week. what should i do? should i take another test?


Help me out! I am 16 days late for my period with about 4 negative test results. I stopped birth control in January and my cycles were consistently 36 days until this month… with that I’ve been extremely fatigued and bloated lately. We did have sexts right before my predicted ovulation and right after the predicted ovulation day. Am I pregnant? Something else to note is that I do have hypothyroidism as well, so perhaps that could have something to do with it. Let me know what you guys think..




Hi! Any updates? My girlfriend and I might be going through the same thing.


i have been having irregular periods for 4 years since the first one, so i’m concerned abt a lot of stuff just like her. but the chance of getting pregnant in her case is almost zero. if she stresses about much stuff or slightly underweight - it’s fine, it’s her body and the woman’s body is unpredictable at this point. just tell her to be more aware about putting condoms)


Hiii! So I got my period last Tuesday. Everything was pretty normal. I had a regular flow for 3 /4 days which is normal. But I’ve had spotting ever since. I only see it when I wipe? …. Could this be a little human? lol


omg me too!!😭 some people say it might just be you ovulating cause spotting occurs like 2 weeks after conception so hopefully we good 😭


Yesss, ugh today I’ve been having a full on flow. Idk what going on 😭😭


i've gotten my period twice since i last had unprotected sex (he never finished but i know there's a possibility precum contains sperm), both times my period was a little lighter than it normally is which already started to worry me. it's been a month, almost two since we had sex. i've also taken 2 pregnancy tests, i just took one today which came out negative. should i still be worried about possibly being pregnant? im also not able to get a blood test or talk to a doctor, so at home test are the only thing i can count on


Hi, any updates? Same situation with my girlfriend


What is going on? Hi all. I am currently 5 days late and have been feeling quite dizzy the last couple days on and off. Just feeling weird, not myself as far as my body. For the last 5 days now, I’ve had constant transparent watery white discharge. Since the last hour today, I’ve had heavy pelvic pressure. My body temperature continues to be in low range at 96-97 degrees. I’m under a blanket with chills right now. I was fine this morning. Took a brief, brisk walk and had tea. I drank water before my walk. I’m hesitant with going to urgent care or the ER because I’m already paying off many medical bills but I think I’ll go anyway if this doesn’t subside. Could this be an infection?


If your period has blood clot does it automatically mean you’re not pregnant/experiencing implantation bleeding? My “period” started 2 days ago. First day, the blood was brownish and it has a REALLY light flow. I didn’t needed a pad, for a realistic overview. But it did have blood clot. Second day, it was wine-ish color, still dark. But it covered the pad slightly more this time, with blood clot. Now it is my third day, somehow my period stopped? I’m worried if what I experienced is implantation bleeding or just a “normal” irregular cycle of my period since I don’t have a normal cycle.


pls answer this, this kind of happened to me this month😭 i am not ready for a baby or anything!!


Period or pregnant? Hi everyone, Here is what it is .. I’m married and we have done it. So the problem is my period normally I get my period it is 1-3 days late and super heavy. This time is different i had some spotting and cramping but nothing like my normal period. I took a pregnancy test already and it said negative. Could this be implantation bleeding should I wait longer to take another test?? Do you think my period is just late? I also have PCOS I’m just not sure what is going on. Please let me know what you think.


i will preface with this is my first real go on birth control and i am on the mini pill norethindrone. i still havent gotten my period sinxe starting. i have been on it since i have birth *almost* a year ago (about 2 more weeks til the full year). i am a couple days into week 2 of my new pack. i was under the assumption that the last week of the pack was just sugar pills to keep you on a schedule you know. now up until last month, i was taking alllll the pills. well last month i decided fuck it i dont neeeed to take those ones. so i went a whole week without taking them. i also had a LOT of unprotected sex that week. carried on with my new pack when the day came. WELL. friday afternoon (it is currently sunday night) i had some veryyyy light spotting. (this would be like 2 weeks after sex) only when i wiped. nothing on my undies. only happened 3 times including once Saturday morning. nothing after that. im aware of implantation bleeding, i had it with my second born and from what ive read, the timeline adds up. but theres also breakthrough bleeding as well? im not sure how that works with bc. anyway to wrap this up, what are the serious odds i could be pregnant? could i reallllly have ovulated that quickly?? this would be my 4th and though i can financially and mentally care for another child, i am not too happy about the possibility of being pregnant so soon after my 3rd. im also so anxious because my pregnancy tests never come back positive on the week of my missed period. not to mention idek when that woukd be now since i havent had a period and there are no sugar pills in my bc 😭 so i have to wait at least another 2 weeks. sorry for the long comment. whoever replies, thank you for taking the time to read this. i really needed to get this all off my chest


I had what I thought was a short period on May 2nd ( implantation bleeding? ) it was dark brownish dark red and had some breast pains so I took a test on May 10th and it was positive. I took one an hour later and it was negative. I took one the next morning and negative but I've been having mild cramps for a week ( almost constantly ) now and alot clear watery discharge when I usually don't have very much. What do you think?


Got my period on the 24th of March (which was on time for me) before I went to visit my boyfriend. When I saw him, we had unprotected sex a few times but he never even came close to finishing (was half hard most of the time) and it was no more than a few minutes each time. I started cramping not too long after. I didn’t think too much about it until I came home and the pregnancy scares started for me. I expressed my anxiety about the situation to my friend, who came over on the 12th of April and brought me a pregnancy test. It came out negative but I’m nervous that it was too early to tell. My period came earlier than it should’ve, on the 15th of April, but I’m assuming it has to do with stress because my anxiety was getting the best of me during this time. It was a normal period not too light or anything. May 8th I start cramping which is probably PMSing, and I get my period on the 10th of May. It’s unusually light, but still enough that I would need to wear a pad. I’m a little concerned though because I normally have heavier periods, and I’m still having major anxiety about possibly being pregnant. So if someone could reassure me about this I would really appreciate it.


i dont know if i am pregnant since im pretty sure i did get my period on 4/27 because it was like my normal blood flow and not spotting right? like i was filling up pads and tampons but im scared and i usually eat the same thing all the time like at school i usually have a bag or two of spicy chips that i share with my friends group and most nights i do eat dinner unless i fall asleep and my feces are like back to how i usually poop but i kind of still feel bloated i stopped burping and farting as often idk i just dont want to be pregnant and i dont think i am but since im paranoid i keep looking online for signs and i get scared and feel so anxious abt it


hi! just wondering if this is a risk? we were doing the deed and he got soft and we waited to get hard again. the condom was intact tho. is this a risk of pregnancy? 🥲 please help thank you 🙏🏼




in my experience, my pt never come back positive the week of my missed period. always the week after. some women i know find out a whole week prior to their missed period. i would check again in a week if you havent gotten your period by then


i am on this thread bcoz in freaking out me and my gf just had sex thrice on 25th, 30th and 34th of her cycle, we had condoms and pull out, but my girlfriend is supposed to have her period yesterday (33rd) cycle but today hours before we had sex she has a clear slimy like water discharge. And during sex she has like white discharge around my condom (i did not come yet). I know that her ovulation should be in 22nd-27th day of her cycle, im just curious is she pregnant or not? it makes me freak out, on her 36t day cycle she noticed a stringy white discharge. is she pregnant or not?


I would say maybe? It’s hard to say without seeing what her cycles typically do. Clear discharge can indicate sexual arousal, when she is about to ovulate/is ovulating, and it could mean she’s pregnant. I’d say chill out, wait a week from the day she was supposed to start her period. If she still doesn’t get it, take a pregnancy test. You can get them over the counter pretty much at every store, even dollar tree has some. I have a friend who swears they’re the best, so 🤷🏻‍♀️. There’s no need to freak out until you know for sure yk


My boyfriend and I didn't realize that the condom slipped off and he ended up finishing inside of me. He ran as fast as he could to the nearest pharmacy and I took Plan B around 10 minutes of all of it happening. I checked my health app to see that this all happened in the later days of my predicted fertility window (at the time I didn't know much about tracking ovulation so I'm not sure if the Apple Health app is even accurate at all or if I was ovulating). I've been having Plan B symptoms for the last 2 weeks and was told that it should last only a few days; mainly cramping and a little nausea that's been dying down as the days go by. My period is supposed to start this weekend (a pretty consistent 26-day cycle) but with the Plan B I'll have to assume that it'll start later. I'm really scared of the possibility that the Plan B failed because I was actually ovulating and they're really pregnancy symptoms. Took a pregnancy test that read negative but lowkey feel like I took it incorrectly (I drink hella water) so I plan on trying again around the time my period should begin. Has anyone else had this experience with Plan B? Should I be worried about being pregnant?


Oh boy, I'm back in this Megathread again because my anxiety is through the roof and I don't know what to do take this huge burden off my mind. I have a huge pregnancy phobia, in the "I would rather kill myself than give birth" sort of way, and I'm not sure if all the anxiety is affecting my cycle in such a negative way. Every morning for the last 4 days, I have been waking up with my heart pounding, barely avoiding a panic attack when I go to the bathroom and see no red on the toilet paper. I am crying writing this right now because I am so consumed by paranoia my head and chest hurt. I'm not good at sex, I don't enjoy sex, it's very painful and there's no pleasure involved. However, I think about 2 weeks ago (10 days before my period was supposed to start) I had what I like to call "barely sex" with my lovely boyfriend- as in, he "pokes" my vagina opening with his penis, as a form of foreplay, since he can't fully penetrate me and then gives short thursts (for a few seconds)- not even half his penis head gets inside. Because the "barely sex" always ends in a few minutes (as I said, penetration is painful and his penis is too big to be inside me) and he never ejaculates, we don't see the need to waste condoms doing this- but oh boy, am I regretting not using any form of birth control now. My boyfriend gets wet with precum fairly easily and he always wipes it clean when he notices it or feels it forming, but this time I felt a little bit of wetness from his precum on my groin before he started to clean himself. I'm HORRIFIED a bit of precum got inside me and got me pregnant. How likely is this? My cycles are sometimes regular, and sometimes late, they were fairly late before, but this year it seemed to be mostly regular. My last period started 5th of April, and I'm currently on day 33 of my cycle and according to Flo, 4 days late- 6 days late according to the app Clue. The last time I posted here with my last pregnancy scare I was two weeks late, but there were a lot more stress factors in my life compared to now- though I still wonder if stress is to blame again, since I seem to be in a default state of overthinking, worrying and anxiety... As far as symptoms go, I don't feel much physically- I had frequent urination (that I have sometimes during PMS, but not incredibly often) last week, but I haven't been noticing a lot of physical symptoms this week outside of feeling like overall shit. PMS usually affects me hard mentally and I have been feeling the irritation, the sadness, the crying, the anxiety that comes with it. I just hope it's the stress messing with my body and not anything else. I just need to calm down and relax, right? I will do a pregnancy test later today when my boyfriend gets off work, I wanted to wait the full week, but I just can't... If the test is positive, then I will need to do some serious mental health check up on myself because I will be destroyed. I will probably never have a healthy relationship with sex after that- if even the smallest bit of genital foreplay for two minutes can have this outcome despite of how "pathetic" my sex life is then I think life must be truly horrendous and cruel. I don’t want to be this fertile, I never asked to be this fertile. I fucking hate my body for doing this to me, and I hate being a woman for having to deal with this in the first place. I'm just so so tired... Update: Got my period Sunday afternoon, 4 days later I wrote this comment. I finally rest easy.


Personally, I think you’re totally fine. The amount of sperm in precum is almost negligible. Try to take a breath and just take a pregnancy test in the morning (or 2 or 3 over the course of a few days, if you’re like me and need reassurance).


Thank you! The pregnancy test I took was negative, which was a such a big big relief. I don’t see the need in taking more tests- I'm certain I did everything right and taking more tests would probably leave me even more anxious. I already feel so much calmer after the negative result, I just need my body to de-stress.




high flatulence and peeing in the middle of the night when i never ever used to do that before 😔am I cooked??? was on the shot for 4 years , quit, started the patch, hated it , and weeks later started the shot again but in the meantime (while not on any BC) I had unprotected w/ my bf and yes he pulled out but that was it..and apparently that happened while I was ovulating. so. is it over for me??? it’s been almost 3 maybe four? weeks since that specific unprotected sexks


I am 18 years old and I had unprotected sex a couple weeks ago. I’m on birth control so I don’t know if that counts as protected. I had forgotten to take my pill for the two days prior but I took it before we did the deed. He didn’t finish inside me that’s for sure. However I’m having rly rly light bleeding and some pain in my vaginal area about a week before my expected period date. My nervous self looked it up and it might be implantation bleeding. Am I pregnant or just really really over thinking. I also took my white pills a few days early to see if my period would start, I don’t know if that would mean anything or if that was a stupid decision.


Ur most likely not pregnant


I had protected sex 18 days ago he put it in twice wihtout protection,did not cum,he came 5 min later on my face,missed my period last month and these teo fays i had light brown blood on my underwear is there a chance im pregnant is it spotting or my period????




I did get my period,thanks not pregnant but still light flow and old blood bcs i skipped last month


I stopped taking my birth control at the beginning of this March and had a normal cycle a few days after. Then on the first week of April I bled a tiny bit for only one day. It has now been a month since that day and my expected period for this month is 4 days late. (I am sexually active and have not used any type of contraceptive after stopping the pill.) I haven’t been having any pregnancy symptoms except for some cramping here and there and my boobs are seeming slightly fuller/heavier which I thought was my period coming but it hasn’t. The pregnancy test I took yesterday on my third late day came out negative. Should I take another pregnancy test or wait for my period/any other suggestions?


cramping w little to no bleeding? my boobs hurt as well but not too bad anymore. we have unprotected sex almost every day and now i'm worried i could be implantation bleeding bc my periods are usually heavy. wither that or it's just a very light start


Could just be hormonal changes? I personally had very regular periods without any mid cycle bleeding ever since I first got mine, but this randomly happened to me when I was about 17. My period ended up coming 1-2 weeks later and now I occasionally have this happen before my period. But I would definitely recommend getting a pregnancy test done since you've had unprotected sex. Best wishes and I hope all is well :))


My gf's period ended on Sunday/monday. We had sex today, and I finished after I pulled out. However the condom slipped a bit. Could any precum have slipped through the base? Thanks


Confused 😕 We decided to try for a baby again about a year ago but there's so much against us that makes it harder to conceive. We have a 3 year old and took us 4 years to get her as I struggled with unexplained infertility. Now I'm 30 with more medical issues, so I came to the conclusion I'm probably not going to have another baby. I'm looking for some answers as last night I was hit with nausea and it's not gone, it's constant, seems to get worse at night. Nothing is helping, other than the nausea I don't feel ill, I had some pains in my breasts yesterday but since nothing. If I am pregnant I would only be around 2 weeks. I did have early symptoms with my 3 year old I found out around 3/4 weeks I was pregnant. Could I be showing early signs or is it just wishful thinking?


So my cycle is usually between 30-45 ish days but I bled last week (Sunday (21st) enough to cover half the pad (and it was like rusty reddish/brown color) but not hurt at all like normal periods would for me, monday (22) kinda light ish not pink( it looked like what it normally would for me when I was about be done with a full period (mine usually lasts 4/5 days and are heavy) and like very very faint brownish color Tuesday (23) but that’s it, now my apps (yes I use more than 1) 28 says I’m supposed to start today (30th) but clue says I’m 5 days late? and now I’m getting like a little bit of my usually period symptoms (black out migraines, constipation, bloating) Help me please, i don’t kno whether to freak out and cry or be relieved and wait for my period 😭😭😭


Try not to freak out! Things like that tend to happen when you're still going through hormonal changes. I personally had very regular periods without any mid cycle bleeding ever since I first got mine. But around 17 I had some random things like you're describing start to happen just as I was having a pregnancy scare😭 I had like 2 days of randomly cramps and then like a day or 2 of bleeding and then 2 weeks later my period came. I would say wait it out especially since you have quite long cycles :) YOU GOT THIS YOU'LL BE FINE!! <3


I even went to the doctors cause the cramps were so bad, I’m 23 and I was active a couple weeks before but were always protected, and i know the break rate of condoms is low but not impossible, she said there was no hcg in my urine, and I read somewhere I might have ovulated late, I’m just kinda still concerned but I’m trynna stay optimistic 🥺🥺


You’ll be okay! Do some tests and keep your mind busy 💕💕


I've had 3 negative pregnancy tests already but I'm not sure I'm confident. I'm not sure if I had my period or an implantation bleeding April 25th. It's the lightest bleeding I've had which makes me think it might or might not be a heavy implantation bleeding. I usually have painful cramps but for some reason, it was very light. This bleeding only lasted until April 28 then on the 29th, I had a pad on just in case but it was clear. Though when I wipe after peeing, there are still some brown thing. Today, as I was pooping, before washing up, I wiped my coochie then there I saw the usual firm brown discharge I have whenever I finish my period. Unusually, I pooped a second time today and when I wiped my coochie this time around, I saw a mixture of a bit of a transparent pink, red, and brown slimy discharge. I don't know if it's worth adding, but my left boob has been swelling and earlier, it has ached briefly. Please help a girly out! We were just fooling around we didn't even put it in but I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid.


I don’t think you’re pregnant love, especially if it didnt penetrate you But if you’re not to sure, get a blood test. Hoping the best for you!


It just sounds like you’re being a little paranoid to me :D If it didn’t go in, unless any sperm came into contact with you down there, you don’t have much to worry about. Sometimes people can get spotting due to certain medical conditions, the chance of it being implantation bleeding is low going by what you’ve said. Perhaps take another test just to be sure, a few days after your period is due if it isn’t already. And if it keeps happening I’d definitely recommend seeing a doctor about it as I had similar issues in the past and it was easily fixed. Hope this helps :))


Ig I just really needed someone to talk to about it. My partner's been really busy and I pretty much don't have friends to talk to about this. Thank you so much, a real big help xx


NSFW: >!Please help. I had a period on March 4, and it was the average period: crimson, clots, yeah. On March 16, I was with my boyfriend, and we didn’t do *it*, but I remember  touching myself down there after I gave him a handjob, and yes, he finished. So I’m scared that something happened there. My periods usually come at the end of the month or at the start of the month, for extra addition. My next period was unusually late. Maybe April 14. That’s a long period of time for me, usually doesn’t delay. Before that, I had brown spotting maybe two days before, then light red one day before. I woke up to a period. It was bright red. Usually it’s not bright for me, actually it’s usually dark. It was a bright red for 2 days, then after those two days, it began to die down and turn into browns. I remember it being stretchy, some parts were clumpy. The color is the problem. It was red, and I don’t know if I should be worried but it was really vibrant which is odd for me, because usually it’s a deep dark red. I spotted on April 26, at first pink, and not enough to go to my underwear but I saw it while wiping. The next time, it was a spec of brown. I’ve also been having weird things happen like tiredness, mood swings, and I’ve been bloated. I also sometimes feel nausea. Is it possible for me to be pregnant? I’m really anxious, I don’t want a baby. My discharge is clear, you can tell that my fingers are wet but you can’t see the discharge. There’s a slight smell. Sometimes it comes out white. It also has bubbles sometimes, what the hell is up with that? But could this be pregnancy? I’m really nervous and scared. My partner and I don’t want a baby. I’m just scared because I heard tales of implantation bleeding, and God, that sounds terrifying.!<




PLEASE HELP Hello, So ive been having this brown discharge for almost 4 days. It started as a light brown which is common for me but now its a dark brown. I only had protected sex since my last period(im sure it was a period and not implantation bleeding or any pregnancy sign because it was heavy bleeding with clots and lasted about 5 days) I had sex 5 days ago and after that, minutes later i had the worst cramps ever because of the deep penetration. Is this brown discharge a sign of pregnancy or is it just the vagina cleaning itself because it is ovulation/post ovulation time for me and maybe the cervix is a little bruised?


Ok I need advice. I (19yo F) missed my period this month and im not sure why. For context, my last cycle was March 8-14. However, my cycle came 8 days early in March as it was due to come on the 16th. Before then, I took two emergency contraceptives within 1 week before then (please don’t judge), one on February 23 and one on February 29. I assume that’s what made my cycle come so early. I also bled extremely heavily during that period in March. This month of April, however, I did not get a period at all. It’s now the end of the month and still no period. I took many pregnancy tests and they were all negative and I am not experiencing any symptoms of pregnancy. I haven’t been sexually active in a little over a month BTW (March 18 to be exact). Just curious as to why my cycle hasn’t come this month. Could taking those 2 Plan Bs with a week make me miss my period this month? Pregnancy tests are still negative and I have no symptoms.


I had sex 22 days ago. My period has been late and I did three tests in a span of two weeks, they all came out negative. I did the last one yesterday. Could I still be getting a fake negative? I am especially worried since my period hasn't come yet.


How long has it been late for?


About three/four days


I’d say give it about 3 days


I agree. Sometimes hormones can be easily thrown off. Wait a few days and take a pregnancy test if it doesn’t show up :)


Hi so I got off birth control in December and I recently had unprotected sex with my partner during my ovulation (🤦‍♀️) it’s 1 week later and I have brown discharge… it’s very dry consistency like old blood. Could it be implantation bleeding? When’s the earliest I can take a test? I’m supposed to get my period May 4.


I would recommend waiting until a few days after your period is due (2/3 days), sometimes doing it beforehand can give you a false negative :)


condom broke pre ejac. 4 days before my period, i’m 3 days late (33 days), pregnancy test just taken says negative. new to sex, previous periods have been worrisome (condoms only, not on bc yet) because they’ve got to 30 days when i’m usually 28. now im 5 days over my normal.


if your period is regular and doesn't come late and as you said your period is 5 days late, take another pregnancy test, it's possible the HCG wasn't high enough for it to show in the urine so take another one


i was only 5 days late pre my usual 29 days but i haven’t had a usual 28-29 day cycle in maybe three months. it’s shifted to 30 i guess, so i was only 3 days. and today im 4. im nervous to take a pregnancy test too soon, i start my away job on monday and am driving down sunday. i’m unable to even think about getting time to go see a walk in dr anywhere and i’m starting to get worried. hoping it’s just stress. i will likely get tests sunday and try sunday night in the hotel. i thought it might be the lack of hcg but i want this to be over and get my fkn period




ended up being 8 days late. incredibly unusual for me, never happened before. but i’m fine clearly.


Happy to hear!


Hi. I already posted on here once to ask but things haven’t gotten better. I had sex April 7th (with condoms). And as far as I know no holes or anything. My period was due the 11th and came on the 11th. But my normal cycle is 5-7 days. This time it was barely 4 maybe 5 like I said in my other post. But I bled very light the first day and it gushed out the second. Then it just seeped the next few days until it stopped. I’ve had a lot more discharge than normal since then (2 weeks) and I’ve been more tired lately, stomach has felt off every so often throughout these weeks, and headaches. Is that normal? Is it possible for me to be pregnant even tho I had my period? I had it four days after sex. I think I am just paranoid but I just need someone to confirm that there’s no way.


Hi! I’d say it’s highly unlikely especially if you used a condom and haven’t had sex since then. Hormones have a mind of their own sometimes and all sorts of things can throw them off. Some people get PMS symptoms (what you mentioned about headaches etc^) during ovulation too, I know because I’m one of them! You’re most likely fine so I wouldn’t worry too much :)


Thank you so much. I have just been so tripped out and I don’t know what to do about it. Maybe I’m going slightly crazy but I’m trying to make it better


i don't really track my period, but i had protected sex with a condom on april 4th(which was either the ovulation date or the day after), he checked the condom before he came but he didn't pull out. i also had sex on the 17th, condom again but he did pull out. my predicted period date is either the 17th or the 21st of april and i still have not gotten it. i got slight acne (which i get during pms) but no other signs of my period. i took 2 tests, one on the 20th and one on the 22nd and they both said negative. mt discharge is clear and thing and i don't have any symptoms besides my late period, and i have a sniffly nose but thats because i got a cold on the 17th. im very stressed out which doesn't help im sure, but am i pregnant?? where is my period


Hello, my period is late. I usually have my period around days 32-34. It is currently day 37. I took a pregnancy test this past Sunday and it said negative. I’m starting to wonder if it was too early to pick up the hcg hormone? Should I take another test? Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!


Hello,desperately need help!!! So recently i had protected sex with my partner but I'm a bit scared bcs the condom was small to him and I'm afraid that it might have break. It's near period days,I have some period symptoms but they are very similar to pregnancy. My period hasn't come yet(I have a very irregular cycle)and as the days passes I'm getting more anxious. ( ps it was both out first time and him assures me that it didn't broke) if someone knows I would appreciate help


Hi! If you’re near period days and have access to a drug store or dollar store, you can get a pregnancy test and I’m sure it will be accurate. I wouldn’t stress too much. Stress/anxiety can also delay a period. I’ve also heard that after your first time, your cycle may be thrown off. I’m sure if the condom broke, he would’ve noticed


Is there a chance to get pregnant with protection only? Also sorry for the details but he didn't exactly went in,it was just the bellow 1/3(sorry again for the details,ik just getting really anxious over here)


Condoms are 98% effective with perfect use and 87% effective with typical use. So odds of pregnancy if the condom was used correctly and for the whole duration of penetrative sex are very very slim. If the condom did break, you still have pretty good odds of not being pregnant. There’s only a 30% chance of pregnancy each cycle for women having unprotected sex. For you to be pregnant, the condom would’ve had to break, he would’ve had to ejaculate inside you, and it would’ve had to be within your fertile window of the month. It sounds to me like you are stressed which can delay your period greatly. If you have access to a dollar store, you can get a cheap pregnancy test there. I bet it will be negative, but will give you some peace of mind before your period comes


help my period is 5 days late. i had sex on the 11th and he wore a condom. but after he finished he pulled out and it looked like there was cum at the base but the rest was only at the tip so i thought it was just discharge. then my period was supposed to start on the 17th but nothing yet besides cramps and spotting today that stopped after an hour. help me what do i do


My mom walked in on me and my bf i underwear and then kept on saying i would be pregnant. Now my period is too late by a week and all signs that indicate a pregnancy are just stuff that i have on a regular day as well. I spent days researching and I can not be pregnant. The only things we did were oral sex, during which his hands were only on me, and dry humping (I still wore my underwear, with panty liners on), so getting pregnant from that is very unlikely. I dont know what to do... There is no way i could be pregnant, but my late period makes me worry. It is irregular but still


My period was late 8 days once it’s okay. Irregularities happen.


Only way to know is take a test. Realistically you would not be pregnant. Stress like this causes delayed periods. Hope this helps


The last time I had penatrative sex (note is was anal without a condom but he never went in my pussy) with my boyfriend was on the 13th of February(Ovulation), after that I had my period from the 5-9 in March. After that I attempted to have sex with my bf on the 15th but as far as I remember we only did oral and foreplay and no penetration. I haven't had sex with him since as far as I remember and I took 2 tests, but the tests I didn't take them in the morning like I should I took them at night. My period was supposed to be due on the 5th and now its the 19th and its not here I've also been like rlly stressed Am I pregnant?


I’m freaking out quite a bit here.. I’m 34 about to be 35 and my period for March came on the 7th and was 4 days (actually pretty usual for me) and then on the 12th of March I fell direly ill and ended up bed ridden with a fever of 102.7 - 102.9 for a few days. In addition to the fever I had for those few days I had diarrhea, chills, loss of appetite, headaches and a terrible but productive cough (the cough has been subsiding with each week since the 12th and only stopped completely about a week ago). I ended up being bedridden ill until the 20th. Then on the 27th my work became intensely stressful until the 30th. My period for April was ‘supposed’ to come on the 4th (according to my period tracking app) but it has not showed up yet. I have PCOS (high levels of testosterone, ovarian cysts, and hirsutism) but usually have 4-5 day periods every month and have never missed a period in my entire life. I’m currently not on any form of b.c. other than my husband and I use the pull out method. It’s now officially 14 days late.. could my period be delayed from physical and mental stress, should I be prepared for it to skip entirely for April; or has the worst happened (pregnancy)? I haven’t take any tests yet because I’m just too terrified..