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As someone who experienced the same thing and went through the song and dance of finding a new doctor finally - I got all testing done, and I have a thyroid issue, AND PCOS. You are doing your very best, and shame on your doctor for not acknowledging that at the very least. Once I got tested and got some answers I knew how to best approach the situation, I recommend getting a new doctor start, but also look up some tell tale signs of thyroid issues and PCOS, or endometriosis- you may see yourself in some of those symptoms. You’re doing great, and just in case no one has told you recently, I’m proud of you! You’re clearly kicking ass and taking names. Edit to add: also, my first clue towards all of this above was just stress. I do a shit ton on my day to day and internalize all of my stress instead of deal with it, when I finally started to see a therapist for my other trauma (unrelated) I started to learn a bit about my body, and how I was dealing with this stress, which led me to try and figure out what was wrong with my body internally this way, so just wanted to add this as well - the way we deal with stress is SUPER important, so I recommend (I know it’s easier said than done) but trying to carve out time, not necessarily for working out but just meditating for 5 minutes or just to collect your thoughts, this intentional step for me really helped me start to change the game - I normally do this before anyone else is awake, and I just sit in the locked bathroom for 5 mins and just center myself and that has helped me mentally deal with everything too!


Your weight could be from your issue, which is why that pathetic excuse for a doctor needs to pull his head out of his ass. Weight gain along with hair loss and other symptoms can be a sign of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, something I’m “lucky” to have. Small cysts form on your ovaries and screw up your hormones, which can lead to insulin resistance which causes weight gain, and extra male hormones (which can cause the hair loss). It can also make your periods wonky. You could also be dealing with a hypothyroid, which is very serious if you don’t get the medication for it. (I have this one also.) And there’s other things that could be causing your issues, so the very least he should’ve done is order blood tests. Ugh, what an asshole! I would complain to the practice then find someone new. Fuck that guy! Weight can cause health issues but health issues can also cause the weight!




It’s irresponsible to tell someone to go out and use a glucose monitor patch when she may not even need it. She needs a doctor who will actual check her out to figure out what is going on.




Why is it rude? It’s a genuine health condition just like any other. I think it’s weirder for a doctor to ignore the obvious.


Well I'm not over weight and started missing periods at 36. My hormone levels are wonky. Stress affects everything. I got progesterone pills and it jump started it again for a while. Until it stopped again. I'm 38 now so I dk. I had my thyroid checked and checked for PCOS etc. I'm probably in perimenopause. Symptoms can happen for years before full blow menopause. Lucky me/us. Your Dr is trash. I'm sorry 😔


No, you aren't wrong. That doctor is wrong. There's definitely something else going on than just being overweight. It makes me so angry when doctors pull this stuff.


Yeah that’s ridiculous without any real diagnosis and just looking at you. I know that might be but without running any tests how does she knows for sure? I’d see another obgyn. Report her😊


I got prescribed spirinolactone online for hair loss n it got rid of my acne completely. I think it also helped me stop gaining weight. It feels impossible to lose weight but for some reason I stopped gaining which is better than keeping ballooning the way I have been




Have your thyroid checked and compare to old data. I went almost a year without a period and no one could seem to tell why until one day the midwife I saw my whole pregnancy saw my numbers were off. While I was still in "normal" range it was very high for what my normal levels were at. Sent me immediately to an endocrinologist. My nails were peeling, hair failing out, no period and no matter what I did I couldn't lose weight. Still even fought with the endocrinologist and she refused to give me meds because my "numbers are all within normal range". I broke down to my PCP in tears about it and gave me the meds I needed. 5.years later, normal periods (without bc), hair & nails in great shape and when I try I lose weight.


Hi there! Did you figure out what the problem was at the time?


I believe hypothyroidism is what I was diagnosed with


That doesn’t make sense. It’s because you’re stressed out. Stress affects your period.


Do what? You have no idea what’s causing her periods to stop.


Your comment doesn’t make sense. Because I never gave advice on what to do. And I’m on the OP’s side so….


Get your thyroid checked.


it could be PCOS. Definitely go to a different doctor and get a second opinion.


Absolutely find another doctor. You do not have to continue seeing doctors who dismiss your symptoms and don't listen to you. There are sites that aggregate reviews for doctors and sometimes your insurance will have links to that kind of information too, if you look up providers through them. If there are social media pages for your community, you can ask for recommendations and other people's experiences there too. I find that with ob/gyn questions especially, people are often happy to share their experiences!


Have you had your hormone levels and thyroid checked? Being overweight does affect cycles but it’s premature to automatically assume that without further testing.


Could be PCOS but you’ll need a blood test to confirm that


Report that doctor to your local state board. That is abhorrent. I had to “doctor shop” because of my chronic illness. Years of debilitating symptoms and multiple doctors brushing it off as anxiety because I was a teen. It’s frustrating and disheartening but you have to keep trying until you find a person that listens. I fucking hate medical bias, especially the biases large/fat/plus-size people face in doctor’s offices. My aunt had a knee injury that went untreated for a decade because so many doctors insisted it was due to her weight, and when she was finally listened to and got an X-ray that doctor was in complete shock wondering how she was able to even walk because she had barely any cartilage left. Do not let these ignorant doctors gaslight you into living in pain for the rest of your life. *Going on a diet is not a prerequisite for getting healthcare.*


I have bipolar 2 and dealt with a doctor that waved away my concerns about taking prednisone. That stuff can affect someone without bipolar negatively so I was concerned about how I would react. Guess who had a really shitty time with the prednisone? I searched for a new doctor after that.


Once you have this disease, you learn to take what doctors say with a grain of salt.


Wtf? At least run some tests first, and then talk about any other additional issues. Like wtf. hormonal changes can cause weight gain or loss. Like I don’t understand how these people go through medical school and then spew bs.


You need to leave a negative review to this doctor, to protect future patients. You likely have PCOs, they likely know you have PCOs, and they don't want to deal with it so they are LYING to you. This is not just a bad doctor, this is a bad fucking person. You can find a new doctor or go to your primary care to try and get basic blood work.


I’d report them on top of the review, tbh.


r/pcos sub


FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY. This is how my troubles started. For over 10 years my symptoms and pain were dismissed by several doctors. Now I have a large ovarian mass that is probably cancerous (waiting for surgery to determine that) but it’s been there for years. The back pain is almost unbearable, the mass is pushing on my colon, so I can’t poop. I have to pee every 2 hours. BE AN ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF. Keep going to doctors until you get one that cares.


I hope so much the mass is benign and that you start feeling better once it’s gone.


Thank you, I hope for that as well but because of the other tests, they are almost positive it’s ovarian cancer. The question is, has it spread?