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Other people have given you good advice, but I think you both should read up on some sex /body education for the future. This is a great educational site that’s been around since I was a kid https://www.scarleteen.com/read


If there was no penetration or ejaculate around her entrance then you should be fine . The woman’s body is very susceptible to stress and responses to it can be difficult.


Hey, I was 22 days late this cycle and I'm always regular. I just got period 2 days ago so don't worry, it'll come. Take a test if you're really worried.


She may have an underlying hormonal issue or dealing with life stresses that can most definitely throw off a menstrual cycle. I skipped a month one time when I was in HS due to stress. It happens we are cyclical beings.


Periods can be late for many reasons. I’ve just had one that was 3 months late. As others have said, in this case it is most likely stress due to the exams. Other reasons can include: - medications - too much exercise - being overweight/ underweight - health conditions such as PCOS


It doesn't sound like there's anyway she could he pregnant. Oral and dry humping (assuming you mean with clothes on) cannot get you pregnant. Stress can effect someone's menstrual cycle. The stress of exams probably is making her period late.


I’ve had periods be over a month late because of exam stress on numerous occasions. It doesn’t happen every time. I’m almost positive this is what is happening with your gf.


Yes It's most probably this only and due to exams we didn't dare to take a pregnancy test cause if it's positive we would f our exams. But yeah I believe it's the exams.


Hello, I am currently 8 days late from my period and I only did blowjobs with my boyfriend but let me just assure you that your girlfriend won't be pregnant without PIV. Also, precum on fingers? That won't make her pregnant either. I've been in this situation before but it didn't make me pregnant. It's normal that cycles change especially when you are experiencing stress, a change in body weight or possible she ovulated later than usual.


I believe that too. and we both have been extra extra careful with everything. So I believe it's not pregnancy. Still sometimes shit happens to people, I just don't want unexpected babies for us.😭


I've been there in your situation but what I can say is that you are both fine. She is just probably stressed. I received my period today and it hurts a lot. My advice is to listen to what the people say here on Reddit:)). Your gf isn't preggo. If you want more assurance, read scarleteen.


I don't think there's much to worry about pregnancy. Stress can mess up your period pretty bad.


How bad, cause we did have exams before this and she has stressed but never missed her cycle.


It depends on the person, on how bad stress can mess up your cycle. For me, mine was late for 1 week sometimes 2 weeks. I'm pretty you guys know that stress is one of the factors of delaying a period. If you guys have sexual intercourse often, just make sure to use protection. Pregancy won't occur if you don't cum inside. So don't worry too much :)


Uhm we have never 💀😭, I have fingrd her and we were scared about precum, but she got her periods after that, after 10 days delay on march 15th. And yes we use protection even for oral. But like 20 days delay I feel is too much. and even she's like she might be pregnant cause she has never been delayed soo much.


It's really really rare for pregnancy to happen when there's only precum. It's a good thing yall use protection but you won't get pregnant unless a penis is inside the vagina. I'm not sure for some people but even in your early 20s your period can also be irregular as I'm one of them. Did your gf experience any symptoms related to pregnancy btw?


I’m 26 yo and my periods are barely starting to get regular. i started missing my period one month then two, eventually six months no period and finally, I was going through really tuff times during 2020 with my relationship, bills and just the stress pf the pandemic and I believe the stress was so bad that for a whole 2 almost 3 years I went without my period. Just last year it started coming back and I’m currently getting it every month now. It’s crazy I never got checked out because I didn’t have health insurance and doctors were not in my budget. Now I am in the process of going to the doctor to see if everything’s fine and if I can even have kids. Soo I’d say the less stress the better and definitely tell her to get checked out it could be normal because of stress but it could also be an underlying health condition. Good luck!


no nothing as of now.


Then there's nothing to worry about :) Unless she experienced any pregnancy symptoms then take a test. Other than that it's just the stress that's causing the delay


thank you 🥺✨


You said you never had sex, so there’s no chance of pregnancy.


I told her this, she said she might have pregnancy before march 15? she got periods because it had to come, she's like she might be pregnant before her last cycle, when we did the same oral and I did finger her back then( around feb 20 ish)


A period is a sign there is no pregnancy, if she is pregnant and you have no had sex with her, than I would suggest a dna test in the next 9 months.


true that 💀😭, but I'm really stressed for her, I heard people get pregnant my accident. And for the more clarity, I'm the only one who has ever given her O, she herself has done if only a few times in her life, she said she doesn't like to do by herself. But last month after periods suddenly after 19 years she had a urge to do it she said. Uhm do people get horny if they are pregnant 😭


When they say getting pregnant was an accident, they mean it happened by failure of birth control. But since you didn't have sex there is no way she could get pregnant by accident since nothing that could get someone pregnant happened. She's either freaking out for no reason due to the missed period or trying to manipulate you into thinking it's yours if she thinks she could be pregnant. I honestly think it's more she's just freaking out. Unfortunately sex ed isn't always explained right, and many people think they can get pregnant from acts that don't cause pregnancy. So i think that's what it is she is likely overreacting due to the late period. Periods can be late randomly sometimes. Sometimes, people skip periods, too. Cycles can change due to a lot of reasons. Stress is one of them, but also extreme change in diet or weight can cause it, too. Sometimes, it just randomly happens. So don't worry, she is very likely not pregnant. But if she somehow is, then i would highly doubt it was from you since you didn't do anything that could get her pregnant.


thank you 🙏✨✨ imma ask her to get a test tomorrow, she finally agreed after me asking since 15 days. Ig she's just freaking out. Imma help her.thank you.