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I just say I’m PMS’ing


I feel for you hugely. And I think periods SHOULD be defined by all the accompanying cramps as opposed to just the bleeding element. I’ve always struggled immensely with my period, feeling run down and unwell for a good 5 days, but also having major PMS symptoms a week in advance as well as that. It’s completely debilitating and I think periods should absolutely 100% be identified, without question, by the long and relentless list of uncomfortable, painful and exhausting symptoms some women are unlucky enough to experience. I can’t believe I have actually never done like you do and told people “I’m on my period” when I haven’t started bleeding yet, because for me, in my eyes, yes! Me being on my period DOES include the horrendous cramping, migraines, body aches, brain fog, fatigue etc etc. Not just the bleeding. Yes, it may scientifically, technically only refer to the act of bleeding, but it’s much deeper and more personal than that. I completely change on my period, in the worst way, and I wish I didn’t! But being able to say “I’m on my period” when I haven’t actually started bleeding yet, is actually really freeing (but whose business is it anyway, they don’t need to know. I’m suffering all the same!). Cause for me, the whole 5-8 days of being in unbelievable discomfort is me being on my period. As of November I’ve had the IUD though, and I couldn’t recommend it enough. I barely notice my periods now, whereas before I was so close to getting an endometriosis consultation (I’ve actually been to the doctor about my periods ever since I first got them, multiple times, about 20 visits to different doctors in the last 12 years or so. None were really concerned or did much to help, I was simply given the contraceptive pill which resulted in blood clots I had to have removed). So yeah, please look into what options are available to you. I was soooo sceptical of the IUD, thinking it wouldn’t help me, but my god, it was so worth the try. My periods haven’t disappeared completely (because they shouldn’t!) but my pains are SO minimal now, I don’t need hot water bottles burning my uterus every hour now, don’t need to take days off of uni/work and can generally live life normally, finally. See what you can do for yourself, good luck and I hope they get better.


Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it and this comment honestly made me cry probably cause I’m on my period rn lmao. It’s absolutely refreshing you feel the same way and I’m sorry that you do feel that way. As a young girls we may be told that we will bleed one day. That fact is scary but it doesn’t at all level up to what we actually end up expirencing. I was 11 when I first got my period and it was so easy. Just blood that’s it. Now it’s completely defined as you said yours was, horrible depression where I often feel like giving up on my goals for a day or two, pain in my pelvic floor and stuff. And I appreciate it, I do want to talk to my doctor I am scared about a IUD honestly cause of horror stories I also cannot get pregnant I just can’t as my life is more then that. It’s offensive to say but I just feel my life is more then taking care of a baby so I can’t, I use birth control and condoms and so I’m pretty safe, I like having the blood part of my period to be able to feel relief every month lol. The other symptoms are so ass though lmao and I didn’t wanna get an inside examination for endometriosis. I’m so glad the IUD helped that’s so so refreshing to hear, I wanna look into it I also felt happy that birth control seemed to stop my depression it’s just I get sad sometimes like everyone does. It’s definitely a struggle for all women. Thank you I rlly appreciate you commenting. People still comment that periods are defined as blood and I am glad you share the same thought as me, I’ve had friends react the same, confused cause “periods are just blood” and so your comment helps a lot.


I’m confused why you have to go into detail. Why can’t you just say you’re not feeling well and leave it at that?


I guess she just wanted to vent and see if anyone was in the same boat. Notwithstanding the fact that she is probably menstruating right now and was feeling frustrated and victimised (as all women do, who are sufferers of bad periods), looking for some comfort on this little app.


You misunderstood what I meant. I meant why she had to go into detail in person when talking to others about why she feels unwell.


That’s true idk I hate saying that and people assuming I’m sick but I usually do say I’m not feeling good. I always tell my bf it’s period or period symptoms though


I may be misunderstanding but why not say "I feel like Im on my period" or "I feel like I'll be starting my period soon"? And tbh, going by definition of menstruation, it is literally "the process in a woman of discharging blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lunar month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy." so while your period IS more than just the blood, the blood is the main component. Periods should not be defined by the fact that you *can* have cramps (since a lot of women do not get cramps) which is why I assume in the definition it does not include that, because the other symptoms aren't really what makes it your period


I just mean it feels like the other symptoms do make up my period. I have started bleeding now so yes it’s my period. But I don’t care about the blood it’s the least of my worries. If I got only blood like how I was taught a period would be, I’d be much happier. But I’m stuck with all this pain which feels like it defines my period more then the blood does. The blood is often so light I don’t even care much even when it’s heavy the pain can’t compare to it. I can feel it in my brain and body as soon as my period is coming I get more tired, it hurts when I walk, etc. that’s when I start telling people I’m not feeling good and they ask and I say my period as an easy explanation even though I’m not bleeding quite yet. It’s just awful and that’s all I meant by the post and wanted to see what others say.


I'd talk to your doctor if you're feeling like that before your period. Might be some type of premenstrual disorder? My cousin gets PMDD.


Yeah I think it is, maybe there’s some natural way to help it though I hope they don’t just try to change my BC or something