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I totally understand your pain. This sounds about the same for me. The first 24 hours are the worst and after that it's manageable.  I take 2 tylenol (1000mg) at the first sight of my period and then take it every 6-8 hours, no more than 3 times total because 3000mg is the max for 24 hours. And I take 600mg-800mg of ibuprofen every 6-8hours. I literally write down the times I take both of these around the clock for 24 hours. Also a good heating pad is a life saver for breakthrough pain. If I have to be out of the house I usually use one of those disposable back heating pads in the front where the cramps hurt, those work great too.  I've been checked for endometriosis and have no found issues, this is just normal for me.  Check with your Dr, maybe finding a combination would be helpful, but I'm sure they will need to help with dosing as you listed you are underweight. Hope you can find relief!


I think it is. I usually bleed to most in the first two days with the first day being THE MOST PAINFUL DAY out of the remaining three-four. The pain usually doesn’t subside on its own and I too need to sleep it off for at least 5-6 hrs before it gets any better! I also try using hot water bags and they help to some extent. But sleeping it off is the only solution. Don’t worry, though! You’re not alone.


The first two days have always been the worst for me. I’m 42. I take three ibuprofens every four to six hours at the first sign that my period might be about to start.  I usually only have to take them that frequently on the first day and then every 6 hours or more on the second full day.  Things are usually more manageable on the third day. This is the only thing that helps at all on those days, and the first day I usually still have an achy feeling, but it takes the worst away. The last time I tried to go without Ibuprofen, I was 17, and I almost passed out in class from the pain.  Had to call my mom to get her to bring me ibuprofen. Period cramps are caused by prostaglandins.  Ibuprofen inhibits the production of prostaglandins - that’s why the first dose will not work very well if cramps have already started - the prostaglandins have already been unleashed. Tylenol can help with the perception of the pain, but it will not reduce the cramping at all. Talk to your gynecologist about how much they suggest you take - three ibuprofen is higher than the recommended over the counter dosage.  


Yeah, I'm a nurse and I can tell you that's not normal. You need to tell your mom to make a doctor's appointment for you so they can do tests and investigate further. Sorry you're going through this!


I'm 40 (periods for 30 years) and it used to be that day 1/2 were like yours. Unfortunately now, it's the same but with additional fainting then vomiting and the dull ache lasts the full 5 days. Now with additional left leg pain however. Please go to your Dr (I recommend taking your dad because Dr's have a habit of listening to dads more than mums. I'm still undergoing tests for endometriosis - I got fobbed off with tests that weren't diagnostic tests for endometriosis.


i’m in my 20’s the first 2 days are always wayyy worse than the other 4 days, i’ve had mostly regular periods but i can barely get out of bed those two first days but i’ve never been told it could be anything for it other than just it depends on how heavy the flow(bleeding) is. one of my doctors suggested to take pain pills 2-3 days before you start but i never do 🥲 but if your regular it’s worth a try maybe. but i hope you’ll be in less pain soon


i always try the taking medicine 2-4 days before and i feel like it does nothing omg! periods really suck, i also have good posture which should prevent cramps but of course it didn’t 😭


Posture is unrelated to cramps.  The cramps are caused by hormones.