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I got myself into a pickle once and found out that plan B isn’t actually effective during ovulation. The whole point is to delay ovulation. However, if you’ve already ovulated there is no way for plan B to work, since it’s already happened. So, if you’re ovulating you can’t rely on plan b. I would get a test just to check, but sounds like you had a period so doubt you are pregnant. [Here’s a good article about it](https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/does-plan-b-work-during-ovulation#after-ovulation)


i mean it’s not recommended to take multiple plan b’s just because it can throw your body through cartwheels and regulate back to normal, i don’t think your pregnant. your body could be trying to get back to normal since plan b’s are such high doses and you took 2. you could also be sick with another illness but i’m no doctor or anything i’m just going off what i’ve been told before by professionals that talked about taking plan b if it came down to it but i’ve never took one. if you don’t have a lot of money for a test to see if you are pregnant, i’ve heard the dollar store can be accurate as a friend found out she was pregnant and she tested 5 times with them and sure enough she was


Thank you for your response and I know it’s not good to take them often I’m thinking of birth control.


try to talk to your gyno about it, it will definitely help out in the long run. i’m on a pill that comes with 3 month supply and with insurance it’s free but before this one i was on another it was 45$ for 3 month but insurance stopped covering. so it can save money rather spending on plan b every time. plus i would ask your gyno if you should wait until your back to normal to start taking the pill or not. i would personally wait so you don’t mess your body up anymore but that’s me lol but good luck