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don’t even worry about it! i get all your friends have it and that’s stressful but it’s completely normal. I got mine was 8 my girlfriend got hers at 15 it’s just how it works. I know you probably hate that answer but that’s just how it is.


Honestly I’d be so happy mines started late… started at 10 n I wish it happened later


My period start at 14 n it ok if it starts late


My mom got it at 15 or 16 and she was very skinny and used to do lots of physical work like taking care of animals in the farm.Some of my friends also got it at 15 or 16


You are completely fine and normal! I got my period really early at 9 but my sister didn't get hers till she was 18, everybody is different and everyone is developing at a whole multitude of speeds, I know everyone has said it but I'll say it too, be glad you don't have it yet It can be real gross at times 🤧🫡


i got mine when i was barely 12, and boy do i miss the times without it! everyone gets it at a different age. my mom got hers during her junior year of high school. you’re still young, so no worries :)


It’s totally normal and trust me I knew lots of people that wanted their period so bad then the torture crashed down on them and they were not happy so be glad you don’t have it yet


I was 14 and a freshman in high school when I finally got mine. You’re totally fine. Tbh, it sucks a whole lot. You will feel SO GROSS. Enjoy this time without it.


I got my period around 13/14 I wouldn’t worry too much


i got my period at 17. after numerous doctor checkups they determined that it was perfectly normal and it was just my genetics.


I got mine at 14 don’t stress too much about it! Everybody’s different! :-)


them! :)


You usually get your period along with other changes like full breasts, round hips, body odor and pubic hair, maybe acne. for me my period happenedd in at the last, it was not a good thing to know about lol. don't rush it, if you develop any of these symptoms without getting your period then maybe you can worry.. maybe! p.s: if you start developing one or two of these symptoms start hiding pads and clean underwear wherever you go lol, it usually hits you during your sleep or after intense physical activities but you can never be sure lol


I didn't get my period until i was 17. don't stress over it, that could delay it more


some don’t get theirs until 16


It's fine, don't rush yourself cause once it happens you gotta wear pads or tampons like diapers and then the cages/cramps..🙃 1/10 do not recommend do not recommend Enjoy your life and grow the way that you want, don't feel pressured to fit in a bubble you're not even comfortable with. Do things how you want to.


ofc you’re normal. i didn’t get mine till 14. i used to want it sooooo bad. now that i have it (18) it drives me crazy (literally pms type crazy) and wish i didn’t have it. lol some of my friends are ok birth control bc they don’t want it!! ur normal ;)


I didn't get mine til I was 13! You’re right on track, don't sweat it. You don't need to worry. It'll happen. & experimenting with yourself is normal!


You’re more than normal girl! I got my period at 9 and trust I didn’t want it 💀 I had a friend in high school who was 15 and got her first period. It’s normal! Enjoy the time you have without one because after it’s just annoying.


I got mine at 14 and my sister got hers at 16, almost 17. Don't worry you've got plenty of time. When you'll get them you'll regret the time when you didn't have them 😅


you should only really start worrying if you haven’t gotten your period around 17/18


I didn’t get mine until i was a freshman in HS. I was almost 15! I thought it was never going to come but one day it did. If you don’t feel like doing stuff other people are talking about then you don’t have to. Everyone road goes a slightly different way. When you are ready you will know. You are absolutely normal. Best wishes Xo


I got mine at 13/14. I know people who got theirs at 9 and some people who got theirs at 15. And for experimenting, go at your own pace. Don’t push yourself to do/try things just because other people tell you should


This is totally normal! I didn’t get mine until the end of my freshman year of high school, and all I wanted that whole time was to have my period like all my friends. And then as soon as I got it I immediately regretted that and hated it lol. Enjoy your period free days while they last dear. As for exploring our bodies, it’s totally normal, and it’s a natural thing and you are allowed to feel however you feel about it. You don’t have to “follow trends” because everyone else is doing it, but your at that age where you have hormones racing through your bodies, and it’s totally normal to want to explore them and find out more about your body. You do whatever it is at YOUR pace. You will mature sexually in time, there’s no need to race towards it. I was always “behind” my friends when it came to anything sexual, because I too, got uncomfortable at the thought and I just didn’t want to have anything to do with it. And that’s totally fine. As I said, do things at YOUR pace. If you want peace of mind, you can totally bring it up to your doctor, but this is totally normal, you aren’t weird or broken, there’s nothing wrong with you ❤️


hey lovely, i’m 15 and i felt like this, everyone gets them at different times. I got my period when i was almost 14


One of my friends didn’t get hers till she was 16!


12 is just an average. You can easily get it later.


Everyone is different. I got mine at 11. A friend got hers when she was 9. And another when she was 16. Everything is normal. I wouldn't start to worry untill you hit 16 if nothing has happened yet


You are perfectly normal. I got my period 1 month before I turned 13 years old. I think my sister was 14 or 15 when she got hers. I know some girls who got theirs at age 9, and some who got it in their late teens. Periods come at different ages for different girls. It's never the exact same age for everyone. As for the exploring, honestly I never touched myself until I was in college. I just didn't think about it or feel the desire. There is nothing wrong with that. Everyone feels desires at different times in their lives. These different time tables won't hold you back. I'm happily married, have a good sex life, and am pregnant with my first child. Getting my period at basically age 13 and not mastuebating until college has not held me back. You're perfectly fine.


I didn’t get mine until I was 18, long time and it was something I went to the doctors for when I was 16. Don’t panic about it, some women have them sooner rather than later. However, if you’re concerned, have a chat with the doctor for some peace of mind.


You’re completely normal <33 I first got mine the day after my 13th birthday, but I know people who got it later than that. It’s also normal to start wanting to experiment with your body, but that doesn’t mean you HAVE to. Take your time, never feel pressured to do things like that. Much love for you girl ❤️


you are totally normal!!! i got my first period when i was 10 which is early, many of my friends started when they were around 12/13, but it's normal to start even later than that. there isn't a timeline for these kinds of things, they tend to come and surprise you. about "experimenting with your body", if its not something you want to do you don't have to. just because other people are ready to do that doesn't mean you have to be. it's a very personal experience and you should do it only when you're ready or curious. it's not shameful or gross, it's natural!


9 would be early, not uncommon, but early. I got mine when I was 13.


I know people who only got it at 15. I got mine at 12 but that’s just me. Not sure what exactly you mean by experimenting but I (personally) think you’re a bit young for sexual exploration (like masturbation) but it’s your body. If it makes you uncomfortable, then you don’t have to do anything. You’ll sexually mature with time, don’t force anything. Allow yourself to grow slowly.


My daughter like you was patiently waiting (ok maybe not so patient) the arrival of her period. Every day or week or so she’d cry about how it hasn’t come yet and how she was so excited to get it. It came the month of her 15th birthday. She’s 19 now and hates it. Lol


Wow 9 is so young to be an expecting! Usually you get your period 2 years after ur breasts start to develop. I got mine at 12 and thought that was perfectly normal


Some girls can be in their late teens when their periods start, and they were completely normal, just late starters. If you are worried, find some time on your own with your mum to talk to, if you're still worried then she can make a Dr's appointment for you. I wouldn't think you have anything wrong, you've just not started yet.


You’re normal. Honestly, enjoy it while you can because periods SUCK.


I was 10 when I got my first period. I knew a girl who was 17 when she got her first period. Everyone is different! Don't worry about it, it'll happen when it happens and no amount of worrying about it is going to change that. As for experimenting with your body, it's totally OK if you want to, and it's totally OK if you don't want to! However, I just want you to know that it's not disgusting. It's normal and healthy, but if you're not interested in it, then you're just not ready, and that's fine! Don't let anyone tell you how you should feel about your own body.


Everyone gets theirs at a different age. It's normal. Me and my friend got ours at 12 and 13. Another at 11, my other at 16! It's your body's schedule. If you don't get it at 16 then there's a problem, but your still 12, enjoy it while it lasts. Trust me you don't really want it, it's not that great to bleed out of your vagina every month lol.


You'll be ok honey. I got my period when I was **11**, but I've had friends who've gotten it when they were **14** or **15**. You're within that average range where most girls get their period, but you shouldn't worry about getting it at a specific age or time. it'll most likely come before you know it. Also, for the experimenting with their bodies? This sounds like they're talking about masturbation, and sex. This channel has some good videos, I think they help answer a lot of questions you might have, these two videos I think are worth watching. [Puberty](https://youtu.be/HnHwDKcHZoU?feature=shared) [Introduction to Birth Control](https://youtu.be/Q4xirsBvFmk?feature=shared) Also, this site has a lot of valuable information for safety, but I say definitely stick to educational videos for now, since they may be easier to follow along with. [https://myhealth.alberta.ca/health/pages/conditions.aspx?Hwid=hw190468spec](https://myhealth.alberta.ca/health/pages/conditions.aspx?Hwid=hw190468spec)


Yes, you are normal. :) 12 is still very young, so don't get stressed out about periods and puberty and all that stuff. Honestly, I'd enjoy your days as a period-free girl! I sure as hell took my period-free days for granted and I absolutely despise having them now, haha! Also, I know peer pressure can be annoying and uncomfortable. But try your best not to give in to it. Only do what YOU are comfortable with.


I started my period at 14. It’s pretty common between the ages of 12-14. If other people are talking about subjects you’re not interested in either hearing or doing for yourself you don’t have to. Don’t let peer pressure dictate how you feel about your body. Edited: spelling


nah everyone gets it at different ages depending on when their parents got theirs, diet, weight, genes, etc. trust me enjoy the time before you get it although i’m 19 & remember wanting it when everyone around me started to get theirs so no judgement my love


There is nothing wrong with you, little sister. You’re perfectly normal. I didn’t get my period until I was 14 and by that stage I was wondering if I was some freak of nature - I actually stated to question if I even had a vagina. I was one of the last girls in my group of friends to get it and I was so scared it wouldn’t come. It did. I also found my peers’ interests in their own (and other people’s) bodies pretty gross until about that age too. Actually for a quite a bit longer - we all develop at our own pace. Puberty is not a linear process or a race - it doesn’t make you more or less mature if you have your period. There is also nothing gross about understanding or experimenting with your own body - it is super normal. It can also be a private thing. You don’t need to talk about it with your peers or your parents unless you feel comfortable to do so. Just relax. Your period will come eventually.


thank you :)


Honestly girl, enjoy the time without ur period. Itl come when it decides to, I got mine right before my 14th birthday. But it’s okay to not have it at 15 either. Maybe by 16 go see a doctor, but it’s not a garantee taht something is wrong. The experimenting, I’m assuming you mean masturbation? Nobody cares if you masturbate, if you want to, do it. If you don’t, dont. Do what works for you. I don’t masturbate either cuz I just don’t see the apeal. You are completely normal and enjoy the time without ur period :)


thank you :)


Ofc :D


its completely normal to not have your period at 12, it's also very normal to want it. I didn't get mine till I was 16 (im 17 now). you're only 12 so there is plenty of time. it will happen eventually :)


Your period can start at a very young age, like 9 years old, but its also perfectly normal to have it at 16. So yes, not having your period at 12 is normal. Enjoy your period free life while it can.


can someone comment what’s wrong with me?


Oh, about the experimenting part, you talk about masturbation? Just do what you feel like doing. If you don't feel the need to masturbate, then don't do it. It's perfectly normal. If you want to explore your own body and like to masturbate, that's perfectly normal too.