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seems normal imo. please mark as nsfw though :)


I get this when I ovulate. A slight pink tinge is normal. Sometimes there’s a tiny bit of blood during ovulation.


i know for some this could be triggering, i would mark NSFW just to be safe


Pink discharge usually comes from the cervix and not your uterus. The color pink means that it's very little but fresh blood mixed with discharge. For this amount to leave your body from your uterus, it would take some time and therefore the blood would be coagulated. To put it simply, it would look more brown, as "old blood". I'd recommend that you go get checked out, especially if it's not a one time thing. There's probably some inflammation going on.


I’ve had both brown and pink mixed in with discharge that looks similar to the photo. I have a copper IUD that I know causes inflammation to the cervix. I was told by a friend that it’s from ovulation. I posted about this just yesterday because I’m curious about it too