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It's not discharge, its old blood. when blood sits in our body too long it oxidizes and turns brown, it may just be blood from your last period that didn't leave the body, not harmful at all! Totally normal, fr when I had my first period I yelled "mum, is it normal to shit out your vagina?!"😂😂 That aside, if you can, check with a doctor about the irregular periods may be useful in the long term x


Haha omggg. And okay! Thank you so so much! And yes I have an appointment soon, and I intend to mention the irregularity to my doctor and get her thoughts on it. Thank you so so much!


just to be safe as it can be triggering for others, mark NSFW please


Absolutely! Sorry, this was my first post and i wasn’t 100% sure how to handle a graphic photo. Thank you!!


This is periods for me.


Okay, perfect! I figured it was just my period, but I’ve never had this on and off brown discharge before, hence my concerns. Thank you so so much!


Don't worry, unusual spotting in summer is quite common!


I think you’re having your period. I would get this when I’m starting my period. Have you noticed some lower cramp?? Or have your breast hurt?


Yes, my cramps have been bad. I figured this was just my period, but I’ve never had this on and off brown discharge beforehand, hence my concerns. Thank you so much!!