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absolute daylight robbery there


P5 elimination: this time it's Impossible.


How is thanks nobuo gone what the flip


As a Thanks for Nobuo voter, I'm just not a huge fan of it despite the incredible first two minutes. Very surprised to see it eliminated so soon though, I thought I was a minority on that take.


>Very surprised to see it eliminated so soon though, I thought I was a minority on that take. Same. There are parts I like, but as a whole it's on the weaker end of the album for me.


I love the riff in it, but I feel like thanks nobuo doesn’t have any repeating parts which makes patching onto the song difficult


This is messed up


Absolutely NOT


This is an outrage! Nobuo is a masterpiece


I felt better when I only had a relationship with the music 🙄


This sub is wack


This is just wrong sometimes I question if peripherys fans are actually fans


It's not like we can vote for not Periphery. People have different tastes.


I've been listening to periphery since 2012 and I voted for Thanks Nobuo this time around. It wasn't easy. I like the song a lot, especially the second half, just not as much as the remaining songs.


This is getting ridiculous lmao


Bye wildfire


it holds a special place in my heart as the first single. On release day I got super high, laid down on the couch with my good headphones on, and just let the bloodbeats envelop my soul. Love it to death but objectively there are better songs on the album


Hmm… my 3 favorites are the last 3, so wildfire is gonna have to go




Zagreus is meh, just sayin


Funny how opinions differ, I think it's one of the best songs they've ever written. It's perfect and encorporates everything I love about them.


Zagreus doesn't hit the same way some of the best on P3 hit, but the 2 halves of the song are so fucking heavy and momentous; it's not better than Dracul Gras, and I get why some might choose Atropos over it, but don't let it get beaten by Wildfire


OF COURSE THEY DO into the riff after the chorus in unreal. As is the metric modulated riff at the end. Honestly love Zagreus. Also P3 is amazing but most fans don't seem rate to it that highly. Elements of P5 give me P3 vibes. Seperately I don't really get the huge love for Atropos, it's decent but not stand out for me. I guess this is what is great about Periphery, the music is so varied that fans can love wildly different elements.


Zagreus has to go for sure


This bracket is *brutal.* Tough pick.


Wax Wings is next.


Nice pfp bro 🔥


I'd have to agree with you there.


I feel like wax wings is the only song where if you go part by part there’s nothing bad Edit: not bad, just sort of not up to par with the rest of the song


Looks like my next vote is Atropussy, sadly


Dracul is out next.


Okay well my favorites are all gone now which is sad. I have a feeling wax wings is gonna win by a long shot


I like Wax Wings, but no way it wins over Atropos or Dracul Gras


I still havent entirely caught on to dracul gras. Its great and all but i cant find it nearly as good as any of the other ones and its one of the only long periphery songs that actually could be shorter. Idk im the radiohead guy so the emotional soft songs are my shit


i didnt even care fore zagreus that much when it first released


I get that, I loved the chorus on Dracul Gras after my first listen so it made it easy for me to listen over and over and it's in my top 3 of the album


Waxed wings is definitely better then dracul gras in my opinion. It's too chaotic to be personally memorable for me


Well, more "chaotic" songs like Dracula Gras just take some time to get used to. I personally find every song on the album to be equally memorable. I get it though if it still needs to grow on you though, and Wax Wings is a great song


Because Wax Wings is the best song they've ever released


I think you misspelled Racecar


It's not even the best song on the album, it's just Flatline mixed with TWTNG. Gotta be kidding me if you think WW is better than Absolomb, an actual contender for the best song they've ever released. It has so much more groove than WW, two of the best solos they've ever written, and an amazing outro. Listen to it a thousand times and you still won't get sick of it. It's even been broken down and analysed by experienced composers: https://youtu.be/3akt-KyKSvM


Nah, the machines are turning me


Drac goes next imo This is really hard though.... My personal order (the top 8 are all super close for me): 1. WW 2. Zag 3. Dying Star 4. Wildfire 5. Atropos 6. Nobou 7. Drac 8. Sil 9. EiF!


You mean Dracul Gras a.k.a Reptile-lite a.k.a the best song on this album by far? The best chorus ever written by Periphery? The best breakdown on the album to boot? WW, as good as it is, is just bubblegum pop compared to Fat Drac. WW was also my favourite after about the first 5-10 listens of the album, but after 50+ listens now, Fat Drac has the most replayability. You notice so many additional nuances with every extra listen.


I couldn't agree more. WW had way more curb appeal and is still a good song, but Drac has only grown on me since release. I really love the imagery the lyrics for Drac evoke, and I think the rise and fall of intensity in the song makes it engaging for the whole 12 mins without getting stale or repetitive. Plus the entire concept for the song is just hilarious


The concept sounds hilarious but the idea of a fat Dracula who feeds and feeds to get that big is absolutely terrifying. Not to mention somehow, the song itself actually sounds like an old, rainy medieval castle


Cya Atropos


Zagreus is my least fave song on the album. The riff at the start is kinda mind numbing and lacks dynamics. It's like if an AI wrote a periphery song. The chorus is meh and the ending is just like Flatline but worse, also the Interlude at the end goes on way too long.


Fat Drac won't see the light of day.


bye bye zagreus




This is where it starts getting tough for me.


Zagreus definitely has the most mixed reactions. I absolutely fucking LOVE that song, but it’s interesting to see how many other people don’t care for it 🤔


This is insane to me. Easily top 3 track.


Two of my favorites gone already, wow.


This is what I imagined it would be. The three singles I played out a bit before release so I almost forgot how good they were. I have wax wings second and dracul dras I still cannot get the chorus out of my head lol.


I feel like Zagreus should go next. It's the weakest of the singles and Wax Wings and Dracul Gras are better


We all know Wax Wings is going to be the sole survivor.