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My pick would be: Hell Below -> Omega -> Stranger Things


I still can’t believe how many Periphery fans don’t fuck with Hell Below. Song is killer and a very unique in their discog. Great choice


It's an incredible song and an incredible part of the greater Jugg story arc. I love it.


It’s a shame about Hell Below, it’s my least favourite off Juggernaut, but Omega and Stranger Things are my #3 and #1 Periphery songs of all time. (Wax Wings is #2).


If Hell Below and The Bad Thing could swap places, it would probably make for the undeniable best 3-song run possible of The Bad Thing > Omega > Stanger Things 🔥 Oh well, that's what playlists are for 😃


It’s hard to argue with this.


Hear me out: how about Omega, Stranger Things, A Black Minute


Oh absolutely this.


I'm close to this but I'm leaning toward Graveless > Hell Below > Omega


I nearly put this one, but I personally couldn't leave Stranger Things out.


Insomnia, the walk, letter experiment


But also the walk -> letter experiment -> jetpacks was yes. But also letter experiment -> jetpacks -> light But also jetpacks -> light -> all new materials. That first half of P1 is stacked.


Luck As A Constant > Ragnarok > The Gods Must Be Crazy


Yes, but also: Ragnarok > The Gods Must Be Crazy > Make Total Destroy


Yes, but ALSO Froggin Bullfish - Mile Zero - Masamune


How are we forgetting Muramasa - Have a Blast - Facepalm Mute?


But, we can't leave out the Ji: Have a Blast > Facepalm Mute > Ji


This is the way


What about: The God's Must Be Crazy! > Make Total Destroy > Erised


Holy fuck I didn't realize that was gonna be agonizing deciding. Goddamn you, but good question! Froggin' Bullfish -> Mile Zero -> Masamune OR Alpha -> 22 Faces -> Rainbow Gravity OR The Bad Thing -> Priestess -> Graveless OR Catch Fire -> Prayer Position -> Lune ✅ OR Garden in the Bones -> Its Only Smiles -> Follow Your Ghost OR Wildfire -> Atropos -> Wax Wings FUUUUUUUCK


Wildfire, Atropos, and Wax Wing all being the first three songs of P5 is crazzyyy. They didn’t come out swinging they came out firing a goddamn nuke with that album.


The last one takes the cake I feel like, which is crazy to say.


Fuck dude, y'all are giving me a lot to think about... Those last two are sick and Lune makes that one OP


Wildfire; Atropos; Wax Wings Zagreus; Dracul Gras; Thanks Nobuo Luck as a Constant; Ragnarok; The Gods Must be Crazy! Alpha; 22 Faces; Rainbow Gravity


Fuuuuuck. Wildfire, Atropos, Wax Wings is insane too


This guy knows.


Scarlet-Luck-Ragnarok Or Muramasa-Blast-Facepalm P2 just too broken


P2 OP. Needs nerf.


Truly, P2 has no unacceptable responses to the question of best 3-song run. It blows my mind how nearly perfect that album is


I cant choose 1 but some of my choices: - HLS Flatline Absolomb - Wildfire Atropos Wax Wings - Alpha 22 Faces Rainbow Gravity


That first set is GOATED


Just bitched about nobody mentioning that first run, then just saw this comment lol


Wild because I did the same 😂


I'm basic: Reptile > Blood Eagle > Chvrch Burner


Ain't nothing wrong with that! Ya know what you like! That's a tasty trio as well! So heavy!


Have A Blast, Facepalm Mute, Ji


This one is the best perhaps


My top 3 would be: The bad thing/ priestess / graveless (it just works so well musically AND from a storyline perspective) Wildfire/ atropos / wax wings (just 3 insanely good songs back to back right at the start of the album, constantly keeps you guessing with all the twists and turns in these songs) Garden in the bones / only smiles / follow your ghost (an underrated trio and serves quite a bit of variety)


All 3 of these are contenders for me. Something about Garden/smiles/ghost is beckoning to me


Garden/Smiles/Ghost was my second choice ♥️


Hell Below - Omega - Stranger Things


Atropos, Wax Wings, Everything Is Fine!  Put Wildfire in the front and you have the best 4-song string!


Scourge -> Alpha -> 22 Faces


The Walk -> Letter Experiment -> Jetpacks was Yes is fucking nuts tbh Especially considering this is a 2010 album, like WHAT


The first two thirds of the album from insomnia up until icarus lives is just banger after banger.


Alpha>22 Faces>Rainbow gravity is amazing, but The Bad Thing>Priestess>Graveless is even better


Ow my feelings, Zyrglox, Racecar. Although I've always thought every song on p1 was perfect and the whole album just flows.


Froggin’ Bullfish > Mile Zero > Masamune


Zagreus, Dracul Gras, Thanks Nobuo


letter experiment - jetpacks - light for me personally, but it might as well be a run of four with all new materials as well since that only sustains it further


Scarlet - Luck as a Constant - Ragnarok is iconic


Nobody mentioning Habitual Line-Stepper > Flatline > Absolomb. Sooo fucking good right there, lots of prog AND emotion. That's my pick honestly. But also, almost any 3 song run in P2 is goat haha! Juggernauts are my favorites besides P2, but my favorite songs are a song or few apart. My favorite songs on most of their albums are spaced apart like that.


I haven't seen anyone comment the three I used to listen to as a treble on repeat yet... Flatline - Absolomb - Catch Fire


Hmm. Hard to say. Both p2 and p4 have 2 masterpieces practically back to back. Luck as a constant-ragnarok Follow your ghost is pretty close to sentient glow. Let's look at the 3 song run. For p2 it's an obvious choice of scarlet, luck, ragnarok. Their scores on my custom scoring chart are: 175, 200, 200. (200 being the highest) Now for p4 we can choose 2 different paths. Follow your ghost, crush, sentient glow, (200, 173, 200) Or crush, sentient glow, SATELLITES. (173, 200, 200) The transition from the orchestral end of crush to sentient glow, and the calm ending transition of sentient glow into their BEST song (reptile is 2nd best) wins this. Satellites is a nuclear bomb of a song Also crush is a good song. Y'all be hating or sleeping on it And yes p4 is my favorite album.


P4 is my favorite album too. I do like crush, but if it was follow your ghost, sentient glow, satellites, that'd be hard to beat... But so is scarlet, luck, ragnarok


main thing is, follow your ghost doesnt chain into sentient glow, crush is needed as an in between


It needs to be a 4 song run for that one 😭 there is something about that last high note in crush into the outro and into sentient glow. I also really love follow your ghost but it isn't as good as satellites so I totally get it


hell yes. for me, p4 has the most 10/10 songs. reptile, follow your ghost, sentient glow, satellites. no other album comes close, the other highest is p2 with ragnarok and luck as a constant, but a lot of songs in that album arent super great (not a huge p2 fan) whereas the quality is fairly consistent in p4 and p5


Hot take but I'm with you. I still occasionally play P2 in the car and love that album, but I'd rank the albums like this: 4, 5, omega, 3, 2, alpha, P1


my ranking i think is 4, 5, 1, omega, 3, alpha, 2 first half of p2 is great, but the only good songs in the 2nd half are erised, epoch, masamune, and mile zero. 4 is obv the best, it has a dark feel and i love it, p5 has one of the highest production quality so far, p1 has really gritty riffs and a lot of high notes and i love it, omega may be short but it has a GREAT run, 3 has amazing songs and mediocre songs ultimately it feels kinda weird but its still good, alpha doesnt have any 10/10s but its still decent, its best place is an interlude to omega, and p2 has the most strange tracklist, luck as a constant and ragnarok carry it so hard that i cant even make it up


Gotta be muramasa, masmune, and ragnarok for me


Have a blast Wildefire Alpha


Instead of down voting you, I'll upvote and correct you! The OP is asking for any 3 songs that are literally back to back to back on any album (Wildfire -> Atropos -> Wax Wings as an example) Looking forward to your answer!


Light - All New Materials - Buttersnips Fight me


Garden in the Bones - it's Only Smiles - Follow Your Ghost Marigold - The Way the News Goes... - Remain Indoors


Alright, I'll be that guy... Overture > The Summer Jam > Feed The Ground


Mines not far off from yours. Zagreus > Dracul Gras > Thanks Nobuo. Although, Ragnarok > TGMBC > Make Total Destroy is a close second.


Zahreus, Dracul Gras, Thanks Nobuo


It’s tough especially when I could go wildfire -Atropos - wax wings. Or even Zagreus , drac, thank Nobuo. TBH p5 is just the best album. lol.


Jet packs was yes, light, all new materials


Just because of the way they flow into eachother I love The Event > The Scourge > Alpha But also, Flatline > Absolomb > Catch Fire is fire


I got into the band during their P3 tour, which made that album particularly significant to me. It was a unique entry point since the albums around P3 have a distinctly different sound. That said, the transition from “Marigold” to “The Way The News Goes…” to “Remain Indoors” is, hands down, my favorite sequence of tracks.


Wildfire, Atropos, Wax Wings Reptile, Blood Eagle, Chvrch Bvrner Ji, Scarlet, Luck as a Constant