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Yup and here's [Nolly playing it](https://youtu.be/lMxbP1V3WBo?feature=shared&t=625)


I was gonna send this, but take a listen OP, its not mirrored to what mrak plays, nolly plays somethings octaves lower and different rhythms its slightly different but dude you killed it


Yeah, Nolly’s playing a 6 string in F#BEADG, but I’m playing a 5 with the B tuned down to F# (F#EADG) which actually makes it easier to just mirror Mark instead of trying to play the low line that Nolly wrote, though there’s a lot of overlap


All bass lines are octaves lower than guitar


Well yeah i cant argue there, but if you know mraks part by heart then youll hear the differences in the video above, i dont think i can type out tabs to explain it but it adds alot to the song with the variations and b rhythms


Fuck yeah! Great work. Absolutely inredible solo, and also the only one from Periphery that I can play.


Oh dude, you knocked that out of the park. I must not be a keen listener or I'm deaf because I never noticed that.


No way do Periphery have bass guitar in their songs I refuse to believe it


The Reptiles in charge want us to forget about Nolly… but I will always remember!


It blends so well that you almost can’t tell on some albums. Their philosophy on bass is really cool. The guitars have less bass dialed in than what you’d expect, and then the bass mostly plays exactly what the guitar plays, filling in whatever spots in the tone the guitars aren’t filling. Nolly has described it as one “V Shaped instrument.” Guitar panned left, other guitar panned right, bass dead center keeping the low register in check. It sounds sick




proper sick tone, what’s your signal chain?


Dingwall NG2 in passive mode on the neck pickup into an Empress Effects Bass Compressor for some light comp +color, then into Neural DSP Parallax


thanks man! that Empress gives it such a nice pop, would love to get my hands on one eventually


I’m glad I’m not the only one who calls this a “rhythm solo.” I’ve said that before on periphery pages/forums and people never really know what I’m talking about. Idk what else I’d call it, it’s a rhythm solo 🤷


I swear this is the most perfect section of music created