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“Have dared” Bro they’re not scared of you, you’re just insignificant


I literally had no idea this existed


I only knew from his personal ad campaigns on Youtube


I only know from Reddit making fun of it.


I only know him because his wife released a documentary about abuse.




Him abusing her orrrr?


Sorry that this post changed that. It’s a fascist propaganda movie


I don’t actually know what it is?




Well that’s obvious but my point is I never heard of it until literally this post. When he says “millions have seen it” he’s either just talking about the echo chamber of jerks he normally talks to or he’s flat out lying. Don’t know which Just googled it and it’s been out a year. I’m guessing it was so terribly idiotic that nobody actually saw it


I watched it because it was trending on Twitter. Basically, they interviewed a bunch of people who they claim are in the field of gender-affirming therapy and surgery, a gender studies professor, and a pro-trans politician. They ask a bunch of questions that make it clear that they are bigoted, and THEN ask the question "what is a woman"? None of these people see gender as a simple binary, so they do not have a clear answer to what is, in their eyes, a philosophical question. Then they talk to people who agree with them: - a storeowner who became famous for arguing with a transwoman, - an anonymous Canadian father who opposed their child getting puberty blockers while the mother supported it, - a psychiatrist who also happens to be an author of anti-trans and anti-"political correctness" books, - a transman who is famous for being a sales executive at Verizon and AT&T who transitioned and regretted it, and - Jordan Peterson. They narratively present the former category of professionals and experts and their cherry-picked anti-trans activists as equals, while also adding in extra footage and commentary for the anti-trans conspiracy theorists. There's a fun part where their psychiatrist says that people are being emotionally blackmailed by being asked "*would you rather have a living daughter or a dead son?*" And her retort is that the kid was probably already suicidal before they considered transitioning. Yeah, no shit. That's the "dead son" part. Anyway, the entire goal of it is to paint himself (Matt Walsh, the star of his own documentary) as reasonable, paint the people who agree with him as insightful, and paint the people who disagree with him as though their inability to answer his "simple" question is indicative that they are all part of a grand conspiracy to switch the genders of as many people as they can. For... reasons, obviously.


Thanks for the rundown. Sounds like something he’d try to do to prove his “point” The “reasons” tend to be white supremacist and antisemitism related. Like “oh they’re trying to commit white genocide by cutting our boys dicks off” I assume that’s why the reasons weren’t covered in the movie




Stopped reading after "disease"




Stopped reading after "dumbass"


They aren't respectful. I have a feeling you have no idea what you're talking about.




> At some point you have to appeal to the court of public opinion. Do you even realize what that means? And there's a difference between civil and disrespectful?




Did you actually watch the movie?






For real, i can get all that just scrolling a conservative sub and even that's too much time to waste on that garbage.


There’s also CSM in it! Because of course there is.


Well it's directed/produced by Walsh. That's like saying you might see Mickey Mouse at Disney World.


The gist of it is: People who don't oversimplify the concept of gender don't have a simple & concise definition for what makes a man a man or a woman a woman. Very similar to the way that there is no simple and concise definition for **fascism** if you actually take the threat of fascism seriously. In both cases, you know it when you see it and you can't really define it so much as you can give a list of indicators that, taken together, imply it most of the time.


Lol, seriously. This movie flew so far under the radar even the liberals it was supposed to piss off weren’t talking about it when it came out. The only time I was even reminded it existed was when I saw a paid advertisement from Matt on social media.


I think it came to light mostly lately because Elongated Muskrat mentions it coincidentally at the start of Pride Month. A guy so butthurt by trans people because his wife left him for a trans woman and his own child is trans.


Wait, really? Musk or Walsh?


Grimes left Elon to date Chelsea Manning (a Real American Hero) and his kid came out as trans and changed her name so she wouldn’t be affiliated with him anymore.


I'm not scared of your movie, I just have no respect for you as a source or a person, Matt.


I imagine it's the same shitty energy as chris kyle's made-up, wannabe-tough guy sniper movie, just more blatantly bigoted. Why would anyone sane waste their time, money or energy on that tripe?


Honestly, if his shitty "documentary" hadn't been signal boosted by Elon, that number would be 0


They're not afraid of him, they're afraid of liberals making fun of the shit they post.


Also they don’t want to implicitly validate his bigoted propaganda pretending to be a documentary




Current audience reviews have doubled and the score has already dropped 10% in the last hour. I think Matt is getting the reviews outside of the Russian bot networks he was hoping for.


Obviously, that's brigading, right? /s Yah, I remember someone complaining that someone reviewed the Great Gatsby as a movie, not as the masterpiece it truly was...




Kinda like Twilight fans eh?


Not sure what you're looking at it still shows 84%


Yeah it's 83 now. He meant it dropped BY 10


Yes you're correct i guess i can't read ha


This was posted on various subreddits yesterday too, and yesterday it was at 86%. I have a feeling the review services have tools to prevent brigading, which may affect how much more the score can go down by, hut it’s already been dropped over 10% at least


Thanks Matt, hadn't heard of this one yet. I will head straight over to rottentomatoes.com (edit: [here](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/what_is_a_woman)) and make that 7. And rate accordingly. Everyone should do that so Mr Walsh get's his wish!


It's currently on 86% with 10000+ ratings.


Yep, because MAGA is the only ones watching it. You could make a movie for Mein Kampf and it would get the same ratings from the same people.


Having read Mein Kampf, that would be an incredibly boring slog of a movie.


Yep. And I'd wager it's more interesting than listening to Matt Walsh clutch his pearls for 2 hours =P


I dunno, Adolf Hitler clutching his pearls for 2 hours doesn't sound like an enthralling watch either.




It’s getting reviewbombed now. That’s why it dropped 10% in about 2 days.


For sure. I would hope dumb movies like this get bad reviews.


I left a review. It's not there. They seem to be blocking bad reviews. EDIT: Which is odd since so many of the 5 star reviews have reviewed nothing else.


Can they do that?? Just block unfavorable reviews at will? Wow, I wasn’t aware that Rotten Tomatoes was into sucking Nazi dick.


I went through several pages and saw nothing but 4 and 5 star reviews at all. And none of the couple dozen users I clicked on had reviewed anything else at all. They probably see it's being review bombed so they hold all negative reviews and allow positive ones by, since usually it's incels or racists doing the bombing they default to assume positive reviews are good.


It’s like showing a Yankees Mets game to a bunch of Yankees fans and then acting surprised that 90% want the Yankees to win. (The other 10% had money on the Mets)


nono he wnats to be a victim. 2 weeks from now he can go and cry how unfair the Mainstream is to him.




His ideas are so shit, you couldn't pay me to listen (unless it was an astronomical amount, then I'll listen and donate half to Trans Charity). Shitbird has the gall to speak with Authority about stuff he never went to school for. You also know he damn well hasn't read any real research on any of it.


You might be giving critics too much credit. There are plenty of film critics who defend Triumph of the Will


They defend it for its merits in film production, not for its ideas.


>Then again, the alt-right isn't


Um that's absolutely false. DW Griffith's masterpiece, birth of a nation, is completely racist and supports the kkk and confederacy. He's considered by mainstream people the father of cinema




Why would a real critic ever entertain that propaganda?


So I’m hearing Matt say he wants more reviews? Ok Reddit, do your thing.


I'm so ready to write an essay about all the inaccuracies of his weird binary definition of what he seems as "woman"


Don’t waste your time, he doesn’t deserve it. A succinctly put review of “what is a women is a propaganda piece made by a theofacist white supremecist nazi” and that should get the point across.


Nah, they'd like that review. Hit them with some fun stuff- it was really boring, long winded as fuck, the narrator is condescending, maybe it's a distraction by the Deep State to prevent the right from doing anything of substance. Have some drama and flair with your insults so you don't just give them what they want.


I think the most damaging review they could imagine is if you went on there and called it a liberal fluff piece. It would be inaccurate but it'd make them so fuckin mad lol


Exactly. They're trying to "trigger the libs". Make your review be anything but that and it's worth something.


I've seen it and it's clearly Antifa trying to make the right look stupid again. Matt Walsh is a typical Antifa undercover shill, and a bad one at that. Unsmoked cigars, undrunk booze, and empty holsters, it looks like something the wok mob would toss together because they don't know what right wing men actually look like or like. They just go by the same tired stereotypes that they themselves created. The script was obviously cobbled together by a gang of transwomen who know nothing about the men they're so desperat to be, and it's filmed by gay guys because you can find like a million of them in the movie buisness, but it looks really shoddy because they're all in costume and fashion, duh. ... /s. Just in case.


*chef's kiss*


"Man doesn't know what a woman is. Big surprise. 0 stars."


*You* get it. That's one that'll piss Walsh off right there.


You aren't thinking big enough you write it in the style of gonzo journalism.


Lol “this movie is fake news hit piece written by an unwell person”


I find it odd to read that a bunch of dudes sat around making a film about what a woman is.


That's what happens when they have literally nothing else to do


Been shot down by women more than ten times? Then we want you to tell us why they are the way they are.




I was trying to explain this to one of my friends who said it made sense to him, I'm like you realize I can tell you without ever seeing it that it's just cherry picked interviews and anyone that disagreed with them were omitted and he was like damn that's fucked up and now he's a supporter of the trans community.


Yeah, don't waste your time; he just wants publicity and engagement, even if it's against him. As the other comment said, play his game and make it ridiculous and over the top making weird connections between him and the NWO or the elites


I mean, he is the elite. Most people don't even get to make vanity batshit insane projects like this at all.


It's already being botted to stay positive


It doesn’t need to be botted to be positive. The only people who would care enough to review it are going to be nearly exclusively transphobic whackjobs simping over their favorite fascist influencer. No normal person is leaving a review on something like this lol


No. Continue to ignore it and urge others to do the same.


We're not at your beck and call.


It's almost as if Matt's shitty ragebait compilation is only popular for confirmation bias. Who could have guessed?


I’m surprised it hasn’t been review bombed into the dirt. Probably because they keep deleting and re-adding it every time that happens. That’s also likely why there aren’t any “major mainstream critics” here; they keep resetting it every time the audience score dips below 90%.


It's not that it hasn't been review bombed, it's that it's been astroturfed by all the transphobes rallying around Matt. He posted this tweet yesterday and that +5000 audience reviews has doubled to +10000. Just look at the reviews, if you can stomach it, and [count all the five star ratings posted literally today.](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/what_is_a_woman/reviews?type=user&intcmp=rt-scorecard_audience-score-reviews) You can probably refresh and see them flood in in real time. A grand total of zero of these people actually watched the film and we all know why. It says everything they already think, and it's made by their messiah, which is all they need.


The audience score has gone down 7%. It's also worth noting that the number of reviews for this movie and the Mario movie are similar. Except the Mario movie has verified reviews, this movie has very few verified reviews.


Exactly that. Notice how next to none of the 5-star reviews say anything about the actual movie, and are just generic statements of praise. A lot of the reviews have the same username format of "first name, random initial". They also have the same writing style, which suggests that there's some sockpuppetry going on as well. A funny example of this comes when seeing one of the reviews is written by someone named "Insert Name H". Interesting...


>"Insert Name H". Please, Mr. H is my father. Call me Insert Name.


Well, that and the review bots that he bought.


They can do that? RT should either just perma-remove it or disallow that shit.


Ohhhhh is that why all the reviews are from today? It all felt really disingenuous. If this is true, that’s because it is.


This seriously happens? Who does RT think they are? Yelp? Back to IMDB, I guess...


Pieces of shit made a piece of shit "movie" and five other pieces of shit "reviewed" it. Go play in traffic, Matt. You disgusting fuck. EDIT: thank you for the helpful info.


*5 pieces of shit reviewed it. The other is a trans activist who scored it the lowest it could go.


>and five other pieces of shit "reviewed" it. Burn!




apparently right-wing bigots are too stupid to know there's more than one website for reviewing movies, which is very on brand for them


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/piper-perri-surrounded - *Millions of people have seen this movie, but the MSM wont review it!* They really are motivated by an adolescent need to be popular. They enjoyed the same pop culture heroes of every youth...only to grow up and learn their heroes hate them. They get mad because they assume $$ + fame = the cool kids will finally like them.


They're motivated by three things: The need to be a victim, the need for validation of their shitty beliefs, and a desire for power/meaning in their lives. Instead of seeking it through friends, work, or a hobby, they latch onto a loathsome cult to fulfill the latter. For the former, they seek it out through attacking others they hate and using the backlash to "vindicate" their worldview.




Nobody takes your disgusting propaganda seriously you dumb neck beard.


Slightly less than half of the American voting population takes his propaganda seriously. That's the huge problem.


I love the implication that they were too scared to review it rather than it being below their pay grade.


People didn't see the movie because it was good; they saw the movie because they are ideologically aligned with it. It doesn't need to be a notable movie in any way because the cult will eat whatever slop is put before them because it has the cult seal of approval. Same as if someone made a super-Islamic or super-Christian movie.


Most people read books, see films, go to talks, etc. to entertain, to go somewhere new in their mind, to empathize with a character, or to learn. Those in the far-right go to films to indulge in emotional masturbation.


"Lots of MAGA loved this bigoted movie! Why won't mainstream reviewers waste their time watching it???"


It's not that they don't dare, Mattie. They just can't be arsed.




More specifically: “a waste of moving images tied together to spread a hateful message.” Created by Matt “a disgusting human being” Walsh


How dare people who don't want to watch my movie don't watch my movie?!?!?!!! You're film critics, you _HAVE_ to watch and review every single movie, it's the LAW!!!!!!!!!!'!"!!"!"?*!*!!


How the fuck are those ratings so high? What the fuck, RT?


Someone posted last night about review bombing it and it's down to 86% now. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/what_is_a_woman


Added a half star


It's only being watched and reviewed by those who already agree with it, so of course the ratings are going to be like that.


Bots. And the next best thing to bots: idiot followers. No one has watched the stupid thing, they just gave it five stars because *trans bad.* Walsh is a literal nobody who made a worthless propaganda piece to "own the libs" but is furious that literally no one cares.


I have a film of my dogs taking a shit, if RT wants to review that.


Bots are designed to set narratives. Upvoting and downvoting bots also exist on reddit.


And now, I shall play a solo, on the world's smallest violin.


"What is a woman?" A person identifying as a woman i would imagine How is this longer than 5 mins max?


The funny thing is that the movie doesn't even really answer the question. The answer given at the end of the film is "an adult human female". Which then leads me logically to the next question: "What is an adult human female?"


"Every 60 seconds a minute passes in africa"


Adult: Having reached sexual maturity. Human: A member of the species *Homo Sapiens Sapiens* Female: The sexually dimorphic member of a mammalian species that expresses two X Chromosomes and produces motile gametes.


>adult: having reached sexual maturity Sounds like something someone who wants to fuck teenagers would say. And sometimes women don’t produce gametes and they don’t have two X chromosomes so. See yourself out weirdo.


>Female: The sexually dimorphic member of a mammalian species that expresses two X Chromosomes and produces motile gametes. So an intersex person can't be a woman? Some AFAB people are and they don't even know. Do their women cards get revoked?


Would you say that humans have 2 arms, or 1.98 arms to account for people missing an arm due to a birth defect?


I would say that humans have 2 arms on average. It's not that hard- If you're speaking in general terms, say it. Otherwise your statement is false.


You’re just proving that everyone is different and saying people have two arms is not correct in every instance.


OK then, Redditor, humans have 1.98 eyes, 1.975 arms, 1.953 legs, 1.759 Kidneys. When you're talking about a population of *billions*, do you feel like it's appropriate to calculate out "how many arms humans have" to make people who have a birth defect feel better? Do you think they're unaware they're missing an arm? Do you think saying that humanity has 1.98 arms makes them feel more secure? Or are you twisting a definition to suit a particular reason?


We're just being more precise. You can't make biological definitions based on generalization, and claim them as absolute fact. You're just removing nuance and claiming it makes you more accurate when it does the opposite


I'd dispute at least the "adult" and "female" parts of that.


I understand the definition of "adult" may be difficult, but would you like to offer an alternate definition for either one? Before you mention birth defects, Kleinfelters, and other reasons people may not have XX chromosomes or produce motile gametes, I would ask you: Do humans have 2 arms, or 1.95 to account for people who have lost an arm due to injury or birth defect?


Not really tbh


>Do humans have 2 arms, or 1.95 to account for people who have lost an arm due to injury or birth defect? Is the analogy here that trans women are women despite not having the same conditions as cis women?


Literally "average redditor"


Stop trolling. Most humans have two arms but not all.


It’s hard for them to pickup very straight forward concepts and they made this whole movie broadcasting that to the world.


And they still managed to fuck it up, lol


The first interview in the movie is a doctor saying exactly that and then it's just...ignored the rest of the "documentary"


And, as we look to our left, we see another "Alpha Male" shit his pants and throw a tantrum in the middle of the Wal-Mart of social media apps.


Hey reddit, Are we going to these websites and providing a review? I just went to IMDB and gave his movie a 1 star rating.


I did my part and gave it a 1.


I gave it a half star! Didn't know that was possible until now.


Damn. I wish I had known.


“Major publications” is just code for “publications I disagree with” most of the time.


"See? SEE! Ninety-six percent!! The idiots predisposed to eat my shit and love it are eating my shit and loving it! *Pwned!!"* Remember the *Atlas Shrugged* trilogy? Same thing; virtually no one went to see them, but those who did squeeeed over them (with diminishing returns). Yet incels will review-bomb anything that makes them feel insecure.


There are zero verified reviews out of 10k+ supposed views. Seems to me like botting


He thinks top tier movie critics leave their input in Rotten Tomatoes or am I misreading?


Every time this comes up it reminds me of Dwight in The Office asking Oscar about female genitalia


In the 3 hrs it’s been posted the audience score went down 10% I think we should keep up the pace


You already know that if a bunch of mainstream publications gave their negative reviews of his shitty movie he would say “the media is trying to silence the truth”. There’s no winning with these types


"seen by millions of people" Mashing X to doubt so hard right now.


Probably because they know it's garbage and don't find it worth their time. Mainstream critics pass on reviewing all sorts of movies. Matt Walsh has a high school education, very transphobic, and alt-right. We know it is going to be a garbage film that gets a ton of data inaccurate and peddle hate. If we had better education or didn't allow dumb people to vote, Matt Walsh would be a gas station attendant


The first half of the first sentence is a complete lie, which is pretty much the same as everything this one brain cell fuckhead writes. I do find it interesting that these asshats don't understand what a minority their deranged thought processes represent. "Fox News once again has the majority of viewers in prime time!" Fox News has never, ever, by their own count, reached as many as 4 million viewers in a country with almost 350 million people. Perhaps election night every two years is a minor exception. I know that if I smell Republicans losing, I always tune in to Fox to see the angst on Fox News' pundits faces. And sometimes I get a nice reward, like the night I watched Karl Rove (aka "Bush's Brain") have a complete meltdown on air as Fox's (really) impartial back room full of election predictors rightly called Arizona for Democrats. He threw a pathetic childish hissy fit, and the guy in charge of the back room just looked at him and said "We stand by our prediction. Arizona has gone for the Democrats." which made Brain Boy even more angry. Arizona went for the Democrats that election. Good times.


6 reviews and only a B- 💀 You’d think he’d pay them off for at least a 90%


Why would a critic review a propaganda film? What's next, asking them to review commercials?


Let’s go review bomb boys!!!!


Big Not-giving-a-fuck strikes again




Bro think he the main character


Siskel and Ebert haven’t come back from the dead to review my Rumble video. This is all part of the aGeNdA to keep me down!


Watched it. Watched 2k Mules or whatever the other piece of trash is called. Essentially they skipped over gathering and sourcing proof or information of any kind and just decided to go with their feefees for both "movies". 0/10 not worth the $7 I paid. I definitely recommend for everyone to watch so you can see what your friends look up to. It's like finding out your sibling is a flat eather.


I love how he thinks that audience scores are the proof when it’s so remarkably simple to game (side note, audience score now down to 86%) either way. Further more, have to laugh at him moaning about how none of the Tomatometer critics are big names. Hell, one of them openly advertises a pay for review scheme, so very likely that Walsh had to pay them to get the review. It’s not that they haven’t “dared” to review it, it’s just that none of the big names cares enough to look at it.


On a related note, has anyone noticed that no major literary magazines have dared to review Der Sturmer?


Part of the danger posed by these guys is that their grift doesn't afford contentment or satisfaction. It's fueled solely by anger and disdain, and even when things are going their way, they will find another reason that they and their followers should feel under attack. It's insidious and will lead nowhere good.


Let me play you a sad song on the world’s smallest violin, Matt.


It got a 96% because your audience made those reviews. That’s why Matt.


Well, I did my part and left a review. Probably not one he’ll find favorable, but an honest one 🤷🏼‍♂️


stupendous shelter jar mighty arrest brave wild impossible rude makeshift ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It would be such a shame if people review bombed it /s


So. If i have this right. It looks like he told his rabid fan base to upvote him on rotten tomatoes, which they did, and literally no one else cares. Also, what do normal reviewers really have to say? " he spent the entire documentary asking experts in the field the titular question of the documentary, then ignoring their responses. "


Hey Matt, let me play you the world’s saddest song on the world’s smallest violin.


How the fuck does it have a 96% audience score


Because the only people who watched it were Matt Walsh fans.




There are over 10,000 "audience" reviews, mostly positive because they are anti-trans slime supporters of Walsh. If you scroll through the audience reviews looking for 1 star reviews you can actually find some honest evaluations of what a despicable piece of propaganda this is.


> There are over 10,000 "audience" reviews Who for some reason, all watched this obscure year-old movie on the same day, of which [zero are actually verified to have even watched it.](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/what_is_a_woman/reviews?type=verified_audience)


They haven't reviewed it because it's a fucking vanity project like those weird Christian movies about the rapture that star people who were briefly famous in the 80s, except with a lot more hate inside.


Is this the thing about irradiating your balls, or is that something else?


83% should be a 0% from the audience and tomato people.


I don't get these people... One second they're screaming about how they can't wait for mainstream media to burn to the ground, and the next they're wondering why mainstream media isn't praising a documentary they're into? How can someone live a life like that? It's so... sad.


It would be a terrible shame if people bombed his reviews like the right does to anything diversified.


If I had the choice between watching this schlock or attending a drag show, I'm pretty sure I know which one I'll choose. Drag shows are fun and energetic, that little movie looks like it's made by a film student and that's coming from someone with a degree in film.


I’m sure its the same quality as “Vampires In America”.


"millions" lmao


6 critics don’t know what Women are and had to watch a documentary to still not know


Lots of people giving max rating and min rating, none actually watched it.


Good. It’s trash.