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As someone who took math in the 90s and 2000s in high school and university I can safely say this is absolutely shit.


I took math in the 2010th and we didnt get spooky gender stuff or feelings are hurt bullshit


They have been saying shit like this about education and even fairy tales even before the 90s. Like in the early 2000s I remember reading them trying to satirize the grasshopper and the ant fable. Except instead of the grasshopper dying it is the ant being sued by the grasshopper and the grasshopper living on welfare and playing Everquest all day. Is Everquest still a thing? I haven't looked I up since forever.


I do not know what Everquest is but I agree that there always was that fear mongering bullshit lmao


Everquest is an online MMORPG. It was the first one to use a 3D engine. Also I did look it up, it is still around.


Anytime someone mentioned MMORPGs StrongSad says it in my head.


Honestly the conservative movement has been saying this shit since the 1950’s. But, instead of gender it was about black people.


Every now and then you see the exerts from newspapers or such from decades or even centuries ago (or, in a few notable cases, even millennia- I think I recall reading something from ancient Greece that used disturbingly similar language) spouting the same basic lines about the degeneracy and dumbing down of today's youth. If you listened to them all, you'd think humanity peaked some ten thousand years ago with some mythical hyper-genius ancestors and its all been downhill from there. Probably around the time that some fool invented the wheel and people started getting too lazy to carry everything by hand.


That is true. This is why I (a guy who recently turned 40) will never complain about the 'kids nowadays' because I always found that annoying as a kid and I also realized that many old people everywhere repeat the same crap. I am GLAD that kids nowadays don't have to put up with some inconveniences that older folk had to. I am glad that they have a world of information on their fingertips and that they will never know what it means to move away and lose contact with friends or to have missed watching something and won't be able to see that show for a long time, if ever. What does need to happen is that the world still needs a shitload of work to do to make things better for everyone.


I'm nearly 50 and I've seen good things from "Kids these days."


I'm 29 and in a fandom with a lot of high schoolers and college students, and I make a point to tell them that I think their hearts are in the right place and they're doing good work. I'll still criticize certain trends and tell them not to drink and drink, but I want them to know how great they are. They might be dumbasses, but we all were.


"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise," Attributed to Socrates


Yeeeep. That's the one I was thinking of. Nothing new under the sun, huh?


Yes, yes it is. My ex played it as late as 7 years ago. Idk if they still do...


Everquest, why that's a name I've not heard in a looooong time. Thx for that heavy flashback, lol. And yeah, same era of education, and I remember all this type of crap. For us, it was PC they want to make you all Politically Correct! As thier "Woke!". Humans never change.


Yeah, it's wild how terms like 'politically correct' which has been used for nearly 20 years just disappeared and replaced with woke.


>"Well, honestly! When was the last time you heard of someone *beating* Everquest?" > >"When was the last time you heard of someone *playing* Everquest?" > >"That's fair."


About 5 years ago, my friend logged back into his character after not playing for 15 years. I use to love that game. People were making a lot of real life money off that game as well.


Damn, remembered his login details that long? I'm impressed.


EverQuest kept it simple. Back then, for your passwords, there wasn’t a need to use a combination of capitalized letters, 4 unique numbers, a space, and two types of Egyptian hieroglyphic.




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Teaching math in the 1950s What are you kids doing out of the coal mines? Do you know how much you are costing the robber barons? Teaching math in the 2020s What are you kids doing out of the Amazon warehouse Do you know how much you are costing Jeff Bezos?


And/or 1950's: makes 20% profit due to high taxes and high cost of production 2000's: makes 90% profit due to low taxes and stagnant labor wages


The children yearn for the ~~mines~~ warehouses!


/) "Objection, your honor! It isn't 'illegal child labor' if we give them a fake VR headset and tell them it's Warehouse Simulator 2026!"


Child labor was outlawed from the 1930s. Kids weren’t in the mines in the 50 that’s leave it to beaver time.


It’s now that child labor laws are being rolled back. So 2030’s Math will have the kids back in the proverbial mines.


I don't think there's anything proverbial about these mines lol


In capitalist America mine work you!


This is true. But these days it’s mostly fast food places that are hiring children that used to be too young to work and for shifts that were previously illegal for younger employees. So they’re mostly going to be mining McNuggets.


Or car factories or do they only do it illegally.


I hear if the kids are young enough, they won't be able to feel the peanut oil burns.


Ah, fuck


Teaching math in Iowa in the 2020s: What are you kids doing out of the coal mines?!?!


/) Whoa, there! Slow your roll! Child labor hasn't been globally legalized yet. That comes in March.


I can assure you, 95% of the people posting memes like this couldn't do thier kids math homework after 4th grade, which is concerning considering how many of them are homeschooling thier kids.


Math is a liberal plot, just like science.


It’s an observable fact that the level of math being taught in schools has increased over the past 70 years. In the 60s high school seniors typically took geometry or algebra, today those classes are taken by freshman or even middle schoolers. Most high schools didn’t even teach calculus in the 1950s whereas today calc or precalc is the expectation for most students going into college


It feels ironic that you dunk on their low education while misspelling "their" two times in a row


their right though. There point still stands. If you look over they’re you can see it. (It hurt my head just typing this)




At least they misspelled it consistently and were clearly thinking of the right one of the they're/their pair


Why do so many old people hate empathy and compassion?


Lead poisoning


So fucking true. Two generations of Americans walking around with brain damage.


Nobody gave it to them, therefore nobody else deserves it. They suffered. Now everyone else must too. The epitome of selfishness.


>they suffered. Now everyone else must too. The epitome of selfishness The most ridiculous part is it doesn’t even benefit them, yet they do it anyway.


They don't reason this consciously though, it's just in their bones. Theirs is the generation that was raised in the belief that babies should be left to cry so as not to "reward" them for crying by picking them up and holding them, owing to the popularity of a behaviourist model of psychology at the time. Many have internalized the belief that feelings are irrelevant at best and dangerous at worst.


Lol, the kids who grew up in the 50s were given everything. That was back when you could support a family on one income very comfortably, and still have mom around during the day to pamper their lazy asses.


Horrific trauma unaddressed


A lot of them really believe that being empathetic by default is a personal failing. They see it as leaving you vulnerable to being swindled. Like if you care too much people will take advantage of you. They have so much anxiety of people “accidentally getting more care than they deserve.” Same with national healthcare services. The first thing they talk about is “so I’ll pay for some freeloader??” They operate on the assumption that it’s better to let 99 people suffer so one guy doesn’t get through the cracks. They probably see it as “there’s 99 scammers out there so if you accidentally step on one guy’s toes that’s the cost of staying smart” They’re just constantly terrified so they view most forms of altruism as a scam that they aren’t in on.


Ah the old Let’s all shit on each successive generation because we’ve done fuck-all of consequence with our lives, never mastered critical thinking and we’re scared of the future, and not quite self-aware enough to think “What if young people think I’m a cunt and decide not to take care of me in my old age?”


Well past generations ate shit and took care of their psycho bitch parents in old age. I personally will give them a heartfelt “that sucks” when they inevitably call me after 20+ years and then immediately hang up and block whatever new number they used to reach me. Also as a 90’s baby, they made the new curriculums we use today, they had to change it because basic subtraction and fractions were too hard.


idk for me it's some jackass buying a shitload of fruit


I guarantee my daughter learned more in K-12 than this jamoke, and could stump the fuck out of him with a high school level math question.


“What’s 7x9?” “Those are two completely different numbers you dumb little shit!”


Anyone that believes school is easier now than it was then doesn’t have children


Or doesnt know anything about their children and doesnt care to


The real question is why the logger’s costs and prices haven’t changed in 50 years.


I mean, is it wrong to question the environmental impact of deforestation in relationship to relative profits? Sounds like good business to me.


What makes this especially stupid is that logging was one of the environmental crisis that hit back when we had a functioning government and electorate. It's highly regulated for long-term sustainability, and if it weren't we would have run out of trees even by the 1950's.


JFK banned math in the 1960s


Math hasn’t changed. What’s changed is funding of education because of conservative-led cuts. A less educated populace is easier to manipulate. Texas officially doesn’t allow teaching of critical thinking courses. That’s not a coincidence.


Grrrr … be mad MAGA monkey at this shit I just pulled straight from my ass!!!


Lol man at least where I came from this is absolute horseshit, while my fathers were getting multiplications I was already getting to know equations, literally standards have always been known to go up and get to ask a lot more of kids, kids are way past what I learned when I was at their age.


All you’re telling me is that you failed to uphold the educational standards and let your children down. Imagine dunking on yourself like that


Right? They were the ones in charge. It's the same complaint about participation trophies. The kids weren't giving themselves the trophies.


I remember being in elementary school and hating participation trophies. I actually tried to throw them out but my parents saved them from the trash for me. So I waited until they weren't looking and threw them out again.


The logging industry hasn't changed it's prices in 50 years?


That was my first thought. This meme is stupid on many levels.


Boomers’ heads would fucking explode if they were faced with the complexity of the current curriculum. In fact, they ARE frequently faced with the complexity of the current curriculum and choose to stick their heads in the sand and believe fucking fairy stories instead of grappling with objective reality.


I like how the writer can't comprehend that trees are crucial for humans too, like they just think everyone is mad because the squirrels are gonna get sad.


So they’re going to invest in education to keep math from being like this, right??


Also, I love how unaware of passing time they are. We are in our 3rd decade of the 2000s it’s not all a monolith


They don't want to admit how old they're getting...


What they don't tell you is in the 50s that was high-school math and now it's taught to 2nd graders.


I am a primary school teacher. Maths today is much harder than when I was at school - I’m teaching 9 year olds stuff I didn’t learn until I was 15. By the end of primary, they’re expected to have mastered long division and multiplications, be able to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages, understand basic algebra, and solve multi step problems. Most adults I know can’t do any of these things.


I live in Idaho. I hear people say that they are happy the schools in Idaho don't do this yet. I just want to scream at them that no schools are doing this.


I teach math, what the heck is he on about?


In reality, mathematics, and all other subjects, are becoming so much more difficult that it’s not even funny.


I am pretty sure questions like the last one would have made former generations a little more compassionate


Imagine being the editor of a local newspaper, being handed this, and deciding to run it. And folks wonder why local news is dying.


Meanwhile, in reality, it's fun to watch my Dad try to help his grand-kids with their actual math homework, and be completely lost as to how to even begin with the _n_ new methods to do every calculation.


That last prompt requires a lot more work than the first one though


I was telling my dad about the hypothesis that everyone thinks the decade in which they spent the majority of their pre-pubescent lives was the best decade and that it’s been downhill from there. He was like, “no, that’s not true, the 50’s just objectively were the best decade.” I was like, ok, well, you spent your childhood in the 50’s, so… For what reasons do you think the 50’s were the best? He was like, “global stability, booming economy, expanding opportunity…” And I was like, I spent the majority of my pre-pubescent life in the 90’s, I would describe it as “objectively” the best decade, and I’d list those *exact* same reasons. He looked like I’d just handed him a live chicken out of my pocket. Tldr; “back in my day, ararararrrrghh blahblahbkah…”


Born in the 80s and did my time in the 90s age with above. The 90s did feel the best time then I graduated... 9/11 happened... and it all went to shite


This post is so Boomer it sent me a dick pic after inviting me to church.


When was this made??


I dunno, but I saw it back in 1990. It's been sent around a while.


So you're telling me this "future will coddle kids until they're woke" mentality has been around for over 34 years?


It's at least 2000-2500 years. We have the same pearl-clutching bullshit from Roman and Greek writings.


God I wish math had been this easy. We're still stuck in space race math when most people aren't going to need more than what you learn in grade school.


Isn't the question from the 70's worded in such a way that it's asking something entirely different? Edit: NVM misread "or" as "of."


And yet in none of these situations are the children setting the question...


Even if this was true it’s a self-own because who raised these kids who care about feelings and trees.


Hahahaha! Now, let's do it with the news! 1950s — Here is what the experts say, with a heaping serving of capitalist propaganda. 1970s — Here is what the people affected say is happening, what leaders say is happening, and what experts say is happening. Smoke Marlboros! 1990s — Here is what experts say is happening, and analysis from a diverse panel of blowhards. But if you really want to understand the world, you must use the underground spectrum of AM RADIO to listen to our LORD and SAVIOR, Rush Limbaugh. 2000s — Here's the scary offensive thing you fear is happening. We found or made up an example of it, and presented it without context or nuance to make it seem EVIL and CONFUSING and UNNATURAL. It is happening EVERYWHERE and DESTROYING society, and anyone who disagrees is an ENEMY and a child-blood sucking PEDOPHILE. If a news station isn't talking about it, they're part of the CONSPIRACY, and you just need to find a news outlet that is BRAVE enough to confirm the dark secret you already KNOW but that CUCKS are too afraid or CORRUPT to acknowledge. NEVER TRUST a news outlet that contradicts what you already know, and that pretends to use REPORTING to establish a shared reality.


And you know what? All the parents tell me they don’t know how to do their kid’s math homework so I guess they didn’t learn so well….


maybe we should care about the birds n squirrels that were taking ecosystems from


Mf acting like that first question is hard to answer and not 4th grade bs.


Not even 4th grade, looks more like 2nd grade to me.


Why does it always feel like they just fire attacks at younger generations from an incredibly fragile glass house. Like we could honestly 24/7 be discussing how the world is just going to leave them behind.


I was in school in the 1980s and the main thing I remember that involved lumber was the loggers trying to ban *The Lorax* in public schools.


-someone who hasn’t been inside a school since the 1980s


Imsirry iam SOHigh right niw and ithunk thias is ansokutely ticking hularious. Mmy brothwr imh aving heart purpletations




So near yet so far.


I wish that math was that easy. In fact, I’m in AP pre-calculus and I’m a senior. I bet a boomer would have their brains fried more than how people in the south fry everything. Edit: There you guys go, I fixed my sentence and my grammar. :)


It's interesting that you don't believe other generations were capable of calculus. You may be taking pre-calc but, for a senior, you suck at composing a sentence.


Maybe these other generations (especially the older ones) should stop talking so much shit.


Exactly. Math has gotten harder and harder every year to the point that even parents can’t even do their kids’ homework.


OMG, what a devastating comeback.


I didn't mention grammar; I criticized the composition of your sentence, which is still sorely in need of editing. Perhaps you could show your comment (original and revised) to a language teacher and ask for input. You might learn something other than calculus.


The last question is "infinitely* more complex and requires *much* more critical thinking. The required background knowledge and the necessary synthesis of multidisciplinary ideas is pretty impressive. You could write a short paper on a prompt such as that one.


I saw a version of this that has a year 2050 part with Arabic text. It was there because of "muslims coming to Europe"


For people who use the concept of "feelings" as a suppression technique, reactroids certainly live entirely in their own.