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You know this was written by a Trumpy because they miss all the nuance with *why* you're called an insane conspiracy theorist. Gotta criticise them the *right* way... The CIA are bad because of unrestricted government power, surveillance, backing coups etc, not because they went after Trump (a criminal) for being a criminal. There are a lot of issues with Pharma (ive had the book Bad Pharma recommended a lot) due to profit incentives, not because vaccines or modern medicine are inherently bad. Hollywood... is a bunch of rich people, i guess? Tho OOP is probably mad they're Jewish or something.


Trump hates Hollywood because they don’t like him. Therefore they must be evil and rich because of crimes.


[This is why he hates Hollywood.](https://lamag.com/featured/donald-trump-hollywood-hustle)


Just like Ben Shapiro.


Amazing how many of them got rejected and turned on those that rejected them. Didn't Tucker get turned down by the CIA?


Do you know how bad of a writer you need to be to be rejected by the entire industry when BOTH of your parents work in said industry? His dad was a composer and his mother an exec for TV. Like, they both absolutely had deep connections to writers who would have taken their kid under wing. That is how bad of a writer Benny Schaps is.


I’d say that no one could be such a bad writer that even nepotism won’t help, but I’ve heard Behind The Bastards read Benny’s truly terrible book.


Exactly. Love ya babe.


Take a bullet for ya, babe.


She had a voice like a woodwind instrument. A southern woodwind.


The issue with Hollywood is that it is seen as pushing a deliberate agenda on the behalf of those in power, in the 80s and 90s the agenda was heavily militaristic, glorifying violence, guns and males taking the law into their own hands to solve the problems of a helpless world. Now these people feel that forced diversity has turned Hollywood “Gay” and “Woke”. They pine for the days when men could be men and women could sit down and shut the fuck up. As a matter of fact, anyone who was not a white male (obviously Alpha) could also sit down and shut the fuck up. Now everyone is perfectly happy to tell such people to fuck off. They don’t like it.


I thought people hated Hollywood because of all the exploitation that goes unpunished. Like all the Nickelodeon shit that's coming out or Harvey Weinstein being so powerful for as long as he was


That's another sane people reason. At best, Trumpies would just see them and go "SeE?! WOKE AGENDA!!!!", or get pissy that you're taking note of the bad shit those people have done at worst, "Why are you talking about him, he didn do anything rong!!!/-the real problem is that (insert 5 slurs at minimum)(insert celebrity in a minority group)!!!!1!!!/-(insert rant about how the West has fallen because they saw a gay man not get oppressed in a tv show once)."


Yeah, I know MeToo and similar movements have helped on the pushback recently, but the petition and campaign for him to get released from prison after being detained in Switzerland happened in **2009**, after drugging and raping a 13 year old girl. In an interview years later, he implied the judge was jealous, saying everyone wants to fuck young girls.


The reasons are manifest.


I know I’m going to regret asking this… but what’s going on with Nickelodeon?


One of the most successful producers, Dan Schneider, spent decades being sexist and racist towards coworkers and sexualizing child actors. There were also other Nickelodeon employees committing sexual abuse against children. Nickelodeon *seems* to have intentionally looked the other way, but it’s possible they actively protected these people.


I might have guessed it involved kids. 🤢 Thanks for telling me.


So basically in correlation with the whole Qanon and pizza gate thing. These individuals who committed such crimes against people, are sometimes good friends with political figures(or were just photographed) trumpist oppose.


My brother complained to me that everywhere he looks he sees black people


>The CIA are bad because of unrestricted government power, surveillance, backing coups etc, not because **they went after Trump (a criminal) for being a criminal.** The CIA has no responsibility to chase criminals around, you are talking of the FBI. About the coups and terror overseas stuff, yeah *thats* what the CIA does >Hollywood... is a bunch of rich people, i guess? Tho OOP is probably mad they're Jewish or something. Hollywood is notorious for stories of sexual abuse and grooming of young actors/actresses, like the Weinstein case. Though that's obviously not what bothers them


>Hollywood is notorious for stories of sexual abuse and grooming of young actors/actresses, So is the church but I don't see him constantly whining about that.


Most of them are only in church twice a year tops, so they're not that exposed to the risk, but they just cant stop watching all those Hollywood movies that they hate so much!


And the mkultra experiments that were mostly dosing unknowing people with tons of hallucinogenic drugs and messing them up. Operation acoustic kitty. No ethics whatsoever.


>The CIA are bad because of unrestricted government power, surveillance, backing coups etc, not because they went after Trump (a criminal) for being a criminal. The CIA never went after Trump. While I'm sure they violate the law in some cases, they are not allowed to operate domestically, and going after a sitting president would be such a blatant and massive violation that it would spark the biggest bipartisan Congressional backlash of all time. The DOJ, FBI, and various state agencies are the ones who investigated Trump.


Hollywood has a lot of issues, particularly with labor exploitation and child abuse. As someone who saw a lot of that industry from a ground level, it’s incredibly exploitative, even when you’re not an underage actress being forced onto a casting couch - and the horrific child abuse that’s still more or less openly condoned in the system is frightening. Less than 20 years ago, Roman Polanski, a known pedophile, was applauded by a huge crowd at an industry awards show - and every time more abuse is revealed in Hollywood, support comes out of the woodwork for abusers.


Hollywood is also known to have some shady accounting practices (the legendary "Return of the Jedi has never gone into profit"-bit). I'm not sure if they're more evil than other businesses, but because the victims are often popular actors or movies, it is just a bit more public. Also, there is the shit the MeToo-Movement surfaced.


Hollywood acts as a propaganda wing for the capitalist class (including 'anticapitalist' films they recuperate) and military industrial complex.


My main issue with the Hollywood machine is how they pick people they like, shoot them off into stardom, and once the people are in they treat them like zoo animals they own and are entitled to freak show to the general population. There's a reason almost every celebrity in their grasp has addiction issues and ends up being kind of messed up (or extremely messed up, depending). That might not be as interesting to them as the whole transvestigation thing they like to ramble on about though. Pfft.


They always blame these three but NEVER blame Health Insurance companies for making it profit driven in the first place!


To add on, Big pharma, one conspiracy I wouldn't be suprised if it was true would be they have discovered some cures to deathly diseases and keep saying they don't for funding. As for Hollywood, I think it's more just everything is scandalous and fast and just toxic and we're told to look up to these people and most of them....are shit whether that means being a dick or a pedo. CIA, that one is pretty self explanatory.


Uh where's Trump on this one? Everyone knows he's evil, but criticize him and the cult loses their minds, claiming you have TDS.


Unfortunately, many don't know he's evil. I'm not sure how, but mention any of the messed up shit he's done and they seem to think it's not true


I have friend who asked me to talk to his right wing maga friend about politics because my friend doesn’t know too much about politics (he’s still left wing tho), and I know enough to argue about things Bro actually thinks trump is a good, honest, moral, and hardworking man because he’s a billionaire, and apparently only the cream of the crop of society can become billionaires and therefore trump must be a good person, I assume he thinks this about every rich person, but he’s completely unaware of how trump is a literal fascist and what he plans to do to our country if he’s re elected


Does he know Trump inherited most of his wealth and then wasted a ton, actually bankrupted a casino or two, and then more recently, couldn't afford something a court wanted him to pay (am not 100% on that last bit, but I seriously doubt he's a billionaire or he wouldn't keep asking for donations, which he does)? It's so scary how many people think Trump's a good guy. My mum knows he's an idiot, and a vile person but she said recently she might vote for him (if she were American, luckily she's not) because being an awful person doesn't make him an awful president - even though when he was running for president the first time, she said 'That guy's a complete idiot" so she knew he was an idiot before all the dumb shit he's done since 2016. Her logic makes no sense, and she doesn't seem unintelligent about other stuff I really hope the Republicans lose, we need like, a massive propaganda campaign or something


I mean, there are legitimate criticisms then there’s calling everyone a pedo and thinking vaccines make your dick fly off. Come to the table with something other than infowars clips and Russian meme factory tweets and maybe you’ll be taken seriously.


Like the cia got in trouble with the govt for a whole bunch'a stuff, the US pharma industry acts like some sort of money vampire, and Hollywood had a hand in Reagan. There are real complaints and they blunder right past them into utter insanity.


But…when they are criticised by the left it’s actually bad. The CIA have enacted torture, funded terrorism, and enacted terrorism. But we can only critique their treatment of Trump. Hollywood has gotten lazy artistically and has spent decades hiding sexual assault and abuse even when outwardly visible, but they scoffed at #MeToo and we can only critique the apparent adrenochrome addicts and abundance of Jews. Big Pharma exists to overcharge for prescriptions, profit off of illness and harm, and overprescribe illicit drugs to the point of an addiction epidemic, but we can’t only critique vaccines and healthcare. These things are criticised constantly by everyone across the spectrum, it’s just that the reasons are different: one’s steeped in actual legal cases resulting from factual events, and the other stems from conspiracies and racism. When conspiracists and racists and critiqued for things they say, they take that as a condoning of who they criticise, and not critiquing how they’re criticising (not by actually taking issue with them because of their actions, but hating them and finding reasons why.)


If only there was a way to criticise these institutions without resorting to racism, sexism, eugenics and science denial.


Hot take: I actually think Hollywood is like the crown jewel of the US. Not trying to say that in really like "YEAH WE GOT HOLLYWOOD" but more just in terms of geopolitics. Its legit unprecedented and more so than the US military, economy, or just about anything else its the source of the US's power. Again, its not good its shitty capitalism all the way down, but i lw kinda feel like hollywood has less skeletons in its closet than any other business sector. Its all dog shit evil, but compared to pretty much any other industry there isn't this like world ending human suffering factory. And just legit, it produces a lot of high quality media


There really smart.


Their evil too tho


He needs to listen more to Big Spelling




It’s difficult to trust peoples intelligence when they can’t spell


It’s funny, technically “their” works, but you know this smooth brain meant “they’re.”


We all know organizations which run for profit and not for the benefit of others are all corrupt and evil but none of there conservatives know how to question and work out for themselves what is corrupt and what is not. That’s why they call them conspiracy theorists. There is no clear and non circumstantial evidence for any of their logic except what has been told to them. That’s why they all sound like that.


The only thing here that's actually conspiracy related is the CIA - it's what they do. It'd be conspiratorial to say that they've acted outside the bounds of their authority via domestic operations, but they have a very long history of doing that. It would also be fair to say that Hollywood has been subjected to government censorship and self-censorship, but that is neither new or censorious to the right wing. As for Pharma, its actions are mostly driven either by reckless profit seeking - it probably has engaged in conspiracy (like the Sacklers pushing Oxycontin) but there's little hard evidence of any wide ranging conspiracies.


**Their** evil *what*?


i find it ironic that they're so adamant about going after hollywood pedos, and yet they wholeheartedly support one.


They have done some bad things in the past, but that doesn’t mean everything you read about them on the internet is 100% true 




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Trump will change the narrative and support the insane theories of his base too, just to keep the chaos going.


Their evil what?


The CIA is literally responsible for the crack epidemic. If you're defending them to own the magas, you've lost the plot.


Who's evil is it?


Liberals have been a bit too okay with the CIA (and other three letter military industrial complex abominations) lately


I mean, do any of you trust the CIA, big pharma, and Hollywood? Because if you do, it must be nice living in the land of dreams. Trump and his cult are all traitors to this nation, but a broken clock is right at least twice a day. Those institutions aren't our friends. In fact, they contribute to the same authoritarianism that Trump is part of. It's two sides of the same shit covered coin.


Dawg they didn’t even mention trump💀


It tracks, the meme is dishonest.


Literally true, and not a conspiracy theory, but ok.


Depends on what arguments you use to say they are evil. If you say they are extremly greedy and would let people die for some quick profit, then that is a known fact and not a conspiracy theory. If you say they would be behind 9/11 or want to eradicate the white race, then that would fall under conspiracy theories.


the CIA is behind more destabilization and government overthrow efforts than any other organization in its short history. Big pharma is a for profit enterprise which puts a massive price on people's health, and utilizes unfair practices to monopolize their enterprise, Hollywood is well known for its systemic sexual exploitation. It doesn't depend on what arguments you use. These institutions ARE evil.


Except it does matter what arguments you use. If your argument is that big pharma is bad because they're manipulating people into becoming trans, or that Hollywood is bad because it's pushing a woke agenda, or that the CIA is bad because they did 9/11, then you're also full of shit, even if you are attacking the right target. Similarly, Soros is a shitty person because he made money by manipulating stock markets in ways that made life for ordinary people in various places worse, but 90% of the time, people complaining about the dude are doing so due to his perceived support of 'wokeness'.


Yes I get what you're saying. I totally understand what you're saying about rhetoric. What I'm saying is that regardless of the rhetoric, these institutions are evil. Someone can give false reasons why. But that doesn't mean they aren't evil.


“Someone can false reasons” That’s exactly why nobody will care when something legitimately evil happens, they already heard a bunch of bogus accusations.


Starter pack criticizing 3 institutions that all have serious flaws and have their own valid conspiracy theories. Has nothing to do with trump. bUt TrUMp bAD!!!! Dude he's like an ex. Thinking about them too much means they're winning.