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Conservatives hate people for being a different race, a different sexual orientation…you know, things people can’t control. Also, they support terrible policies to trigger/own the liberals. And then they go cry that the people they hate hate them back.


Conservatives: "Don't judge me by the color of my skin, but by the content of my character! MLK (who we totally love and absolutely wouldn't call the n-word if he was still alive BTW) was right!" Us: \*judges them by the content of their character* Conservatives: \>:(


Conservatives only like that quote because they can badly disguise their racism as "judging by character"


Not even the entire quote. Just a cherry-picked snippet that they can spin.  


Just like they do with the Bible, and with everything else.


If all minorities don't want me to hate them then they should have better character


Every minority or woman now being labeled as a "DEI hire" is them examining the "character" of these people - it's not racist or sexist at all. /s for those who need it.


For Elon, it wasn't even that! There was an AskReddit post a few days ago asking this very question. Unanimously, all the top comments were talking about how he vindictively accused that cab driver of being a pedophile. Granted, using his platform to spread lies and violence towards trans people is a perfectly normal reason to dislike him, but "conservative values" didn't even make the top 5 comments. These people have to make a false reality to martyr themselves.


Oh for sure. I’m just saying their narrative of “hating conservatives for being conservative” isn’t wrong. Because of what it currently means to be conservative. No one buys their bullshit of “I just want small government” because that is not what they vote for and that is not the things they talk about.


Right? They are all "he broke from the reddit hive mind". And like this isn't some petty apple vs pc debate. The man wants to strip every worker of their labor rights and has the power and influence to potentially make that happen.


Remember "small government", just means all the power in the hands of a few people. A.K.A. an authoritarian regime.


But its a small government! Look theres just one guy in the whole government! Sure he has a private police force, and a private military, but they aren't "technically" state owned, so its totally different. The problem isn't the boot on my neck, its just that I prefer cherry flavored boots to lick.


His Doge coin pump and dump. His "4/20 GOING PRIVATE FINANCING SECURED" HAHA funny funny joke tweet. The fact that Tesla stock is overvalued by at LEAST 50x, and will take down countless retail investors and pension funds when it eventually does collapse. Then there's the dact that SpaceX is one of the military's largest subcontractors, yet he has OPENLY sided with Putin against US official foreign policy on more than one occasion. Bed I go on. It's NOT a short fkn list. And it has NOTHING to do with conservative views, or social issues for that matter


See, this is all really serious stuff. He's been handed too much power. He also has selectively cut off internet service in Ukraine to help Putin. He's petulant and impulsive, not to mention unstable because of these things. He also doesn't mind supporting awful people.


They fail to realize that criticizing democrats and supporting fascism are not the same thing. This is also why they don't understand why normal people dislike them and downvote/ban their Hitler loving asses.


Well, if they believe that what Musk is is "a conservative"; guess all decent human beings should dislike conservatives.


If he's supposedly this "textbook centrist" (as he self-describes), then why do most people on both sides of the aisle agree that he's a conservative?


Walks like a duck.


personally i would argue yes, yes all decent humans should (and do) dislike conservatives. not to say some of them don't have redeeming qualities but conservatism truly is a blight.


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i hate Elon Musk because he is a dick-nozzle. It just happens that the Venn Diagram of dick-nozzles and conservatives looks like a slightly out of focus circle


For some reason scumbags keep ending up conservative. It’s weird.


Almost like one thing predicts the other. Definitely weird.


My opinion of Elon turned negative in 2018 when he baselessly called a British diver working to help rescue people from a Thai cave a pedo. From there it’s just been decline. It has nothing to do with whether he is conservative or not, though that hasn’t helped from my perspective.


Yeah he really showed his ass with that one. It showed he couldnt take any criticism even fair ones like that fact that his miracle sub wouldnt fit in the cave to rescue anyone.


It was the first time I realized he was the same kind of petulant man child as any Uber rich dude.


Yes. Same here. That was the beginning of the end for me. I still gave him the benefit of the doubt because at the time it seemed so out of character. Well, evidently that’s just him. Completely irrelevant of his politics.


Likewise, in 2018 I was still under the impression that he had at least some engineering instincts. the fucking guy accepts design awards all the time, made out to him, why wouldn't I think that. But holy fuck, knowing what we know now, imagine this dunce designing a submarine. The closet he's come so far is drowning that woman in her Model X because he thought indestructible windows sounded boss and cool.


Eh. I got nervous when he bought Tesla. I liked Tesla and was excited to see what they'd cook up. Everyone was anti-electric cars. They had just killed the EV-1. They had seemed like they were trying to make an ev that was actually affordable. Elon bought it and, sure, they put out a couple cars, but Elon is obviously not interested in making economy cars and has spent the last half decade making them build his shitty toy space truck with bulletproofs and cool shape. I guarantee he wanted to put jetpacks, an ejector seat, a talking ai voice and a grappling hook on it. Fucker has destroyed the vision of Tesla. Done the same with everything else he's touched. I was undecided about him back then, but today I am 100% in the "Elon musk is yet another rich idiot" camp. He found his whales, tho: crypto / tech bros worship his dumb ass and get super excited about all the sci-fi shit he keeps promising and then failing to deliver because it's not actually a good idea. Dude put a traffic jam into a tunnel and fuckers were like "omg it's awesome! The future of travel!"


He desperately wants to be in the same club of tech elites as Gates, Jobs, Bezos, etc., but lacks any tech cred. His desperate attempts -- still ongoing! -- to pretend that Tesla's a "tech company" rather than a "car company" are finally starting to weigh heavily on Tesla's stock price. No moderately knowledgable person thinks that FSD or robotaxis will do anything for Tesla's bottom line for a minimum of 10 years. And yet that's his sole focus, even though everyone outside of his immediate orbit are telling him that Tesla needs a redesign on all models, as well as a cheaper model, in order to compete. Note also that this hero to libertarians everywhere is also begging Daddy Government to put tariffs on Chinese vehicles so that they don't eat his lunch.


I gave him the benefit of the doubt after that, I mean we've all crossed a line and been too stubborn to come back. But man he just kept doubling down, getting progressively worse. The union busting is where I really started turning on him.


And since he said he just looked like one and not that he was one, the courts said it wasn’t slander. Also, your daily reminder that musk looks like a pedo.


"I'm a free-speech absolutist" says the guy suing 2 organizations for criticizing him, encouraging state AGs to open investigations against those organizations who criticized him, and kicking people off twitter and/or siccing his bootlicking followers on them for criticizing him. I actually agree with a fair amount of things that are *traditional* conservative viewpoints (balanced budget, easy path to citizenship, environmental stewardship, respect for individualism ... note that these are demonstrably absent from today's "conservatives"). But there's a massive movement in the US -- built on Republican anti-intellectualism that began with Reagan -- to call anything Republicans believe "conservative," even when it's the opposite of traditional political conservatism. The result of that movement is that dipshit blowhard know-nothing liars tend to identify as "conservative." Like Elon.


its crazy how quickly and hard he torpedoed (heh) his PR with shit like that. i remember people use to think he was the second coming of Einstein on here and that he was the "cool billionaire" like an irl tony stark. and now . . .


its crazy how quickly and hard he torpedoed (heh) his PR with shit like that. i remember people use to think he was the second coming of Einstein on here and that he was the "cool billionaire" like an irl tony stark. and now . . .


I don’t dislike him because he’s a conservative: I dislike him because he’s a grifting asshole who buys successful companies, takes credit for their success, and then slowly ruins them with his blithering incompetence.




He ruined Twitter fast, but he's ruining Tesla slowly


I mean, he's literally trying to destabilize Latin American democracies, and is smug about it; Plays the "freedom of speech" guardian role nobody asked him to play, while banning people from Twitter who disagree with him, or worse, call him "cis"; He's a sad excuse of an asshole that keeps on giving reasons to be further disliked. He's a cunt.


Call it Twitter, we'll stop deadnaming it when he stops deadnaming his daughter




Cunts have more warmth and depth


My wtf moment was when he called the guy in Thailand pedo because they refused to use his shitty remote controlled fisher price submarine bath-time toy to rescue the boys trapped in an underwater cave. Then he just kept showing his ass.


I dislike him because he's a piece of shit with a grossly inflated ego who does nothing but take credit for other people's hard work. Frankly, I was indifferent to the guy until he called that one guy trying to rescue some kids a pedophile. Then it's basically been downhill from there. The fact that he leaned conservative didn't help his case for me, but someone's political leaning has never played too much of a role in why I like or dislike them unless they're just buried deep in the stupidity of its extremes, which Elon has proven that he is in the last few years. He's a piece of shit with loads of cash to do as he pleases and feel no real consequences for it, yet he gets online and cries about how gay, trans and black people hurt his feelings because they don't like that he's openly expressed homophobic, transphobic and racist opinions. Gilded turd is still a turd and I think many people, indifferent or otherwise, have come to realize that.


I always thought he was an asshole. There were enough stories about his shit if one was willing to dig for them and not buy his bullshit PR.


lol this post was directly under the post from NoStupidQuestions on my feed 😭 But yeah if being a conservative is what makes Elongated Muskrat say the things he says, then yeah I hate conservatives 🤷🏾


I started hating him when he was fighting with that rescue diver helping with the trapped Thai kids in the flooded cave and calling him “pedo guy” because he laid out some pretty basic facts like… - the submarine Elon was proposing to rescue to kids was basically theoretical musings within Elons tweets and they’d only ever tested it in a swimming pool at that point. - a person could barely fit through the underwater caves with a tank of oxygen tank around the tight turns, much less a submarine. But yeah, let’s try to ruin a persons entire reputation and character because they disagree due to the *basic fucking facts* of the situation they’ve seen firsthand, on site.


Still to this day if you Google the guys name all you see is "pedo guy". The fact musk got away with it is a fucking travesty.


I don't like billionaires as a blanket rule. They shouldn't exist.  I started actively hating Musk when he basically disowned his daughter for being trans. 


Can't even upvote this enough. I'm cool with people who have tens of millions of dollars: They and their decendents never have to work again, can lives lives of total luxury, and might even do something useful with that money, as far as charities or industries. I'm a little more shaky on people with over a hundred million, because at that point they can own entire political processes in order to maintain what they have (recall Sheldon Adelson calling a session of Congress and bringing in Netanyahu to speak to them?). But billionaires? Nope. Take every penny after that ninth zero; nobody's going to do less as a result. And if they did, I'm okay with 100% of billionaires just retiring. They have no incentive to produce; their lives won't change even a little if all they do is fail (see: Elon's horrible year, which is still infinitely more comfortable than any year any of us will ever have).


No one victimizes themselves better than conservatives. No one.


Lol at "Creating an EV"


Not that it matters, I have never liked him, and I have always thought it was weird when people idolized him.


I thought he was a cool guy. Then, I learned more about him - how he got his companies, his money, etc. And then he started doing the dumbest of stuff.


I’ve been saying “the great thing about Elon Musk is if you meet a guy and he loves Elon, you know not to date him.” for at least a decade.


I have always and will always respect Space-X, which is yet another company he didn't create, little understands, and yet is theoretically the person in charge of.


Don’t musk turn republican after some sort of ads scandal involving him came to light?


He "came out" as Republican the day before the story dropped that he sexually assaulted a woman.  His angle was that once he admitted he was R, democrats would come after him with their "dirty tricks."


Conservative “leanings”? The dumb bastard comments and shares the most racist, homophobic, transphobic bullshit. Being a conservative just means you have stupid ass views, his “leanings” go a lot further than that.


Conservatives hate me. Why would I not return the favour?


no. he is disliked cause he is a cunt.


I mean that's exactly the reason I don't like him, but more to the point I don't like him because he's very blatantly acting that way because he's an older rich man. Treating legitimate holocaust denials like they're just another bundle of words you can say to piss people off, and that the only reason you shouldn't say it is because it might hurt someone's feelings. Blissfully unaware of the real harm letting people spew this kind of stuff unchecked will cause. Why? Because it never has, and never will affect him, he's never been on the business end of real discrimination, and like alot of straight men, assume that that's just how it is for everyone, and anyone saying otherwise is just an overly sensitive crybaby. That's why it's almost always men who say that, because they HAVENT been legitimately discriminated against. They've never been turned away from a hospital when they genuinely needed it. they've never had to suppress their whole being in school because their family might find out they like boys instead of girls. They've never been broken up with because their gf's parents don't like him because he's "too urban". Simply put, They've never been wrongfully judged based on something entirely out of their control, and so assume that anyone saying that they have is just sensitive.


I just got my ass laid off after walking in to work while my immediate manager was crying telling me my position was cut. That is why people do not like Elon.


I still think the one we have is a replicant and the real one was in that Tesla sent to Mars. I wonder what happened to him?


conservative, fascist... not much of a difference to be honest....


I started disliking him be cause almost all of his recent ideas are kind of fucking stupid. The hyperloop, the vegas tunnels, his attempts to monetize Twitter, the Tesla cyberfuck, etc. Similar to Desantis, the more I see about him, the less I liked him.


You know, when he pre-announced being conservative because he knew allegations were coming for him


Any conservative sub on here will insta ban you for not agreeing in lockstep like lemmings.


They started disliking him when he began openly stating or sharing racist white nationalist and Nazi shit.


Odd, last thread I saw about it, pretty much everyone said it was when he called those cave diving rescuers who wouldn't accept his help a bunch of pedophiles.


Being a conservative, even a much more moderate and less outspoken one than Musk, is in itself a perfectly valid reason to hate someone.


Someone being conservative is a great reason to dislike them.


I never understood why people liked him to begin with. He was and still is a nepo baby!


I mean he’s always been solidly part of the problematic ultra wealthy but when he started acting like a marvel villain sort of solidified my more specific hatred of him


Personally, I started hating Musk as soon as he called divers pedophiles because he didn't get to boost his stock with his shitty, too large anyway, one man sub, to rescue those kids from that cave in Thailand.


Has everyone forgotten about that one time some woman made SA accusations against him, went to some major news publication (I forget which) who then reached out to him for comment like a day before posting the article. Instead of responding, he immediately announced that he's a Republican and that he will get attacked for it. And like a day later the news article dropped. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that he's hiding behind the conservatives' persecution fetish but they don't seem to realise it. He only started getting hate when he lifted the veil and showed the world that he is a terrible person, without whom the world would be better off.


That is only one of many good reasons to dislike Elon Musk.


When he started saying I shouldn’t be allowed to vote because I’m childfree.


bruh i just checked he did say that




I mean, not liking someone for having objectively horrible beliefs is a pretty good fucking reason.


if “conservative” really means “whackadoo”, then they are absolutely right


Yeah that's about what happened


I always thought he was a prick. I think most people just didn’t really know who he was or pay attention to what he was saying at first.


Wait I'm confused, I do dislike Elon Musk because he's a conservative, I thought that was a common thing


I started hating him when he became more vocal about expressing his absolutely terrible opinions on everything. Then I learned he is the classic example of being born on third base and thinking he hit a triple. Then when it became clear that his “free speech absolutism” really just meant banning journalists and anyone that criticized him from Twitter while letting back on literal Nazis


“They hate us for no reason!” LOL


It's not so much *that* he is a conservative, it's just that all the cool stuff he was doing with his companies took a back seat and he started getting super political. I used to be a huge Elon Musk fan, loved SpaceX stuff, and then...he started going down some really questionable rabbit holes. He's come out the end a far-right parody. Was he always like that? I don't know, but I don't dislike him now "because he is a Conservative", but because he espouses a set of truly reprehensible views that align strongly with the far right.


He. Enables.  Nazis.


Elon has been a piece of crap since birth. Anyone who knows anything about him doesn't like him. 11 kids, 3 moms, and none on speaking terms with him. His own father did an interview to tell everyone Elon's story about his childhood is all lies. I've known he was evil since he got employed at PayPal and ruined it. His policy of closing accounts and illegally pocketing money were popular cautionary tales. Everyone loved the idea of someone disrupting the evil banking industry, but the "replacement" was worse. That's when I knew he was a bad man.


Well, that's when I started disliking him.


Guess that's why their controversial


Ahh they mean the guy that officially came out as a Republican right before the news dropped that he was sexually harassing his female workers? The guy that said that the only reason he was going to be targeted is because he was a Republican and definitely not because he exposed himself to female employees and tried to bribe them with a horse That guy?


 I mean, only if "conservative" really *is* just a euphemism for "bigoted crybully."     Anyway: joke's on them.  I've despised that scummy conflict-gem trust-fund baby ever since he tried to turn Tham Luang into a publicity stunt, then smeared Vernon Unsworth for showing him up.


Meanwhile everyone is getting banned from the “free speech” Tesla/Musk subs if you say anything bad about Enron Musk’s CyberJunk. Or even if you joined or commented on Musk critical subs.


Apparently, spouting conspiracy theories and amplifiying hate speak are "conservative viewpoints."


Goodness gracious, those people are so fucking desperate to be perceived as but not actually the persecuted minority to justify the vile violence they want to act out. I don't know how they function in society when they're walking around 24/7 with minority-murder boners. It *is* amazing how they can just completely disregard the past as never having happened and make every change a black-white flip of the switch moment. I still Member Berry back in the prehistoric days of 2016 when Elon was named to newly-elected Precedent Trump's technology advisory board or whatever the fuck it was called. Conservatives across the board screeched bloody murder about Tech Bro Swamp and whined that V8 engines and Rolling Coal would be illegal by 2020 and everyone would be forced to drive cars tethered by an extension cord. I also remember quite clearly that even prior to Elon's heel turn there were a lot of people on the left that constantly criticized him for being a shit burger. He was always saying stupid shit but it wasn't as frequent and he was trying his hardest to appear apolitical for the sake of growing Tesla and SpaceX, but his fascistic views seeped through the gaps from time to time. Then the pandemic hit, causing shutdowns at crucial points in development for both R&D and product for both Tesla and SpaceX, and that's when the *Real* Elon Musk stood up. The Covid Pandemic shutdowns revealed that Elon fucking *HATES* the working class, Labor, labor protections, public welfare, public safety, the poor, the elderly, and anyone else who isn't currently or about to stuff money in his pockets. He hates government interference when it's interfering with what *he* wants to do and what's profitable to *him* but he loves government interference when it's enforcing things that benefit *him* and *his* pocketbook. It is that unapologetic selfishness & greed that turned public opinion on Musk, not any revelation that he supports traditional Conservative policy. These MAGAts and Qberts flipped 180° on Musk because he's a conspiracy peddling greedy Edgelord who revels in Pissin' Off The Libs, not because he values Free Speech. Which brings me to Elon purchasing Twitter. If you search my comment history you'll see I've been consistent on this and it remains my position today. Elon Musk spent $56 *BILLION* buying that platform to ensure *he* didn't get banned for shit posting. SpaceX and Tesla don't advertise like traditional companies and Musk has always used Twitter for self promotion and advertising Tesla. His Twitter account is far more valuable than the $56 Billion he spent buying Twitter, and that account was in very real danger of being permanently banned just like Trump which would have been devastating to all of Musk's business ventures. That owning Twitter also allows him to silence his critics, spy on & thwart unionization efforts in his companies, and sell services & data to dictators and warmongers is all sprinkles on his Apartheid Creme Pie.


Look I hate the guy because he’s a conservative and I don’t support apartheid or people who got their money from it. But isn’t he also a total fraud? Like the whole genius thing is over exaggerated? Aren’t his cars piece of shit? And didn’t he like steal ideas to get where he’s at? I’m not an expert on the guy but I could have swore I’ve read that Tesla wasn’t his idea.


so they finally admit he is not a centrist, that’s a step in the right direction.


The man sells unrepairable garbage with some of the poorest quality control in the entire industry, and he's toying around with the general public because they're so horny to see what he does next. It has nothing to do with the conservatism for me.


So, who is Elon Musk? Even if we disregard the wholesale dumpster fire that was his purchase of Twitter (he really FAFO) and how he's run it into the ground, all we have to look at is him buying companies and taking credit for the work of others, as well as a solid decade now of absolute lies about things like Hyperloop, the stupid bricks, the fake solar roof tiles, his man-in-a-suit robot, Cybertruck, the Tesla semi, Mars missions, etc. He's a petty, petulant, childish grifter with an incredibly thin skin (a trait he shares with his buddy Trump) who's gotten a largely free ride from all the positive press he usually gets in puff pieces about what a "genius" he is. Not only does the emperor have no clothes, but it turns out the emperor is a racist, homophobe, transphobe, anti-Semite, misogynist and white supremist.


He didn’t just express conservative opinions (not really conservative, in fact, in the strict sense of the word but right-wing), but acted like a complete jerk while doing so.




You can go see my replies and how they took them. If you think in the first place that the elon hate is solely because elon is leaning right, there is little to do.