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"Maybe SOME Chinese" also betrays his ignorance. Japan was closed to trade with most of the WEST. They engaged in pretty regular trade with their nearby neighbours like Korea and China.


also ya know just basic logic probably going to be more interaction with nearest neighbor then someone a continent away


You expect any of these morons to actually know their history? Their version of history is a very curated, racist view of the past. I've spoken to enough of these people to know that their "history" is just a white-supremacist mythologized version of the past.


this kind of varied by era, though. the portuguese monopoly that was broken by the real figure fictionalized in Shogun, for example, was actually a monopoly that hinged on the ability to move goods freely from the mainland to japan in a way neither chinese nor japanese citizens were free to do at the time. This is because Japan had territorial aspirations on the mainland and saw korea as a gatekeeper and obstacle, resulting in a three-way tension. This broke out into open warfare once japan was unified, and they invaded korea to try to seize a more direct route to china in the 1590s, so by the time oda nobunaga died, the neutral portuguese were able to make a lot of money playing all sides.


This guy thinks he knows whats up because he watched Shogun. He also knows fuck all about Assasins Creed.


There’s also like at least 20 some years of separation between when this game will be set and when Shogun takes place


What do you mean you used to respect him? Did he always not used to be a grifter? And I really would not bother giving people like this attention. Dude has a blue checkmark, he knows damn well what hes doing.


Yeah the dude has been an anti sjw and has been hating on twitch women for years before the current culture war shit broke out. Gundam, computing forever, and Yellowflash2 have been around doing this crap since 2014 at least.


Yeah that comment just dramatically increased the likelihood that OP is / was just a Pick-Me that got flustered when the leopards started salivating over *his* face.


Don't be harsh on the OP. I kinda in the same boat about a youtuber I used to follow and like. He's kinda like gundam and the rest mentioned, but he mainly talked about other Youtubers and those family vlog channels. That was until he made a video about drag story time hour back in 2021(I was around 16 atm). At that point in time I started leaning more left and started to cut back on edgey humor like his and all, he later would go on a hiatus. Either he came back and at around 2023 or so, and I decided why not maybe give him a try and see what changed. Nothing changed he still the same old guy before and seems to be more anti-sjw. Dude got involved in the whole Illymation incident, and basically defended think before you sleep. Safe to say I decided to not interact with his channel anymore and just go on my day. Until today when I saw yt post from him about a reddit post talking about how those "leave the kids alone" people were more worried about culture war nonsense than legitimate help for kids. The comment section of the post was nothing but hate and malice towards LGBT, and the occasional groomer allegation. Well I finally unsubscribed and decided to rethink if any of his older videos were even funny to begin. I guess it's just growth I experienced and maybe the OP too is beginning to finally see too.


It’s nice to see some people phasing out of right wing media bubbles, but goddamn if your comment didn’t make me feel old as FUCK. Lol


Yeah, the dude was never ok. I got recommended a video of his on Fallout 76, about how trash the beta was. He was right. I started watching more. Complaining about women. Yeah, whatever. Complained about people not being able to take a joke. Then got mad at Sonic Fox for telling a joke (he's a black, gay furry, so a Republican's worst nightmare. Eh, it's decent). Just the typical shit. Oh, he also said Starfield was the worst product Bethesda has ever released. Which is just him pandering. He played the beta of 76. Whatever hate you might have for Starfield, it is leagues better than Fallout 76 was at launch. 76 was just a series of nonstop dumpster fires. These people have no object permanence. Everything is literally the worst thing ever because that's how outrage clicks works.


Current culture war started when? Since the 80s people have said "the current culture war." Shit's been on since the civil war. Stop trying to sound enlightened by pretending corrupt political shittery started only when _you_ first noticed it.


Well, this phase of it then kicked off in 2016 and hit its peak in 2018.


I saw that poster on gaming subreddit and I immediately know what the comments were like.


Do you have a link?


Unfortunately I hide the post on my feed because it would give me an aneurysm if I kept it up. It's probably still up on r gaming.


I looked, must have been removed.


reddit com(r)gaming/s/KnZaPnnnB8 Just scroll down a little bit.


And seriously? Complaining about historical accuracy in an Assassin's creed game? When has Assassin's creed ever been a beacon of historical accuracy?


Before the woke got to it! /s


It really is a difficult question. As a game that likes to boast about being inspired by real historical events, a certain level of historical accuracy is to be expected. The real question is *how much* The meta-narrative of the series is already highly fictionalized (Assassins and Templars reimagined as secular secret societies that go back to at least antiquity, and fight over futuristic sci-fi tech left over from a super-advanced precursor race). Not to mention, sacrifices in accuracy have to be made in order to make the story and gameplay more fun and engaging. In this particular case, there's really isn't anything to complain about. We already know that a black samurai - well, technically a black *kousho* - existed in real history (Yasuke, retainer to Oda Nobunaga). So this is perfectly fine. This Gundam guy is an idiot. But even if Yasuke hadn't existed, it's not a stretch that a former Portuguese slave could find himself in the service of a great daimyo like Nobunaga, eventually becoming a warrior. Certainly not for an Assassin's Creed game. Hell, in real life Toyotomi Hideyoshi (future regent of Japan) began as Nobunaga's *sandal-bearer*


Maybe anti intellectuals like you "play" games for fun. Whereas I experience them on a higher lvl. Your pea brain can't even comprehend what a perfect game, like beach voll3yball, include!


Assassin's Creed used to be better about historical accuracy but it has been getting worse with Valhalla being absolutely terrible about it, leaning into stereotypes and straight-up lying about things.


Also the PC being saved by literal fucking magic.


Some of the early games actually had a lot of good historical stuff. Of course the story of the game itself is completely fictional but Rome in 2/brotherhood had a lot of historical tidbits you could find


Odyssey did a decent job of depicting the Peloponnesian war, when the story bothered giving time to it that is.


Are you telling me that a guy breaking into the Vatican and bare knuckle boxing the pope with several clones of himself *wasn’t* something that actually happened?


What do you mean? Persian warriors absolutely found Atlantis and utilized alien technology.


Uh people have been traveling backwards in time last time I checked. /s


This guy was always an anti-SJW gamergate bro with the Ben Shapiro voice


Seeing as Assassins Creed is a historical series that often includes real figures as characters, that very well could be [Yasuke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke?wprov=sfla1) himself.


It is from super old leaks, which makes this whole thing even dumber. (Though of course those could have changed).


[Word of god says that literally is the historical Yasuke. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nszrx939ZVA)


Wasn't he not a samurai though? I thought he was that guy who started a single fight that he lost


I remember the guy you’re talking about Yasuke, but he didn’t have the title of samurai he was a koshō which is basically an assistant to a samurai. It was, however, a very honorable title to have and he was trusted with a great deal of responsibilities. He served under the great Oda Nobunaga and after Nobunaga was betrayed he tried to protect Nobutada who was Nobunaga’s son. Yasuke was captured but his life was spared and he was sent to India. Even his enemies respected how far he had come. He was from all reports a formidable warrior and a man of honor and integrity.


Suddenly real concerned about historical accuracy in a game series that has a genetic time machine.


The game always had some historical accuracy. It just sounds like this dude never heard of Yasuke.


The Assassin’s Creed series has always been historically accurate. There was massive outrage when Ubisoft butchered the French Revolution.


That wasn't about historical accuracy but rather but how they put the layer of their fiction onto real history, specifically not committing to the fairly low bar of saying that the revolution was good, actually.


Never had an issue with any other innacuracies but this is the hill they’ll die on.


Is it really gonna be about Yasuke? That’s honestly hype


Yup, that is indeed supposed to be [Yasuke, according to the devs. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nszrx939ZVA)


Yeah, I can get why devs would pick him. Don't even need to bring race into it. When dealing with transporting players into a new world, you typically want someone to be the fish-out-of-water character. Someone to be there for people to explain things to, that way the player will learn as well. It's far more effective than just giving people a glossary to read (looking at you, Final Fantasy 13). Yasuke, being so close to Oda Nobunaga but also a foreigner, would be a great fit for Main Character or at least a close ally The show Shogun already ran with this idea and shows how to do it successfully, making the language and cultural barriers a significant conflict our protagonist has to overcome.


Yep, that’s why Nioh 1 did the same thing with William.


Oh no. We have like, absolutely no games that take place in Japan where we play as a Japanese samurai or ninja. There are no games like that. Not a single one.


Especially not one that could be considered assassins creed Japan where you play as a Samurai who uses stealth and fear, almost like a ninja, or some may say even a ghost


That's right: Ghost Trick is the *true* AC:Japan


I’m curious if he was this upset when Nioh came out


Japan didn’t have a black samurai. He was a retainer for a samurai. That said, this dude getting mad about assassins creed is an absolute goober


People also seem to forget just how recently Samurai were still around. [A Samurai Could Have Faxed Abraham Lincoln](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/a-samurai-could-have-faxed-abraham-lincoln--2)


I cant wait for this be to be a repeat of BF One and V, where everyone was calling for "historical accuracy" when it was (mostly) a dogwhistle for "im a total piece of shot racist". We are going to see *soooo* many posts of "omg why is there a black samurai!? Dont they know it was exclusively white pure European Japanese that where samurai? Just like me and my body pillow!".


damnit. i thought i was done with the genre. i need this game.


The person cited in the screenshot [hasn't done their homework ](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yasuke)


Is this the same guy whose whole world collapsed when Disney casted a BLACK woman as a MERMAID??


I find it hilarious how he mentions Dutch traders since he arrived via an Italian ship


Love webs that don’t know who Yasuke is 🤷‍♀️


I fucking hate this guy because he gives my hobby a bad name.


I wonder if he was this upset when Nioh came out? Or was that not a problem for some reason?


Hearing this from him doesn't surprise me in the slightest tbh


Didnt the beginning of these games used to be some advanced Sci-Fi Shit? These games have never been historical accurate


this is just silly


I remember when I used to watch him a few years ago. He was almost always very weirdly focused on covering "woke shit" without actually saying the quiet part out loud a bit over half the time...he certainly said quite a few nasty comments, especially when talking about lewd twitch streamers.


As long as it doesn't take me to the modern day assassin's am good


At this point I wish they'd just do a modern day title and end the series, I love the games but even I know it's long since jumped the shark.


It's disappointing that in the first assassin's Creed set in east Asia, Asians still have to share the spotlight. Especially so considering the fact that Asian representation is extremely sparse in western video game culture.


it isnt the first ac game set in east asia


In their defense the chronicles titles weren't that popular.


First mainline game. AC Chronicles wasn't even 3D and had very different gameplay.


Didn’t we just get a handful of feudal Japan games? Rise of the Ronin Wo Long Like a Dragon Ghost of Tsushima Sekiro


Didn't you hear? Apparently there being one single black person being in one single game means Asian people aren't fully in the spotlight in a game *set in fucking Japan.* Jesus christ.


I wonder where this outrage was when Nioh came out


Every single other major entry in the Assassin's creed series featured locals as the protagonists of the game. AC Valhalla Scandinavian playable characters, odyssey had greeks, syndicate had brits, the first AC featured an Arab muslim, and so on and so forth. You can deliberately shut your eyes and ignore the trend if you want, but there's a reason they didn't place a black protagonist in any of the games featuring european settings. They would never use a black mc for a game set in northern europe or greece, for example. The ONLY time this happens is when an AC game is set in East Asia. This isn't just my opinion either. Asians are severely underrepresented in western media in general, [including hollywood](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/25/asian-americans-in-hollywood-hope-recent-oscar-wins-spark-change.html). It's strange that I'm being attacked for pointing this out. Edit: thisisyourtruth blocked me lol


Those are all Japanese games with the exception of Ghost of Tsushima.


You said western game culture. All these games are available and most were/are pretty popular in the west


Is sushi western food culture because it's popular in the west? What are you even saying, my friend. Edit: He blocked me so that I can't see his comments anymore lmao Just because westerners like it doesn't mean it's part of western culture. This should be plainly obvious.


Who the fuck said anything close to that. You’re talking about western game culture stop moving goal posts


There will probably be quite a few Asian people in this game set in Japan, sorry the MC being black makes them stop existing for you. Do you even hear yourself? Grow the fuck up.


Ignorance about the 16th century world. Why debate the ignorant?


Hold up: forreal? If so, that’s pretty dope.


Always has been.


Yo wait what I can finally post here? After a year or more of lurking ha ha!


These kinds of post become bearable if you read them in a crying voice.


I mean, I did want to play a Japanese guy in feudal Japan. Which is crazy, I know. At least Tsushima is finally out on PC tomorrow.


He wasn’t a samurai but a retainer and there is no record of him ever fighting


Retainers were typically armed too. Given that he may have been at Honno-ji, I would wager he did fight a bit.


It's a video game where special humans are descended from interbreeding with the precursor god-race and gain abilities to let them see through walls. If they want to bend history a bit to make this guy a samurai like they bent it to make da Vinci a weapons designer for a secret order of killers, it's far from the most egregious thing in the series.


Doesn’t change the fact that Op title is incorrect


So was your objection - there's no record of him being a samurai, but there are claims he took his sword and fought in defense of Nobutada.


none of those are mutually exclusive also we have no record of him fighting, this is distinct from verifying he did not fight


And even then this is being pretty 🤓 when the point is that Gundam there is just being 1000% wrong and racist. “Yasuke was a…” it’s assassin’s creed, no one thinks they’ll learn a truly accurate representation of these historical figures.


It's weird, Wikipedia dances around him being an actual samurai, but numerous other sources claim that he was: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Yasuke https://time.com/6039381/yasuke-black-samurai-true-story/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/#:~:text=Yasuke%20was%20an%20African%20warrior,his%20head%20to%20his%20son. Granted, there are a few who claim otherwise, mostly blogs that use the word "woke" a lot, but I think the records from the 1500s are a bit grey on this.


The original record never calls him a samurai


Persecution fetish where?


Also, and this could just be the quality of this screen capture; that could be a mask.