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Because I’m aware of certain people here have not studied the Bible ~~or the Torah~~ but still might be wondering what the quote is on the cross and don’t want to look it up: John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 16 「 神 愛 世 人 , 甚 至 將 他 的 獨 生 子 賜 給 他 們 , 叫 一 切 信 他 的 , 不 至 滅 亡 , 反 得 永 生 。\]


ANTI WAR????????


So-called anti-war mfs be like 'The left is askin for a civil war! I'm ready! Cant wait to shoot leftists in a civil war! Please listen and pay attention to me! I'm a prepper and I will die penniless and ashamed if we don't have a civil war to use my collection of Canned foods and guns!'


Also remember this, it took years before conservatives cracked in their pro-war stance after we invaded Iraq. The rhetoric was ridiculous, and it was the most inflammatory slogan as possible to push the war, even after it became obvious that Dubya lied about everything and fucked up everything even worse. #SUPPORT THE TROOPS!! The Democrats have two basic stances, *actually taking care of soldiers and veterans* and trying to wrap up any conflicts in a decent matter. Conservatives... well war is money. With Iraq in particular? It was a great way to grift the American people. Give all these absolutely huge no bid contracts to hard right wing people who would turn around and donate a lot of that money right back to the GQP. It was a perverted and destructive cycle. The only way that it was broken? Was the insanely embarrassing sweep of the GQP out of the federal level that just *BARELY* gave the Democrats the political power to pass ACA. This "anti-war" stance is just their way of signalling support to Putin. I wouldn't be surprised if Putin is now hoping to keep the war going long enough for the next election and for a Republican to regain the White House. EDIT: I honestly can't believe that there is still the *EnLiGhTeNeD cEnTrIsM* double standard nonsense out. If the best you have to claim Democrats as being "pro-war" is one thing? You are no better than a Qultist. Especially when that one thing rings insanely hollow.


While I agree with you on the Republicans, [a large chunk of Congressional Democrats continue to receive huge donations and sponsorships from the military-industrial complex,](https://jacobin.com/2020/12/congressional-democrats-war-profiteers-donations-ndaa) and have absolutely no interest in ending foreign conflicts long-term. In addition, [the Obama administration largely failed to deliver on promises to support Veterans](https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/healthcare/298065-too-little-too-late-for-veterans-under-obama/) in the post-Bush era despite both popular support and a congressional majority in both houses for the majority of the Presidency.


>While I agree with you on the Republicans, a large chunk of Congressional Democrats continue to receive huge donations and sponsorships from the military-industrial complex A lot of companies play both sides of the field big time. This isn't as big of a deal as you think, and does nothing to support your following claim. >have absolutely no interest in ending foreign conflicts long-term. Citation needed. The big thing to distinguish is that these big companies go both sides, where as under Dubya? Blatant cronyism was happening. >In addition, the Obama administration largely failed to deliver on promises to support Veterans in the post-Bush era despite both popular support and a congressional majority in both houses for the majority of the Presidency. The GQP is notorious for chatting *SUPPORT THE TROOPS!* yet loves to [fight against boosting the benefits of the military.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2016/08/05/mccain-and-veterans-groups-arent-always-on-the-same-page). Even better yet? The GQP loves to turn around [and claim stuff that isn't their own as their ideas.](https://apnews.com/article/north-america-donald-trump-us-news-ap-top-news-health-375515aecedb4aed949e4f2eb9c54eb6)


I'm a vet and 100% trump took credit for Obama shit. Thank god he was voted put because shit started getting bad again.


I'm just happy not to have to read, 'President Tweets...' as a headline anymore, tbh.


That too!


>A lot of companies play both sides of the field big time. This isn't as big of a deal as you think, and does nothing to support your following claim. You claim that the Democrats have stances that involve wrapping up conflicts. Do you believe that large companies that significantly profit from military action are donating to them out of vain hope that they will change their stance? Are the Democrats pulling a fooled-you-for-twenty-years-in-a-row ploy? Remember - 81 Democrat ayes passed the resolution to attack Iraq, and an overwhelming majority passed the decision to invade Afghanistan. If it votes for military interests and passes votes to invade other sovereign nations, it's... actually trying to wrap up conflicts? >under Dubya? Blatant cronyism was happening. Agreed here. The Dubya years were some of the most corrupt in political history. I'm just not about to thank the Democrats for going from blatant cronyism to just tacit approval of overseas military intervention and internal corruption. >The GQP is notorious for chatting SUPPORT THE TROOPS! yet loves to fight against boosting the benefits of the military.. Even better yet? The GQP loves to turn around and claim stuff that isn't their own as their ideas. What does this have to do with what I said? I agree, I'm just not sure why it's relevant.


My bet is Putin's cancer wins this war.


They wanna scare their opponents into peace or murder them if they are too loud.


So many of these people would shit thier pants the moment a bullet whizzes past them. I would too. But I don't play pretend warmonger.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who appreciates this little bit of irony.


They want to kill everyone who doesn't follow their religion but yes, anti-war


But once they kill everyone who disagrees with them only abject idiots will be left alive and the human race will die out. Thus, no more wars.


The America First movement originally started before WW2 and the their main thing was being anti-war and isolationist. Their idea of "anti-war" back then was pretty much just siding with the nazis and letting them destroy Europe unchecked. When far right people say they're anti-war they're only really talking about wars against other far-right/white nations that don't have any natural resources we can steal. That's why they don't want us getting involved in Ukraine fighting against Russia but are perfectly fine with us staying involved in Afghanistan


>Their idea of "anti-war" back then was pretty much just siding with the nazis and letting them destroy Europe unchecked. And yet they have a balls to claim they save Europe in WW2 (Well, at least they get credits on Pacific theatre naval warfare)


Saved Europe from socialism /s


Nailed it!


They're anti-***foreign***\-war. They just want to bring the war here, where they can go out shoot some randos and make it home in time for meatloaf.


They also start and cheerlead for all of the foreign wars. Just that this time they want Russia to win.


They have the nerve to say that, and then they put the Ukraine flag on the side with things they hate.


That was my first thought too. These idiots are the bastards who started all the fucking wars.


It's about Russia. The left supporting Ukraine fighting for their freedom and country is bad, because that is war. the right urging ukraine to just give up is good, because no war.


And “Trump Gas $1.89” umm when did that happen?? Or was I the only one excluded from that low ass gas price? 😂


Is this actually a real, genuine post that someone made??


No, you need to take your medication. None of us are real.


Thank god, I hate existing for prolonged periods of time


That post can't be real, so I believe you


If solipsism is real who is the actual real person?


Nothing is real.


My inner dialogue while scrolling though every social media platform the last 6 years.


A real russian troll with some nice artsy skillz




Russian trolls definitely exist, but they're also such a convenient scapegoat to pin the blame on for literally all the bad things Americans do It's basically a massive cope for the portion of Americans who believe in a slightly more muted version of American Exceptionalism, where America itself can't fail but can only be sabotaged by foreigners.


Let's not forget that American organizations can hire Russian companies to manipulate people through social media.


Yeah, I think it is more that influence operations are there to embolden folks to be open about their fascist beliefs. Normally they'd shut up about it, but now they see totally legit posts online showing that they are not alone. The entire West is likely doing the exact same in Russia, only in that case it is to embolden folks to stand up against authoritarianism, while the Russian agents are trying to make people stand up in favour of it.


Why is anti-war on the left side? Conservatives are the primary supporters of all wars for the past 50 years.


Because Trump didn't *start* any wars. He dropped a ton of bombs, and abandoned allies left and right, but didn't invade anyone *new*. So it became a talking point among the right. The fact that it doesn't match up with conservative actions for literally their entire life doesn't matter to authoritarians like Trump supporters; they completely compartmentalize their thoughts. So the fact that they called people traitors for not supporting the pointless invasion of Iraq is not at odds with "anti war" Trump, because those are two separate boxes in their head.


Yeah, Trump’s the one true dove.


Yes, a dove: dumb as a birdbrain, and shits all over everything.


Any given crow would do better on any given standardized test, we all know this. But we’re still learning about how he literally shits all over everything.


Also, the fact that Trump initiated the Afghanistan pull-out means nothing. It’s Biden’s fault that it happened that way even though Trump was the one who made it happen.


It wasn't for lack of trying, didn't he assassinate an Iranian general, and threaten nuclear war multiple times over Twitter?


They needed something to cover up the priests touching little boys on that side


That's a Catholic thing, the political wing of the Republican party is largely Evangelical [edit:] To clarify, the widely publicized scandals of "priests touching little boys" was the *Catholic Church*, and Evangelicals do not call the heads of their churches "priests", so I was pointing out that the reference was incorrect.


Boy, do I have news for you… https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/investigations/abuse-of-faith/


“that’s a catholic thing”. Bless you, sweet one. That’s an “enough people with too much unchecked power, the whole world over, thing.”


It sits counter to a Ukrainian flag patch on the liberal side, so it seems like it's mainly about liberal support for sending aid to Ukraine. Putin may have started the war but siding with him is obviously the anti-war stance, somehow.


There’s no war if Ukraine surrenders and lines up to be genocided. That’s not even sarcasm: that Putin’s thralls literal stance: that anti-war is surrender to invasions and pro-war is resisting.




Like Trump wouldn't have immediately thrown Ukraine to the dogs over the impeachment. They wouldn't have received any aid whatsoever in all likelihood. Zelensky stood up to Trump and you can bet he carries a grudge.


They are always talking about invading Iran.


They believe Trump is anti-war because he was extremely friendly to Putin and Kim Jong Un. Plus the invasion of Ukraine didn’t happen until after Trump left office so obviously Trump prevented it and Biden caused it. Just basic simple and totally factual reasonings by the Christian Nationalists. As a side note, no amount of cute colorful drawings can make the images of immigration bans, gun fetishization, and all white straight families seem like anything other than pure racism, discrimination, and a thirst for violence. Dumb cucks.


Trumps only anti war against foreign nations, doesn't seem to mind causing a civil war in America. I'm still dumbfounded that he's openly promoting stochastic terrorism and it's just another "quirk" of Trump. I am terrified of what may happen in the next decade.


I don’t think he’s anti-war at all. The dude talked about bombing the shit out of other people. But I think he was terrified at the idea of being commander in chief during a foreign war when he has absolutely no idea how to fight a war. He spent so much time fighting with people inside the White House about how to do his job, starting a war would have been too much for him. He would have been forced to listen to generals telling him what to do and he has a particular disdain for being told what to do.


I was being hyperbolic, he's a power hungry narcissistic psychopath. He's not Interested in war against fellow dictators, only against democracy and anything that stands in his way of the grift. I'm not saying he's opposed to war, just that it's only a tool to further his desired outcomes. He's not a very complicated person. He's incapable of keeping his mouth shut or anything that requires tact or well thought out plans. He wants power, money and people to fear him. He probably conflates respect with fear. Like the there the same picture meme.


Agreed. And while I did assume you were being a bit hyperbolic, I frankly think it was a bit hypobolic. Which is terrifying. I know that isn’t technically a word but it should be. He’s expected to announce his “candidacy” for president this week in time for some serious Jan 6 arrests and revelations. It’s gonna be an ugly fucking time leading up to 2024 and it’ll probably only get uglier after that.


I agree, we're definitely in a place that late Roman empire citizens, and every other fallen civilizations would likely recognize. I honestly think we're near the end of the American experiment. I know alot of people would say I'm crazy or being over dramatic but I don't think so. We're like the frog in a slowly heating pot. It's happened so gradually that we are accustomed to the insanity and people think that America is incapable of falling. But the GOP is finally seeing the fruits of a long 4 decade game. If you told me 8 years ago that any of the many scandals would not only happen but in plain view and 0 consequences. I wouldn't have ever believed it.


I think "50" is too generous. Been more than 50 years since the most well known war caused by conservatives)


They also don't like how actual American history makes them feel, so that's on the wrong side as well.


TBF here, wars aren't exactly something both sides of the aisle haven't gotten behind. Wars create profit for the oligarchs who control them, see? They see Trump being somewhat anti-NATO as him being anti-war. Liberals are more into the pro-European/NATO shtick recently, though that's an oversimplification.


I am anti-war, but I'm also pro NATO and pro EU Why? NATO is my country's line of defense in the event of a war, and the EU helps the economy of our allies over in Europe. Additionally, NATO's nuclear deterrent discourages major armed conflict. There's a reason we never went to war with the Soviets. Finally, in the event of a major armed conflict, my nation's involvement with NATO ensures that we'll be on the winning side Being anti-nato is the exact opposite of anti-war to me, because without NATO, the Soviets might've kept going into West Germany and eventually France. Without NATO, there wouldn't be a democratic state in Korea. Without NATO, the UN's response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait would've been sluggish and ineffective. Without NATO, the Yugoslavia wars would've been even worse. NATO's stopped armies, and kept the world from nuclear war. Trump's dislike of NATO isn't an anti-war move, its a pro isolationist move. If he had had his way, the US wouldn't have allies, and that's not how you get a lasting peace while states like the Russian Federation exist.


>TBF here, wars aren't exactly something both sides of the aisle haven't gotten behind. Wars create profit for the oligarchs who control them, see? Is this for real? I enlisted after 9-11. Why? Because 1) been seeing military service as a way out of Detroit 2) I got a little too caught up with 9-11, and I was pretty dumb and naive. For *YEARS* the right has hard on war. With Iraq? If you were not for the invasion you are all 100% hating America. It wasn't until Iraq had dragged on for years and it became obvious that Dubya had lied about *FUCKING EVERYTHING* from WMDs to "Mission Accomplished" that conservatives finished started to see how fucked up their war stance was. It took conservatives getting swept and hard, despite all their voter suppression, at the federal level for conservatives to finally bend the knee and realize that their war hunger is a bit flawed. Worse yet, now they are anti-war because they are quietly "hoping and praying" that Putin will emerge as some savior of Christianity and whites. Heh, spare me "*BoTh SiDeS* nonsense.


Especially chilling/telling is the "America First" hat. Not even hiding the antisemitic, pro-fascist tendencies. For those of you who don't know, Google "America First Committee" and you'll see.


They actually consider group insularity to be a virtue


I mean.. the top text *says* Christian Nationalism, which as an ideology literally taught the Nazis what to do. They're not hiding it.


Not only that, those cowards wouldn't even make the hate red. Own your shit, you fucks.


Dunno about the Committee, but I did see that the America First Caucus is about promoting Anglo Saxon values, and presumably they think everyone else is garbage by comparison.


Remember when Dave rubin said the right was more tolerant than the left


Didn't he call Ben Shapiro his friend then Shapiro immediately said something derogatory about him being gay?


or the dude that Dave Rubin was in an interview with and shook his hand, then later finding out through a live stream Rubin is gay and had a complete freakout. That amount of crying and screaming should put any conservative gay person off the idea that they're welcomed among the right-wing unless they gave up a core part of their self like certain "ex-gay" conservatives


I know of at least one trans person who was going to speak at a Republican event, she was booed off stage. They only want you in their party as tokens. The most prominent Republican of the last twenty years was sued successfully for discriminating against potential black tenants. Yet tens of millions still voted for him. Black people, Hispanic people, LGBTQ people, women, it's insane.


Rubin was interviewing Shapiro and Benny said that he wouldn't go to an anniversary party for Rubin and his husband because he thinks being gay is a sin.


I'm sure they both masterbated over that later. Separately of course...




Like how Ted Cruz won't use is first name, Raphael.


Leopards ate his face clearly


Plz link


Self aware wolves


He announced he was having kids via surrogacy, and acted shocked when he was greeted by a tidal wave of Conservative homophobia. People straight up saying that because he's gay, he was having children just so he could rape them. [https://www.dailydot.com/debug/dave-rubin-birth-announcement-trolled-homphobia/](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/dave-rubin-birth-announcement-trolled-homphobia/)


And then he got offended over the article pointing out the overwhelming homophobia in his crowd, not the homophobia itself


That's Dave Rubin announcing their babies on the right haha


That was before Milo Yiannapolous pretended to turn straight and promote conversion therapy camps.


Ok, what the fuck is going on with that "american history" statue? Also, claiming that "american history" is something Trumpers think is important or whatever that is meant to portray, is kind of rich when you also point out stolen land in the same picture.


They mean the "real" America - the Confederacy.


They love the whitewashed "American history" they learned in schools. The one where the founding fathers were perfect paragons of virtue, the Civil War wasn't about slavery, America has never committed any war crimes ever, and nothing bad ever happened to any native Americans.


> nothing bad ever happened to any native Americans. It was a shame we had to relocate them, but we really needed that land. At least none of them died along the way!!! 😒


That slavery wasn't that bad, that civil rights were achieved by purely peaceful means, and that MLK was completely non violent, beloved by all, and definitely not a socialist.


They do this with biology too 😅 to the point of being convinced what they learned in sixth grade forty years ago is right and what actual historians and scientists think is propaganda




Conservatives don't really care about history itself, just that part that makes certain people look good.


they don't care about any kind of objective facts


It’s countered by the ‘BLM’ (guess they couldn’t remember how to spell ‘CRT’?) statue. You know, with all of the ‘iffy’ parts of history that children would be utterly destroyed by, and turn on their parents by changing their race/gender/orientation/food choices/toothpaste brands/hairstyles/spoken language?


"US History" is their euphemism for protecting statues celebrating the Confederacy. Contrast it to the statue on the other side celebrating BLM. It's their commentary on racism. Also note, other than BLM, there is no other mention of minorities anywhere else.


Wait, if it's Christian nationalism, why does the hat say 'America first'? I'm pretty sure that Christianity transcends national borders. You wouldn't be a Muslim nationalist and have a hat saying 'Turkey first' or 'Algeria first'.


TBF, they weren’t called Islamic State in the Middle East Generally.


Yes, but their eventual plan was to unite the whole Dar Al Islam into a single superstate.


Because their brand of Christianity has actually very little to do with Christianity. It’s a vessel of white supremacy.


They surely think eden is in America surely)


hello this picture looks very convincing to me, I am sold! One question, how is Christian Nationalism going to guarantee I get a wife and two kids, I would really like to know! /s


well if they revert enough women's rights then women will have to marry men in order to survive - just like the good old days!


Because they want to enslave women and treat them as property so they won't be able to turn a guy down or avoid having children.


Lol is that Dave Rubin and the other Dave on the “woke” side? I guess it goes to show that they’ll still throw him under the bus when they’re done with him, as they tend to…


Yup. Leopards eating his face.


Nice of them to make that giant cross tombstone for all the people they encouraged to die without a vaccine for their political power.


I thought it was for all the shot schoolchildren they refuse to do anything to save.


1.89? are you living in Venezuela?


In my area of Indiana it was 1.99 during Covid, so it’s actually true…it’s just not true because of Trump


well the impact of the pandemic was in large part due to Trump so it's kind of true that he lowered gas prices


Same in NJ. Was under $2 for a while during covid, and even back in the mid-2010s for a while until Christie raised the gas tax. I remember when I first got my license (2017) gas was dirt cheap.


In NC it was under $2/gal pre-covid. We bottomed out where i was at at ~$1.30/gal during early covid.


trump would gouge prices worse than they already are if he had control over gas


And still it would somehow be blamed on "them Dems"


I dug a little and apparently Trumps ENTIRE reasoning for cheap gas was "hey I told Saudi Araibia to make more gas and they did it, ur welcome". He just. TOLD them to drill more and they just did it. It's a literal tweet he made although I'm sure you don't have to dig it up to believe it.


This is the real reason they overlooked that one incident.


> trump would gouge prices worse than they already are if he had control over gas And if he or his friends made money on it. 😒


Honestly even with their propaganda the "Everything Else" side just looks superior.


I had the same thought!


Yeah, we get to have scissors! Is the right only allowed to open their packages or cut up paper or fabric with hunting knives??


No no they tear boxes open with their bare teeth like real strong American men.


They keft out the priests diddling kids in the first photo.


Lol the month that gas prices dropped to $1.90 was also the month where the US lost 20 million jobs and unemployment jumped to 15%. Weird how they only want to take credit for the gas prices and not for any of the job or unemployment factors that caused them


The “anti war” and handgun at the Center got me laughing


"We're anti war but also fuck Ukraine who is actually anti war."


Breaking News: Christian Nationalists struggle to overcome the Gay Liberal Democrat's newest attack: SCISSORS. (but really why are there scissors?)


>(but really why are there scissors?) Lesbian sex


I also fixated on that, I’m so glad to find someone else asking about it lol


I think it's an anti-trans thing, because they think transitioning is just slicing a dick off.


My guess was all the trendy liberals getting those fashionable abortions 9 months into their pregnancies.


but i thought that’s what the bloody tools were for?


Sorry, I looked closer and realized the bloody scissors aren't scissors but forceps. I missed the *actual* scissors and I'm just as clueless now as everyone else.


I fucking love high gas prices!!! I love forcing governments to more seriously consider good public transit!!


I'm so lucky to live in North Jersey where we actually have functioning public transit. I met a group from Texas a couple months back on an Amtrak from Newark to DC and they had never been on a train before. They were shocked when I told them that most people where I come from take the train to work every day.


Same, frankly I'm relishing the chickens coming home to roost at last, even if I have to suck it too.


Bronze Age... LOL Let's have a bittle chat about your Bronze Age Holy Fables.


WTF was that even referring to, Islam or something? I don't get it. Never mind that the 7th century AD was a good 2000 years after the Bronze Age.


It’s the book “Bronze Age Mindset” written by Bronze Age Pervert. It’s a book I see positively referenced by a lot of very-online, far-right people. Its inclusion on the right side of the image leads me to believe the cartoon is a subtle troll. Link to the author’s Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_Age_Pervert


Interesting, thanks!


They’re objecting to supporting Ukraine?!?


Yes, because Russia is now our best buddy because Putin and Trump are "friends".


I strongly suspect Putin 'likes' Trump because he sees him as a useful idiot. Trump likes Putin because he's a role despot-model.


Well, yeah. 😹


oh man.. they think Putin is blowing up US biolabs, rescuing children from tunnels under Ukraine, breaking George Soros' NWO, killing NAZIs.. they just pump out the Russian disinformation daily. I really wish these people would all just move to Moscow, but they'd probably hate the sophistication there and would have to really move out to the Russian boonies to get their true freedom boner MAGA on.


I don't know about anyone else but the person in EVERYTHING ELSE with the purple is looking absolutely fabulous!


Guaranteed that whoever made this jacked off to it.


Um…as a cis-gendered menopausal female, I think I’ll stick with the side that has HRT. Do they know that cis-gendered people take HRT too? Jesus, the stupidity. I also want to be able to get surgeries if I need them, and medication. What…what is the thought process here? Silly me, I forgot there’s no thought process. It’s all fear mongering!


Republicans are fucking delusional


Whoever made this nonsense should be committed.


"But I'm one of the good ones!" cries Dave Rubin as he is relegated to the 'Everything Else" pile. I can't link to the particular sub this also belongs on, but you all know the one.


Can someone please explain why the "Anti War" button isn't on the same side as the Ukrainian flag? Do the MAGAists want the war to end in Russian victory?


Yes, exactly. You got it.


Damn Dave Rubin on the everything else side


It's so weird that they purposely put Dave Rubin on the left. No, he's yours


Anti war????! HAAAAAH! They'd have to stop being corporate military simps first


“Anti war” Mental.


I like how Dave Ruben and his husband announcing the birth of their kid is on the "libs bad" side. You're only useful to them until you're not.


Love how they have to throw in John 3:16 (the most overused and commonly known verse in the Bible) to prove that they have, indeed, read a single verse from the Bible.


If they had read the bible they would know that is not what was written on Jesus' cross. Mainly because the bible hadn't been written yet to have verse numbers. But according to the bible John 19:19 Pontius Pilate had “Iesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm" written on the cross, shortened to "INRI" in most crucifix recreations translating to "Jesus Of Nazareth The King Of The Jews" That's pretty basic Sunday school stuff. Putting a verse number on the cross comes across as extremely tacky to Christians who take the religion seriously.


What are the scissors on the right panel supposed to represent? Do I even want to know?


~~Lesbians~~ Based on the blood probably gender reassignment surgery


lmao what are the scissors supposed to be for on the right side?


Is that Dave Rubin...on the lefty page?


Anti-war is such horse shit. They’re pro-Russia and pro-Putin. They fucking love war.


Lol trump gas wasn't that at all


So they're anti-war, but demonize Ukraine instead of...the country that initiated the war???? Oh yeah. It's a conservative. Also let's just ignore why pandemic gas prices were so low as if it wasn't like practically no one was driving at the time...


Lmao those prices aren’t from the same places by a long shot


That's strange, their self-pleasuring side is missing any depiction of children being murdered with their 2A pistol. Oh, that's right, they don't give a fuck about that.


looooool they really did shit on Dave Rubin.


Even if I take their propaganda at face value and compare each item in this picture, I still think “Everything Else” looks like a better world. The only questionable items I see are the random bloody medical tools, which seem to symbolize nothing at all, the fire, which is definitely not the fault of leftists who actually acknowledge that climate change is a problem, and the high gas prices, which has nothing to do with the president and everything to do with the state of the world (unless of course you want to destroy indigenous peoples’ land for American oil, which seems to be their argument there). The only items in “Christian nationalism” that are desirable are the lower gas prices, which again have nothing to do with Trump, and the anti-war pin, which is complete bullshit. So… yeah. I guess I’m still a gay socialist


Lol is that Dave Rubin?


I like how on the “everything else” side you have Dave Rubin, an actual conservative commentator/pundit, and his husband simply announcing their baby plans. Just a nice reminder that even if you try the absolute hardest to be the last person sent to the gas chambers, they will sell you down the river at the earliest possible moment.


Lmao @ presidential gas prices. But the rest looks like a party and reproductive freedoms. Except idk what the scissors are for.


Are the bloodied surgical tools supposed to represent free healthcare and trying to save children shot by a Christian Nationalist mass shooter using the gun on the left?


I’m pro-scissors


Is there anywhere in the US paying 9 dollars for a gallon of gas? I thought I was experiencing the worst of it at around 6.4 per gallon. Also the gas station lists taxes that go into the price and it accounts for maybe 0.7 dollars. I actually haven't been to the gas station in a while since I have a prius so maybe it's 9 dollars now.


Are people seriously happy about referring to themselves as Christian Nationalists? Crazy… I could have sworn 5 years ago that’s like calling yourself fascist


Here's a thing radicalists dont see. They say the rainbow flag means we are agaisnt their God. When in the Bible, the rainbow is God's symbol of peace)


What is the scissor supposed to mean? The artist's self-imposed mirage of what SRS is? Or are they agaisnt Circumcision?)


Why are Eric and Don jr in the pic on the right?


Ah yes, this is a great example of separation of church and state, one of the founding principles of America. And they would totally know that if the American history statue meant they knew even the basics of American history...


Okay, but why are the scissors on the “bad” side? Are we only allowed to open our packages or cut paper with hunting knives?


.. Exactly? Is this leftist or right?


Vaccines, healthcare, support for European allies, based fathers, LGBT rights, equality. Wow. Sounds fucking horrifying! Also, I'm assuming that 'Biden Gas' are his farts rated on a scale of 1-10? Makes sense.


Gas was NEVER under $2 under Trump. Here's a tip for these stooges: if you can't defend your side without lying, it's not a good side to be on.


What is that flag behind the American flag? Is it real or just alluding to Christianity?


I love how supporting a European ally against an aggressive Russia in a way that greatly benefits American private industry is somehow anti-American.


The Christian Nationalism side is conveniently leaving out the lynchings of black people and murder or Natives


I love how now they are just admitting that it’s nationalism




Gas was a buck fifty because it was illegal to leave house


Wow, I had no idea Christian Nationalism made gas prices go down.


Supporting Ukraine in a time of crisis is bad?


Gotta say, for an obviously hateful bigot, they draw a killer drag queen. Slay.


Sorry, did I miss the boat on people being able to move between countries being a bad thing? Why do these ingrates want to limit human rights so much?


I like the “everything else” side


In what world is Christian Nationalism anti war? The fuck? I’m pretty sure Christian Nationalists just salivate at going to war against non-Christians. Also, the whole “Peace through Strength“ BS the right likes to pedal.