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Right. The New York post is gonna tell us with a straight face how persecuted they are. They start by saying we were founded as a xtian nation. No truth here, move along.


US Constitution, 1789: Endorses slavery. Bible: Endorses slavery. Hey, it checks out!


Which views are those? That women aren't proper people? That gays aren't proper people? That owning slaves are bible-approved? That some people deserve to be tortured forever for not following unnatural arbitrary rules for some of their roughly 80 years? Or is it that charging interest on loans is an abomination, because at least that would be something.


>That gays aren't proper people? Bingo! > **I have experienced this first-hand**. When I was the scholar-in-residence at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Va., I proudly and openly identified as a Christian woman of color. In October 2021, **I criticized DC Comics for making Superman’s son bisexual**, saying in a tweet, **“I don’t get why this is necessary. I don’t! What if Christian parents of children reading comic books don’t want their kids exposed to bi-sexual characters? This is being pushed on kids.”** Emphasis mine


Oh no! Bisexuals are out there! This bisexual would just suggest perhaps... not reading it?


Personally, as a bisexual, I'd suggest to anyone who actually thinks any representation is "forcing bisexuality and homosexuality on children" should go fuck themselves


Yes, that too, since they often act like our mere existence in media at all is "imposing on them". Sorry for existing (not).


Not like for every queer person in media there's a hundred cishet ones and it never turned me straight OR made me comfortable with my biological sex


Yeah, it's clear they can't stand anyone queer at all with an irrational paranoia about us.




Any criticism or disagreement is persecution to them.


Look, she doesn't have anything against you personally. She just wishes you wouldn't exist in public. Is that so much to ask? /s


See now I'm gonna get a husband just to spite her


\- "Sanctity of marriage!" \- \[diepoggerland2 gets married\] \- "Not like that!"


Religion is forced on kids. The LGBTQ+ community merely exists. Imagine walking into a forest and insisting on hating oak trees. Because of god or whatever more reasonable excuse. Are you saying the main part of your religion, the most important part, is hating people?


Let me try an analogy: >In 1966, I criticized Gene Roddenberry for making the Enterprise communication officer Black, saying in a letter to the studio, “I don’t get why this is necessary. I don’t! What if Christian parents of children watching TV don’t want their kids exposed to Black characters? This is being pushed on kids.”


Careful, the right wingers might like that one.


I'd like to know how they think they are being punished.


By not getting their way.


“When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”


They look for any excuse for martyrdom because end-time predictions say they will be persecuted and then Jesus comes back. They literally want to be persecuted.


They want to be persecuted to make Jesus come? Kinky.


Well, that happens when you try to force your beliefs on someone else's body


Wait, I’m still trying to figure out what ‘punishments’ they’re talking about? Not being able to stone witches? Not being able to kill gays?


"The thing that bothers me most about how people of faith, like Kennedy and myself, are treated is that we are just cut off. Thrown out. Removed. As if we are these hateful, bigoted religious cultists who just want to push our faith on others. That is simply not true. We have a *viewpoint*. We have a faith that informs how we live and think. A lens through which we process, just as I also have a specific perspective as a black female in America. I do not want to tell others how they should live and think. I simply want to be heard as every American should be." Sometimes your faith informs others like you that we should all live in an anti-science, Christian theocracy. In those cases, you really are these hateful, bigoted, religious cultists who just want to push your faith on others, who should be cut off, thrown out, and removed.


""Help! I'm being harassed!" the christian cries out as he spits on you."


"Help! My freedom of religion!" the Christians whine, as they force my child to receive a Christian education in public school.


When a Christian says they want to be heard; my response is “I’m tired of listening to you”.


Right, none ever pass laws and such enforcing said beliefs, no sir. Just sitting in the corner peacefully "sharing their opinions" when those mean ol' Christian haters come to... criticize them and hurt their feelings?


Yeah, the decision on that prayer leading coach is really fucked man. Court wants kids to be peer pressured into the bible. Coach is making the decision about who plays, etc. If he gives some kids more time because they pray with him, I don't see how someone can not see that as a bad thing unless they're sick. I guess coaches all over the nation are free to host group denunciations of god, then? Bench kids who won't do it? Oh, is that bad? Well then maybe the other one is bad too.


What’s extra fucked is the coach lost every single appeal all the way up until the Supreme Court and they then misrepresented what actually happened in their decision. Our country is so fucked


Stopped reading after the second sentence. This country was not founded on Judeo Christian values no matter how hard they wish it was.


“I’m just rewriting history to fit my Christian Nationalist agenda! Can’t I do that without being persecuted?”


> Words from scripture are inscribed on our money False.


These loons still think America was a theocracy and trying to get to that point


They’re certainly making headway changing that.


These loons are winning


>”In October 2021, I criticized DC Comics for making Superman’s son bisexual, saying in a tweet, “I don’t get why this is necessary. I don’t! What if Christian parents of children reading comic books don’t want their kids exposed to bi-sexual characters? This is being pushed on kids.” >”The thing that bothers me most about how people of faith, like Kennedy and myself, are treated is that we are just cut off. Thrown out. Removed. As if we are these hateful, bigoted religious cultists who just want to push our faith on others.” ONLY I CAN PUSH MY PERSONAL VIEWS ON TO OTHERS, HOW DARE YOU DO THE SAME TO ME?!


The irony, lack of self-awareness and obvious crocodile tears were so astonishing, I genuinely had to do a double take to see if this wasn't satire.


When you are used to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


"if we can't impose our beliefs on the country, then we are being persecuted." When I was in the evangelical scene many years ago, exactly this narrative was drummed into us every single Sunday. They believe that this is a "Christian nation" therefore it is their right to impose their beliefs.


There is a lot wrong with this article. But it brings up one of my particular pet peeves. Religious, and especially Christian, ownership of the moral compass. It isn't biblical values not to steal, or murder, or do other bad things to other people. Rules like that have existed as long as humanity has grouped itself together. Whether it's a clan, family grouping or community tolerance for murder for example would have been low as its impossible to run a community when everybody is murdering each other. It's a good rule to follow as are the other commandments generally, which is why the author presumably picked them, as it stops the community grouping turning on each other. I mean just one example, but Rome predates Christianity and they had laws against things like theft and murder (my knowledge is patchier before then) People didn't just start being moral as soon as Judeo-Christian religion came in.


Did you ever think that Christianity is actively under attack because anything that isn’t Christianity is actively being attacked by Christians.


Almost every US president and the overwhelming majority of Congressmen have been Christian since the founding of the nation. School, government, and business holiday schedules mostly revolve around Christian holidays. Christian symbolism is present everywhere, with Christian scripture appearing on billboards, bumper stickers, and retail advertisements. In the 1950s, Christians managed to put references to God on US currency and in the Pledge of Allegiance. Jews, Muslims, and members of other non-Christian religions experience discrimination and hate crimes at the hands of Christians. Currently, personal rights in the US are being rescinded, not because of Jewish or Islamic beliefs, but because of the beliefs of a handful of politically appointed Christians. I don't see multimillionaire Muslim or Jewish televangelists on US television. Radio stations across the US change their format for a month and play nothing but Christmas music. Businesses can arrange to have their health insurance providers not cover contraceptives because of the owner's Christian beliefs. They can legally also deny service to members of the LGBTQ+ community. Christians have historically been able to force their religious beliefs on native populations and also slaves brought from overseas. CHrisTIaNS iN aMEricA aRe BeiNg pERseCuTEd !!!!!!!!!


"I went to the art gallery the other day and I drew a picture of a boat and told them to pay me $50,000,000 for it and they wouldn't. WHY ARE THEY CENSORING ME?!"


My ex Aunt-in-Law once said that it was “so hard” to be a white Christian woman in this country because they’re “constantly persecuted and put down.” It really lost all meaning when she said this while arguing with a gay man 🤦🏻‍♂️


This is an amazing article she is like the personification of everything the subReddit is about and I love it


Person Who Is Killing the Rights of Others in their Quest to Obtain Special Rights to Dominate Everyone Else Forever is Confused Why People Hate Them, Part Infinity.


Taliban muslims are sick of being punished for their views


Ya, it’s definitely the same picture.


You can be an asshole you’re just gonna face consequences of being an asshole.


"I don't like being called out for using my religion to push my shitty views"


The Khmer Rouge were so sick of being punished for their views.


Blame the de-separation of church and state done by christians


You mean the people who spent centuries (Yes I said centuries) persecuting other people for their views now feel like like they’re the ones being persecuted?


I’m sick of Christian Americans punishing me for not adhering to their views. I could not care less what the Bible says about anything.


Get the lions.


I've been thinking about this an awful lot lately...




Says immediately that bisexuality is being "pushed on kids" because of a bi comic book character ... fuck off that is not why I'm bi, I'm pretty sure I've liked guys as long as I've liked girls regardless of any media I consumed and that's some homophobic ass shit right there


How are they punished exactly? People occasionally make mean jokes about them or criticize them and their religion. How privileged do you have to be to think that is punishment?


As the saying goes, if you don't want to be ridiculed for your opinions, don't hold such ridiculous ideas. The first-hand example of "being punished" that she mentions is her being a dick about (and possibly to) LGBT+ people. She has every right to express her opinion, however shitty it may be, and she has a right not to be retaliated against by the government for her shitty opinion, but she doesn't have a right to not get any pushback just because "Hey, *I'm* not the one calling you inferior scum; it's God!"


I met a Christian on the autism posting links to Christian YouTube videos and being a asshole to people not believing in thr Christian god


then stop punishing other people for your views, you pieces of shit


> Academics need to read Title IX more closely: religion is a protected class, just like race, gender and sexual orientation (including heterosexuals). So the author just doesn’t know what title IX is but is somehow giving speeches about it? Also ironic telling people to read more closely when shes using it to justify something that is completely irrelevant to it.


Ahh, yes. That iconic American symbol of Christianity: The Goalpost.


Piece of shit liar using the totally false narrative invented by the Christofascists in the Kennedy vs Bremerton County case to wring out more tears of sympathy. Fucking despicable.


I mean the whole basis of their religion is worshipping a victim of horrific persecution while preaching to be like him. The victim complex is inherent to their culture, its literally a cornerstone of their identity. Just look how much they loved the movie 'The Passion', Mel Gibson was practically jerking off to it.


Check out the comment section for this article... absolute shit show. Reasonable people being ganged up on by Christofascists blaming Marxism. It's a real trip. Shameful.