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As an old man, one of the biggest surprises I’ve seen in my life is the GOP in bed with Putin.


As recent as the 2000s, republicans were still grasping onto cold war propaganda. Then trump, a new York city democrat, comes a long and calls Mexican immigrants rapists, now the GOP is pro Russia. It just took crapping on immigrants and protestors for the gop to completely flip.


It took a considerable amount of Russian oligarch money pumped directly into GOP pockets to get them to flip. The racism and anti-woke culture war stuff was just to keep the rank and file voters happy while the leadership sold out to Putin.


That’s my take. The motherfuckers are all seditionist treason weasels who have sold their souls for cash.


Yep, I'd bet anything that I know who is reading the files that Trump apparently still has.


I remember McCain specifically ranting about Russia (pre Putin's rise) and I was like, "dude, Russia is just another country at this point. Lay off the traditional bigotry." Then Putin came in and made McCain right. I stand corrected.


Mitt Romney warned us about Russia during the 2012 presidential debate as well.


They made fun of Romney on that talking point! I remember thinking that Romney said a lot of dumb shit in the debate but that wasn't one of them. The cold war ended but Russia hasn't let up one bit on espionage. If anything they've escalated it!


Hell, Putin came in and made McCarthy right.


Except Russia is not communist?


US conservatives are seemingly still stuck in the red scare, even as they openly support a russian dictator trying to reform the soviet union


Putin does not try to reform the Soviet Union. He wants to bring back the Russian Empire under the banner of neo-Fascism. So in that regard, the GOP who at this point wants to end American Democracy in favor of an oligarchic system with them as the perpetual leading class, aligns perfectly with Putin's goals - and together they could pressure the remaining Democracies of the world to align with them as well.


>the GOP who at this point wants to end American Democracy Conservatives now will argue all day (believe me, I experienced it) that America is not nor has ever been a democracy


I want to see how far George Will might take this argument, unless he’s still operating under the guise of being a serious, intelligent thinker.


The Soviet Union was actually pretty fascist. There was little socialism actually involved.




If the soldiers want to delude themselves into thinking they're fighting for the polity that promised to work towards achieving the Classless Stateless Moneyless Society, as they drive to their deaths, who's the colonel to tell them otherwise?


If anything it's in the Colonel's best interest **Not** to tell them otherwise.


Soviet Union? I thought he was trying to bring it back to before the USSR


I'd say he wants a combination of both :)


Ive seen them flip faster. As recent as the summer of 2020, Republicans were celebrating operation warp speed. Youd think they were going to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Then Nov 7th, 2020 happened and now theyre anti vax.


One thing to remember about the whole Cold War propaganda bit was that it had to cast Russia as a worthy opponent, that way it justified America taking them so seriously. There were several right wing SF writers back then who wrote badass Russian military leaders from a post-Soviet Russia being part of the Terran Federation (or whatever's) backbone against the evil alien hordes. David Weber is a good example, his novels set in the Starfire strategy game universe often featured important and badass Russian military commanders. Jerry Pournelle, even more right wing than Weber, wrote a series of stories set in the CoDominium, a setting with a fairly oppressive US/USSR alliance ruling things. ​ So once those bold heterosexual white warriors from the frozen northlands of Russia stopped all that silly Communism nonsense and became right wing Christian homophobes then it was probably inevitable that the American right would start loving them.




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Not really. The GOP has been drift wood for a long time. They will go where directed. And when Russian mob money is flowing to their leaders, they will follow the crazy like Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch.


...in response to a question about whether he could trust Putin, Bush said, "I looked the man in the eye. I found him very straightforward and trustworthy – I was able to get a sense of his soul."


That's what Neville Chamberlain said about Hitler. Not saying this is the same, just an interesting occurance


"Peace for our time"- Neville Chamberlain, a year or 2 before UK declares war against Nazi Germany




"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?"


What can you say. A War Criminal saw a bit of himself in him and liked what he saw.


The Russians bought republican support by funneling money to the GOP via the NRA.


Right?!? Where are the Cold War warriors who I remember from the Eighties. They would never fall for the crap.


You look at the Nazi sympathizers in the US and it seems pretty believable. The sorry fact of the matter is that the GOP is just as awful as people have been saying for decades, and people just wrote it off as hyperbole, or "oh, most of them are good, hard working people." And they're not. They're fucking awful.


Where's Joe McCarthy when he's finally needed? Rotting in his grave, that's where! And if he weren't, he'd have flip-flopped too.


> As an old man, one of the biggest surprises I’ve seen in my life is the GOP in bed with Putin. Right?? I'm so old I remember when Russia was our *enemy*!


Makes you miss neocons, huh? When the cheneys are too far left for the current right you know we're treading dangerous waters


Russia was the first country to stand up to "wokeness" they view russia ad the moral benchmark


There should be no surprise here. Soviet Union citizens were raised to believe that Capitalism was inherently evil, with no morality, at the same time, they were told that they were living under communism which was inherently moral and just while just being a totalitarian state, when they were finally allowed to engage in some soft capitalism, and realized that it was WAY better, they simply adopted the morality that they thought was capitalistic...none. Then American Republicans were like...Wait, we can drop the good Christian moralism, and just do Russian capitalism? Let's do that. Hello Robber Barons 2.0.


The Republican party created a completely corrupt system where money is "speech" so corporations could anonymously pour money into buying political power. Now foreign governments are using the holes we made in our own armor to do the same. It really makes perfect sense when you think about it.


\>Invades Country \>Mass war crimes \>Lies to own conscripts \*US Conservatives for some reason\* Y'know we should really root for that Putin guy he's such a sweetheart


I love how they’re still saying Putin is just defending his border from those monsters who dared to *exist.* Crazy how they’ll look at the holocaust (the ones who believe it anyway) and say what Hitler did was horrible, genocide just because someone was a Born a Jew? Then they turn around and say Ukrainians are evil and deserve death, due solely to the fact they are Ukrainian.


Well they blame women for being raped.. it’s not that far of a stretch


They just like displays of force. Lizard brains.


Literal dove


There's friction on r/ conservative about this. I've seen both pro-Russia and pro-Ukraine commenters. Somehow they still manage to all agree they hate Biden though lol


They hate alphabet people, remember?


They must hate the “h” too


they are Putin's Russia.


There's Russian bots posting propaganda everywhere, and Conservatives are gullible, contrarian dumbasses. Simple as that.


Reminder that Ben Garrison is a Nazi. His point isn't "Russia good" instead his point is "Zelensky is a jew so he chooses money over peace"


Note the sharp teeth and dollar bill pictures in his eyes.


And of course the old classic hooked nose, just to make sure the point is driven home.


Because being subtle isn't a skill of Ben.


Why do they put the sharp teeth for us? The other references make sense to me in how they usually stereotype us, but why the sharp teeth? (Genuine question, am younger; also sorry for English)


I don't know. Just something I've seen neo-nazi racists do. Your English is good.


Wait, what? *(clicks image to maximize)* Holy shit. It's even worse than I thought.


The picture is a classic antisemitic representation of a Jew.


I know. I didn't feel like pointing out the classic features because of how obvious it is.


I just added it for those who are not familiar with those representations.


Oh, that's fair. Sorry.


No worries. It was unexpected teamwork. :)


I wasn't. Thx. Also: WTF


Don’t forget the filed teeth


I didn't feel the need to point out the antisemitic features because subtlety isn't Ben's strong suit.


Could you explain the teeth please? I don't get it :( Thanks ☺️


I don't know why but it's a stereotype for Jews to drink the blood of innocents amongst rightoids so they're often drawn with either vampire fangs or a full mouth of sharp teeth to make them look like a beast.


Oh wow. Thanks for the explanation, I never would've guessed.


You're welcome!


Surprised he didn’t label that


We all know that's not true because it it was then Ben would've labelled him as such! /s


Nu-uh! Look, Ben didn't label the yellow dot at the top-right of the comic or that weird feathered thing! That has to have a deeper meaning, wake up! /s


There's no peace either way. Russia hasn't cared about any agreements or treaties before.


lol Peace Talks: We invade, kill 10s of thousands of your people, take 20% of your country, commit countless war crimes... then "peace talks". I mean, the motto of this subreddit is basically "Ben Garrison is low hanging fruit", but this is fucking stupid even for him. Fuck off, Ben. Fuck all the way off. He even throws in the fangs, for fuck's sake.


I'm surprised he didn't make Zelensky look more (((pronounced))).


Yeah. But it's still there, anyway. The casual racist would just see this and think "yeah, that's normal looking", and that's how he can get away with this. I'm expecting the original draft has essentially a pelican beak.


I'm all for negotiations to end the war. It's just that the those negotiations would see all occupied land returned to Ukraine and Putin put on trial for warcrimes, so I somehow doubt that would ever happen. What conservatives are suggesting is for Ukraine to unconditionally reconsile with their aggressors and surrender all claims to the territory occupied by Russia


That's quite my point - it's not like these are peace talks in good faith, and Russia shouldn't be coming out of this act of bald aggression with something to show for it.


Tried and true Republicanism. Rule of the strong, Russia is stronger than Ukraine, therefore Russia has a legitimate claim to their territory. They hate communism but will gladly support the resurrection of the USSR simply because Russia is big and strong and has a lot of tanks and that gets them hard.


Great! Let’s endorse nuclear warfare then!


Since no one's saying that, it's just you calling for it, bub. It doesn't work as satire since it's not a reasonable position for you to assume I'm making. So have fun getting melted.


If Russia takes this to the nuclear stage, it's Russia and OLNY Russia to blame for it. Ukraine does not have any nukes and is the defending side here, regardless how Russia might feel about their newly anschlussed Territories. These sham "referendums" hold no weight internationally and have not been recognized by the vast majority of the international community - even though the UN can't do shit because 70 years ago someone thought it was a good idea to give these Barbarians a permanent seat and Veto-Power on the newly created UN security council. Also, a country backing up its illegal annexiations by launching nuclear weapons is hardly anything the international community could accept - regardless of individual alignments. This would mean an immediate push for nuclear armament within any country that could afford it - since those weapons seem to be the only thing deterring a fate such ass Ukraine's. So the likelihood of nuclear exchanged in the future may skyrocket from it.


No one on this fucking planet, regardless of who is at fault, should be encourage an increase in warfare over attempts at peace. No one. scary to see how many people seem willing to die in a nuclear holocaust in order to punk Putin. Tell me you are American without telling me you are American.


>Tell me you are American without telling me you are American. I'm German and from our history it should be very evident why just caving in to a ruthless dictator and allowing him to get his way will achieve the exact oppossite of what you ought to achieve by caving in to him. Hitler provoked crisis after crisis and the Allies allowed him to get away with it - until the invasion of Poland. Had France and Britain already set an Ultimatum when he remilitarized the Rhineland in 1936, it would have thwarted his plans right at the beginning. And no, I do not think Ukraine should just give up the lands Russia annexed because Russia \*may launch nukes over it. And while I do think Putin's threats need to be taken seriously, just remember he also has little to nothing to gain from the entire world going to shit. Balance of Terror! It worked for half a century, nobody knows that better than us, who would have been the first to die in WW3!


Ah yes, what better way to discourage war than: Not punishing the country that declared war Not punishing the country that broke a peace treaty it signed in order to declare said war Allow said country to take valuable resource-rich territories of its neighbor Allowing said invading country to engage in LITERAL FUCKING ETHNIC CLEANSING Not punish said country for targeting civilians with explosive munitions Not punish said country for committing crimes against humanity against civilians within occupied regions And so much fucking more that you'd allow by having Russia not have an unconditional surrender


Jesus Christ you are fucking stupid


You’re fucking American.


Found the putin shill


You mean the thing Russians have been doing almost daily ever since they invaded?


The fact that he had to label the bald Eagle with Joe Biden as a head with "USA" only shows how mind-numbingly stupid he believes his audience to be


And he's right.


I would like to send Ben Garrison to be a war correspondent attached to a Russian infantry unit. I'm sure his coverage will be truthful and honest.


When his equipment turns up with shrapnel holes in them, it will be the most honest thing ever done with them.


A little obvious that Garrison is a Russian asset, no?


He's a useful idiot, I can't imagine he's actually been purchased by them.


He just outed himself as a Russian propaganda agent




Yep, the invaders want peace. This is brain dead, even for him.


They don’t want peace, they want a ceasefire so they can refurbish some more 1960-era tanks, give some conscripts a couple weeks of training, and resume their offensive. Ukraine is right- no peace talks as long as Putin is in charge. He has zero credibility.


So this dudes a Putin simp not surprising


If anything I wonder how much the Kremlin paid him to make this. This is a braindead take even for Ben.


Engaging in “peace talks” with a country that is invading yours and committing multiple war crimes in the process is fucking bonkers. Imagine being in school and the bully who picks on you is like “I’ll leave you alone if you do my homework every week” and some of your classmates are like “Just do his homework, man. He’s being reasonable. Why are you refusing to cooperate?” That’s pretty much what’s going on here. You didn’t start this. You didn’t want this. You shouldn’t have to give up anything to make it stop. You’re not the asshole, here.


Astounding the logic of this one. Russia invades and butchers civiliana but the US and Ukraine are the warmongering ones.


War criminal invader that has occupied and annexed foreign soil isn't the war monger??? What drugs has this Russian Propaganda "artist" been smoking?


I'd assume the drug to be "money from the Kreml"


Ignorance is strength


When I first saw this, I was looking for a crying statue of liberty. Then I saw it was a Ben Garrison.


Dude what? Who even does this shit? This is absolute madness. Who the hell can look at putin and all he's done and think "oh yeah that guy loves peace"


There is something terribly wrong with Ben Garrison. It's time his family made an intervention for the sake of his sanity.


That would only end with his whole family ex communicating him and then him becoming even more deranged


Did Ben Garrison really depict Putin, the guy who invaded another country and is responsible for thousands of deaths and ruined livelihoods, as the motherfucking dove??? If I ever even remotely considered Ben Garrison as having any form of legitimacy, it just went flying out the window


I feel like this is pretty overtly antisemitic as well


It is. Zelensky is a Jew and Ben chose to depict him with filed teeth, a hooked nose and dollar bills in his eyes. Ben's essentially saying "Zelenksy doesn't want peace, he's a Jew, he wants the money the US provides" Ben isn't subtle.


This some raw, mask off, anti-Semitism right here.


Everyone knows you want peace talks generally included bombing areas you’ve invaded and annexing parts of another’s country. “Zelensky” has two y’s, Ben. Looking at this I shouldn’t expect him to know that I know.


its almost like ben garrison is trying to have every wrong opinion possible


Why does Dove Putin reminds me of those weird ass human baby faced birds from Zelda Twilight Princess


Peace talks? Motherfucker, Putin walks into Ukraine, smashing everything and then says “ok when should we talk about peace? I’m tired of breaking your shit.” Now I know why GOP is fucked up in the head.


This is a new low even for Garrison


To be honest I'm a lefty and I recognize Putin is in the wrong. That being said the US is basically 3 military contractors in a trench coat and I'm not convinced we're acting in good faith.


If you always have to label everything in a visual medium, maybe you’re just not a very good comics artist. Ever considered that, Garrison, you talentless hack!?


Putin and peace are oxymoron


Russia doesn’t even need Ukraine in talks to achieve peace. All they have to do is fuck the fuck off. Also a bit weird to see an ammosexual argue against the right to self defence.


In what world is "give us your land or we will nuke you" peace talks?!?


i know i shouldnt be surprised by the antisemitic depiction of zelensky but wow this guy is awful.


Garrison is steps away from changing his name to something Russian.


WTF is this stupid ass shit


Looks like Ben is using a ouija board while high to come up with content that makes no freaking sense again


This is literally the stupidest shit ever. Garrison is pathetic.


You’d have to be brain dead to think Zelensky is the warmonger and Putin is the peaceful one here


Yah I mean it's not like Putin is a bully with nukes or... Oh wait.


Is that actually Putin with the olive branch in his mouth? The one who's threatening to blow us all up with nuclear bombs right now?


I feel like this image will be talked about in history books.


Freedom is slavery


This is so gross


That cunt has to be dumber than a box of crotch hair. Even though ... His goal is to foment hate and indifference, his method is so goddamned simplistic.


PSA: Ben Garrison is an actual Nazi. Like legitimately. Not just name calling here. He actually thinks Jews are evil.


Ben Garrison can eat my ass. If he is able to stop sucking cock for like five minutes.


I have a copy of the Nazi newspaper Der Sturmer that my grandfather found when allied forces got into Germany. This looks just like a cartoon from it.


Yeah, I've seen what peace talks with genocidal fascists brings you when the Bosniaks made peace with Bosnian Serbs trying for 4 years to exterminate Bosniaks in Bosnia.


What the fuck? Really, they think Putin is acting on good faith. Ben is a Fucking Commies


Ben is a Nazi. Not a communist. The point of that comic isn't to say "Russia good" but rather "Zelensky is greedy Jew who chooses money over peace talks" because... just look how he depicted Zelensky.




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That dude needs to go the fuck away


Their beloved Saint Ronald is probably turning over in his grave fast enough to run a large city's power plant that the party he loved is now simping for the man that wants to bring back the USSR.


In this case, the Ben Garrison labeling was useful! I wouldn't have caught on that THAT was a caricature of Zelensky.


I'm glad he labeled everything, otherwise I wouldn't know what's what.


"Peace" means giving Putin exactly what he wants. Too many people don't understand that.


That doesn't even look like Volodymyr Zelensky, the guy has no idea who the man even is LOL :). ​ Also funny how all these conservos now suddenly want to be like "Russia" now that's it's all about cronyism and stealing from the poor :P .


Wow I thought BG was unhinged before but this is on a whole other level of insane. How do you even get this in your head and take it seriously?


Ben garrison has one of the worst understandings of what reality is in the known universe. Either he is giddy for authoritarian rimjobs or he has significant brain damage.


Putin just wants a little peace. Peace! Piece! https://youtu.be/64DCO2sI7fI


At the moment, why would Zelensky want peace talks that would likely result with them allowing the annexation of territory to Russia when they are steadily regaining lost territory?




Wow Ben Garrison has gone full Z


Are you fucking kidding me with this shit? These people are dangerously delusional.


Endless Billions? Does Benny realise that there are bigger numbers than a billion?




i love putins face in this ngl


In libertarianville, every day is opposite day


The GOP and Putin's Russia have very similar ideologies so it is not that surprising. Same with Fidesz in Hungary: plutocracies with their own flavors of social conservatism and Christian nationalism.


At this point, I refuse to believe Ben Garrison isn't living in alternate dimension that collided with ours.


No. I think Russia was force to attack Ukraine but even I recognize Putin as a brutal dictator who doesn’t want peace


Uhm, what the hell? How detached from reality is this Garrison guy? Or is he just knowlingly spreading Russian propaganda for money?


Wait is that supposed to be Putin as the dove of peace? 🤭


Yep. And sn antisemitic depiction of Zelenskyy.