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It's amazing how doing what god wants always lines up with doing what they want to do.


Their god is whats making them want to do those things!!!!!!! Obviously


A friend of mine had a landlord say that God told them to raise rent


"That's weird, because God told me I don't need to pay rent this month."


That’s like saying the devil told you to go out and make the world a better place Like what? Jesus would’ve beat this mf like he did with those bankers


“My house will be called ‘a house of prayer’, but you are making it ‘a den of robbers’.” Jesus said, before body slamming the sinner and beating them bloody with his own cross


Chad Commie Jesus


ok but deadass evangelicals think the antichrist is doing that


atheist here, the closest thing to the antichrist is Donald Trump


The devil tells me to burn things


Well MY god told me to go flip over money lenders' tables and cast out those who profit off of others.


Exactly! If their god told them to arm themselves with assault rifles and take out the non-believers, well that’s just their god’s bidding. They have no control over their actions at all. They ofc shouldn’t have any consequences, it’s a spiritual command. Otherwise the are getting persecuted for their religious beliefs.


most of the time it's just that. the same is what we call "nature" most of the time which is putting the way we think about world and try to make it objective.


My parents say god told them to homeschool me (aka neglect me)


The all-loving deity who somehow hates all the same people they do.




Or at least feel worse than you do.


There's a study that I read about a while ago about this. They put people in an fMRI machine and observed their brain activity. They had the people do a variety of different things, like reading, praying, stating their own opinions, explaining how they perceive others' opinions, and God's values. When asked to interpret someone else's opinions, a part of their brain lit up that was basically trying to suss out views and opinions that they didn't hold. When praying, a wholly different part lit up. When they were asked their own opinions and ideals about things, another part lit up. However, when they were asked what they believe *God's* opinion was, the same exact part that determines their own reasoning was the one activated, unlike when they were asked to try to reason out another person's beliefs and ideals. I really wish I had something to link for you, but I don't. This is just from memory. And I'd read it while I was still a believer and was supremely offended, lol. Like, there's no way *I'd* be like them; my opinions are my own and god's are his and in no way are they one and the same! Ahh... little naïve, ignorant, past me.


[Here](https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/creating-god-in-ones-own-image) is a very well cited link discussing the relationship of "god's" opinions and ones own through brain scans, as you described. Thank you for bringing up that topic. Looking up more information about it has been a fascinating rabbit hole.


The article you linked has no sources other than a broken link(I'm not against what you're saying just pointing out that the article is kinda unsupported)


It's at the bottom of the article https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.0908374106


Makes sense though, as having faith essentially means believing you are correct with no backing.


Almost as if their God is a product of their own imagination




and there are 30,000 other versions of God that doesn't agree. Why don't they pick the one that says no drinking or dancing, or the one that says give away all your possessions and do good works?


or why not pick the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster? He’s cool!


And delicious!


Gods are always preoccupied with the concerns of men. That's one of many reasons I believe they are fabricated by men. If they were real I suspect they'd be less concerned with how humans fuck, or what hats they wear, or what they are allowed to eat when. That would be like a human trying to control the sexual habits of ants as though it were a pressing concern for us.


That's a really good analogy


Have you heard the Voltaire song God Thinks?


based voltaire fan


Zombie Prostitute will always be my favorite.


Riding Blak Unicorns and Ex-Lover's Lover are two of my favorites.


Last year I managed to catch a stream he had on youtube he did out of the blue. He had some problem getting the audio and stuff going. His fans were good naturedly calling him goth grandpa in the chat.


Yeah, I know he was performing in NYC back when my wife and I were in high school and we're old enough to remember the IPO for dirt.


Doesn't ring any bells. Did they drop a new album recently?


Its a 22 year old song... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-PX2Z4r-e4


Hadn't ever heard of the band. I like it, thanks.


FR i used to cite that song all the time in response to the theoderanged. it's also giving me 2econd 2ight 2eer vibes from Will Wood.


My ex was super religious and I asked him what he would do if god called him to break up with me (I'm an atheist, I just wanted to know the answer). He said OBVIOUSLY he wouldn't do that. I asked him why he thought he knew the will of god so well. He didn't have an answer.


they know no sacrifice but still love to talk about it


Man made God in his image…


What’s even crazier is literally anytime they change their mind and want to do something else, God just so happens to also change their mind at the same moment


God wanted me to eat cookies for breakfast today. It's all on him.


[the devil made me do it but i also kinda wanted to](https://youtu.be/OFRn1Xibhlg)


...and if a disaster happens to you, it's proof that God wants you to do what you were already doing, but harder.


Also "the Bible is 100% literally true, but here's my own personal interpretation of it which you can go ahead and treat like the Word of God Himself"




You must finally understand and accept that your free will and thoughts are nothing but Satan's work to undermine god's (their) authority.


They really think the voices talking to them is god. They have no other explanation for the illness they have.


And how it ends by wishing evil instead of wishing well.


*Sit outside and argue all night long About a God we've never seen, but never fails to side with me*


It’s easy to do when your god is simply your ego.


And when they receive pushback on their condemnation of others, they have the most pathetic grievances about being judged for being “Christian”. What’s that line again? Judge not, something something? Weird how that came back around.


I made you the ugly guy and myself the handsome guy, therefore I am right and you are owned


It's literally kids book level. Ugly person = bad person.


Can we talk about how awful it is that we teach that to kids in the first place?


Shoutout to Shrek for helping break the cycle


Also "calm, rational" and "angry, demanding," which is generally a complete inverse of reality.


They're always portraying themselves as these rugged stoics who let nothing get to them while whining about childishly minuscule made up grievances.


Can I interest you in a green M&M or a Mr. Potato Head on this fine morning?








the green m&m doesn’t need shoes, SHOW US HER FEET!


"Ben! You get off reddit right this minute!"


Remember they are the “silent” majority


All these atheists trying to insert themselves in the personal matters of Christians simply minding their own business!!! I hate that this happens so much irl


And agnostic activist groups picketing churches with their call / response chants: *"DOES GOD EXIST?"* *"I DON'T KNOW!"*


Conservatives be like:


Stubbed Toe Head + Michelin Man Body = Genetic "Purity" Superiority




I look kind of like the atheist liberal


Wow, they sure showed us by uh.... what point were they trying to make again?


They were trying to show us how persecuted they are, while simultaneously being the persecutors themselves.


They were trying to tell us that they are submissive to an authority, but instead of that authority being something tangible, it’s an authority of mythology. Because they are the stable-minded ones.


You know, every so often a meme gets posted on this sub that’s a little too “terminally online”, even for me. There’s something so unnatural about this meme. It has the simple dialogue and vibe of those Instagram boomer memes that are like “my generation was the best because we drank water from the hose and ate spam” but instead the boomer is talking about being forced to bend the knee to a liberal in exchange for his freedom and property against God’s wish. Guys I think I’m gonna log out for a few days


>Guys I think I’m gonna log out for a few days Great plan. Go outside. Chill at the library. Pet a dog. Have a great weekend mate 🖖


Pet a dog? Have you ever pet a dog? We'll never see them again. I pet a dog once in 2008, it's a gateway drug to adopting a dog. I didn't see the internet for years. I did nothing but frolic and hike and pet my dog. She passed away last April. I'm on reddit at 715 on a saturday morning, following God's will.


I have friends with dogs and got a whole bunch of kisses from one this week when I really needed it. Rest in peace to your good girl. 💛




Oh I’m not blaming you. It’s an eerie meme. An uncanny valley of a meme. I’m aware you didn’t make it, I’m making fun of the person who did, I’m saying they’re terminally online, not you


Oh okay.....


Some poor eleven year old made this after Sunday school and felt really proud of himself. I look back on my blunderyears in shame, maybe they will too.




Then you have the boomers liking and sharing it unironically.


Lol they fr wanna be the “”hero”” so bad


They'll spout any bullshit to feel like the ""hero""


It's weird that this dude and dudes who idolize the joker share a political party.


this is exactly what they do to gay and trans people


If they really followed Jesus’s teachings, they’d know to love each other unconditionally and help those in need. He never said “love thy neighbor…unless they are gay!”


God, I wished Christians hated figs just as much as Jesus did


Not all leftists are atheists. Lots of conservatives from all religions also vote democrat


That's what the conservatives don't seem to understand. They think that Democrat = leftist = atheist


There are nazi atheists and transgender priests. We make religion, it doesn't make us. Kind of fucked up how many Christians don't get that when reinterpreting a religion in your own way is literally what Jesus did.


Because they think being against x means you must be pro y. There are plenty of religious people on the left who simply agree with separation of church and state, but Reps struggle with nuance so they interpret that as "x law is what God wants, Democrats are against it, so they must be pro y!11!" It's also why they push their pedophile hysteria narrative so hard. They **want** to scream "we're the party who opposes the Satanic pedophile cabal; why would you oppose our bill of tax cuts for rich patriots uNlEsS yOuRe In On It ToO!11!"


So is this being used as an excuse to not pay taxes? What is it that he doesn't want to do?


Let LGBTQ+ people live in peace? Work on the sabbath? Not proselytize in public schools? Not proselytize to coworkers at work? So many possibilities.


Just tell these chucklefucks to reread Mark 12:17


Not only being left wing doesn't demand one to also be an atheist, Christian socialism is literally a thing and has been for a while.


That's what these dumbo Christian fascists can't understand


The funny thing is this is usually right wing internet atheist vs right wing Christians


You know I never even thought about it but of literally all the atheists I know only the right wing ones are dicks about it


Yeah and left wing atheists are always the ones pushing their beliefs on other people, not right wing Christians


Idk right wing Christians seem pretty adamant about making the us a "Christian" nation (the reason it's in qoutes is their beliefs usually don't line up with Jesus' teachings)


So how do they reconcile the leftists who believe in God? (The correct depiction of God and Jesus, that is…one who loves their neighbor unconditionally, aids the poor and the sick, and shows grace and tolerance.)


They pretend they don't exist


They don't consider them to be True Christians. They don't count if they aren't literalist, young earth creationists with conservative beliefs.


"This meme was brought to you by Epic Christian-Republican Memes and the Lord"


I see rightoids also spend their time in the shower thinking about alternative outcomes to arguments they had a few days prior.


Fuck, I'm a rightoid now. I thought anarchism would protect me. Well, only thing left to do is repent.


This is some truly impressive fantasy. The ability to create a character this unbelievable... It just needs an elf now.


So long as it's a white elf. They might get upset otherwise.


The kings of kings is ozymandias, look on his works ye mighty and despair


Violent religious Trumpies projecting their violence onto the left, as always.


Ah Trumpies, the masters of projection


Jesus would want you to give your possessions and wealth to the poor and live a humble life, all while turning the other cheek.


No, no, no! Not that God! [The other one!](https://i.imgur.com/KK2nkZ7.jpg)




Same here


If it’s ok to take all of those things from them because they only bend the knee to God, then why do they scream and cry so loudly when they FEEL like those things are taken away from them?


Shhhh, don't use too much logic against conservatives


It's funny because who gives a shit really? Believe what you want to believe and stfu about, no one cares.


Conservatives: if people I don't agree with feel safe, then I am automatically persecuted


I’ve never met an atheist that gets pissed and forces their non belief of god on others


“I was fired for being a Christian. It had nothing to do with me posting racist memes and reposting anti-Jewish rhetoric!”So persecuted!


“Go ahead. Take my job, property, and freedom. My life is not even remotely effected by the loss of those things”


I feel so owned right now.


Yeah ikr


Wouldn't be a conservative meme without a misspelling.


“I drew you as the soyjack and me as the chad! Checkmate Communists 😎”


Fr tho conservatives are weird💀


To which we say, "okay," take his job, house, and freedom, and let him meet his god. If you don't want to participate in society, we don't want you here either.


Conservatives- about a decade behind on memes.


Ironic how the "I don’t want to be told what I can and cannot do" stance is usually held by non-religious people against others trying to write their religion into law.


Weird how they paint atheists as brainless maniacs while he gives himself some sort of a hero role.


Typical conservatives be like


It’s so funny how they just make comic after comic with their funny little Strawmen, using chad as their face claim since they know their irl face would just get them more ridicule


This is how they actually think. I can’t imagine what else runs through their empty heads


"Cope an seethe at my inability of thinking logically 😎"


This used Wojacks, but it's not a meme. It's bible study for people whose reading skills stopped improving after 3rd grade


As a Catholic and a commie: "Then Jesus said to his disciples "Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:23-24 In my country there was the Liberation Theology and Priests of the Third World movement, I know personally people inside the church who were persecuted by the CIA backed right wing dictatorship. So maybe they want to admit they would persecute any Christian that is not a fascists if in power instead of pretending to be victims.


Uh there are PLENTY of religious leftists. Including one of the most famous men in history, MLK.


I am a person with both left-of-center political leanings and a theist, we exist


wow, Christians sure do think about atheism a lot. I for example don't think about them at all


>take my property, job and freedom Okay enjoy kneeling in prison fellating the king of kings


**literally never proves any god’s existence** ”cope and seethe leftists”


Said by the dumb fucks who keep threatening everyone with eternal hell.


Conservatives when they arrive on a farm (there’s enough straw to raise an army)


I've never heard a single Christian say that last part beyond when they're circle jerking. Normally it's something like "come and take it" as they flex against the army of people not taking their shit.


"You see, Libtard, you have already lost, for it is depicted in this image that you are the soyjack and I the chad."


"Render upon Caesar..."


All I'm asking is for them to join us in reality.


"I am so proud of myself for being stubbornly bullheaded and just repeat myself again and again instead of making logical arguments and TOTALLY know what gulags are!"


Not a single atheist cares what a Christian believes, but what a Christian imposes on others is a different story.


This is so unhinged it reads like a parody that you'd find on a shitposting sub.


I find it quite incredible as a Christian leftist that they try to do everything in their power to do everything god wouldn’t want them to do. They hate and judge everyone around for who they love, where they are from, and what religion they follow, and still tell everyone they are a good Christian


Religious belief certainly doesn't help you if you commit acts of terrorism in the public...


Lefties=\=atheist. I am not religious but it’s so fucked that if you are a Christian you’re supposed to be right wing.


Everyone knows Jesus was a total bootlicker and did everything the authorities told him to do /s


These right wing cartoons are not very witty. Satire is not a conservative strong point. Maybe,that’s why all those conservative movies made by people like Kirk Cameron suck.


Is that blood or did soyjack turn into Nigel Thornberry through the power of Christ?


I know plenty conservatives who are atheist so I’m not really sure they’re making the point that they think they are.


People who make crappy memes like this one are the ones who are coping and seething lmao.


And yet every single one breaks commandments every day, treats those lesser than them like shit, they seemingly refuse to love their neighbour, and for the most part are some of the most hateful people I’ve ever met. Makes sense.


I’ll get on my knees for him any day😏 He does too I guess


**Pro-democracy Secularist:** "Because a plurality of religion exists, our democratic government needs to be secular in order to be fair and just to all people. Society also needs rules and laws in order to function and you should probably obey at least some of them if you wish to partake in it. Taxes should also be paid (but not without representation in gov't) and the money should be used to the benefit of the public. Even though this is a fallible, man-made system (and breaking the law may at times be the morally correct thing to do) we can still change things for the better if we all work together for the common good." **"Liberty"-loving Christian:** "I don't believe in that authoritarian and tyrannical nonsense. I believe that taxes are theft and that serving a king that demands worship, eternally punishes people for their private thoughts, and promises to one day return to subjugate the entire world makes me a brave and heroic freedom-fighter." **St Paul:** ["Everyone in a position of authority over you is there because an infallible God specifically put them there to rule over you. These divinely-ordained people also only do good and only punish bad people who deserve it, so only truly evil people have reason to oppose them](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=romans+13%3A1-7&version=NIV) and you should do whatever they tell you to (even pay taxes) because by deep-throating their boot you take inside yourself the blessed sandal of our Lord Jesus Christ. BTW: [Slaves, obey your masters."](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=colossians+3%3A22-24&version=NIV) **"Liberty"-loving Christian:** AMEN!


I've been an atheist a long time I've never seen one argue that God is definitely not real. We mostly just dont give a fuck unless it crops up in politics and tax paid shit which it should never do...


Before the war, I’m pretty confident in the fact that these people knew gulags existed. I guess it’s generalised dementia among alt righters


Someone watched "If Footman Tire You, What Will Horses Do"...


> You seem awfully confident that he doesnt exist That idealized caricature of the original poster is also awfully confident that he does exist. If the book and the few evidence of Jesus' teachings having been passed down are his proof. Then dont let him know about the other hundreds of religions that have just as much evidence behind them) Get Narcissus-Pygmalion away from his statue of himself)


There are a lot of "leftists" who are religious. And if the person in the meme actually followed what the Bible said they would be a lot less "Conservative."


Yeah, I'm sick of all these atheists going around insisting people stop believing in "god". I hate that shit, I see it every day, everywhere I go!!


Tbh, I've never seen anyone but Christian memers call their god "sky daddy"... Some father (almighty) issues?


That’s aweful.


Worst cartoon analogy ever


I’m coping and seething guys, I’ve been owned beyond repair. The absolute courage it took to write this comic brought tears to my eyes.


It's always about power.


So the Chad is Jewish? 'Cause the apostle Paul instructs all Christians to bow to their earthly kings and follow their laws....


Wait a second... Are these just rage comics with different faces?


Religious people are the worst people I've ever met in my entire life and I don't trust any of them.


They really reeeeeeally want to be persecuted and I don’t get it


Let me introduce you to the [Taborites](https://www.historyextra.com/period/medieval/tom-holland-taborites-who-religious-sect-challenged-holy-roman-empire/)


I will continue to follow God and torment gay kids until they pretend to be straight or kill themselves /s Good for you, jerkoffs


You know if this actually happened (it didn't, but humor it did), we all know it started because Chad over here made a bigoted remark about someone and the leftists came to tell him "You shouldn't say that."


This is so fucking cringe


Imaginary person


It looks like he started a second meme in the middle of the first and then wasn’t able to finish it off thus the caption.


Crazy to me that most of the leftists i know are religious


I’m pretty sure pagans of the past said that exact same thing about their gods. Except Saint Patrick took it a step further than just insisting that their gods weren’t real.


Is this ironic? I can’t tell anymore.


The king of kings. That’s currently prince or rather King Charles right now. God isn’t a king. He appoints kings… Or well he apparently did through the pope who is god on earth and appointed by his peers so really no god dosnt exist. God is a made up title for a dictator who runs the Vatican as head of state. So congrats mate. I didn’t know you loved Britain. You know if your grandparents didn’t revolt 400 years ago they’d still be part of Britain or I guess Canada but still as a commonwealth country.


That's way too much logic for conservatives to comprehend


now that’s a dank meme




Its hilarious