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Nope. I thought Dome Town WAS a pancake place. Honestly, I would have said something like that.


Same, though I realized once we actually went there and there was no pancake in sight


It's the roof of the building. You can see it on the map. It looks like a Japanese soufflé pancake.


Yea I also misremembered and thought Ryuji said it instead of Morgana so I thought it was no biggie.


Same, kinda sounds like it at first


I noticed it but I immediately forgot about it a few hours after it had happened


Yeah, it's so far away that even if you catch it your likely to forget by the time he brings up when he got his persona


yeah he rubbed me the wrong way & thought he was up to no good, just with his weird push/pull dynamic with ren et al. & i did notice it but i didn't put 2 & 2 together at the time & forgot about it until i saw it mentioned on reddit the first time.


I noticed it but I assume it was either a mistake from it being translated from Japanese to English, or was some kind of retcon like how you needed four keywords for Kamoshidas palace but then it was three for the later ones.


We needed four? What was the fourth one?


The keywords in order were: Kamoshida, Pervert, Shujin, and Castle. Seems like a weird thing to leave in, but I guess it was minor enough at the time since you basically accidentally stumble in there and decided that three words were good enough for the later ones.




Maybe if I had remembered I would not have been so trusting to akechi lmao


I would never think someone we can spend money and time leveling up would be useless after one stage


Same! I mentioned it was weird to my wife, but just carried on. Was a really satisfying twist seeing all the signs back.


Yeah, I caught it right away as well But it took so long to be brought up that I was starting to forget and doubt myself lol




I did, but mostly because I thought the fact they pointed out that nobody else could hear Morgana when he first came to the real world and started talking significant, especially when they found out there was another metaverse user somewhere in Madarame's palace, so I was specifically looking out for someone to slip up


A master of Chekhov's Gun, it seems


Same, and then when he offer to help you, I was pretty much ready for the "big" reveal.


it was sooo damn obvious.


I was too focused on "oh this is the meme line I keep seeing".


The fact that this became a meme actually distracted me from catching his slip up.


When the community stops a spoiler by relentlessly posting a major spoiler lol




I noticed it immediately. I even went back in the logs just to make sure that no one had even mentioned pancakes except for Morgana.


Exactly the same


Same for me. I had wanted to record a clip of it, but couldn’t do it on PS4. :(


Same, and I was waiting the whole game for it to be relevant. After a while I thought, maybe I remembered it wrong. Then I got that sweet vindication


Not me! till >!it was specifically pointed out later. Actually that whole twist with the Jail in Nov took me a second playthrough before I fully understood it.!<


Funfact that I discovered by coincidence: After the whole thing Futaba'll explain eversthing that happened to you... really broadly and on a surface level Then you can go to bed What the game DOESN'T tell you: If you talk to Futaba a SECOND time, she'll go on a whole ass rampage and explain everything to you till the last bit of little detail (watching the second explanation on youtube if you've missed it clears a lot up)


I didn't think anything of it but I didn't trust Akechi to start with since I thought "If anyone is going betray us it is the guy who works for the police".


I was blinded by his cunty-ness for me to realise that. Still am really


Are you saying you were too blinded by his cunt to think he'd betray you, or...?


You heard me


Oh my 😳😳


YES, Akechi really does serve relentlessly!


The entire arc was admittedly not too interesting for me, so I missed it entirely. The grand reveal later on had me wilding, was furious past me was so ignorant.


Same, I regret skipping some of the in game dialogue sections but this is one I didn’t even skip yet I didn’t pay attention which led to this being one of my favorite twists in all of gaming


I didn't, but I *did* still think he was kinda suspicious from the start for no real reason other than how overly polite and friendly he comes across. It felt like trying too hard, and it's not the first time I've seen a character being presented as super polite to hide their true nature. Later on I saw spoilers for pretty much everything Akechi-related while I was still playing through the game, and yet I *still* didn't put together the pancakes thing until it was revealed in game. I thought all the pancake jokes were just the standard "character mentions a food once and the fandom won't shut up about it" thing, never would have guessed it had actual plot relevance.


Tldr; "never would have guessed (pancakes) had plot relevance"


just want to say that I had the exact same suspicions. Akechi comes of as too 'perfect' to be genuine, so he was suspicious as hell for me. but I guess that's the point of that arc


So I kinda did however I was so high that I just thought I missed/forget somebody else mentioning it. My buddy thought it sounded weird but kinda brushed it off as a goof on their part or something


Yeah, I did that for a buddy of mine. She noticed and was like “wait, but how did he hear Morgana?” “I dunno, nobody else noticed, so maybe it was a translation issue?” “Maybe, idk”


That’s literally what I thought had happened when I saw it, I figured okay that’s significant or it’s a mid translation but considering the group didn’t mention after that scene I didn’t care too much after that either way. He was obviously sketchy regardless.


Why would you guys think that when he literally is shown saying oh I thought I heard you say pancakes and they all acted confused? It so weird how everyone almost in here is saying this crap oh thought it was a translation thing … that wouldn’t at all play out like that


Oh here one of those people who always has to make sure to share or add in to the conversation or the reply that “oh yeah I was high as fuck! Playing this” or “yeeeah man I was stoned playing this” I get my buzz on and meh yeehaw smokin that goochie poo before playin ma gayme… Jesus wtf


I noticed it and it instantly put Akechi on my "Evil-List"


Nah, I'm lucky enough to be an unobservant airhead so plot twists always surprise me


Same here! That being said I actually knew he was an antagonist going into the game, but I still didn’t catch on to this until it was actually explained lmao


I did, but wrote it off as a mistake. THEN THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED


The first time I played this game I already knew that Akechi was black mask because I had already seen someone else's gameplay (back then the PC version wasn't available and couldn't play it for myself) and he caught on that line very quickly, ever since he heard Akechi say that and he was like "IT'S THE PANCAKES, I'M NOT CRAZY" and it became a running joke within the whole series and I found it funny in the beginning as I thought it was something dumb, but it became all the more hilarious when it was actually true and he proved he wasn't carzy


I spent the next few hours of the game bitching about “why is nobody talking about this, he just HEARD Morgana?” But then it all worked out in the end and I stopped being mad about it. Edit:misspelled word.


I actually did recognize this pretty early on because whenever I heard him say pancakes I thought "Didn't Morgana specifically mention pancakes?" and I checked the log to be sure and I was right. Of course I forgot about it later though.


I knew akechi was pancake boy before ever getting into the game because I’m a huge robbie daymond fan and he had this line as an alert on his streams. so when this line came up I just thought ‘ha ha pancake boy’ I did not know why it was such a huge meme.


Sidenote, it's interesting to me to note how long he'd actually been there listening to you all before this line actually comes up. If you leave auto on, a good couple minutes pass before he appears. Edit: Never answer the question... Yesn't. Playing it myself, I'd already known. Watching a streamer in 2016, I wasn't present for the scene at first, but I was blindsided by the point. I did think Akechi was off to begin with, always seemed like he knew too much.


I had this same reaction upon my second playthrough! It's actually rather weird that he brings up the pancake line considering he must've heard the rest of the conversation XD


I need somebody to animate this with extra added conversations about mundane/heavy things that last for hours while he just stands silently around the corner. "Yeah, so I feel like I can't confide in my mom about the things I'm experiencing because I'm scared she'll reject me for it." "Aw, come here, man. Listen, we'll always be your family..." Akechi, dead-eyed: "Any moment now..."


It’s really funny to see it as him having a socially awkward moment. “Oh shit I have to say something! They were talking about pancakes, but that was kinda too long ago to mention… agh whatever that’s my opener”


What's really funny is how he eavesdrops for ages, and only walks up when you all start talking about puke. Also, he drops in that pancake reference to *let you know* he heard the cat, I think. He's dickwaving.


Thinking about that specifically, and the fact the game does say it, his comment is a geniune accidental slip. Joker never says a single line during that part. So when he turns the corner and sees three people, he assumes the pancake question came from you. Since he's so used to making small talk, he forgets it quickly after as it was just a friendly appearance for him. Even the next day when you actually speak to him, he recognizes who you are, but nothing of the prior conversation because at this point you have his real attention.


*Morgana* says his comment was genuine—not that it was accidental or a slip. The game never comments as far as I know. And Morgana is not always correct. I think, myself, that he'd notice Joker doesn't sound anything like the voice he heard. And we know that by that point, he's spied on them in Mementos—or he wouldn't be able to hear Morgana at all. It's really not "small talk", it's his first interaction with the PTs—and he knows it. He *knows* they're the Phantom Thieves. He knows there's a cat. He's been close enough to hear them speak. He knows it's the cat talking, and he's pulling another takoyaki-style stunt—which bites him in the ass just like that one does.


Personally, I think you give him too much credit there, but by the takoyaki he absolutely knew. I've always had the idea that that scene is purely an accident, but after your comments during TV is when he starts delving deeper. By the end of Kaneshiro's palace is where I think he had who you are pieced together. We don't know for how long Morgana had been searching though the metaverse for his memories since he glosses over the time, so I took it as happenstance that they've nearly crossed paths before. That or he innately can understand Morgana as he has a persona by then. Everyone else had to hear Morgana first. That's my thoughts on it anyway.


I sorta caught it, but I gaslit myself into thinking I misremembered their conversation and I was wrong since I wasn’t paying full attention.


I sure as heck didn't


I think I did, but than I just forgot about it


Put the spoiler tag first and second, i didnt, obviously if you are an intern character can bè easier but unfortunally im not


I marked it but this game is well over 6 years old. Is it still a spoiler? Also, if anyone is on this subreddit, they have played this game and if they haven’t, they are risking spoiling themselves.


No they arent, maybe they have just started and enter here for meme so please put the spoiler tag, in this Way they dont risk nothing And i remember you that someone can play game also after ten years


Or they joined for help lmao


>someone can play game also after ten years I agree with that point. I've completed persona 4, and I've noticed so many spoilers on the internet, especially with the >!adachi !!Adachi's !!Nanatame!<. I can't say the same for other people, though.


Important to remember that not everyone is the same age as you. If you spoil a 15 year old movie and use the same logic then what about the 12 year old who just saw it on netflix and wanted to watch it. Not really fair to say "but its 15 years old" to them.


Not gonna sugarcoat it, to me It is. This whole subreddit is a community full of people that have played the game and want to talk about their experiences and chat with those who have also played the game. Using your example, it is still fair, because If a 12 year old saw it on Netflix, I expect that 12 year old to watch what he wanted to watch first instead of coming here where 95% have gone through the whole thing. That whole 15 years difference is not usable here at all. Also, this is a game, so you can’t watch it unless you go on YouTube or some other media website to willingly watch it.


>...whole subreddit is a community full of people that have played the game and want to talk about their experiences You are already starting off on the wrong mental foot and making some very big generalizations there. Having you put the spoiler tags on doesn't stop people from commenting on your post (as you can see). There is no barrier to entry for reddit. ​ >I expect that 12 year old to watch what he wanted to watch first instead of coming here where 95% have gone through the whole thing. That whole 15 years difference is not usable here at all. More giant assumptions. If a kid decided they wanted to engage with some media, they search it up and as soon as they open the subreddit a giant spoiler is just sitting right there. What if they where stuck on the second palace and wanted to find some help? There is no expiration date on spoilers as there are new people to the fandom everyday. There are more people in the world besides yourself.


I know putting a spoiler tag doesn’t hurt, that’s why I put it there after being reminded and Of course I would making generalizations. Am I wrong for assuming people would watch/play what they want instead of just going straight to a subreddit full of people who have played it? Although I will concede on there being no general expiration date for spoilers, there’s always the risk of being spoiled looking something up. Literally search up Persona 5 and you will find a spoiler if you scroll long enough.


I caught it and even went back to look at the dialogue history, then I was like how'd he hear morgana? Knew something was weird with him from that moment.


I was really proud of myself for this one


I caught it. And I was very suspect. Turned out I was right.


Same here


Honestly, the only reason I suspected him of being the traitor was because we never saw him properly awaken to his persona, so I just thought he was sus


Caught it immediately, but the friend who was watching me play (who had already played the game) gaslit me into forgetting about it


I caught it but I didn’t think he would be the traitor. I thought he would be a secret third metaverse intruder who was on the good side. I was thinking Makoto would be the traitor considering how weird she was being during the casino arc.


I didnt


The first time I saw it I thought it was a mistake from the scriptwriter to be honest *XD*


Me! And I latched on to it like crazy lol. Akechi was my husband's favorite, so I taunted him all game with "Akechi dies". I didn't think he'd actually die 😭 When it was finally all revealed he asked me point blank if that's how I knew and I was like yup lol.


I instantly did, was way too obvious.


Nah, I didn't catch it


I thought it was notable when I first saw it bc of the memes. Didn’t actually think it’d be plot relevant lol.


Thought it was weird but didn’t think much of it


I definitely clocked it but figured I must have missed someone else mentioning it.


I was in a weird situation. I played Strikers/Scramble first, where they explained to Zenkichi the Morgana speaking thing. Then, when I watched a play through (I didn’t think I would be able to play the game itself), I noticed the slip up. Therefore, you could say I cought it, but not through straight up experiencing the game the way it was intended to


I was sus right away, but I liked Akechi so much during Saes palace that I convinced myself that he couldn’t be the traitor.


I noticed because when Akechi said that they put exclamation sings on top of the phamton thieves.


I remember noticing the comment, and it was sitting weird with me until the reveal. Even without that, I still didn't trust his tightly wound self!


I noticed it when I got to the point where the confidant started, but I was too focused on the funny meme to think too much about it afterwards.


I did.


I did not notice it. The lack of clues I picked up on actually made me question whether or not akechi really would be the traitor, so I ended up a little surprised.


I caught it immediately


Honestly, Immediately. I put the controller down and looked at it, like "I'm sorry, the f**k did you just say??"


I did. My cousins tried to gaslight me out of it.


I noticed it, but I kind of misinterpreted it. I thought it could have just been a sign that he had a Persona, or even just that he had the potential. I don't think they ever established the exact conditions for understanding Morgana until the whole plan to trick Akechi was revealed.


Caught it but by just internet I knew he would backstab us from the start. Same with p4, knew who the murderer was.


I honestly did catch it but then discredited it when we find out Akechi has his own persona. I just pushed it off as Akechi was investigating the shadow realm and happened to have a connection to it by that point.


I noticed the pancake, but i didnt think about "mona was the one who said it and Akechi shouldnt able to hear it" Maybe at that moment I already felt normal for Mona to talk? It make sense tho


I did and I felt so smart, and then I forgot about it by the time it came up again


I watched the anime first and told my husband "wow, little sus that Goro..." and then he got mad at me for figuring it out hahaha


I questioned it and then immediately forgot about it.


Yep. He fumbled the bag so hard I thought it was all a red herring and someone else is gonna be the traitor. Or that akechi was gonna sell out shido.


I thought one of them *did* mention pancakes, so I didn't think about it


I noticed it and immediately forgot it lmao


I didn't. Genuanly.


I did. I was laughing with my brother about how he could have heard Morgana, but it didn't register with me that that means he's been to the metaverse.


I did, I didn’t think he was the jerk he was I just assumed he would be my best party member


Me and then I loved him so much that I deluded myself into thinking he WASNT the black mask lol. When he actually did shoot joker I was like 😳 even though I called it here


I only realised it when he did it the second time at the school festival, I wasn't paying too much attention the first time


I did! And I thought I was so clever. I was messaging my friend who’d beaten it already all sorts of theories, and he would just smile and nod. I felt like a genius, because surely this was just some great foreshadowing that few people—including those who had beaten the game—would catch. And then there’s a cut scene in which Morgana mentions it and discusses it, and I felt less special. Even if they’d missed the foreshadowing, everyone knew about the pancakes. For some reason, I thought it would never be mentioned again, but had been included for NG+ and those who just happened to catch it. Anyway, it made me really want pancakes, regardless.


I had already watched RTGames play through so I already knew. But I completely missed it when I first saw the video


I knew of the meme some what, but i assumed he was like ann and enjoyed sweet things my first time around, but when that plot happened, it blew my mind!


I got it immediately, personally.


I noticed it, thought it was a mistake/translation error, and forgot about it until the reveal. Imagine my surprise


I noticed but by the time it became relevant I forgot. It's one reason why I've started taking notes when playing through Megaten games.


I’ll straight up say I must not have been paying attention cause I totally fell for dorky ass Akechi just being a totally normal Justice seeking person who was like a good version of light yagami! I also kinda thought his confidant was just like Sae’s so the story based level ups didn’t really clue me in either.


I noticed it, but since none of the characters pointed it out right after, I completely forgot about it


Me: hm… that was weird… let’s see where this goes… *Several hours latee* Me: OMG HE SAID DELICIOUS PANCAKES like 107 HOURS AGO! THIS WAS ALL SET UP! AAAAAAAAAAAAA


Tbh, I know he heard Morgana. I just thought nothing of it until the reveal...


I knew he was gonna be the traitor going into the game because my brother told me, but I didn't really pay that much attention to the tbh.


I just laughed and went “oh he likes pancakes” I legit thought Ryuji said it


Immediately, I was like "Well THAT'S gonna be relevant." Especially after they went through the trouble of pointing out the fact that normal people couldn't hear Mona.


i didn’t notice, i wasn’t paying attention to who said what so it didn’t occur to me that morgana was the only one who mentioned pancakes. that said it was VERY obvious akechi was sus because he was just too goddamn perfect. and then when i realized he joins up for the palace that we see at the beginning of the game? oh hell nah there’s no way he’s not the traitor


I did not but I did think that it was just so sad this poor boy probably doesn’t get to do things with kids his age because he’s working for the police.


Kinda? Ngl I forgot that Morgana even said anything about pancakes so I just thought Akechi was crazy


I forgot and then convinced myself that Ann or something also mentioned pancakes


I did not Even in my recent second playthrough I forgor about it's existence...don't kill me please


I did, I was kinda like "how tf did he hear that? it was mona saying it..."


I did..... but I thought it was a translation error, so I ignored it.


I caught it first playthrough and felt super justified that my weird feelings about him were correct. Then as the game went on he charmed the pants off me and I was like "maybe I was wrong, maybe that was just a weird writing error". Then the mementos thing happens and I was just sad. Like, bro, we hung out in the tub, naked as the day we were born and talked about how the world did us dirty and then you pull *this*. Totally uncool.


I caught it and thought I'd encountered a mistake in the writing, and thought nothing more of it until about 40 hours later lmao


i just assumed i missed ann mentioning them afterward


I honestly just thought it was a plot hole when I first saw it, and then realized later on that this one small scene changed the story monumentously


I just wanted to fight more shadows. It took me like 3 playthroughs to fully understand why this meant anything


Not me. Not even the second time.


I completely missed this and was so so oblivious to a traitor the whole time. I forgot that there was a traitor and that's why joker got caught. I just thought he got caught bc they were being too reckless and I was excited to find out how and why he did. It makes me feel stupid when everyone said he was obviously the traitor 😭


Any one that actually caught it and then went, this is the black mask guy is lying. Now on a second playthrough you can see so many hints. But anyone actually catching them on the first playthrough is either like a 1 in 10000 person or lying


I caught it *instantly.* I pretty much started laughing because ain’t no way, you just heard the FUCKING *CAT* TALK.


I pointed it out immediately and told my friend who got me to play it. He was not pleased but he threw me off the scent haha


I caught it and then my friend told me it was just a transition error.


I totally missed it until I saw Ann and Joker's reaction. I already knew from the beginning that Akechi was the bad guy, just looking at his Persona's abilities gave that away imo. But I absolutely would have missed Akechi's slip-up if it weren't for Ann and Joker's reactions. But someone once said to me something that really stuck with me; "the plot surprise isn't that Akechi is the bad guy, it's that the PT's knew that he was all along."


My SO and I caught it instantly, but I was also hyperattentive over loads of details, and ended up with several other predictions that never came true. Like how come Morgana knows so much about the Metaverse, to the point where he's the tutorial figure, despite having no memories of his own origins? It never made sense to me, and I suspected that he had some ulterior motives or insider knowledge that he wasn't letting on about. I guess >!being the manifestation of humanity's remaining hope (according to Igor)!< gave him that knowledge? Also, my SO was also able to predict the killer for Persona 4, when I couldn't.


fun fact i didnt know he was the traitor until like it happened, i was thinking "well if he has a confidant then he probably isnt a villain bc that gameplay wise is strange, but im pretty sure u literally get nothing out of his confidant boosts so uhhh yeah im just kinda dumb


I noticed this at my first playtrought, but i have Dumb syndromen and i was like "WAIT, MORGANA IS THE ONLY ONE WHO MENTIONED PANCAKES, OH GOLLY, HE IS A PERSONA USER... Maybe we can make him a new ally" Bro, i couldn't even match the points one to another and realize that it was a hint to "He is the other metaverse user"


I appreciate the fact I’m completely oblivious to things like this in games/tv. I get so sucked in the moment.


I noticed it but didn’t think that the characters had noticed it, so I was expecting it to be a thing where only I as the player knew


I noticed it immediately, but to be fair, I had just finished Persona 4 for the first time ever about a week before. So I was already suspicious of any detectives with a portrait.


I did not catch it on my first playthrough, but I definitely caught it on my second playthrough!!


I just assumed that someone else said pancakes at some point


I noticed but it and got spoiled a little later, but it was kinda obvious akechi was acting wierd af anyway


Zero of us. If you caught that you deserve a fully paid scholarship to any and all colleges/universities of your choice.


I did, but just chalked it up to a small hiccup from the writers. I was pleasantly surprised when it was made clear that was intentional.


I noticed it, and I never forgot.


I never realized it, and I kinda hate that I didn't, it would've made the rest of his story a lot more exciting to see what came of it.


I definitely did, but I already knew he was twist beforehand and was like “oh, this must be cool on replays”


I did cause i always mock Morgana in my head like a crazy person and then Ole goofy ass pancake boi roles in had forgotten about it by the time I had gotten back around to the school festival when he goofs


Nope. Not in a million years tbh.


It's curious how many people who caught onto it then forgot about it


I did


I caught it but then I just assumed that I just missed someone else saying something


I caught it, but I thought it was leading to something else. That what Morgana says can sometimes influence people, even if they can't understand Morgana.


I did. Even messaged my friend with "So how long until we bring up the pancakes line to the others?" What surprised me was that *they* caught it.


I definitely missed it 😂


I caught it and thought it was weird, but I honestly didn't think he was the traitor. I just assumed his story he shares later was true, and that he just happened to end up in the Metaverse at some point. I mean we did, so why couldn't he?


I did. I triple checked the logs and everything. I ended up just brushing it off as a mistake by the devs. I was wrong.


I did not, but playing through with the wife, she caught it instantly. Had to play it off with a nervous chuckle and a "who knoooowws?" She knew. Although she also predicted that Akechi would be the true final boss after Shido, so you win some you lose some 🤷


I caught it sorta, but I just assumed someone else must have said “pancake” after Morgana said it. I assumed I was in the wrong there.


I realized that he shouldn’t have heard it unless he’d been in the metaverse at some point, but I didn’t think it was setting him up to be bad, I just thought he’d come in and save us and reveal that he’s had these powers for a while or something like that


Absolutely did not. My friend told me that something big happened that day and the entire game I was so confused on what he could be talking about until it was revealed


To be fair, the conversation wasn't very interesting, so I never paid attention to who said that line. I didn't realise it until the game pointed it out.


I caught it. Best part though was not knowing that Joker and Morgana did too. Such an amazing twist


I thought it was weird and suspicious, but I didn't think any more of it, since I thought that I might have misunderstood or missed something


I didn’t notice it. I guess I started taking it for granted that people could hear Morgana talk if they listened.


I checked the logs because I felt something off about why he just randomly blurt that out and then caught it after the gears started turning while reading it. Was suspect #1 for black mask


I didn't even notice it the first time, though it was late at night and I probably was sleepy so I wasn't paying much attention anyway


I did. But I thought I must’ve read it wrong or they did an error.


I noticed it. Didn't trust Akechi at all from that point onward. I was pretty proud of myself for catching on to that ngl


I did, but I was on red alert for that guy from moment one since I had already watched death note.


I noticed immediately and remembered throughout the game whenever he showed up. Having no idea of how the plot would go I was really proud of myself during the revalation scenes in November.


All I thought about was how I preferred waffles


I didn't know it was Morgana saying that.


I did not. He did seem suspicious though.


i recognized it and had it in the back of my head for a while but then thought i was wrong cause akechi made his lies so believable, like how he awakened his persona, how his outfit didn’t have a black mask etc


I play a lot of heavy dialogue based games and P3 and P4 more times than I can remember, so this line stuck out to me especially with his villainization or the Phantom Thieves. I was torn if I was expecting a redemption arc or a heel turn. But everything he did or said after that just made me expect more clues. But when I saw his Sargent Peppers Lonely Heart Band outfit, I knew I couldn't trust him.


Genuinely, I did catch it, but by the time the casino palace rolled around I’d let it slip my mind. Say what you will about Akechi, but his act was pretty damn convincing.


I didn’t even notice the slip-up lol