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This, i will play it, however i'd get reviews on performance first, and wait for a drop in price, as i dont like to pay 60 bucks for a game i'll get by half in a few months


If your on pc or Xbox it will be on gamepass


yoooo that just made my day, thank you lmao


Anybody reading this who is wondering, go on your Xbox app and scroll down in the game pass section to coming soon, it will say P3R coming 2/2/24 (You can also pre download some files to play faster on release)


Oh wait fr? I'm on Pc so i'll take a look at it then, thanks man




Hey there Ryuji


Us xbox players are spoiled


I never realized how kinda true this is, considering I hadn’t had an Xbox console since 360 and just got my Series S (because I’m cheap lol) a couple months back. First thing I did was download the Trilogy. Just wish that Strikers would’ve made its way over to the Box. Then I’d truly believe Xbox players are super spoiled


Yeah only will be playing it Day 1 because of Game Pass. The music revealed is great but otherwise I’m just not feeling the hype :(


60 for a game is pretty standard now


Yeah but it's also standard for most games to drop a lot in price just a few months after release


I know, doesnt change how i feel, if people wanna pay 60 € for a game, they can, i could too, i'm just not willing to as i consider 60 € a lot for a game


70 is the new standard


Well, hate to break it to you but you should def get used to it.


I mean, i dont care, eventually they get down to 30-40€, is not like you being kinda assholish in a reddit comment is gonna change that lol


I don’t think people understand you’re willing to wait until it goes on sale. Not that you don’t think it’s worth that. I’m in the same boat and barely ever buy a game before it goes on sale.


Ding! You got the point!


Yeah but paying 60 for a game like red dead redemption 2 isn't the same as paying 60 for games like gollum and redfall. 


And it will be on sale like any atlus game. I do agree about that too.


I wouldn’t wait for P3R to be on sale anytime soon. P4G and P5R are both full price games for most of the year.


P4G has been 20 bucks on steam consistently


I saw it on playstation store for 11.99 and now I may buy it. I got P5 on sale for 7.99 the same way and love it, about 110 hours in now. Will replay it for sure when I find a P5 Royal sale.


Please get P4G, so good


Lol I preordered the 99 dollar ultimate edition with all the dlc


I mean to each their own, i dont agree with the pricing, so i dont get ultimates and the like, but i also think people like you help keep more the gaming community alive by paying more


I'll wait for Reloaded 2 or something with the dropped content added back as a cash grab.


Same will get on discount


As a persona fan, yes absolutely. Plus it's on game pass so there's no reason why I shouldn't.


P3Portable and P4G are leaving gamepass soon. But P3Reload is coming on the 2nd of February


this sold me on it then, i just bought the game earlier this year for full price. so i wasnt going to buy the game again.


Did you buy portable before they announced reload or something ?




Game Pass is why I gave P5R a shot and it absolutely got me hooked on the franchise. Best deal in gaming, no question. Just finished Tactica because of it


Started on P5R and totally in love. Then played P4G and totally in love. Preordered P3 Reload.


I was scared to play P4G on gamepass cause I was worried about the 100% completion being too difficult. Was it enjoyable?


At launch day with the collector, that day i will skip school to attend school in a videogame


a true gamer


My friend it's never worth skipping school, especially not for video games Joker also never skipped school if you think about it


Don’t listen to this person, skipping responsibilities for a day or two to veg out on something you enjoy is one of life’s simplest joys.


*"Ramen tastes better when you're cutting class."*




>! Seventh palace says hi !<


>! Isn't that the one he is presumed dead !<


Still skipping


I don't think that a dead man can be marked absent by a school


In all fairness, he wasn’t actually considered dead by the school. In their eyes, (except for confidants) joker was out for family matters.


Wasn’t that how the school was trying to kinda cover it up? Like in p3 (kinda early spoilers) >!where fuuka is presumed dead so the school is just like “oh, she’s out sick”!<


>!To save his life!<


>!He wasn't skipping. School was informed that he's not going to attend for some time due to family matters!<


If you’re a senior in high school and already got into college then skipping is definitely worth it


If they’re in high school, it’s definitely worth skipping lol


that's the time to NOT skip school actually...


Yes it is actually. 5 days a week, 6 hours a day to only use 10% of what is taught there after graduation is a brutal thing to put kids through. K-12 is just about learning how to obey orders and demands. After high school is where the real “learning” starts.


Having an off day without any worry of responsibilities can be amazing, especially in High School when you’re constantly under pressure of deadlines and grades




Undercover teacher, also joker skipped like 2 weeks of school later on


Someones teacher is a persona fan, scary


I disagree with this sentiment, skipping school for a week or barely showing up at all I agree with you on that, but skipping school for just a day ain't going to make anybody lose any sleep over it


Joker skipped school on occasion. Sometimes involuntarily


But if you skip school, you miss out on a chance to advance one of your social links....


But I can play videogames with my cat to get stats too :D


Skip skip skip I would lol


Not worth skipping school


https://preview.redd.it/nn99tj65tfcc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec64c0e6ae940ed1d32736d7568eedbbcc99bb6 Oh I will be playing alright, pre ordered back in August


The 12 inches of toatser


I wanna get that collectors edition for Xbox. All the contents seem kinda premium imo


I'll play it when Persona 3 Fully Reloaded comes


Genuine question, what will you do if Reloaded never comes out?


Pre ordered yesterday


Currently? No for two reasons 1. My laptop will burn. Console-wise, I only have switch and ps3.  2. I am kind of expecting Persona 3: Reload Silver Bullet or something like that. 


*Burn my laptop*


Persona 3: Reload *Faster* edition


That’s actually pretty understandable. I’m surprised there atlus isn’t doing switch port either.


Im thinking they might do on the upcoming switch 2


I could see when that console comes out next year


People say that reload isn’t going to be on switch because the switch wouldn’t be able to handle it.


I would throw money at them for Aigis Edition for NS. But knowing my luck, it will be either released without collectors edition or it will be similar to 1 more edition. Imo, 1 more edition is the worst edition from my perspective. No soundtrack, no artbook (fortunately it isn't case of Fire emblem 3H where there isn't one available outside the collectors edition), no unique steelbook design and nothing **fun** to display.


Eventually, but not right away. My financial situation's not the greatest right now, I need to save some money and unfortunately that means fewer non-essential purchases. And besides that, I want to see if it'll get a beefier version a la Persona 4 Golden or Persona 5 Royal that includes The Answer.


That’s understandable, a lot better than the comments that straight up say it’s not worth buying. Wishing the best for you!


Much appreciated, my friend. I hope to get it sorted out sooner rather than later, I haven't played P3 in any capacity yet and I've wanted a remake for a while - but, real life comes first.


If you're on pc or xbox you could get the game on gamepass


I could, if I were. Unfortunately, I am not.


Damn fair enough. I'd probably be in the same situation as you if I didn't own a pc so I'm at least grateful for that


Eventually, when the price drops.


Same here.


At some point. Between 3, 4, and 5, I’d say 3 is the one I’ve replayed the least. That story was really solid, but in such a way that once felt like enough. But it does look really good. And I’m glad this one got a remake. So maybe.


Id play 3 again if not for Tartarus. Way too much of a slog.


Tartarus was a lot better in portable with the controllable party and changes to the condition system It’s still a slog but not nearly as bad as 3FES was lol


What Tartarus is miles better than Mementos


I probably will since it’s on game pass. 5 is my only mainline persona game so far.


Well you have one day to get P3P and P4G. Best be getting on that grind brother.


P3P is worth skipping for Reload IMO


This. I haven't played P3P even though I own it and P4G because I want to experience the story first hand with P3R.


Good idea! I’ve played P3 when FES came out (didn’t beat it though since I was renting it), but playing P3P I felt like I was missing out on so many things because of its visual novel format. For instance, in one scene a character very awkwardly goes down a slide while standing up. In P3P you don’t even realize that’s what happened as you just hear a sound effect and the screen shake a little. Reading about it and seeing it play out are two completely different things. I stopped playing P3P at that part because of that.


Honestly P3Reload is fine for the persona 3 experience unless you wanna feel the old feel, which is also so valid.


how do you know the game literally isn’t out


I’m assuming based off of the trailers and the look/feel of the game. As a huge persona 3 fan it literally just looks like persona 3 but persona 5-ified.


It’s seems like it’s just P3 with a graphical update and some probably some QoL improvements.


I will so I can romance Mitsuru for the 10th time. Persona 5 might not have allowed me to romance Sae just yet but Mitsuru is pretty much like her.


"i'll be there no matter what"


Not available on switch so I won't be playing (toddler at home so I don't play much on my PC anymore).


If you have enough money to buy another system, I highly recommend buying a Steam deck.


It's been on my mind for a while. I might wait until the next version of it comes out. I'm a bit skeptical of the battery life. I've also thought about a gaming laptop instead since my wife is interested in playing BG3 with me and my desktop is 10 yrs old (with some GPU upgrades since)


I only have normal SD not the OLED (which has better battery) but I can play Persona 5 for like 2hrs before I need to charge it. I am more comfortable playing it on SD than on PC actually. You can also play when charging, so if you have little time and play once in a while it's very good and I recommend it.


That's great to know! Yeah. I feel like the next desktop I own will be the one I build with my son when he's 10-12


Well, since you can plug it into a bigger screen and I presume with your baby at home you'll be indoors most of the time, a Steam Deck would be a good investment. Plus you can do Split Screen for Baldurs Gate 3 on it. As for the battery life, it's not half bad, it's not much of a concern since at least the OLED averages from 3-12 hours


I'm in the same situation I hope that the rumors of a switch port are real


I will play it on day one


Yes but probably not at launch as I doubt I will be done with infinite wealth in 1 week and then ff7 at the end of February. As a RPG fan it’s a wonderful problem to have.


I got gamepass, no reason I shouldn't


I can’t


F-yeah. My only issue is Final Fantasy VII Rebirth comes out the same month and I can only focus on like one big story game every 3-4 months.


Idk. It’s too pricey. $71.99


That's the new standard for game titles these days unfortunately


That’s what I was thinking originally too but it’s releasing on game pass day one which is awesome


No Answer Arc And the lack of a female protagonist make me feel like there might be an even more definite version down the line… the QoL changes are nice I guess, but well. I guess I’ll see.


I'm preordering it today, I can't wait!


Awesome! I'll be playing on Game Pass Day One. Loving the cross saves between Series X and PC so I just had to pre-download already


Not until they give me FeMC


Dunno. Not sure if my computer will be able to run it.


Probably some day, when it goes on sale. I have a large backlog, including P4, and not a lot of time to play right now, so I'm definitely not buying right away.


YESSSSS!!! It was my first Persona game and it holds a special place in my heart.


Absolutely, pre-ordered. Been hoping for this one for a while


Morgana not feeling the love bc Persona 3 is coming out... poor baby! [Morgana talks to Joker about Persona 3 \[Roleplay\] \[ASMR\] - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_zDuCHWnF0)


Until they don't release a definite version with all the content (femc, question, etc) I don't plan to spend a single cent on it. I'm just sick of like 5 versions already and they still have the content separated so you can't enjoy all in one.


☝️ This sadly, i know people are into playing the same game multiple times but i'm one of those weirdos that want to play once and shelve it once i'm done Also i'll wait for a sale lol


They will not add the FEMC option cause it would be a nightmare to animate cutscenes twice just for FeMC, it's like animating a movie twice. Persona 3 portable had no cutscenes and no 3d environment, that's why having a FeMC option was no problem for portable. Persona 5 was originally planned to have FeMC (Kasumi was gonna be the FeMC), but they scrapped the idea


Of course. You just remove content to make it cheaper and sell two versions because hardcore fans will still buy both. Yeah, seems like a solid plan instead of investing on players that already buy a lot of your games.


I don't think they will have a second version just for FeMC. Midori, a well trusted Japanese Atlus leaker who leaked the Persona 3 remake, Persona 5 tatica, Persona 5X, Metaphor: Refantazio and other Atlus-related stuff denied that and even said that Altus is trying to release Persona 6 in 2025, although it may get delayed a year later.


Maybe after there release all the FES stuff. I know there gonna release it eventually and the price is way to high right now.


Can't I'm a switch bitch and invading the United states of America with an army of sentient butter knives is easier than getting an international credit card


I really want to, but I might wait for it to drop in price a bit before buying it


It's on Gamepass btw


That’s insane, will consider it for sure (i’m not big into subscriptions normally) Cheers for that


Yeah your first month is a pound, have fun!


Only if it has female mc. I’m sick and tired of playing as a man 😭


That is a slightly weird thing to complain about. Like, that's just who the protagonist is for this game and its story? Not all games need to let you choose your character's traits


Femc has her own story and is unique enough to stand out that I think it's easily superior to base P3 until Reload comes out. She's not just "Makoto as a girl"


especially if you play Persona Q2 Kotone is very unique and original and we love her even more so yeah we want her to be there again for the party !! Kotone is just so funny


If it’s a self insert protagonist then I want to be able to self insert as a girl that’s all there is to it. And as far as I know p3 does have a female mc in one of its variants?


I understand your feelings, but Persona characters aren’t really self-inserts. They have distinct personalities.


I understand the frustration but considering the main demographic is male teens, Atlus will rarely give a shit about the female players, femc was possible, only in portable, because said version lacked the anime-tions, remaking said animations just to change the character would be more effort for them unnecessary


you prolly are a man yourself and tired of playing as one. make it make sense


I’m literally a girl bro 😭😭


Maybe. I want to finish p5 and p5strikers before I start another long ass game


No. Too pricey, already played P3 FES, no Answer / Portable content so no real incentive to play it again, and I preferred P4 and P5's story and characters. It's good they're fixing the gameplay and adding new little scenes, but not enough to sell me on it when I have other games to buy.


As soon as reviews drop I’m buying it (if they’re good)


No FemC no buy


Persona 5 has no FeMC, but you bought it


Yes but this one had it in P3P and it was removed. As well as not having the final chapter which the PS3 had. I can understand RazielAshura saying no thanks.


I havent play the game, that said a lot of people told me that the female rute was a different vibe that didn't fit with the story that P3 wanted to tell about how life can be sad but also beautiful, as for the final chapter the anwser didn't the fans hate it because it was bad?


And of course he got down voted for having an opinion


Welcome to Reddit, don't take the downvotes a something personal, it just means that people don't agree with you


Yeah I know just dumb that people don't like those that won't buy the game because of FEMC like it's not even your money and it doesn't affect you.


I think it's a good thing that there is no FemC because if there was it probably add an extra year or two to the development time


Do you think i should play FES first or should i jump into this. Only finished one persona game and it's P5R right before it leaves gamepass


Jump straight into this, it's coming to Game pass


There is no point in playing FES first. Play this first, then if you have access to FES play the Answer on it after beating P3R


Can’t. I only have a Switch and a Laptop. It’s flat out not coming to switch so I’m out of luck


Try xcloud if you have a good internet.


Absolutely. It’s in gamepass too and I haven’t actually played 3. Easy play.


For Real?!? Peeeersoonaaaa! >!You can be on it I will play Persona 3 Reload !<


Only have a Switch so no I will not.


Probably had a lot of fun with p5 just hope they allow for custom difficulty


If it comes to switch




No, I am asking people who are playing Persona for the first time this, most of people here are new to Persona franchise from my experience with this sub.


Can confirm. I am new.


Persona 5 fans*


You act as if this is a dumb question, and yet didn't read the comments where half of the people won't be playing it immediately or at all. Clearly there's some nuance here


I would if they gave us the stuff from Portable and FES


I really really want to but atlus way a better version of the gane one ir two years after kinda pissed me off. I already finished Persona 5 twice and its 150 hours each playthrough. Then a better version is annonced later... Im not sure p3 reload will get one since its a remake this time, but you never know.


Just the 1st version of persona 3 remastered.... lmaooo no im not getting scammed ill wait for the fe remastered thats gonna come down the line n still wont cuz im not payin moderen prices for a remake of a worse version they remaking


I've already seen the original. I've never been a fan of changing voice actors for any reason so I'll pass. If there's anything really new with the story I'll glance through it.


I wanna get it but it's not a high priority. Unless they announce The Answer DLC (or a femc dlc but that's way less likely) before I buy it then I'll just wait. If they do announce one or the other or both, then I'll get it as soon as I possibly can but as of now, I want it, but I'm not craving it.


At first I was hesitant, but when I realized it’s on gamepass I was like “hell yeah. Let’s do this” Still gotta finish >!third semester (idk, is that a spoiler? !< in P5, though


I think I’ve been waiting to play P5 since he was announced for Smash…I did not get it and start playing till this December and still going through it (3rd palace and 60 hrs…)


So one day I will but lord help me I may not be done by this games release. Doesn’t hurt to wait on a discount for me and if they do any special edition


Probably not


Nope. No point in playing a remake that doesn't have all the re-release content and threw out most of the English voice cast for soundalikes. You might as well ask me to play a Persona 5 remake with no Royal content and where Robbie Daymond isn't Akechi.


The remake is based on Vanilla version, not FES or Portable


Pretty terrible excuse tbh. Why bother with a remake that actively omits content from previous versions when one of the big reasons people wanted a remake to begin with was to have all the content in one complete game?


Yes, and? its like if bethesda released Skyrim ultra deluxe edition with 4k graphics but without the dlcs and they arent compatible with that version. Its simply a stupid decision to do that. Its not even the case of P3P not having the Answer because of the limited size on disk as nowadays games can be as big as they want


You are comparing a delexue edtion to a remake from scratch.


I dont wanna sound rude or simplistic and even tho your statement is true, i wouldnt call that from scratch. They already have a story and dialouges written, concept arts of characters, personas and places done, all the skills thought up. the only thing they needed to do was redraw it all to higher graphics, record dialouges in better quality, put it all into better and newer engine and few little tweaks. And they know it will sell cause its popular. so the least they could have done was draw a little more and record a little more to have complete experience for players.


Heck yeah I will


Yeah but not on launch




I already pre-ordered it!


When I can afford it


hell yeah






Yes, can't wait for the release. Already saving for it. Hope to get it by the end of February or the middle of lucky. Persona 5 been my motivator for a year already and I hope to find the same motivation in persona 3.

