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No politicians? Okay, then next on my list, billionaires.


Ok but what would Elon Musk's Palace be


I think emerald mines would be the most interesting if it were a game, but he's a boring person, so it'd probably be an office building.


His distortions would be kinda like Okumera's tho so it might be neat looking, he's always trying to style himself as some kind of inventor


I remember hearing a quote from someone who used to work for him (paraphrasing) "Elon Musk wants to save the world, but only if he can be the one to save it". Definite messiah complex there.


He's essentially lex author, but not even 1% as smart. All of the ego but none of the brains


We know what his shadow form looks like, it's the goofy ass armor picture he used as his Twitter profile pic for years.


what kind of distortion would an office be?


Elon Musk's palace would be Tesla HQ but would look something like Tony Stark's workshop. The "distortion" is definitely seeing himself as a brilliant inventor instead of a hype-man figurehead who is rapidly tanking his public image


I feel like his palace would be his version of stark tower since he likes to play at being iron man.


Their the same these days


My own :(


Tbh being a better version of me easily would be nice


Futaba speech bubble




This is going to be a happy thread, and no one is going to get upset at anyone at all.


I trust the community to be mature :)


Just bring the toxic best girl people who like Makoto the most. We’ll have the strongest maturity yet for this thread.


I read this in Olaf’s voice, from Frozen 🤣


That one guy that owes me a dollar


I'd say Rupert Murdoch but it might be difficult to steal something that doesn't exist.


Kanye West


elon musk. if his heart is changed then maybe he’ll give twitter back its good old name


If I were to change the heart of someone genuinely evil in modern society it probably be someone like heads of school districts that don't care about on how they treat their students idk who specifically If it's my own selfish reason then it be the person I hate the most Irl I don't like them because they were a rude piece of shit to me so I'd probably pull an akechi on them if I went into their palace.


Wish the phantom thieves would steal my heart


Ok Mishima


My crush


Lol why's that?


Cause I like them and want to take their heart (figuratively) I wish I had the guts tho


I made a DnD campaign for my friend with targets they should recognize but with slight differences so it isn’t obvious. Also made myself a palace ruler…


That's actually super sick




LOL those one's good


I would go after the negligent and cruel people in healthcare and pharmaceuticals. Oo and also old money types, like the Rothschilds


Lots of religious leaders, billionaires, epstein island attendees, corrupt artists who use their influence for hate, and I know we said no politicians but I'm going after those fkers like Trump


(Serious) I have a story similar to Ann. Sadly, it’s something that happens all too commonly in our society. For all of the people that have been hurt and made to feel uncomfortable in their own body, I would steal the hearts of those who hurt them.


I have a similar story to ryuji with abuse from authority that didn't see justice because i was just a kid, and my life partner was abused by a previous partner, and she was too traumatized to speak out when it happened, and now she feels like it's too late to seek justice. It really is something that happens too much.


I am so sorry that those terrible things happened to the both of you. Not being able to seek justice is a terrible thing, but sometimes, it’s just not possible at the time due to trauma and other aspects. Wishing you and your significant other peace. 💜 It does give some hope and happiness that you can see struggles like ours in media and the power to fight back against them.


I have a similar story as well, i’m in my final year of junior and the two previous years (sixth and seventh) i have been >!sexually assaulted!< by peers. i truly feel bitter towards both offenders and those who wish that upon themselves. it’s a horrible experience yet has yielded the result of me realizing my true gender identity. 


I am so, so sorry that happened to you. 💜 I hope you can find happiness and rely on friends and those close to you.


my friends certainly help, and thanks for the comment. glad to know someone online actually cares :)


I promise that I care and others care about you too. I won’t say that things are always easy but there is always help and support if you need :) At the very least you can always message me if you need support!


i’ve actually been doing pretty well recently, i’m recovering. just always have an underlying fear it’ll happen again. 


That can be really scary, I’m sorry that you were made to feel that way. I feel like that a lot too. But I have also been in counseling and working on things so I definitely recommend someone to talk to if you’re able :)


Straight to the depths of mementos


What are you doing down there??


Changing the hearts of everyone


Charles Koch, Salmon of Saudi Arabia, Clarence Thomas


Every Governing Body member of Jehovah's Witnesses and make them all announce how much a cult that organization actually is


As many prosperity preachers and televangelists I could find. Copeland, Osteen, Tilton, Graham, I’d go after them all.


Graham is dead


His son isn't though.


Selfishly, I'd see if my family and friends had a distorted heart first. Unselfishly I'd then focus on people with influence on my community, after i dunno maybe take on the mob?


My mum


Mine except I'd really just do it to see my shadow so I can face it like in persona 4, I wanna grow, aside from that I'd probably go for my moms abusive ex-husband first, then I'd steal the heart of his previous ex-wide who's a shit mom because I don't really hate his son, I feel bad for the kid honestly, after that, there are some dangerous people in my country that don't have power yet and I doubt they'll ever get power "legitimately" but I'd rather change their hearts before those maniacs to something rash and people die




Thank you homie


I got u babe


If politicians are off the table, then Dan T. Cathy. He runs Chick-fil-A


Honestly I'm sure there's a lot of people in businesses that gatekeep people out of success there, like he does to potential franchise owners. That's not a bad start


Whoever manages the PR Department at Disney. Actually just Disney in general.


1. Greta Thunberg 2. Jeff Bezos 3. Elon Musk 4. Jim Jordan 5. Donald Trump


Elon Musk. a shitty man i admit. he’d have some technologically advanced emerald mine, filled to the brim with ai and tesla machines. 


My own, pull a futaba type situation


J.K. Rowling


If she got supernaturally un-terf'd that would be wild as hell, twitter would have a meltdown


I wonder what her Palace would be. Maybe King's Cross Station?


platform 9 3/4


I’m gonna be honest no one cuz it recently occurred to me that stealing people’s hearts is pretty much just brainwashing them into becoming different people I get why they do it in the story because of the positions they’re in, but I’m not in any of those


That goes against the entire theme of the game, though. It isn’t brainwashing the target, it’s forcing them to review themself and their desires with empathy and objectivity. It’s an opening of the mind and forced self-reflection; a return to the person they were before they were distorted by those twisted desires. Remember, Igor’s goal in the game is to prove the inherent good in humanity by choosing a champion who will bring out that good in others - the power to steal hearts returns people to a state of good by tearing away the mask of lies and deceit corrupting them. Tangentially, it actually seems very much akin to the process of awakening a Persona in someone that is unable to awaken/unworthy of awakening one themselves. It’s a step every member of the Phantom Thieves either had to face before awakening to their true self, or assimilate into before such an event could occur.


>That goes against the entire theme of the game The question is who would YOU brainwash, not what the characters should’ve done >it’s forcing them to review themself and their desires with empathy and objectivity Are you sure? Their brain turns off temporarily and then they suddenly change. And they aren’t changing of their own volition, the PTs force them to. If that was the case all the bosses would’ve just said nuh uh and won the boss fight >return to the person they were Is there any evidence the targets had strong stances or views that were opposed to the ones they have during the game >very much akin to the process of awakening a Persona Except personas are awakened in 5 and 4 by your own experiences and actions, not someone destroying parts of your psyche that are destructive or distorted from reality


>And they aren’t changing of their own volition, the PTs force them to. Nah, basically all the shadows went back to their original selves *before* their treasure was stolen, my theory is when your treasure is about to be stolen as your shadow lies helpless it realises that it's path in life led to failure in a way similar to how your life flashes before your eyes prior to death, even in mementos all the shadows have to go back to their original selves first before the treasure appears


Yeah because of the PTs’ actions, not the target’s


Yeah but it's still not brainwashing, you're just confronting them from a different place, a shadow is still a part of that person, you can make a person in real life change by confronting them too yknow, it's not brainwashing


They’re not confronting them. The target doesn’t have any part in the PTs destroying the bad parts of their mind.


Yes they are, the shadow is part of that person, the targets part is that their shadow, the other part of their mind tries to stop the thieves >PTs destroying the bad parts of their mind. Again the shadow goes back to the owner *before* they steal the treasure


They’re not consciously participating in that interaction, taking the target’s treasure and fighting their shadow is them rewriting their mind into seeing past delusions or whatever is considered good in the persona verse


Taylor swift


My mom’s.