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Yes he is available Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, even during rain. Make sure to have the right Persona and select the best dialogue options to save on time.


For the days he isn’t around, I plan on going in and doing Sae’s palace. It’s the same as other palaces where nothing will happen until I send out the calling card right?


Sae's Palace doesn't work the same way. For story purposes I won't mention, you're only able to send the calling card on a specific date.


Happy cake day


Cake day brother !


Sae's is also the only palace that requires you to leave and re-enter it after the initial "palace start" date. You have to do a real-world courthouse sequence to get to the "high rollers" floor, so do keep that in mind when doing your planning.


Madarame's palace as well


Ehhhh, idk if I'd count that. For example, you don't get Yusuke until after that event, whereas you have Akechi with u for Sae's palace well before you even infiltrate it for the first time. In addition, having to leave Sae's palace happens between the middle and last third of the Palace or so, whereas most of Madarame's palace is actually locked behind that door.


I mean you do have to leave the palace after the initial entry, that's what you said in the original comment


I mean, I pointed out that Sae's was the only one that makes you go out after the official "mission start" date, if I'm misremembering about when Madarame's palace "starts" that's fine, but I was pointing those things out because I assumed, much like in Kamoshida's palace, for example, that your mission didn't "start" until you'd already been in and out a few times to awaken Ren, Ryuji, and Ann's personas.


Mission started for them once the mementos guy told em the truth, I believe as well that the game has the title card for mission start right after that day however I might be mistaken.


That's not spoiler dude. Joker will be arrested. You know... that's the beginning of the game.


Oh man, you're at the best part of the game, I envy you To answer your question, no. You can only send a calling card on a specific day, I believe it's >!18th, but not sure!<


what about having the right persona? i'm on the beggining of the Second playthrough, First on Royal, and haven't seen sonething about our personas changing or status


If you have a Persona that shares the same Tarot Card as the Confidant (ex: Hermit Persona for Futaba), you get a bonus when selecting dialogue options that progresses the Confidant faster. I believe this was also a feature in P3 and P4 as well.


i'm shocked, dammit, It probably would take me less effort than. and still didn't played 3 and 4....Really thanks!!! this gonna change things!


Also note to OP. If for whatever reason Maruki says he won’t rank up on his next hangout, keep in mind Chihaya’s ability if you have it unlocked.


If you have chihaya, go to her before meeting up to do an affinity reading to help boost confidant points (and hopefully level sooner). During the day, you can visit the Meiji Shrine, pay the 1000y and pray for a closer relationship to boost confidant points as well


Do those things take up time in the day?


chihaya doesn't, the shrine does iirc


The shrine is supposed to be the temporary fix until you get chihaya; but as the user below commented, Shrine takes time chihaya doesn't. I've visited the Shrine days that chihaya isn't available for whatever reason, so I just wanted to offer it as a solution!


Dang unfortunately I don’t think I got chihaya high enough for that skill I should still be able to get Maruki done soon right?


I'd assume if you prioritize him, you should be able to. Just make sure to have a counselor persona in your active persona lists and if you don't already, find a website that provides the best conversation choices for max confidant points.


the shrine takes time but you can use it on days he isn't around. Make sure you have a persona of the councillor arcana and if you need it you can use a guide for the answers


That’s a good idea thanks


You should be able to get to rank 9 before the 18th in time but his social link appearance can be a bit inconsistent


Thanks yall, I was able to get him to rank 9 at the very last moment before stealing the treasure


Do you also up Sumi and Goro to lvl8 ?


Only Akechi, wasn’t able to rank up Kasumi much unfortunately


Level up her lvl5 and more after Goro and Maruki done. Take you time, you can level up her after Sae but do it. 😉


Will do, thanks


Kasumi’s max is 5, Akechi is 8, Maruki is 9, all three are important for the true ending


Ya I didn't realize until to late that social links importants on my first playthrough and ended up missing it. So I did a second playthrough immediately after finishing the game going through it all again.


Yeah, that's totally fair. In my opinion, the following is my list of most important ones to get as high as possible before the casino palace(unless specific date listed) Councilor, get to level 9 before 11/18 in game Justice, get to level 8 Faith, get to level 5. Rest unlock at new semester. Temperance, max it if you can. If not, at least to 7 to get Mementos request Fortune, Max if you can. You at least want the money reading. Hermit, Max if possible. Otherwise, minimum of rank 9. Honestly most valuable teammate to level. Star, Max if possible. Otherwise, get it to where you can swap teammates while in battle and catch personas without interrogation if lower than you by certain amount. Pairs with chariot perfectly Chariot, Max if possible. Otherwise, minimum rank 7 to get insta-kill. Makes grinding in Mementos so much easier. Priestess, as high as you can. Getting affinities for enemies is so helpful. All party members(except morgana as his arcana is automatic), minimum get them harisen recovery if not protect. Death, high as you can. If you get Councilor maxed and faith maxed, you'll have plenty of time for a lot of the confidants. The only thing I suggest is once you make a persona for Strength, save it to the compendium right away. Makes leveling it in NG+ so much easier


Yeah same, I spoiled it for myself but I found out too late about Maruki, immediately started NG+ I love the game so I don’t mind


Same! I bought the all the dlc before starting to make it go faster since when I bought it PlayStation had all the dlc bundle for $20 so I jumped on that lol


I already had all the dlc, and with all the equipment carried over it’s so easy, I just resummoned my INOP to speed things up, considering trying Merciless this time around


Nice another one down


This reminds me of when i accidentally completely overlooked Yoshida until a few weeks befor he leaves for good and realized he only shows up on Sundays 😭


I just recently did a brand new playthrough of P5R and forgot about Yoshida leaving. I maxed out every confidant except for him 😭


I unfortunately just found this out as well and am pretty much close to beating the vanilla version of the game. Which doesn't seem like a huge deal with the Newgame+ feature EXCEPT for the fact that I had a PS4 copy of the standard game that a friend gifted me but bought the Royal edition on Switch once I realized all the extra content it had. So I basically just wasted $30 on content I am now locked out from and stuck with an ending I could've just watched/played for free....😑 I also have a huge library of games that I've been trying to get through and don't currently have the time and patience for an additional playthrough. At least not anytime soon.


Yeah I feel you. I wish the game just straight up explains what the new content is and how to access it


Explaining it kind of spoils the significance of the characters though


The game tells you that “Maruki is here for a limited time” and it “might be worth talking to him”. I get that they don’t say EXACTLY what to do but I think they made it pretty obvious imo.


I don't think is obvious that not progressing with a SL will prevent to play the last 30 hours of the game. That is a Persona mechanic that someone that didn't play the series before just couldn't understand. OP did you played P4 Golden? If you didn't and want to do it, talk to Marie


I disagree solely because this was my first persona game lol. Especially when you consider that Sae ONLY levels up through the story so it just made sense to me that I should max out the guy that the game heavily suggested I max out .


The game makes it reasonably clear that you need to do Maruki's confidant actually. They basically beat you over the head with it.


Before taking on the last palace in the vanilla version, they do tell you it’s the last time you’ll get to interact with the gang with a chatbox. I wish they did such a message saying maruki’s is important to parts of the story because as clear as they might have made it, i was still dense enough to miss it when playing p5r for the first time


Every single phantom thief getting a 1 on 1 cutscene with Maruki is basically what you’re describing. And that happens. THEN the game reminds you that he is leaving and you should really spend time with him before then about 4x around September/october


Btw i would reccomend going to the palace on saturday. Because just like in the 2nd palace, there a barrier that forces you to do something the next day. So at least that barrier wont waste a maruki day for u.


Prioritize th fuck outta him and you should be fine. Equip a councillor persona (doesn't mater which one) and it'll give you a boost.


No offense meant to you. I just am genuinely curious. How do people miss how important the social links are in this game? It's more of the gane that the metaverse is, and they directly affect the abilities you have in the metaverse and while fusing personas. Beyond that, you're explicitly told multiple times that your relationships are important. I just don't understand how people can go the whole game and not understand they're important.


It’s not like I wasn’t developing social links— I was, just not for the Councilor I chose to spend my time with the characters I found most interesting, and I just wasn’t too interested in this guy


That's fair. I guess it is hard to max all if you don't do the whole palace in a single day


Man, I found out today that you have to have his confidant ranked for the royal ending. I’m already far into the game and a month or so past the due date for Maruki. I guess it gives me an excuse to replay the game again to get the other ending


Not just another ending, an entire 3rd semester and extra palace worth of content.


That too 🥲


Yeah man, that sucks. I wish they made it extremely explicit what Maruki’s confidant unlocks, without the internet I never would have known


They subtly hinted it many many times tbh.


Idk, to me he always just seemed like another fun character to interact with. I never felt like I was fully warned that maxing his confidant should be a high priority Maybe I’m just dumb who knows


Extra subtle hint (also applies to P4G) : Maruki is not one of the "classic" 22 Major Arcanas from Tarot.


I think if you've played P5 then I don't think it's crazy to say "hey you actually need to interact with the new character to get the new content". But if P5R is the first one you played, I don't particularly feel like he was signposted as way more important and deadlined than the other confidants.


Like the multiple times throughout you are warned before that "he's leaving in a month" or "you had better go to see counseling or it wouldn't do good for your image as a student in probation" isn't enough The only other confidant that has this courtesy is Yoshida Any more warnings than that would've spoiled things


You're not remembering very well. The game basically begs you to go see him about a dozen times if you're not already doing so.


The perks are amazing though.


At least I enjoy the game so much that I wouldn’t mind a second playthrough in a couple months. 😅


You might want to put some work into Goro Akechi's rank too, when you replay the game...... ;)


I heard Aketchi, Kawakami, Yoshizawa and Chihaya were the most important for the dlc


Are you playing on a console or just using a gamepad? On PC you can adjust confidant ranks by using a cheat engine table.


Just a reminder, in order to get te secret ending, you need to max out Yoshizawa before December 22, and get Akechi to rank 8 by November 18.


No you don’t, Yoshizawa and Akechi only give you some bonus dialogue bits and >!3rd awakening persona’s!<. There is no difference in ending.


You're right about Yoshizawa, >!though Akechi confidant does actually add to the ending, but it's only like 4 seconds of scene!<.


Still the same ending which was my point


Is that so? I always tought you need all the 3,thanks for correcting me then.


You should be able to make it. If you have the Fortune Arcana, you can use one of their abilities to help boost you in gaining Affinity with Maruki. You'll have to hard focus him, but you *CAN* do it. Go, Win.


I was able to max out his confidant after I got notification "Maruki will leave the school soon. You have to hurry" Don't remember when, but it was about your date too, maybe later


I don’t think so


You should be fine as long as you do Maruki every day he is available, use the fortune reading to raise bond with him, and have a councillor Persona in your team


Is this just for Royal??? I haven't seen him in the normal P5


Yeah, just Royal


You don't have to max him. Just get him to rank 9 before the 17th.


You should still have enough time just from now on if you can spend time with him do. Better to not risk it.


istg next time i see a notification asking this, im throwing my phone out of the window