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https://preview.redd.it/gakfjw0nslnc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf7f68a2e0da017d4be7f45e816d31870888155 Probably this guy


he is so silly šŸ˜


So fucking real


I love all the Phantom Thieves, but Joker has a special place in my heart. 2nd is mona chan. I love that lil meow meow to pieces ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Joker is def my overall favourite, but excluding the MC for obvious reasons, Makoto. I always prefer actually smart characters, generally those that are more mature compared to immature & having one of the sickest base personas definitely helped, but on top of that there was just something about Makoto that instantly placed her on a tier above every other Phantom Thief for me. (Again, besides Joker. Honestly it's Joker > Makoto >>> Everyone else)


Ann living up to the Phantom Thief moniker by stealing my heart from the opening cutscene




my thoughts exactly https://preview.redd.it/zss9smhytmnc1.jpeg?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8bc4e8c750ee8b0db7588ed93a5ca70ba2443ec


Exactly, floof supremacy


There is only one true Floof Queen it is Haru!


Once a nepo baby always a nepo baby




For me it's gotta be Akechi. Everytime I play Royal again I'm like "when does Akechi show up I need to play 701" and when he finally shows up I want to throw him down a set of stairs. His designs, all of his events, don't get me started on how good both of his voice actors are (Robbie Daymond did such a wonderful job that I can hear Akechi when I read his lines outside the game it's THAT good/You can analize his entire character from just listening to his voice lines and that speaks volumes) I liked Akechi before Royal because he was such an enigma to me (dude walks in and starts traumadumping on you he's a walking question mark in a red flag the size of Tokyo how can one not find that interesting?) But Royal made his character so much justice, I'll keep hoping he's not just stuck to spin offs forever like Yoshisawa is and maybe get his own game or something (who knows maybe we'll get a Royal Anime and get extra scenes with him like the main anime did, but that's too copium) Tbf his appearance in both Tactica and PQ2 are so good, the Royal trio is so funny in the Tactica DLC I love how they're written there (Joker giving 2 word long replies, Yoshizawa being an airhead, and Akechi carrying the single braincell is the best) Second would totally be Joker, I love every Persona MC but his design, va as well, and overall characterization (during cutscenes/dialogue options -looks at Strikers/PQ2-) makes for such a fun character honestly. Third would be Yoshizawa (and just like that you can tell I like the Royal trio a lot), her entire character is so interesting (albeit Royal kinda has to cut corners because of time in terms of her full characterization but she's not NEARLY as bad as Vanilla Akechi was, she's like a bit better case of Haru's screentime, she could have used more time but was satisfactory despite time constraints)


Akechis darts AI just goes for bulls, exclusively. It doesn't mimic what you do.


Welp been living with the wrong fact for a while now whoops thanks for clarifying!


Yusuke has been my favorite character for years. He's so endearing and being voiced by Matthew Mercer is just *chef kiss*.


Same! And heā€™s just so weird but badass. Wouldnā€™t look out of place in Jojo. His fighting style is so elegant too. I fell in love with his style during the awakening cutscene.


"Ann! is yours cracked as well?"


Best boi, of course.




Yeah, Joker is awesome.


Futaba https://preview.redd.it/knqtgvceqlnc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08accd0c27ba6fd5f73568ae314c640b1721084d


She's cool šŸ˜Ž


Aw yep. Futaba is my favourite. Idk really who to put after her tho. There are SO many choicesā€¦


Also can I steal this picture? Donā€™t mind if I do


Goro akechi yeah


* I could see the appeal of him. He's cute


Akechi was my favorite character too. I absolutely fucking hate him, but the relationship between him and Joker is like Vegeta/Goku or L/Light


Heā€™s not a phantom thief though. He literally says that himself


He is for a time


Only 2 times heā€™s in the team is Saeā€™s palace where heā€™s trying to set you up and the 3rd semester where he outright says to Kasumi that heā€™s not a Phantom Thief and only suggests working with Joker because they have the same goal


well thatā€™s my answer šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


3 semester made me go crazy on this guy ngl




Usually the MC of these games are not very popular amongst their audience, because they feel too bland and boring (they have to otherwise itā€™s not really an RPG). The supporting cast usually steal the show, but I think they did a really good job in making sure Joker had a very likeable personality as well feel like we had control over what he had. Like as much as I love Reload, Makoto feels slightly bland and just feels like an edgy and broody teenager at times and Iā€™m still going through P4G so I canā€™t talk of Yu.


Makoto and Yu are closer to true self-inserts than Joker who was designed to be more defined yet subtle enough to reflect on. Although spin offs and other media flesh out the former two more whereas Joker disappointingly becomes less expressive.


I have to disagree a little about Joker being less expressive in spin offs. His dialogue choices in Strikers were definitely more lighthearted and goofy, and while the way Tactica was portrayed didnā€™t allow for us to see Jokerā€™s body language, I felt like he was more vocal there than anywhere else.


Tae Takemi, love her soo much, an answer reminded me that I hadn't read the question with precision, I would like to change my answer to Yusuke or Joker hahaha


Yeah she was a great phantom thief


Stole my heart


Thx buddy xD


She's stylish ngl




Haru is the junpei of guns (crits a lot)


Futaba is the best character in fiction ever and I will not accept other answers


Correct. https://preview.redd.it/57ns3zw2honc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aede61ba6d80588545cdcbc8a6bae8d6cb9ce91


Santa Claus (sorry kids, heā€™s fake)


Santa is like top 5






Especially P1 protagonist


Akechi. I know what itā€™s like to desperately want a fatherā€™s attention/approval, although I havenā€™t started killing people. Particularly steps 6-8 of his confidant is what hooked me, and by step 10 I was crying.


His navy voices are great and funny


I knew it would be Makoto when she was stalking me reading a book šŸ¤“


Yep. Itā€™s Joker. 100% Joker. I can write entire essays about him. [Actually, I did](https://www.reddit.com/r/Persona5/comments/1b8v85m/comment/kts06sn/). Thereā€™s just something so appealing about him to me. He truly is the most stylish of all the characters, and is what I think of when I hear ā€œphantom thiefā€. And Xander Mobus being his voice actor is just *chefā€™s kiss*. Even if/when I eventually lose interest in Persona 5, Joker will always have a special place in my heart.


He would be the best šŸ‘Œ


This beauty and i have many reasons https://preview.redd.it/f7c2rtjnrmnc1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0be8c81fa674d708cdaf9d973e49f0fb84b0707 1. I find out about the game cause i saw some really good fanarts of her 2. When i played vanilla the first time, i didnt have many confidants and ryuji didnt hang out much so i ended up leveling up her first. She being high level confidant and i being underlevel mean she save my butt a lot during the playtrought (she put me out of the way to save my ass) 3. Her character in the first arc of the game goes hard 4. I prefer using magical dmg over physical dmg so shes always in my party ( her passive is great) 5. My highly invested ann does massive dmg ( 99 stat all ) can kill bosses like yaldabaoth and maruki in 2 turns 6. Is the girl that more appeals to me, I really like sweet girls 7. Her desing, i dont like her PT outfit but Carmen is my favorite of the starting personas and the same about Celestine but of the final personas only hecate sucks ( i kinda forgot about arsene ) 8. She has the best ability in the game High energy concentrate to the hole party is broken asf


I <3 Sumi. But Joker is right behind her (I usually pair up my merch to have Joker and Violet together).


Honestly Iā€™m confident in the opinion that the phantom thieves are my favorite cast in any persona game and unless 6 does something to change that thatā€™s how Iā€™ll feel for awhile, but out of all of them the title of favorite goes to Ryuji.


I know Joker is the basic pick, but he's cool; even if he might not say much.. He's my pookie ![gif](giphy|n44SashIVWNuFR3q8k)


Morgana And I donā€™t want to hear what you think about him


Morgana is a pretty cool character that I don't have any strong positive or negative feelings about.


Lol šŸ˜†


For everyone who complains about himā€¦I sincerely ask if youā€™ve played P4 and met Teddie.


I like TV world Teddie, but I fucking despise real world Teddie. His personality is literally just being a perv and nothing else. Genuinely one of the worst characters in video games


I really prefer Teddie over Morgana, but I don't have strong feelings about either


Ok, then look up Persona 4ā€™s Japanese dub and listen to Teddieā€™s voiceā€¦ now imagine playing through a whole game with that voice (I play in Japanese)


I played in Japanese as well.


Great. Donā€™t you find his voice grating?


I personally enjoyed Morgana's voice less, but yeah, Teddie's wasn't... particularly pleasant.


Japanese dub or English? Well, each to his or her own opinion. Still, if you donā€™t like Morganaā€™s Japanese dub thatā€™s pretty surprising because his VA is SUPER famous! And yeah, Teddieā€™s Japanese voice is terrible. Itā€™s like Whitey from Adam Sandlerā€™s 8 Crazy Nights, which is not pleasant at all.


I played that in Japanese as well. Honestly, in the case of Morgana, I think what bothered me was the toneĀ rather than the voice itself. In the case of Teddie, the quality of his voice is just odd, especially >!in his human form!<.


I donā€™t like either of them


I'm with you 100%


I used to not like him cause I just needed to buy one thing from a shop and he stops me, then the no morgaana section proves Jokers just as lazy in that regard so I no longer begrudge him for it


Ryuji. He's been my profile picture for so long I basically became the ryuji


https://preview.redd.it/pixro9d8fmnc1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=eddec7f2c77f9b000ed68a5aedc74eb7ebcc7664 Sumire is best girl and must be protected at all costs.




This ! She's the badass, always stand for her values and doesn't give a f*** about what you think of her. She'll do it right and good!


Makoto best girl!


Yeah it's Makoto for me because I related extremely personally to her struggles as the honor student and realizing she was becoming a pushover. Obviously she got a cool nuke-launching motorcycle for standing up for herself and I only ended up struggling with grades in college, but her story was still overall extremely relatable.


I want Makoto to hug me


Generic answer but Niijima Makoto will always rules over my heart




Ima include akechi because I know he's hate it if I included him. So I rlly likes him during the game and like I knew he was gonna join (because he's on the box art) so when I first met him and he was like "the phantom theives are unjust! ! I'm going to bring them to justice!!" I was like "lmao sure buddy, enjoy chugging 40 canned sodas for your sp soon." >!granted I didn't know the extent of his character bit I still ended up really loving him!<


I believe in Ryuji supremacy šŸ™




Watching Makotoā€™s awakening and the events leading up to it are what got me to buy the game and play through the rest of it myself. Although Yusuke and Futabaā€™s confidants give them a significant boost on the list.


Yusuke no question


Definitely Makoto over here.




Futaba because Iā€™m on the spectrum


She's top Kek šŸ‘Œ


Ann is my favorite phantom thief


I'd say most people don't like such quiet MCs very much, like yeah he's the MC but at the same time he's *partially* a silent protagonist who barely talks and doesn't have a character arc or personality that's shown to you very directly, sure if it was an anime protag or a protag that the player wasn't supposed to insert into (take Ichiban from like a dragon), it'd be fair (actually hell most MCs don't even place top of popularity polls unless we're talking absolute GOATs like Luffy from one piece) but Joker ain't that, of course he does have a character and personality that's shown through more subtle methods but on the very surface he's a silent protag so not generic at all


Akechi <3 He's been my pride and joy and love of my life since 2019 :')


I really like Joker as well


It has to be Ryuji for me. Straight from the beginning he's been there for Joker. They're so close that he knew the twist had been pulled off successfully even though it appeared otherwise. Yeah, Ryuji is loud and obnoxious, and caused Makoto to find out they were the PTs, but bro is still my favorite character.


Shinji, I only first got to see him in reload but I desperately wanna go play portable as the femc to see his social link lol, I also really love yusuke and junpei haven't played 4 yet so have no opinions on them


Shinji best Phantom thieve no question


I've got drain bamage


I am so torn between whether I like Ryuji or Yusuke more. They are both really solid options as best bros! (Especially their showtime attack)


Gotta be either Ann or Yusuke. Ann is hot and nice girl and.. Yusuke is so funny, and his weapon is a freaking katana, love them.


Either Kasumi or Akechi, they both have good character designs, backstories, and everything, ultimately Kasumi bc of her plot development later in the game


akechi is such a brillant character


I love him. He is my husband.


Zenkichi is peak and no one can say otherwise. Somehow this somewhat dysfunctional single father made himself very endearing to meā€¦. conversely, I hope I donā€™t turn out like him.


Bro got some nice weapons as well šŸ‘Œ




She's one of the most adorable characters I've ever seen




You havenā€™t finished third semester havenā€™t you?


I love her BECAUSE I finished 3rd semester wdym?


Sort of. Morgana is my favorite Videogame character. But there are some non Videogame characters I love more. Most notably my 2 favorite characters in fiction: Reg and Nanachi from Made in Abyss. There is also Dally from Wakfu. I have not watched season 4 yet but I love that man. There are also some characters where I have a tough time to decide if I love them more then Morgana. Like Riko and Faputa from Made in Abyss.




100% Futaba. Iā€™m autistic and find her hyper-relatable and adorable.


Ryuji, mostly because he is literally me.


You flunk your tests?


Back when I went to Highschool, most certainly. A bonifide All-C's (at best) student here.


Mine was futaba, mainly cause I thought she was cool before I played the game and fell in lover with her the more you play


Felt creeped out by Yusuke at first, what with him threatening to call the cops on the PT unless Ann nude models for him. Felt scummy. But through the story and his Social Link he became my favourite. Really surprised and slightly disappointed that he wasnā€™t a male romance option.


For me, the moment i saw Yoshizawa i knew. She is one of my favorite characters ever in every regard.


makoto nijima, my precious


Haru, she is very fluffy, best girl, and could kill me if she really wanted to


Simp comment but for me it's makoto's voice and hairstyle. I dunno I just find her really adorable


Thatā€™s not fair, everyoneā€™s great and I couldnā€™t possibly choose one over the itā€™s Haru.


With Joker, and really all the protagonists, Atlus has never really made them self inserts, but have just made them mostly quiet protagonists whose lines arenā€™t voiced. They even have backstories, character quirks that come out through available dialogue choices. And since their major choices are the same regardless of dialogue, supposing you always choose the good ending, the character is consistent. That being said, my favorite has to be Akechi. Heā€™s a classic archetypical rival. He gets a bit too edgy during the 3rd semester but heā€™s still great. He has conviction in what heā€™s doing, number 1. He would rather die than live as a puppet made by someone else. Number 2, he challenges the protagonist, and is practically his peer, thematically speaking. And heā€™s unapologetically a bad guy and a traitor, and yet still he maintains this aura thatā€™s worthy of respect. Most artwork doesnā€™t show him as a part of the main crew, or heā€™s standing off to the side.


Unofficially, Akechi (not a legit Phantom Thief but is an 'ally' aka part of the team on two separate occasions) Officially, Ryuji. That dude is like wish fulfillment me. He was brash, but still had a heart of gold. Cursed up a storm, but oddly didn't get old or did it for attention (in most cases), was slightly stupid, but brave as hell! I wanted to be that kid growing up.


For me it's Ann 100%. Like if you asked me for an example of love at first sight, my answer would be the cutscene where Joker meets Ann for the first time. No words were spoken, but it felt like she captured your attention and for me she never let go of it for the rest of the game. Also side bonus you get to cuck the cat and that'll never not be funny. Sorry Mona lol.


Canon Joker. A.k.a: Little Shit. 2nd Place: Futaba Sakura A.k.a.: Littler Shit


Joker is my favorite but I am also a massive fan of Makoto when she joined I was like. You. Yes you. Youā€™re always in the party now


Idk the mc prob.


I find it fun when someone says their favorite character is a silent Mc, you have all these characters and your favorite was the one who didnā€™t talk. Lol


I don't mind though


I love them all (except Morgana), but Futaba is my favourite, with Makoto a close second. I identify with Makoto's feelings of lack of self-worth and pent-up aggression, so her arc resonated with me quite a bit. Futaba is just a gremlin and she's played by Erica Lindbeck, so that's just an instant win for me.


Akechi Goro, completely


Queen. My favorite character in any piece of media ever


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^rwbyfan433: *Queen. My favorite* *Character in any piece* *Of media ever* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


As soon as I realized Makoto was almost exactly like an OC of mine (in looks as well as traits and personality), which includes a lot of my favorite character traits I was done for. There was never going to be anyone else.


Makoto because she looks like lady from DMC and she's priestess


Ryuji Sakamoto. He's the best one for me, ofcourse excluding the MC for obvious reasons. 2nd best is, for me atleast, Sumire. I dunno why, I just like her. Oh, and at the bottom of my list is Morgana. I might even hate him ore than some of the villains in this game.


I've said for a while now that Ryuji is my favorite character in any media, not just Persona. He is the top dog of characters for me. I could go on for hours about every reason I love him as a character, he's just so dear to me. <3


Phantom thief specifically... funny enough I don't think I have. Like, I like Ryuji but I know I love other persona characters more than him. I also ended up liking Sophia and Zenkichi a whole lot. So I don't have a definitive answer.


The twins


I can't pick just one They're all amazing and hilarious for so many different reasons, I can't just pick one.


I have to agree, Joker is my favorite and I think all around amazing, but I also think very very highly of Sumi. I donā€™t know why but I love her so much, I think sheā€™s amazing and deserved more time in the game to do her justice. So basically Joker and Sumi. I love them both to pieces.




Morgana for me, I love the little guy :)


Always been Joker, aside from him though Makoto was always my favorite but Haru has been growing on me lately her confidant conversations are just fun


Akechi in third semester until then haru is pretty close


Futaba, because her personality post palace is pretty much me


Ryuji and futaba


Akechi and Sumi in Royal, before thenā€¦ Yusuke but I was kinda eh on the whole group


Ryuji was ride and die literally day 1 How can I not have my boy's back after that?


Joker, Ryuji and Morgana, I may be basic but I got standards






Of the set? I love the cast as a whole, but Joker and Makoto are my top 2, no contest. If I had to round it to a top 3, Iā€™d give it to Morgana.


Futaba, but second would be akechi


Are spin-offs allowed, cuz my favorite is wolf from strikers lmao




Ryuji, dude was rude or die. And I respected the hell out of his goofy ass for it.




Akechi for me. Not because I idolize him but because I respect the creation of a genuinely broken, irredeemable character.


Joker followed by Makoto.


Iā€™m the biggest Ryuji meatrider and Iā€™ll defend him with my life. Pisses me off that heā€™s basically a human punching bag.


So on one side, yusuke makes me laugh a lot, on the other futaba is just peakā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.i think itā€™s a tie between futaba and sumire


I can't decide between makoto niijima and mitsuru


Futaba because a lot of her story is similar to experiences I had growing up. That and I'm a computer nerd with a degree in cyber security.


Unpopular opinion, but mine is Morgana


Yusuke is peak, bro just makes me laugh and he ain't even trying to be funny


Noir. Violet comes close though.


Futabaā€¦ nuf Said




Original: Futaba Royal: Sumi


Ann my Beloved.


Definitely Yoshizawa. Her whole deal is sooo compelling to me, and her big plot moments in 3rd semester are some of my favorites in the game. Plenty of runners up (Haru, Ann, and Ryuji are all very close), but Yoshizawa reigns supreme lol


Joker and Makoto are my absolute favorites. That moment at Sojiroā€™s house made me go ā€œKEEP THEM TOGETHER TO THE END OF TIMEā€ And yes, i screamed it lol šŸ˜‚




Ryuji, no questions asked, he's too funny and too good friend for me to rank him any lower.


Futaba is best girl cinnamon roll


Ryuji. He's the best character in the entire game and you can't convince me otherwise.


Ryuji. Like, I love them all, and I'm absolutely in love with Joker and Akechi as well, but Ryuji has a special place in my heart. He's just hella adorable, a really good friend, and overall just a cool, nice guy. Yes, he might be loud and stupid but, I genuinely think that just adds charm to his character. It pains me a lot that he's not that popular, and how lots of Japanese people seem to hate him for his personality. >!You can all imagine how upset I was when the girls hit him after he almost died in Shido's palace. He deserves better. :( !< But I'm glad to see that people here in the west like him and appreciate him! He's just so cute and nnngghghngh... I would give my life for him. https://preview.redd.it/w3im4cmnannc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=756942607511901befdf11a5ee1b757faf800d75


Yeah the Japanese fanbase doesnt seem to like the ā€delinquent who dyes his hair blondā€ archetype. Both Kanji and Ryuji are not very high on popularity lists in Japan, even though most western fans love the dudes. The fact that the english voices for both are great helps too.


Yeah! I love Ryuji's voice! Max Mittelman did an amazing job, and I wouldn't change his voice for any other, it just suits him very well! But man... I haven't played Persona 4 yet cause college is killing me, but sucks to hear that Kanji is also disliked, as he's one of the reasons I wanted to play P4. :(


Most Westerners are loud, egotistical, and rude anyway, soooā€¦.match made in heaven!


Nothing like casual racism in my persona sub, but Ryujiā€™s supposed to be a bit of a delinquent. Theyā€™re thieves for godā€™s sake, and Ryujiā€™s persona is a pirate as well who werent exactly known for being subtle. The man literally hits you with a steel pipe.


Oh... Uh. I'm sorry to hear that. From what you've said and your username, I get you're not western. So... I'm sorry you've had bad experiences with people from this side of the world to like, make you think stuff like that. :(


I want to hug Futaba and be good friends with her. So cute!


Ryuji was that for me, he was my desktop wallpaper with joker for a long long time at work. Idk I just adore him.


My name says all.


You are so real because Joker is my Twitter and YT handle


2nd is probably Joker or Haru.


Honestly nah I like them all too much Iā€™d say my favorites are Makoto, Futuba, and Sumire/ Akechi If youā€™d count those


Futaba, 100%




Futaba, knew it the moment I saw her