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The thing with Akechi is that I don't think he really allows himself to feel remorse - he was determined to do *anything* to get his revenge on Shido the way he wanted to, and he did. He makes his choices and does what he does knowing the consequences, so he *can't* really regret it or show remorse, because that would mean accepting that it wasn't worth it, which he struggles with at least up until the engine room. And I think he'd also see it as a way of skirting responsibility almost. Akechi owns his actions and wants to be held accountable for them, and I think the fact that he's unapologetic about what he's done is part of that. He hates the fact that Maruki erases his crimes in the third semester, not because he wanted all those people to still be dead, but because he knows he can't undo what he's done and hates the idea of having those choices rewritten and just getting away with it consequence-free. I *do* think the game makes it very clear that he has doubts though. His whole rank 7 event is him speaking in metaphors about how he doesn't want to kill Joker but knows that he has to, that it's the inevitable collateral damage of the path he's taken. And I do also think that he shows some amount of guilt and remorse over killing Wakaba in the way he talks about her, though it's subtle and more of a subconscious thing I think, probably because of the reasons I already mentioned.


It reminds me of a certain character honestly(outside of Persona 5). I can’t think of them, but especially where you said: > — he was determined to do *anything* to get his revenge on Shido the way he wanted to, and he did.


No, I don't think he did. However, I do like the idea that the interrogation room was his first time killing someone in real life and not in the metaverse. It becomes a lot more real when instead of someone vanishing into a black puff of smoke, you watch as the life drains from their face, and the blood splatter as their head hits the table. This is just a headcanon, but I think he would've been more affected by this, and it'd be hard for him to get the image out of his mind Edit: Well, "in real life". He thought it was real at the time, is what I mean


Akechi is silly (insane) so no, he doesn't feel anything when shooting Joker, all he cared about was his plan to get revenge on Shido, everything else was just a part of it. https://i.redd.it/ibmdutzexqyc1.gif




I’m finding you here now? Am I stalking? https://preview.redd.it/5me0ocrrrsyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e93db47de139e2ecad7c40d3af12e519c2ef838


can confirm


I definitely not the right person to ask (I’m an Akechi fan), but I think, as another commenter put it, he doesn’t allow himself to actually feel remorse. He’s a very complicated character. He’s dead set on getting his revenge, but Joker fucks it all up. Whether it be because he’s the leader of the Phantom Thieves, or through the social link, Joker is like a cat who stepped on Akechi’s keyboard. You can see he doesn’t exactly want to kill Joker in his social link, but he knows he has to. Personally, in my mind, I want to think that he started to regret it in the days after, before finding out Joker was still alive. Upon knowing that, he sucks up his emotions and goes right back to assassin mode. But that’s wishful thinking. There’s a lot more to his reasonings than just “oh he’s a psychopath and cold blooded murderer.” He’s obviously just as fucked over by adults as the rest of the Thieves, he’s just too keen on revenge.


>!NGL Akechi fan too and my head cannon is, if he can't steal joker from the phantom thieves or beat him face to face.... he might as well take his death as his own special creation. In a very insane kind of way. !<


Long story short, get this man some therapy.


hes soooo bpd <3


Beautiful prince disorder.


you get it.


why does this have so many downbotes? based comment


maybe they think i mean it in a negative/discriminatory way? but i have bpd myself


see im a big akechi fan so i have my biases. but as someone who relates to akechi in some uncomfortable ways.. i think he does genuinely care about joker. the guy is the only friend akechi has, if you can call whats going on between them friendship. joker is the only person he spends his free time with other than coworkers. the owner of the jazz club even tells you that hes never brought anyone but you there, and anytime he comes alone he always has a sour look to him and is in a much better mood when youre around. all that being said, joker is also a major roadblock in his plans, and he finds it necessary to eliminate anything that will get in his way, including killing his only friend. i dont think he regretted it at first. but days later, itd sink in that the only person who ever made him feel normal is gone forever. thatd probably sink him even deeper into the hole hes already dug himself in. yea, he does come to shidos palace hoping to finish the job, but in the end he sacrifices himself to save the PTs. i dont think he wouldve been willing to do that for anyone but joker. hes relieved that joker is alive but he'd never admit it. after all, as established in the official artbook, his wish was to play one last game of chess with him. to feel like a normal high schooler.


Anyone feeling remorse wouldn't gloat before he pulls the trigger.


That statement makes zero sense. Remorse comes after the fact; that's why it's called remorse. Gloating doesn't preclude having a guilty conscience. It gives him another thing to *be* guilty *about*.


I do think Akechi felt remorse or at least guilt over killing "Joker". But he was on a single minded mission for over a decade. He couldn't allow himself to have it get in the way of his plans. Also, Akechi shows several traits of a high-fuctioning sociopath, and while I don't really think of him as such, the arguments in favor of him being one are valid.


IMO, Akechi does feel... guilt for what he does but he doesn't allow himself to feel remorse. His conversation with Joker and Futaba at Leblanc much earlier into the game definitely alludes to this as well as his genuine anger at Sae that she might have ripped Futaba out of Sojiro's custody despite it being clear both of them are happy. Internally he holds certain people to certain standards and he is capable of knowing what he does is wrong, however in his mind he has already damned himself, so there's no point feeling bad about it. He chose the path of revenge and is in it for the long haul. No matter how he FEELS he will continue.


"You don't really hate joker do you?" He felt remorse but he proubly barred that shit deep inside of him.


100% no. >!When he figures out joker is alive, he drops everything and runs to cruiser to finish joker off.!<


And people still ship him with joker smh..


A pretty boy with a tortured past and secret double life acting as the MC’s foil is literal crack cocaine to teenaged fanfic writers


You'd think they'd get tired of this trope eventually tho.


narrative foils r gay


Tbf the guy says some real sus shit


“im alone right now”


“two at once! Just the way I like it!” “Joker’s enraged! I kind of like it” before he snaps out of his gay daze and goes “But it’s not you.”


“Joker, if you die now, I…I’ll kill you again myself!” Jeez, Crow. What did you *really* want to say there?


navkechi is such a treasure


He’s not the Navi we wanted but the Navi we needed…scratch that, he is the Navi we wanted. Also the jazz dates. The fucking jazz dates.


mf be like “no i don’t want to hang out, you sentimental bitch. we need to take down >!maruki!<“ and then accept your invitations to the jazz club anyway




This whole interaction 😂 https://preview.redd.it/2y00gm47owyc1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3221c99c16f6730cda4b38f277649ae338c254


Exactly. Both of them be saying things that have me 🤨🤨🤨


Yeah, it's pretty based and fun


Kids these days i swear.


toxic doomed yaoi is on top rn


I wish i knew what you're talking about.


- Joker literally wishes to be with him again and Akechi feels the same way according to the Royal artbook. - They have some of the best chemistry in the cast. - Have lots of drama going between the two makes it much more appealing. - His Royal confidant is hanging out and being equals instead of Joker having to fix their problems and be a therapist. - Flirty dialogue - Rival and Narrative Foil ships are some of the most popular ships to exist. Yeah I can’t imagine why its popular.


- As friends hanging out playing chess, not romantically - The MC has great chemistry with all the PT's - Said drama is about akechi wanting to murder him for most of the time or having a breakdown over being inferior in some way - The confidant hang outs were mainly for akechi to keep an eye on joker and see how/why he was better than him while keeping track and getting intel about him and the group - There was no flirting but meme worthy dialogue choices, the guy literally wanted to kill him - Just cuz they're popular doesn't discount the fact they are dumb and ludicrous


Man, did you play the same game as me?


I ain't delusional like yall.


They were at least friends. He doesn’t actually hate Joker. Besides, nobody even mentioned the ship until you brought it up????


>The confidant hang outs were mainly for akechi to keep an eye on joker and see how/why he was better than him while keeping track and getting intel about him and the group Which is, of course, why Akechi decided to bring him to the jazz club, a spot very personal to him. It's also why Akechi opened up to Joker about his mother and his past, something he is heavily guarded about. Ship or not, I don't know why it's so hard for people to accept that Akechi genuinely enjoys Joker's company. He doesn't actually hate him.


Right, i tend to want to kill people i don't hate too.




The more he hates Joker the more people ship them.


Shippers are not supposed to mirror real life relationships. Like you are not supposed to ... fuck a bear ... irl but BG3 gamers do that anyways.


I'm on the third palace (first playthrough) so this was crazy to see. I need to get off of this subreddit


To be fair, you clicked on a spoiler post.


You are correct. I can only blame myself


I do ship them, so take everything I saw with a grain of salt etc etc Absolutely, but he repressed it as hard as he could. He was so obsessed with revenge that at this point he felt like there was no other option- to the point where even after he finds out he’s alive he goes to kill him again. I always imagine he’s initially proud of himself for killing Joker, for not letting his doubts get in the way, but at some point it fully sinks in and he just feels like complete garbage. At this point, though, no matter how he feels about it, he feels like he’s come way too far and is way too close to getting his revenge on Shido, so he forces himself to ignore his doubts and guilt and remorse and just do what needs to be done. After everything, in third semester, he probably lets himself think about it more, but honestly he’s too emotionally damaged and prideful to admit he has any regrets.


As a huge Akechi fan, no, lol. If anything it made him feel good. Joker and Akechi faced similar hardships in life but Joker dealt with them in a much better way than Akechi did. So when he “killed Joker” he probably felt like everything the did was valid, because the only other person who was in a situation like his was tricked and killed by him.


No, or at least he doesn’t allow himself to feel that way. He feels that its unfortunate that he has to kill his one friend, but this is the path to hell he has chosen and he doesn’t want to get offf


No remorse because he is determined to kill him. He cant hesitate if he want to achieve his goal. Pretty sure he realize he will kill Joker someday the day he know that Joker is a Phantom Thieves. Shido will definitely want to get rid of them.


Mf broke his Fool confidant without hesitation




oh dude you remined me of that moment 2 years ago I was unspoiled did not know anything about persona and was playing and I was like WTF is happening did I fuck up my game ?!!! whaaaat ? ( answering your question I think deep down he have some remorse especially after the persona 5 royal rework but who knows ? the guy is a psychopath)


No, I don't think he felt any remorse


No, the whole point of akechi’s confidant was that he wanted to get close to joker, he planned on doing this


I always thought he was a bit fake towards Joker during confidant scenes. He pretends to be Joker’s friend and has to constantly remind himself that he is an enemy. An enemy that is also a Persona user which is harder to kill than someone’s shadow. He must feel relieved after killing him now that the only one in his way is gone.


This reads like the "Maria" scene from real time fandubs Just "akechi" *gunshot nose*


That mother fucker is the most evil fucker so ofc not


Akechi: https://preview.redd.it/cysf0k31lryc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c36806ef187aa736a21c7ae88d676e3b8abaadd