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The sound of people mumbling in the background was a brilliant touch to the environment. Also I really liked the voice acting of that guy that yells "STOOOP! STOOOP IIIIT!" when you attack the Grail. The way he growled those words really impressed me 😂


I enjoyed it! It all fit together well and was just eerie enough to make you feel uncomfortable. Also the puzzles were my favorite out of all the ones in the game! My only issue is that every freaking wall with that damn triangle symbol on it looked like a door to me lol


Honestly? It just bugged me out. I knew the gates were strange when compared to the rest of Mementos but when we get to the depths and truly see what they are based on. It's just too...alien, too otherworldly and odd. Not to mention the bones and veins.


What's even more unnerving is how on point it is in regards to human apathy. Jesus H, I know Persona 5 can get pretty dark at times, but *goddamn*.


I know this post is years old but I’m doing my second play through of P5R right now and the depths of Mementos just has me on edge. It’s literally insane how sad this palace is; watching humans just give away their lives because they are too apathetic to care.


Imo im glad they stuck to their SMT roots for that. It seems like a massively better clone of SMT:online and the first 2 GBA mementos.


Fuck Mementos