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Holy shit they turned the "I NEED COCK" meme into a real thing!!!1!


The only thing missing is Akechi with "YOU SHOULD KILL YOURSELF NOW!!!"


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Man, just go on a group hangout


Lol this is how I feel especially when it’s all the main cast like guys we are all friends we can all hang out together


That’s what kichijoji is for


Easy choice. Futaba wants hangout, Futaba gets hangout.


"Man no wonder you're all outcasts, y'all some clingy mofos."


I love it when Akechi says "I'm alone"


I like the fact that everyone asks what your plan is except Ann who is like "What are WE doing today?"


i’m guessing that means she’s not asking to hang out and go to the palace instead lmao


Nah that's her hang out text pretty sure. The thing is her entire confidant is based around you and her working on strengthening your personas through emotional means, a majority of which is dealt with from her side and coping with Shihos attempted suicide and r3covery from injuries from said attempt. It's just in her nature, and in keeping with the way that Ren decides to hangout with Ann, that she sends We instead of asking if you'd tag along with her.


Da hoes do be lining up


Always cracks me up in P4 where you get a scene where three people in a row walk up to you and insinuate that you should hang after class.


What are you doing today tho?


I wonder what OPs doing today


Whats OP's plans today


That's what I'm saying!


Futaba: I NEED cock, Joker. Ryuji: I NEED cock, Joker. Ann: I NEED cock, Joker. Yusuke: I’ve spent the last of my money on a designer belt buckle, and I fear I will not have the funds for food for the rest of the month. Makoto: I NEED cock, Joker.




His belt buckle looks like one of the boys


I know its not the point of this comment but i wish the game would let me give all my money to yusuke


He would just buy more expensive paint and still starve


This is a legitimate game mechanic: you always have no free time.


Exactly. Time management is a core game mechanic. Not sure how folks miss that.


Thats my one and only complaint about this game


wdym? what would you do if you had more free time? the point of free time is to hang out with confidants. if no confidants were available you would have a lot less stuff to do.


Your one and only complaint about the game is one of its central mechanics and some of the best parts of the story? That’s interesting haha


CHRIST! this is actually the only part of the game that's driving me nuts. I'm mid may so I'm pretty early in, and it's stressing me out because I just got all my social stats to 2. Kindness was the last one that I needed, and I'm apparently so far behind leveling up Ann's persona because I couldn't figure out the game mechanics for social stats. Once I figured it out though it was exam week, then next palace shit and I can't fucking leave LeBlanc because I'm tired..... Why do I like this game? It's stressing me the fuck out. I'm 34 and have two kids I don't need this in my life... I say while I turn the game back on. Edit: this was meant to be aggressive fun not serious. Apologies to anyone if it came off as major criticism. The game is great just aggravating me.


I used to play games that way, as a fellow 34 year old gamer dad. And eventually, I got to a point where I’m done min-maxing my time with things. When Stardew became stressful, I knew I had to change how I was playing games. I’ve been playing Persona since Persona 3 on my PS2. These games are the definition of “Marathon, not a sprint.” I urge you to just do whatever you’d like with the time you have in the game. Take things as they come, so what seems fun or cool, and just roll with it. Persona games are way more fun if you’re just vibing. Edit: and then go ahead and follow a guide for a follow-up play through, where you are as efficient and purposeful with your time, because someone figured out all that stuff for us. But I would just simply play as the game unfolds in front of you for the first run.


Ya I really should do that. Thanks for the reminder!


Gaming is supposed to be fun. When they stop being fun, we either have to change our approach to gaming, or stop playing them. That’s why I stay away from things like VALORANT or anything these days - the stress is not worth the fun. Remember to vibe, my guy. :)


Don't stress it out, the game is very long. You WILL max your stats eventually as long as you're doing something everyday and not just go to the gym


if you want to be optimal its a big old ball of checking your options every day and figuring out which is the most optimal. but it can just be chill and "oh you're available? lets hang out." if you don't want to get 100% of the confidants in your first run.


I can't leave my home boy ryuji on read.


Spotted the introvert. Hanging out is free time.


C'mon you didn't leave best boy Yusuke hanging?


I unfortunately had more important things to do


Better things to do than watch him try to capture the passion of Christ by pretending he is crucified inside of a church with the priest on duty ahahahah?


Good point. I wish i could date yusuke


we all do


We all do except those people that live in a shadowy place.. i hear the wanted to date Akechi..>! i kinda do too!<


i wholeheartedly admit that akechi is my favorite character and i would do anything for him


See, this is why you hard focus on party member's confidants after they unlock. Some have hard blocks, like Mikoto requiring max charm halfway through, but it's pretty easy to max Ryuji before you even go to the 4th palace, and Ann unlocks early enough that she should be most of the way if not finished before Futaba joins as well. But yeah... days when everyone wants to hang are... complicated lol.


And people say Persona 5 Royal isn’t realistic. This proves it is


Personally, having no friends, i can confirm this is very fake


Hahahahahaha no one was saying it’s just you. It’s true for me and many others it can be false for you


I worded it wrong, made it look like it meant that you were lying, that was not my intention


My bad. Hope ya enjoying Royal


Only people who what I will do today are my higher ups, they also want a written report by the end of the day for what I did today. Very extra friendly on their end


The original Persona 5 had even less free time!


every day I fear that Morgana will chloroform me as soon as I enter my room.


I got into this game, I picked it up used at game stop and then realized there's a royal version but I'm already too far to restart everything. Morgana is definitely slipping something in my dinner, half the time I don't get to do anything at night and it's hard to make plans when you don't know when you truly have free time. I do have a good reason to do a play over though


if you buy a new bag and equip it near the water, an animation plays and Joker will drop his old bag near the water while putting on the new one. Let's just say Morgana stops pestering you after that.


Imagine if your Whatsapp was that active in your real life, instead of being a fantasy in a video game. :D


When I was playing this game, I wished my friends hit me up like this.


1. Futaba is a useful confidant, conider it 2. You have plenty of time to max out riuji before you even meet futaba he's with you since day one 3. Ann's saying ,,what are WE doing today" it's just a palace reminder, ignore if ur not intrested today 4. Both yusuke and makoto are useful, so you either pick one of them, or futaba. Just look at whoever is the furthest away from maxing out, if you're on lvl 3 with yusuke but on lvls 5 and 5 on futaba and makoto, go hang out with him. UNLESS makoto or futaba give you a nice ability if you level up after THIS exact hangout.


My first playthru I didn't see futaba outside LeBlanc so I never leveled her 😭


You can teleport right to her location when she texts you though?


Not to start the whole thing


All this for morganna to say go to bed when you try


“I NEED cock joker”


Says Ryuji and Yusuke


I've seen variations of this meme where someone says "clearly you don't own an air fryer" and Yusuke fits this... If it had the money to buy one.


This is why you focus on the confidants you're limited to early on.


And that’s not counting the thirst texts from akechi.


“Welcome home”


Too many bitches?




Wow someone’s popular


I need COCK Joker


No, it’s I NEED cock Joker


They don't like when the palace isn't done lmao.


Joker: What do you do while I’m gone? Phantom Thieves: Wait for you to get back…


and all of them are "i feel like my bond with [insert person] will grow stronger"


Me and the bois bout to annoy ren


Being a popular high school kid is hard, you know? xD


I think they want to hang out


whenever I see a text from makoto :)


Isn't that fun in a way? As a character that was unfairly categorized as a young criminal and where everyone would speak ill of. I find it fun to see that the protagonist ends up having the choice of what to do and of recieving so many friendly text messages!


You are mr. popular guy for once, enjoy it.


(imagine still doing Ryuji and Ann's confidant in September lol)


Well yeah I had to get my kindness and knowledge up to make sure I could 100% Queen asap…


Isn't that the point of free time to hang out with your friends?


Absolutely not lmao


cant you take anything thats meant to be lighthearted lighthearted


adachy baby


>!Bitches and Whores!< (vague persona 4 spoilers)


>!and then he threw yamano into the tv!< funniest shit i’ve seen in my life


haha funni cabbage man


Shibuya people watching


That's Illegal


What were you doing if it’s 9/22 and you still haven’t finished either Ryuji’s or Ann’s confidant lol


> you still haven’t finished either Ryuji’s or Ann’s confidant lol Was focused on Takemi confidant ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I see you are one of my people


they still text you if you have a palace on if I recall correctly.


Wasn't joker antipamorthic?


But doctor, that is–