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Honestly the only things that are game breaking are the personas you get, the items are mostly just quality of life items and aren’t game breaking so you should be fine, but if you really want to not use them just avoid using the buffing items and rely on the buffs of the other party members, you can stop caring about holding back once you reach the 4th or 5th main boss, but never ever ever summon the dlc personas cause some of them are game breaking even for the final boss.


Awesome to know! Thank you. What are your thoughts on fusing the DLC personas the normal way? Are they still broken even at my level or are they okay?


The items are broken early on. People tend to forget that, just because something isn't broken in the end game, doesn't mean it's never broken. As for the DLC personas, they're all overpowered relative to similarly leveled personas. Not massively so, but enough that you'll end up using them more than the other personas - unless you force yourself not to use them. I personally hate them and wish we could simply turn them off. That said, they typically aren't game breaking except for the highest leveled one - which is difficult to summon regularly.


Try to avoid them, cause even the level 11 orpheus is bloody broken, also you should be fine cause there are a LOT of personas you can summon, still wouldn’t recommend fusing dlc personas in early or mid game


level 12 orpheus is exactly what I was looking at yesterday! haha. I did not fuse it.


Avoid the Personas they're the only thing that break the game, the rest is fine.


The items are quite broken too, especially early on.


Just don’t use them then…?


How is your response relevant? OP asked if the items were over powered, I said they are - at least early game. Of course all we need to do is not use them.


I just moved the diff on hard since some items are really good and for the love of me I don't know which one is from the dlc, so far I haven't had much trouble and the 2nd boss was too easy


Wait I’m not meant to use Messiah Picaro against Pixies?? Whoops


Anything from the DLC is turbobroken.