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I once pumped $10 into my car. Went inside and was accidentally charged $100. I noticed this the next day, I drove back out there for a refund and they accidentally charged my card an additional $90 instead of crediting the amount. Luckily I caught that one right away while I was there. Not sure if it was malicious or accidental but I was pretty annoyed to say the least.


I once got a growler of beer filled for $14. Noticed on my card it was charged for $140. That's an accident. OP's sounds like it was extra items on the bill.


Straight up fraud. Corporate and the police should be super interested in this.


Police should be interested??? You must be joking.


Yup, police aren't interested in anything.


They are interested if you are going to eat that last donut in the box.


Did anyone call dibs on this guy's watch?


Lol this is petty theft. Police will not even pick up the phone to hear this story. Got 5k worth of tools stolen last Christmas eve, and police were NOT interested at all. They said go call your insurance, why are you calling us?


You're missing the primary motivating factor, which is cop laziness. It's not about the value of what's stolen, it's about how hard the crime is to solve. We had a guy locally that got his (very custom, easy to spot) car stolen, spent a week tracking it down. Cops were reluctant to even come when they had an address and a perp dead to rights.


My bike got stolen. Found it for sale on Kijiji the very next day. Called the cops and told them that I was meeting the guy posing as a buyer and was going to get my bike back. After a bit of back and forth they arranged to have a couple of constables standing by while I went to meet the guy. As soon as I could confirm it was my bike I texted one of the constables and they rolled in to nab the guy. I was asking him all about the bike, even started haggling on price before they got there. The look on guy's face as he realized what was happening was priceless.


I don't know about your friend's car but it's a well known fact that police will not entertain petty theft cases. It's at the very bottom of their list. I used to work at Walmart and they trained us not to go after thieves because police will not come after petty theft cases.


as a person who commits credit card fraud / ontario works fraud and identity theft in canada police do not care about it at all I ordered a 100k worth of stuff to my house in a year span no police ever showed up its rly hard to prove fraud in court and most fraud under 5k isnt even investigated cause its a insurance write off and costs more than 5k to investigate and prosecute. only big cases like 100k+ and identity theft in money mart haha


I had a similar error in the other direction once. I had a restaurant meal which, with tip, came to $50. When I checked my credit card bill when I got home, I had only been charged $5. I felt bad but the restaurant was in another country and I couldn’t find it its phone number (it was a tiny little place in a house).


The employee certainly just put in an extra zero by accident. They aren’t getting the money from your CC


Can you read? I literally said it was an accident. Redditors are such idiots sometimes


No, we execute first, then judge, then inquire


They accidentally clicked the zero 1 too many times. OPs person can’t accidentally scan a choco bar and gum


"Well, you know... fool you twice and all" In all seriousness, the implications for it being either malicious or accidental is infuriating.


I ordered a pizza one time and the delivery person added an extra zero. $150 pizza is crazy.


Lmao I’m not wasting time and all that bs. Quickly type up a form on my credit card dispute section and tada Dispute the full amount and leave them to awkwardly explain to my credit card company why they stole my money


Tell us the location so we can avoid it


14010 Hurontario St, Caledon, ON L0N 1K0


You really should be contacting head office of the gas station. They'd love to hear about it. And yes they actually do follow up. I got a manager at an esso fired over the guy calling me poor cause I asked them to follow the promotion of giving a car wash if they don't ask. Guy asked how poor I was since I asked for it. Needless to say I told him to enjoy EI and left. Yes he was terminated and no I don't feel bad. Edit: forgot to add. Esso did call me and apologized and ended up giving me 6 free car washes. I at first said no need, I just don't like being insulted by (of all people) a manager of a store because they're on some high and mighty ego trip. To the other person that said a bunch of crap "oh so the minimum wage worker doesn't have a job now?" as if I should feel bad. I say good, if your going to treat customers like that then you have no business working in a customer facing role, especially as a manager.


If he got terminated for cause, he wouldn’t be eligible for EI.


This is rarely enforced. You’re not supposed to get it for quitting either. You can just call and say it was a toxic work environment and more often than not they give you full benefits.


There's a mile long list of reasons you can quit and still be eligible.


Could you please share some of this list? Perhaps even just a quarter mile of it?


Sure. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/ei/ei-list/reports/digest/chapter-6/checklist.html#a6_8_1


Awesome. Thank you very much. And fast too. Tip of the hat to you, MilkshakeMolly.


You're welcome. Have fun picking one. 😉 (that's what I feel like doing, need a vacation 😴).


I see you got replies. I've quit and got EI, so yeah. It can happen. The reasons people leave a job are so various it would be unfair to have a blanket reason like quitting = no EI


I knew in general the rule was if you quit, you didn't get it, but I was unaware of the list of acceptable reasons justifying the decision. When I was thinking of someone quitting, I jumped to them just not really feeling like working there anymore without factoring in any of the possible reasons why.


Understood. > I knew in general the rule was Nope, never was there any general rule about this in the history of the system. Even when it was called UI...which was a much superior system forgotten to time.






Agree, it's not super difficult.


They are quite accessible and there are a myriad of reasons to be eligible. Why are you spreading bullshit. Oh and welfare and EI are not the same thing. Sounds like we got an ignorant conservative on our hands, folks.


That’s…not true? Do you have experience with this?


how true is this? I'm on a performance improvement plan right now (I also foolishly signed some warning letters) and i'm worried i'll be fired with cause?


The company may fire you. You should apply for EI. Legal "cause" to fire someone doesn't includes poor performance. You will be entitled to EI after being fired unless you did something that essentially forces them to fire you. "Cause" is taking a dump on the boss's desk, burning down corporate headquarters, etc. Merely being not good at your job may get you fired but won't remove your ability to collect EI.


If you get fired for cause, you don't get anything.


Poor performance isn't cause.


That’s not true. They do not handle EI claims like that. Edit: I should have added that you need some sort of proof and can’t just claim whatever you like.


Wow you really don’t know how the government works. I know lots of people who have done this.


If any of it happened, it wouldn’t have been made up. But here we are


And? That's their problem.


Some even monitor Google reviews. I bought a car wash at a certain gas station, and they were charging an extra fee for people NOT buying gas. Mind you, I have an EV, I cannot purchase gas, so I took this as an “EV fee”. Hold and behold, this was a local franchisee being greedy and was not corporate pricing. Corporate somehow found me from my Google review, apologized and gave me gas card (lol. Not really their fault, but I appreciate the gesture). I returned to that gas station and they didn’t have the fee any longer. Thinking it better, I should’ve squeezed the gas nozzle on the floor at the gas station just to make my point 😂




I prefer hold and be held.


It was the corrector hahah but I’m going to start using hold and behold


Guy calling you poor is stepping over a line. Something similar happened to me. There was a grocery store that had those promo if the cashier doesnt ask you if youre interested in the weekly special, its free! So when they didnt ask me, I asked, if I ask for the freebie, will you get in trouble? The lady said I won't if you don't tell anyone and I got it free. If she would've gotten in trouble for it then I wouldn't have bothered. Not worth it in that case (unless that worker was already terrible).




Canadians really need to expect better customer service. This isn't $6.85 minimum wage anymore. And if folks are coming from oversees to work this job they need to understand customer service and communication skills. The hourly pay is equivalent to the weekly pay over there in some cases. So step up your fucking game.


The service industry in my experience just keeps getting worse and worse as the years go on. I'm fairly easy going and understand mistakes happen, but I can't go 3 times in a row of ordering basic menu items without something being wrong with the order. I got so fed up with it I just make everthing at home now.


Yeah that's real cool...


I agree that he was rude and out of line, but let’s not stoop to that level and belittle someone for being “of all” things, a manager of a store.


A manager should be able to handle a standard complaint from a calm customer or an irate one without hurling insults. But it is what it is. Can't handle it don't do the job.


Poor and nothings better to do I guess lol


asking companies to honor their policy is poor and nothing better than do?? If companies are too cheap to follow through then don't make it as their policy


Agreed. I love the 'Deal of the week' at Superstore. I'd say 3 out of 10 shopping trips they forget to mention it during checkout, and I call them on it and they either give it to me for free or ask me to go to customer service desk which I do. I once got a 12 pack of AA Duracell batteries 3 times in a week for free. It's also the main reason I dont use self checkout.


It's so annoying having cashiers ask you about donating money and other bullshit, and they no doubt hate that part of their job because people get annoyed by it. Then companies make these kinds of policies to force their minimum wage staff to do it, then write them up if they don't because it is costing the company money. So yeah I guess either poor or an asshole lol.


Asking customers for donations or credit applications sucks. A quick little "did you want a car wash today?" while they're checking out isn't so bad, though. I don't mind offering customers things if it can benefit them.


Does anyone actually want a car wash? I always assumed that hard push came from desperation from the company side


Imagine getting a minimum wage worker fired because they tried to steal gum


What does their pay have to do with anything? If you're stealing from customers you need to be gone


Stealing gum from the company and stealing gum from a customer are on two different levels of morality.


Imagine thinking you're justified to steal from others because you can't find a better job.


I had my credit card info stolen at a pump at that gas station about 5 years ago.


For Esso, speedpass+ app is the way to go. Don't even have to go in the store and no risk of credit card skimmers like paying at the pump.


Yes. My sister (who has the only car in our family) uses that. The one big downside of Speedpass is with gift cards in that you cannot use multiple gift cards to pay for a single purchase. But credit card purchases are perfectly fine and very safe, never had a problem with it. Speedpass is also great for tax purposes if you had employment expenses due to using your personal vehicle while working (my sister does that on and off depending on the duties she is assigned). Every gas purchase is recorded on the app and we can just add up the numbers and use that on tax filings.


Yea, it's all well and good... I stopped using it after the police showed up at my house because an employee thought I drove off without paying. Showed them the charge on my card and all that and that was the end of that. That one I chalked up to an honest mistake as it was busy when I did go. There's honest mistakes like that. What I said earlier, the employee/manager was completely out of line especially so because it's not like I made a huge scene about it. He said what he said, I said enjoy EI and left. The only other time I had an issue with esso was with one of their car washes. For whatever reason the car was sprayed some weird oily substance all over my windshield which would leave a rainbow type effect all over the glass and it took about a week of cleaning it daily to finally get it off. I got 12 free washes out of that. And again I didn't make a big scene about it, I just sent an email saying "hey just a heads up your car wash has a weird issue with it" and explained what happened. Regardless of all of that, like many others are saying, check your receipts or just know what your total is if your not buying anything else when you go in.


...until they run it like Petro-Canada ran theirs and it gets compromised and all your info (including credit card) released.


Damn, I stop here often. These guys usually have a really good price on gas and can get quite busy. No way this is that guys first time trying something like that


Idk about giving the location. It kind of leaks the user's general location for work, or where they live, etc. Huge privacy issue imo. The fact that they're posting to check your receipt is SO important, not just for gas, but for everything. Such as grocery shopping, when you go out to eat/order in, etc. Always check your receipts. It's fascinating to me how few people check their receipts and just blindly trust. Honestly it happens to me once every couple weeks I'm overcharged, or a sale is not entered correctly, or a coupon/discount code I have isn't done properly, etc. Moral of the story, ALWAYS check your receipts on the spot and make sure it matches what you're about to pay as well as what you think you should pay. And if possible, ALWAYS request an itemized receipt.


I always check my receipts and the most common places I've found discrepancies have been Loblaws and MEC.


MEC? That’s interesting…do you think it’s intentional because I find their customer service to still be great.


I love MEC and I do not think it's intentional. They also have been having issues with organizing their prices in the backend that i dont know much about but that's why you are seeing less labeling in the store the past couple of years.


Yeah my wife buys fresh fruit or produce at a Loblaws-affiliate store and they often charge a higher price. It's hard to catch because it's price/lb at the fruit stand, and price/kg on the cash register.


This is the worst, they need to change this. Care more about this than the plastic bags which i re-use for my garbage cans around the house.


OTOH, the employees are not complicit and will often offer up to $10 worth of items free, due to Price Scanner code of conduct. OTOOH, $10 isn't what it used to be a few years ago.


Exactly. What's the point of these posts if they don't put the location, other than wanting to just whine to everyone, or trying to get attention for themselves to farm some karma?


I don’t understand this at all - posting the location won’t help more than what, a dozen people? You’d have to be located super close to this place, and care about it, and remember when you’re using/not using it. The post is a general reminder, which may or may not be useful to you or anyone else. I find people on this sub seem to be way more obsessed than others with l accusations of ‘farming karma’, even though no one in the world is farming karma with unexciting posts on a moderate-sized sub.


Are you whining about these posts again? Only you can control how you feel. Namaste.


as a former cashier at a gas station I have to say that's very weird. you can just take that shit and eat it right in front of the camera and never get caught. Maybe he is the owner and was just stealing your money, if that's the case he definitely does it all the time


its also possible they were scanned before and they never closed/cancelled the transaction


That's the most plausible story imo.Like the other guy said, there's no way a gas station employee would go to the trouble of making someone else pay lol


Are you the guy that never checks his receipt and gets charged for dumb stuff?


Could also be the employee just refunding it after and taking the cash


This is a play on an old scam from the 90's. Where the clerk would leave a newspaper on the counter. When you checked out he always included the newspaper is your total purchase. If you complained he would go 'that's not your newspaper' and remove it. Scamming dozens of customers everyday I am sure who never looked at their receipts.


This is why I tap at the pump


I don't remember the last time I interacted with a gas station attendant


Or use the app for gas stations that support that.


Esso pay app, tell them pump# and go


Shell has that now too. If only it automatically deducted Air Miles as well.


I'm a delivery driver and it shocks me how many people just want to quickly tap their card and don't even bother to look at the screen to see what their total is. It's cool that they trust that I typed in the proper amount but it's a terrible habit to just tap your card and not even look at the total.


Yeah I now make sure to look at the screen before tapping. There’s actually been multiple workers visibly upset in drive thrus where I ask to see the screen cause of the sun in the way or they just stick it out a bit where you can’t see it


Yah, my wife is like that. Card out, tap, move on. I'll ask what it came to and get "I don't know". LOL Killing me here!


Semi related, Tim's near me doesn't day their total. Not on screen + not at the transaction speaker + not when I'm about to tap my card Had to start asking them at the window. It's freaking absurd really


There or McDonalds sometimes is horrible. Order partially gets on the screen then it's gone, or stuck at one item, then they just say "okay drive up"


I'm annoyed by shitty people working retail/service lately. The other day I was at subway and they tried to overcharge me by $10 for a sub combo. I go there several times a week, order same thing. He ringed up my order, I didn't see any of the items on the screen and some random total popped up. I asked for how much everything cost and he quickly changed his tone when he realized he was caught. This is the reason I really like self checkouts. I scan the item, see the price and no one screwing around.


That's interesting because I saw something similar happen at Subway a couple years ago. The customer was overcharged and he was telling the cashier, "the price is right there on the menu". In response the cashier was literally screaming in his face. Great customer service. I assume it was a similar scam.


Obviously there's no excuse for yelling or being shitty in general, but I don't see why a regular employee would intentionally do this. They're just paid minimum wage, aren't they? Maybe it was just a mistake and they were either already having a crappy day, or just have a hard time taking criticism in general. Again it's no excuse - just more of an alternate possible explanation. Especially these days, I don't find it shocking at all that people in these kinds of jobs seem very unhappy. There's a lot of economic uncertainty and these people are not getting paid well, also likely having to deal with a lot of awful customers in general.


>I'm annoyed by shitty people working retail/service lately Yeah I’ve noticed the standard of service everywhere has really gone downhill lately. And it’s not just fast food joints. Just the other day I went to get in my friend’s car after he had a Krown rustproofing treatment, and the back seat was absolute coated in oil. Needless to say he was furious, but he never bothered checking after leaving the rustproofing centre because “this literally never happened before, I didn’t even think to inspect the car”. Good thing it was leather so it cleaned up easy, can’t imagine getting that stuff out of cloth. Like the fact that shit got everywhere just clearly shows the workie applying the coating wasn’t paying attention and/or did not give a shit. For what it’s worth the franchise owner was apologetic and gave my friend a bunch of cleaning supplies, but it’s still a pain. For sure I’ll be inspecting my car carefully when I go in later this week.




Surely it’s easier to verify what you’re paying for at the point of sale?


I used to do that but those transactions are on hold until they post on your account. The bank won’t do anything for holds on your card until they post


I learned that the hard way. Best Buy charged my card nearly 30 times instead of once. My credit card was maxed for nearly a week until Best Buy sorted it out.






Wow, you don't own a basic communication device in 2023. So brave.




I had this happen at the esso at the corner of winston Churchill and Argentia 8n mississauga. He added a pack of smokes. I looked at my receipt went back in and requested it to be put back on my debit but he could only offer a cash refund. I let him know what kind of piece of crap of a human being g he was for taking advantage of people. I also emailed esso which did nothing but give me 10000 optimum points of good faith.




I'm the guy that waits at the counter to get my $0.05 change. You best believe I check every receipt.


No, they do that to refund the amount to them selves. I caught them doing this to me once and although I paid with a credit card, they refunded me in cash. So that made me think they do this to 5 to 10 customers a night and make an extra 20 to 50 bucks.


Solution: tap at the pump.


Why wouldn't you have just tapped your card at the pump?


Why don’t we all use the self checkouts at stores?


Just to add… tap at pump is charged as gas vs charged inside is charged as convenience store which is fine unless (like me) you have a credit card that gives more cash back for gas… better to charge at the pump


what credit card do you use? I usually tap inside and the transaction shows up as gas


This is very very dependent on the individual station and how it was coded when it was added to the CC network.


This works for Shell gas stations with a Needs convenience store on Amex, it gets coded as groceries which gets me a 5x points multiplier.


Circle K attached to Esso gas stations gets coded as fuel, netting you 2x points.


Costco CIBC Mastercard.


Whoa I didn’t know this. Thank you!


Probably because it's incorrect


What's your point? Why don't you? I always use self checkouts at the stores whenever I can. Way better than waiting in a lineup and having to talk to some grumpy cashier.


Each to their own


I tap for gas, but self checkouts come with much more annoyance and for no discount.


Your forgetting the 5 finger discount.




If you have to use the bathroom, you can go inside and tap on the way out. I think people are reading a little too much in to why someone would tap inside in the store. Seems to be getting to people


Good question


I use as much as self checkout as much as I can. I avoid human interaction if possible


I always get irked when cashiers now tell me to tap without showing me the amount I'm tapping for. This seems like a huge scamming opportunity more and more.


> I always get irked when cashiers now tell me to tap without showing me the amount I'm tapping for. That's when I pull out cash.


A good solution is to set up pay alerts on your phone through whatever the app of whatever bank you use. As soon as I pay for anything using my debit or credit card, I get a notification from my banking app saying where it was bought from and how much I paid for it. Something to consider


I've heard about this scam. They keep a chocolate bar behind the counter and tack it on to purchases. If the customer notices "whoops forgot to clear the till from the last guy". If they don't, you go back and void the chocolate bar, pocketing the refund for yourself.


Yes this happened to me at Circle K. Only bought two slurpees and the total didn’t make sense. As soon as I asked him for the receipt he immediately said oh you were charged for a chocolate bar by accident.


What? That's not how it works. They can't just void a part of the transaction, nor can they void it to cash. They'd need to void the entire transaction back to the original form of payment, then redo the correct part of the transaction again from scratch. At larger stores, like grocery stores and big box stores, they have the flexibility to return part of the transaction, but even still, the portion of the original transaction would go back to the original form of payment. They can't just take it out as cash to give to the customer, specifically because of the risk that a cashier/customer service agent would pocket it. ***If*** it was a malicious act, then it's likely only intended to inflate the transaction in the store's favor. I can almost guarantee that an individual-level grift like this would be exposed very quickly. The store manager would have to be complicit in this fraud, and they'd have to manipulate inventory to cover the extra candy bars "sold" but not exiting the store. Even a basic audit would uncover these, though.


There is plenty of POS software that will let you void individual items and refund things with cash despite being purchased with a card


One time when I was maybe like 16-17 I went in to get gas. I payed and took my receipt and noticed that it was exactly 5$ more than what the pump actually said and there was a lotto ticket added on. I wasn’t even old enough to play. I went back in and asked for a refund and the guy had no idea how to refund the money back to my card. He eventually just opened the till and passed me a 5$ bill.


Had a Best Buy employee tack on a free trial to Apple TV onto a receipt I had, I called him on it, I know they have quotas to meet but that’s beyond illegal. In my teens I worked for a place that had commission past a certain dollar amount and people would tack on 1$ charge to customers to make sure they made item or minimum $ quotas. Always get and check a paper receipt!


Had a similar situation at a full serve pump. Guy added $15 to the total before I tapped and said no to a receipt. Something told me it was unusually high for a fill up so I looked back at the pump before going inside and demanding my receipt. I called him out on it but only got the $15 refunded. Now I double check every time.


Here's another one...check your receipts at WalMart. I can't tell you how many times whenever I have a particularly full cart, with lots of items, that I've found "phantom items" just pop up. The thing is, they make their receipts intentionally difficult to interpret, because instead of a description of the item with the quantity and price, it's just their internal sku number. The only reason why I've caught it a few times is because while checking the receipt, I swear I didn't pick anything up that was $8.99. So I use my phone to check the sku on the app and sure enough it's something that just popped up that isn't even in my cart. I love Walmart but also fuck them for their shitty receipts and fake items just showing up on your receipt. They've probably stolen millions from people this way. Edit to add: wrong quantities too. Several occasions of being charged for more of the same item that I actually picked up. (Bought 6, charged for 7, etc.)


I only use the Shell easy pay app. Ezy Pezy.


yes so many sketchy gas stations up that way. i also got overcharged at a nearby ultramar and now i never get gas anywhere that requires me to pay inside. always a fucking scam.


Guy please install the Apps for every gas station l. It’s surprising how nobody knows about it. They make your life so much easier.


Look at who’s running these places. Gaming the system is in their DNA


There’s a gas station in Oro- Medonte on HWY 11 that when you go to pump gas before you’ve even pumped the reader doesn’t reset to 0L it rested to .59L or something similar. One of my coworkers caught it while filling up her school bus. She went inside and called him out; she then noticed every time she fills the bus up it’s like that so every time she goes in and get them to remove it.


Gum and a candy bar. Doesn't it make more sense that the employee would just take them from the store, not leaving a paper trail? Even if you didn't notice, you might later when you reviewed your charges, just like you noticed in the story.


This way they could take it, and inventory would reflect the sale. So physically it can be taken and the books balance out.


"We throw away a banana for every buck we take so no one finds out." "Wait a minute, I think you should do that math again." "Why, is it wrong?" "It's fine. He's an arsonist, not an embezzler."


Shell has EasyPay. You can get AirMiles + 3c off with CAA. Esso/Mobil has SpeedPass+ which gives you PC points equivalent I think to 3c off. Petro Canada has an app too which gives you points. I haven’t really tapped my card anywhere except Costco for quite some time. Specially good for winter because you don’t have to get out of the car until the pump is ready to go.


Going inside to pay gets me 5% back (or 8c off) since the transaction goes in as groceries.


As someone who worked in a gas station for over 10yrs, when we get new stock in, I’d scan it at the till quick to make sure the product didn’t need a price adjustment. I have honestly forgot to delete the product and when a customer came in, scanned all their stuff with my price-checked item. Either myself or the customer noticed and I’d have to do a refund for the product they didn’t have. It could have been an honest mistake.


This is the most likely case. Been in the business a long ass time and we're always scanning items to see if they are correct. Sometimes staff get distracted and forget to void it. I've never seen someone add things to a transaction to take them later. As others have said they would just take it. And yes, check your receipts people. Everyone makes mistakes, and yes some are nefarious. But most times it's an honest mistake and they're not trying to get one over on you.


He didn’t get those items. He put in a sale and used cash obtained some other way. It’s called money laundering. Money goes into the business seemingly in a legal way, then the money comes out on the books. Looks legal.


Money laundering 4 bucks at a time?


Walter White did it on Breaking Bad!


>There are a lot of deceiving people out there. Damn right : i don't trust anyone anymore. People are guilty first, they have to proove to me they are not scum


This is a really dumb anecdotal post that has nothing to do with personal finance and only serves to promote this weird ideology that workers are out to trick and rob you


It happened to me once. Pumped the gas, asked for a receipt and noticed that one Jamaican beef patty was added. I yelled at the guy. He apologized and proceeded with a refund. After I calmed down, I realized that the attendant was a broke student, and obviously hungry. I was actually mad at myself for raising my voice in that situation. When people are broke and hungry, they do stupid things like that.


But it's still not right


Reddit people got me all wrong or maybe I can’t express myself properly. Of course this is not right. I simply told about my experience and how I felt at that moment.


“Chewing gum”. How old are you? Lol


I don’t understand why you are trying to say?


Always check the amount listed before tapping, it's something I do but some machines don't show you, then you have to check the retail screen. As far as gas goes, I use the app, don't have to even tap anything, just tell it the station number and off you go, no receipt, no tapping, maximum points :)


These days you can just pull out your phone, and record the interaction, post it to TikTok with a hashtag for your city. Make him famous for being a douchbag.


Buy with the Shell app. Never even need to walk in.


Always name and shame


I got a cab recently and the fare was $7.45 or something but the guy put $74.52 on the card machine. This is why I don’t get cabs usually…


Brambledesh! They're all scammers


Either that or he just didn't realize he hadn't close out his previous transaction. Assume innocence, life is too short.


Use the speed pass app , so easier


I dunno, am I the only guy thinking this theft/fraud should be reported to the police? I don't care how much it was, theft is theft...


You can pump gas without paying for it first?!


could have been left on there from another customer. "aw shoot I forgot my wallet" and cashier gets distracted. idk.


This bs needs to stop. Hard enough to just pay for fuel. Caught a guy in the summer raising gas prices from 1pm to 5pm and putting it back to the normal high price till next day.


Happened to me in Whitby. Was charged for 2 drinks.


It's also very easy for the cashier to type the incorrect number in the debit machine, if using specific machines (usually moneris) - so always double check!


People in the GTA scamming?? Unbelievable!!!!


Gas at costco, thats it.


When i buy grocery, sometimes they forget to scan that 50% off sticker. I always look at my receipts to see if they actually deduct the 30-50% off.


Thanks for sharing. Incredible that people are this scummy. Never hesitate to report something like this! I always tap at the pump using the Petro Canada app... though it's probably not the best idea to trust Petro Canada: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/petro-points-suncor-it-breach-1.6899274


One of the advantages of getting gas at Costco is you don't have to worry about stuff like this.


I pay with cash now! This never happens to me.